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[Poll] Should Deadly Chill be changed


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Necromancers got their new Elite spec with strong condition capabbilities. Reaper whcih should represent a power spec has 1 condition trait that does not fit its theme very well of a close combat power bruiser. So i ask how they should change deadly chill now after the strong condition place is filled with scourge.

You can feel free to make suggestions after voting.

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I personally would like to see it on core necro, so a chill condi build could still be a thing. And for a change i would like to see a defensive trait. Something like gain stability when getting struck by a chilled foe (maybe with some reasonable duration and ICD). This would also fit into the unstoppable theme of a reaper.

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> I'm sure it was said they were going to change it to be a power oriented trait when PoF launched and yet they dropped the ball pretty hard on this one.

I'm not sure. Balance team never communicate anything. I think it's a rumor Wooden Potatoes started. ._.



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> @Ara.4569 said:

> > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > I'm sure it was said they were going to change it to be a power oriented trait when PoF launched and yet they dropped the ball pretty hard on this one.

> I'm not sure. Balance team never communicate anything. I think it's a rumor Wooden Potatoes started. ._.






+ while i would like power reaper to be wanted in pve, i dont see the point in killing condi reaper completely.

scourge is probably going to have two choices too (i put a lot of effort in believing this) more support or more condition. why not having condition-dmg and power in one spec?


moving deathly chill to core could work. reaper would still have both choices, core some more choices to begin with. definitely a "maybe" :)

but as Ara said, balance team (well any dev-team tbh) never communicates in the first place - why bother? are you not getting tired of the kitten? i am!

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Change Deathly Chill to give a special debuff that can add the equivalent of a few extra stacks of vulnerability that can go above the vulnerability cap for a more power based reaper


replace a passive in core that causes their bleeds to have a chance to poison foes


have a trait to add more support to the scourge that allow barriers to give allies protect buff

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From a roaming WvW perspective, I would like to see Reapers retaining a condi build option.


It is unfortunate that condi builds allow for much more armor than power builds which is necessary to stay alive when bursted by other classes with more range and mobility than us.


Condi is also necessary to curb the excessive healing and sustain on many other classes which Reapers lack in comparison.

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Instead of getting rid of a good trait (one of our best) and neutering condi reaper, why not replace reaper's onslaught with a better power trait? That is the current "power" grandmaster, and if its not up to scratch, why not buff it or replace it with a better trait? I did like the "vulnerabilty on chill", that has good synergy with decimate defenses. Why not change Reaper's Onslaught to:


Attack Faster (+15%), Gain Ferocity when in Reaper Shroud (+300), and Inflict Vulnerability (2 Stacks, 7 Seconds) when striking a chilled target.


In addition, boost the damage increase from cold shoulder from 10% to 30%, imo.


Ideally, we should have equally viable power and condi specs across the board on all specs. One spec shouldn't be limited to just one type of DPS.


I'm not sure where anyone got the "reaper is a power spec" idea from though (seems like something that was just spread around the playerbase by players). Necromancer has always been brought along for and successful (highly so) in the area of condition management and application (plauge signet, epidemic, boon stripping, condition conversation, etc.). There are other classes that would do power far better than us, even if reaper was a devoted power spec. But, choice is never a bad thing still. Having the option to go power or condi should be both present.

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Opinion: The Reaper Elite Class signifies a competent bridge/cohesion between both power and condition damage specifications. It is one of the few successful developments ANet. has made towards the Necromancer class in general and any further major(-- yes, remove or change Deathly Chill would be considered extreme) alterations would disrupted an already fragile state this Guild Wars 2 player class has. Leave it be! There are many tools to which any player can use in order to create a(not the) power based Reaper/Core Necro.

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There is some serious delusion going on here if people think that converting deathly chill into a power trait is somehow going to give the +40% total DPS needed to make power necro not suck.


Also our DPS problems stem not from Reaper, but from core necro sucking so much. Pushing more DPS into our elites, when our elite traitlines are already responsible for nearly all of our damage does nothing to fix the underlying issues that keep coming back and biting us.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> There is some serious delusion going on here if people think that converting deathly chill into a power trait is somehow going to give the +40% total DPS needed to make power necro not suck.


> Also our DPS problems stem not from Reaper, but from core necro sucking so much. Pushing more DPS into our elites, when our elite traitlines are already responsible for nearly all of our damage does nothing to fix the underlying issues that keep coming back and biting us.


I can understand your point here but i think you might missed my intention on this topic.

I did not propose this poll to adress power DPS issues for necromancer, rather role issues on reaper. Giving DC to core necro would improve the condition gameplay on necromancer. But putting another power based option on its place isnt the optimal way to solve things. I give the option to vote for that, but i do not recommend it.

A new defensive trait would be more favorable IMO. Especially stability could find a good place with reaper.

Core necro itself needs improvements on certain things, but i am not an expert on that and a discussion would be off-topic.


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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> With the creation of Scourge, I don't see why Deathly Chill still among us... I'm sure it was said they were going to change it to be a power oriented trait when PoF launched and yet they dropped the ball pretty hard on this one.


Should toss this out there... After the last patch, Condi Reapers out dps Condi Scourge in a raid scenario, but that's probably a different issue all together.

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Deathly Chill: Bleed foes when you chill them (1 stack all modes). Bleeds scale with power damage instead of condition damage. Bleeds APPLICATIONS can crit, multiplying their effective power by your ferocity (uses same ratio as normal bleeds but subtract 1000 from the Power value since it has a default value of 1000).

Reasoning: For when you cannot sustain the continuous attacks required by Reaper's Onslaught, stack up some bleeds with BiP, or a Shroud 5->4 and kite away. Your scepter will also be able to apply ranged Power DoTs.


Reaper's Onslaught should be a stacking effect (like Engineer's Kinetic Battery). Striking a chilled target grants 1 stack, all shroud skills grant 1 per hit. Maximum 50 stacks. Every stack grants .5% attack speed, 3 power/prec/ferocity (25/50 attack speed and 150/300 pow/prec/fero at max stacks). All bonuses doubled in shroud. Gain alacrity above 40 stacks while in shroud(pulses for 1 second).

Reasoning: A monster that gains more and more power the longer it attacks. When it finally reaches you, it enters shroud and becomes the terror. Keep attacking and chasing until the enemy falls, no Chrono quickness required.


Blighter's Boon also needs to be the defensive/sustain choice. It's a little weak against players. I'm personally not sure how I would change it to make it a real competitor with the above changes, since its current form is very... uninteresting? Necro doesn't have many self boons after all.

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> @Deadvillager.1956 said:

> I dont understand the hate.

I'm not sure it's hate as much as trying to solve our identity crisis. If the rework the trait lines a little to be more focused on one thing or the other (power, condi,support etc...). Reaper was sold as the slow moving heavy cleaving power build(Pyramid Head?), instead we got a better condi build than power.



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