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Is your spirit Skritt or Asuran?


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mmmm I feel like I fit into the individualism of the Asuran more, but after your description of it, I couldn't select Asuran. I don't think my ideas are better than anyone, I just don't rely on others to drive my own decisions.

Skritt are too co-dependent; Asura--as described--have too much of a superiority complex. Whichever one I am, I must be the odd one out x)

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> Given the two-item nature of the poll, I had to pick the smart race.

> But Charr is the best of both. Strong in community and social bonds plus strong in technology that ensures we are definitely the smartest ones left standing. }]:3



I thought about that often and I personally came to the (totally not biased....) conclusion that in this particular matter the Asura would win.

Since they are not offensive and clever enough to not look for direct confrontation, I am sure we have an incredible defensive strength. I mean, you could show up with the biggest mortars ever, but what if they just evaporate in a huge energy shield? As far as I know, I heard they can/could even move Rata Sum if necessary, at least there is also a research facility somewhere displaying a model of it, but I think I read it in a developer PDF about Asura from 2012. In nature, the ones with the lowest physical appearence are the thoughtest in defense. Think about turtles or hedgehogs, just quick examples on top of my mind.


But yes, sure, if you want some pets or that I clean your matted fur, just ask. We all need a bit of TLC once in a while :-)

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