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Maguuma Server and relinks


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> @Sarge.9730 said:

> 2 Weeks in a row Mag has flipped BGs Garrison in EB and camped with enough siege to rival YB while chest thumping the whole time. By contrast BG flipped Mags Garrison 2 days ago and... left.


Oh yeah that time when it was quite obvious SoS and BG were double teaming Mag to break SMC and clear their side.

Meanwhile on MagBL hills t3'd and held by BG all week, ewp blob in when it's threatened.


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Not even gonna sort through this matchup thread to quote people.


I just want to address something that was said about guest servers only having 10 people that refuse to leave.


It doesn't matter if there's 10 or 100 and it doesn't matter why people stay on those servers or transfer to them now. What matters is anyone who's still on those servers are players that havent had a home BL in over a year because of all the other players that picked a different home BL every week / month / whatever for YEARS.


Deleting their home once and for all? Will not not make them straighten up and fly according to how the big brothers think they should, if links havent managed to do that already and it won't stop those players that would transfer to a server just to change the way its "community" functions.


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> @HazyDaisy.4107 said:

> Not even gonna sort through this matchup thread to quote people.


> I just want to address something that was said about guest servers only having 10 people that refuse to leave.


> It doesn't matter if there's 10 or 100 and it doesn't matter why people stay on those servers or transfer to them now. What matters is anyone who's still on those servers are players that havent had a home BL in over a year because of all the other players that picked a different home BL every week / month / whatever for YEARS.


> Deleting their home once and for all? Will not not make them straighten up and fly according to how the big brothers think they should, if links havent managed to do that already and it won't stop those players that would transfer to a server just to change the way its "community" functions.



Ironically the "Delete the servers" option always come from someone from a Host server telling people to delete the guests. Why don't we delete the Hosts and force everyone to transfer to the guests? The effect is _technically_ the same, no?

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> @Israel.7056 said:

> > @Titan.3472 said:

> > > @Israel.7056 said:

> > > > @Titan.3472 said:

> > > > Last T1 server that had an elitist wvw guilds behavior excluding any other people was SoR and we all know how they ended back then and what is their place now. Take notes Mag. xD

> > >

> > > And anyone who was around during that time knows that SOR's eventual collapse had nothing to do with elitism. Nice try though.

> >

> > I was there. And I was part of the BG crew former member of [cA] & [WM] (NA/BG) and [RG] (EU/SFR) that nuked [iRON] (SoR) and make them quit over their elitist epic fail behavior. Then SoR felt into abyss. Same is occuring with Mag right now. Praise our Chaos Lord Shiva for granting us the gift of destroying Worlds.


> Kinda doubt it, you were the laughing stock of BG for years when I was there, I assume you still are. Gz on pity invites from Jang and Sehoon I guess? IRON was probably the most pug friendly guild on SoR they ran open almost every raid and they were super patient with pugs. They disbanded because their GM quit due to RL problems. You're just making stuff up. If anything what SoR needed was more elitism not less they tended to coddle bad players and try a little too hard to turn trash into something good instead of just buying guilds. BG went another route, we just bought the best guilds from other servers until there wasn't any serious competition left. Season 1 we went and got Za Drots from EU to cover a timezone no one else had any coverage for and we won with ease. The only way Mag falls is if the core players quit the game. Could happen I think a lot of people are playing PUBG now while waiting for the next MMO.


> EDIT: SoR collapsed because their core got tired of trying to carry the server all the time and they refused to just buy guilds to stay competitive. End of story.


So what your saying is BG sucked until you had to buy in talent just to become number one ,now you boast how good you are with your pumped up chest because of the said talent you imported , and even with these guilds you still siege hump and refuse to come out to fight unless you have 50 man blobs full of condi ,throwing that crap everywhere so you dont get hurt , I look forward to the day ANET Fix thier broken game (ahahahaha) oh well ,keep on chest thumping and humping BG will never have the respect of any servers. Your are what your labelled and so full of your selves.

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @HazyDaisy.4107 said:

> > Not even gonna sort through this matchup thread to quote people.

> >

> > I just want to address something that was said about guest servers only having 10 people that refuse to leave.

> >

> > It doesn't matter if there's 10 or 100 and it doesn't matter why people stay on those servers or transfer to them now. What matters is anyone who's still on those servers are players that havent had a home BL in over a year because of all the other players that picked a different home BL every week / month / whatever for YEARS.

> >

> > Deleting their home once and for all? Will not not make them straighten up and fly according to how the big brothers think they should, if links havent managed to do that already and it won't stop those players that would transfer to a server just to change the way its "community" functions.

> >


> Ironically the "Delete the servers" option always come from someone from a Host server telling people to delete the guests. Why don't we delete the Hosts and force everyone to transfer to the guests? The effect is _technically_ the same, no?


Nah not really technically the same. To put it in a better perspective would be like the difference between throwing away a candybar that only had one bite taken from it, and throwing away a candy bar wrapper.

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Let me get this straight...

You don't want links, you troll the people on your own server and those linked to you.

You don't care about points and don't bother defending a lot of the time, unless of course you can siege hump and bunker inside smc..


And then mag players have the nerve to complain that they cant win? Unless of course you intentionally tank to get matched against smaller servers so you can get a high kdr and inflate your egos.

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> @XenesisII.1540 said:

> > @Sarge.9730 said:

> > 2 Weeks in a row Mag has flipped BGs Garrison in EB and camped with enough siege to rival YB while chest thumping the whole time. By contrast BG flipped Mags Garrison 2 days ago and... left.


> Oh yeah that time when it was quite obvious SoS and BG were double teaming Mag to break SMC and clear their side.

> Meanwhile on MagBL hills t3'd and held by BG all week, ewp blob in when it's threatened.

> Snickers


Wait..... So, Mag uses SMC as its milkshake, and when people actually come to their yard you are salty that the large kitten structure in the middle of most people's favorite map, that is the only structure in all of the WvW maps that isn't considered part of a 'third', suddenly you break out the 2v1 argument?


Xen, usually you are reasonable, but just stop. Lmao.

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> @cobbah.3102 said:

> > @Israel.7056 said:

> > > @Titan.3472 said:

> > > > @Israel.7056 said:

> > > > > @Titan.3472 said:

> > > > > Last T1 server that had an elitist wvw guilds behavior excluding any other people was SoR and we all know how they ended back then and what is their place now. Take notes Mag. xD

> > > >

> > > > And anyone who was around during that time knows that SOR's eventual collapse had nothing to do with elitism. Nice try though.

> > >

> > > I was there. And I was part of the BG crew former member of [cA] & [WM] (NA/BG) and [RG] (EU/SFR) that nuked [iRON] (SoR) and make them quit over their elitist epic fail behavior. Then SoR felt into abyss. Same is occuring with Mag right now. Praise our Chaos Lord Shiva for granting us the gift of destroying Worlds.

> >

> > Kinda doubt it, you were the laughing stock of BG for years when I was there, I assume you still are. Gz on pity invites from Jang and Sehoon I guess? IRON was probably the most pug friendly guild on SoR they ran open almost every raid and they were super patient with pugs. They disbanded because their GM quit due to RL problems. You're just making stuff up. If anything what SoR needed was more elitism not less they tended to coddle bad players and try a little too hard to turn trash into something good instead of just buying guilds. BG went another route, we just bought the best guilds from other servers until there wasn't any serious competition left. Season 1 we went and got Za Drots from EU to cover a timezone no one else had any coverage for and we won with ease. The only way Mag falls is if the core players quit the game. Could happen I think a lot of people are playing PUBG now while waiting for the next MMO.

> >

> > EDIT: SoR collapsed because their core got tired of trying to carry the server all the time and they refused to just buy guilds to stay competitive. End of story.


> So what your saying is BG sucked until you had to buy in talent just to become number one ,now you boast how good you are with your pumped up chest because of the said talent you imported , and even with these guilds you still siege hump and refuse to come out to fight unless you have 50 man blobs full of condi ,throwing that crap everywhere so you dont get hurt , I look forward to the day ANET Fix thier broken game (ahahahaha) oh well ,keep on chest thumping and humping BG will never have the respect of any servers. Your are what your labelled and so full of your selves.


Yes BG's approach has always been to buy talent. This goes all the way back to that one guy...Choco something... who totally stacked BG in preparation for s1. They have a server "warchest" which many players contribute to and the funds are used to do things like buy guilds. This has been going on for years now.

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> @Israel.7056 said:

> > @cobbah.3102 said:

> > > @Israel.7056 said:

> > > > @Titan.3472 said:

> > > > > @Israel.7056 said:

> > > > > > @Titan.3472 said:

> > > > > > Last T1 server that had an elitist wvw guilds behavior excluding any other people was SoR and we all know how they ended back then and what is their place now. Take notes Mag. xD

> > > > >

> > > > > And anyone who was around during that time knows that SOR's eventual collapse had nothing to do with elitism. Nice try though.

> > > >

> > > > I was there. And I was part of the BG crew former member of [cA] & [WM] (NA/BG) and [RG] (EU/SFR) that nuked [iRON] (SoR) and make them quit over their elitist epic fail behavior. Then SoR felt into abyss. Same is occuring with Mag right now. Praise our Chaos Lord Shiva for granting us the gift of destroying Worlds.

> > >

> > > Kinda doubt it, you were the laughing stock of BG for years when I was there, I assume you still are. Gz on pity invites from Jang and Sehoon I guess? IRON was probably the most pug friendly guild on SoR they ran open almost every raid and they were super patient with pugs. They disbanded because their GM quit due to RL problems. You're just making stuff up. If anything what SoR needed was more elitism not less they tended to coddle bad players and try a little too hard to turn trash into something good instead of just buying guilds. BG went another route, we just bought the best guilds from other servers until there wasn't any serious competition left. Season 1 we went and got Za Drots from EU to cover a timezone no one else had any coverage for and we won with ease. The only way Mag falls is if the core players quit the game. Could happen I think a lot of people are playing PUBG now while waiting for the next MMO.

> > >

> > > EDIT: SoR collapsed because their core got tired of trying to carry the server all the time and they refused to just buy guilds to stay competitive. End of story.

> >

> > So what your saying is BG sucked until you had to buy in talent just to become number one ,now you boast how good you are with your pumped up chest because of the said talent you imported , and even with these guilds you still siege hump and refuse to come out to fight unless you have 50 man blobs full of condi ,throwing that crap everywhere so you dont get hurt , I look forward to the day ANET Fix thier broken game (ahahahaha) oh well ,keep on chest thumping and humping BG will never have the respect of any servers. Your are what your labelled and so full of your selves.


> Yes BG's approach has always been to buy talent. This goes all the way back to that one guy...Choco something... who totally stacked BG in preparation for s1. They have a server "warchest" which many players contribute to and the funds are used to do things like buy guilds. This has been going on for years now.


And here comes the conspiracy theory...

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @XenesisII.1540 said:

> > > @Sarge.9730 said:

> > > 2 Weeks in a row Mag has flipped BGs Garrison in EB and camped with enough siege to rival YB while chest thumping the whole time. By contrast BG flipped Mags Garrison 2 days ago and... left.

> >

> > Oh yeah that time when it was quite obvious SoS and BG were double teaming Mag to break SMC and clear their side.

> > Meanwhile on MagBL hills t3'd and held by BG all week, ewp blob in when it's threatened.

> > Snickers


> Wait..... So, Mag uses SMC as its milkshake, and when people actually come to their yard you are salty that the large kitten structure in the middle of most people's favorite map, that is the only structure in all of the WvW maps that isn't considered part of a 'third', suddenly you break out the 2v1 argument?


> Xen, usually you are reasonable, but just stop. Lmao.


Not complaining about 2v1, never would, that's what wvwvw is about. But let's not pretend BG is nice and innocent ok?


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> 'Mag only keeps SMC to get fights from the other servers' . But then someone complains that two servers came in and took it?




Mag does not know what fights are their interpretation of a fight is 60+ condi blob with siege protection and never more than 3 steps from an exit versus 25 or so , take this last matchup tanked to drop from T1 because they can't handle BG who can match them in fights with their 60+ condi blob so even Mag are sick of playing pirate ship against BG and would rather pirateship against less populated servers and call them fights. Can never please these kids .

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> @Titan.3472 said:

> > @Israel.7056 said:

> > > @cobbah.3102 said:

> > > > @Israel.7056 said:

> > > > > @Titan.3472 said:

> > > > > > @Israel.7056 said:

> > > > > > > @Titan.3472 said:

> > > > > > > Last T1 server that had an elitist wvw guilds behavior excluding any other people was SoR and we all know how they ended back then and what is their place now. Take notes Mag. xD

> > > > > >

> > > > > > And anyone who was around during that time knows that SOR's eventual collapse had nothing to do with elitism. Nice try though.

> > > > >

> > > > > I was there. And I was part of the BG crew former member of [cA] & [WM] (NA/BG) and [RG] (EU/SFR) that nuked [iRON] (SoR) and make them quit over their elitist epic fail behavior. Then SoR felt into abyss. Same is occuring with Mag right now. Praise our Chaos Lord Shiva for granting us the gift of destroying Worlds.

> > > >

> > > > Kinda doubt it, you were the laughing stock of BG for years when I was there, I assume you still are. Gz on pity invites from Jang and Sehoon I guess? IRON was probably the most pug friendly guild on SoR they ran open almost every raid and they were super patient with pugs. They disbanded because their GM quit due to RL problems. You're just making stuff up. If anything what SoR needed was more elitism not less they tended to coddle bad players and try a little too hard to turn trash into something good instead of just buying guilds. BG went another route, we just bought the best guilds from other servers until there wasn't any serious competition left. Season 1 we went and got Za Drots from EU to cover a timezone no one else had any coverage for and we won with ease. The only way Mag falls is if the core players quit the game. Could happen I think a lot of people are playing PUBG now while waiting for the next MMO.

> > > >

> > > > EDIT: SoR collapsed because their core got tired of trying to carry the server all the time and they refused to just buy guilds to stay competitive. End of story.

> > >

> > > So what your saying is BG sucked until you had to buy in talent just to become number one ,now you boast how good you are with your pumped up chest because of the said talent you imported , and even with these guilds you still siege hump and refuse to come out to fight unless you have 50 man blobs full of condi ,throwing that crap everywhere so you dont get hurt , I look forward to the day ANET Fix thier broken game (ahahahaha) oh well ,keep on chest thumping and humping BG will never have the respect of any servers. Your are what your labelled and so full of your selves.

> >

> > Yes BG's approach has always been to buy talent. This goes all the way back to that one guy...Choco something... who totally stacked BG in preparation for s1. They have a server "warchest" which many players contribute to and the funds are used to do things like buy guilds. This has been going on for years now.


> And here comes the conspiracy theory...


I was on BG when this stuff happened I knew the guys who were involved, it's not a conspiracy theory.

I'm not saying it was a bad thing to do I'm just saying that SoR didn't crumble because of elitism that's complete nonsense. They crumbled because their NA core got tired of trying to carry the server even though they refused to buy guilds which was obviously stupid in hindsight.

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> @cobbah.3102 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > 'Mag only keeps SMC to get fights from the other servers' . But then someone complains that two servers came in and took it?

> >

> >


> Mag does not know what fights are their interpretation of a fight is 60+ condi blob with siege protection and never more than 3 steps from an exit versus 25 or so , take this last matchup tanked to drop from T1 because they can't handle BG who can match them in fights with their 60+ condi blob so even Mag are sick of playing pirate ship against BG and would rather pirateship against less populated servers and call them fights. Can never please these kids .


That's right, Mag can't compete.. like 99.9% and all 7 linked servers cannot compete with BG's ~~numbe~~.. power.

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I have offered my suggestions here, and also have agreed with chaba that we could do away with all servers and create instanced WvW by creating copys of EBG instead of like EOTM. All accout data would just be held in databases and you wouldn't need to pick a server to login to. I still believe that is extreme. The best course of action would be to do away with all the link servers, and create 3 new host servers to house the now dead links. And we can stop with the wack a mole. I disagree with battle groups becasue that seems to me to much like the current system and encourages battle group stacking.

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Hi, I'm famous on Mag. Let me clear up a few things: People have in fact transferred off of mag to fight mag before. D3RP runs open squads full of pugs without voice comms all the time, along with various other guilds (Mag has far more pugmanding than closed guild raids by far). Winning the match is meaningless. KDR does matter. Getting blobbed down while you're solo roaming is hilarious. Interrupting duels and gvgs aren't frowned upon.


My personal philosophy is that if you take a team's keep in EBG that you will end up with far less fights.

If you don't own SM, you will be attacked by all manners of siege trying to go past or to it. There's a very easy way to take sm, and a very easy way to defend it: shield gens vs arrow carts. Also if you have squishies right up against the gate where you have to stop dps/healing to rez them, you will probably not get it.

Mag has bashed both links that we've gotten.

I feel that Mag has fallen apart due to the fact that it's impossible to tell who is original Mag because the guild names and character names are unrecognizable. People who come back from long stretches will instinctively play worse without realizing all of the patches that have happened since they left.

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @Sarge.9730 said:

> > BG rarely has a huge number of people online at any given time.


> I had to laugh at this part... The fattest server NA saying they rarely have a huge number of people online at a given time.


> G I V E M E A B R E A K


Well here's the thing all the servers are not what they used to be and your train of thought is stuck on old the days which makes your post wrong.

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> @Hesacon.8735 said:

> > @coro.3176 said:

> > Yeah. Mag vs BG is boring.

> >

> > BG takes a keep, then fills it with arrow carts and siege and refuses to come out to fight.

> >

> > BG enjoys 'winning', no matter what the means.

> > Mag enjoys 'fighting' regardless of the PPT score.

> >

> > It's just a bad matchup.


> As an SoS player, I saw mag blocking out the sun with arrow carts at SMC the other night while hugging the walls to avoid the open field. I thought I was fighting YB for a minute, but the pugs were too coordinated. Mag will build siege and do the things you're accusing BG of doing.


When I was on DB facing off against MAG. I've seen this behavior from MAG as well.

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> @MasterYoda.8563 said:

> > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > @Sarge.9730 said:

> > > BG rarely has a huge number of people online at any given time.

> >

> > I had to laugh at this part... The fattest server NA saying they rarely have a huge number of people online at a given time.

> >

> > G I V E M E A B R E A K


> Well here's the thing all the servers are not what they used to be and your train of thought is stuck on old the days which makes your post wrong.


That's why BG still is the uncontested top server NA right? Because everyone have more people than BG and they are winning but sheer skill.

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @MasterYoda.8563 said:

> > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > > @Sarge.9730 said:

> > > > BG rarely has a huge number of people online at any given time.

> > >

> > > I had to laugh at this part... The fattest server NA saying they rarely have a huge number of people online at a given time.

> > >

> > > G I V E M E A B R E A K

> >

> > Well here's the thing all the servers are not what they used to be and your train of thought is stuck on old the days which makes your post wrong.


> That's why BG still is the uncontested top server NA right? Because everyone have more people than BG and they are winning but sheer skill.


Like I said all the servers are not what they used to be, now we can go around and around on why BG is still top server still in which will serve no good purpose here as there is more than one reason why BG still king of the hill.

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> @Sarge.9730 said:

> **"Numbers"**


> BG rarely has a huge number of people online at any given time. Its rare to see any borderland with a queue unless its reset night or one of the major guilds is running (and even that's only because everyone in WvW is queued for that map in particular). My personal feeling is that it FEELS like we have a ton more people to those on Mag because your whole server instant queues EB and makes little effort to do anything on any map that doesn't have a castle in the middle of it.


> **"Ruthlessness"**


> 2 Weeks in a row Mag has flipped BGs Garrison in EB and camped with enough siege to rival YB while chest thumping the whole time. By contrast BG flipped Mags Garrison 2 days ago and... left.


You completely misunderstand Mag's motivations. As for the numbers, BG may have less than it used to but it still has far more than anyone else, its relative.



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