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Allow WvW Ascended to be purchased with Testimony of Heroics


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> @Aetatis.5418 said:

> > @Rennie.6750 said:

> > And reduce the grandmaster marks requirements, because right now crafting ascended with recipes bought on the TP and swapping stats is always the cheapest option no matter what. There should be _some_ discount for spending some time in a given game mode and spending its currency.


> as for the grandmaster crafts. you dont need them.

> go with the other ascended armor in the other tab. requires rank 2000 (+ some more memories of battle) to get all pieces BUT no crafting at all. and only about 3 more weeks worth of ticket farming.


> eventually (!) you will get to that legendary armor


Going for the legendary armor seems to be the only good reason to buy the pre-2k Ascended armors anyway, as the material costs are close to what they would be crafting those Ascended outright, unless you need some of the more expensive mats like the lilies or pearls. I don't foresee going for Legendaries myself, as I am only rank 400 after 2 years, and just plan on crafting any Ascended I need rather than spending tickets on them.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> That's why i am not sure i'll pursue the wvw way.

> I am 250 rank, and for the first piece i need 1500 rank... it's simply senseless ( PvE and SPvP don't have this stupid block ).


> I probably made a mystake purchasing the wing of ascention from spvp ( i could have made the wvw back instead ).


You don't need specific ranks for the first tier of Ascended. There is only rank requirements for the alternate armor skins, which is how it should be to keep as an incentive for people to play the game mode, and prestige for those who have attained those ranks. There is zero difference in stats from the armor that doesn't require certain ranks, and the armor that does.

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> @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> It make sense to lock ascended behind a timegate currency, it is consistent to all the ascended armor gears purchasable through vendor, be it fotm or raid.


And then why the spvp ascendeds aren't locked behind a timegated currency? You people keep repeating everything should be timegated but you are forgetting that the only timegate for ascended is on WvW while the other game modes you can either just straight craft it, or straight purchase from the vendor with a currency you can obtain through repeatable means (Ascended Shards of Glory).


> @Malerian.8435 said:

> > @Seasniffer.1763 said:

> > At least remove the cap. It already takes 20 hours to max pips for a week.


> That's the point. They want you to play more.


No, they don't want me to play more... After I'm done with 1450pips, there is absolutely no incentive to keep playing it other than the average junk we already receive from it normally. And before you bring up the enjoyment card, yes, I continue to play it anyway. But I feel robbed when I finish a week with roughly 4k pips and received the same kind of rewards that someone who simply farmed 1450 during the weekend and never stepped on the game mode again.


> @Loosmaster.8263 said:

> They can add some other Ascended version to the Armor/Weapon vendor for other currency use but not the one required for forging the Legendary version.


I'd be completely fine with that because that would let us buy ascended with a repeatable currency while keeping the legendaries locked behind the timegated one. I'm not trying to make legendary easier to obtain, I'm trying to make Ascended easier to obtain to be more par with the other game modes.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Ok here it is


> > Notes

> > It takes 1,310 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets in total to obtain a full set of Triumphant Hero's armor.


> So, divided by 6 ( i know some pieces cost less and some more, but it's the same ) **every armor piece** costs 218 tickets

> You also need a **Legendary War Insight** which costs 1095 tickets


> So, every piece is **1314 tickets**


> **Every week** you can have **365 tickets per week** , which is **1460 tickets per month**


> Oh for crying out loud, you can do more pieces than who does spvp -_-



You are misunderstanding the point of this topic... I don't want the legendary to be easier to be obtained. I want the Ascended pieces to be easier to be obtained. And the Ascended pieces from PvP aren't locked behind a timegated currency. All you need to do is keep playing and you'll continue to receive Ascended Shards of Glory from the repeatable Bizanthium chest.

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > It make sense to lock ascended behind a timegate currency, it is consistent to all the ascended armor gears purchasable through vendor, be it fotm or raid.


> And then why the spvp ascendeds aren't locked behind a timegated currency? You people keep repeating everything should be timegated but you are forgetting that the only timegate for ascended is on WvW while the other game modes you can either just straight craft it, or straight purchase from the vendor with a currency you can obtain through repeatable means (Ascended Shards of Glory).


> > @Malerian.8435 said:

> > > @Seasniffer.1763 said:

> > > At least remove the cap. It already takes 20 hours to max pips for a week.

> >

> > That's the point. They want you to play more.


> No, they don't want me to play more... After I'm done with 1450pips, there is absolutely no incentive to keep playing it other than the average junk we already receive from it normally. And before you bring up the enjoyment card, yes, I continue to play it anyway. But I feel robbed when I finish a week with roughly 4k pips and received the same kind of rewards that someone who simply farmed 1450 during the weekend and never stepped on the game mode again.


> > @Loosmaster.8263 said:

> > They can add some other Ascended version to the Armor/Weapon vendor for other currency use but not the one required for forging the Legendary version.


> I'd be completely fine with that because that would let us buy ascended with a repeatable currency while keeping the legendaries locked behind the timegated one. I'm not trying to make legendary easier to obtain, I'm trying to make Ascended easier to obtain to be more par with the other game modes.


Pvp is timegated, go try to get Ascended Shards Of glory right this second, oh wait Players can’t.


Now go try to get WvW skirmish Tickets(if not capped) oh you can get them, if capped you wait a couple hours and then you can grind for more.


Both have Time gates on currencies used WvW you can get every single week while Pvp you have 56 days to get Shards and then 2-10 weeks where you can’t.


Pvp also require matches played and require winning to get them at a decent rate compared to passively getting tickets at full Pips for t3 participation at the minimum every 5 minutes, and have Queue times factored in on top of the match times most of which last longer than 5 mins (skirmish tick interval)


You are comparing apples to oranges.




Slight off topic but on topic

Let’s look at zero sum a fresh player to both PvP and WvW trying to craft Legendary Armors.


To craft Legendary Armor it takes 22 weeks for WvW for PvP Armor it takes anywhere from 24-44 Weeks depending on Off Season breaks( some have been 2 weeks some 10 most 4-6).



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> @Turk.5460 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > That's why i am not sure i'll pursue the wvw way.

> > I am 250 rank, and for the first piece i need 1500 rank... it's simply senseless ( PvE and SPvP don't have this stupid block ).

> >

> > I probably made a mystake purchasing the wing of ascention from spvp ( i could have made the wvw back instead ).


> You don't need specific ranks for the first tier of Ascended. There is only rank requirements for the alternate armor skins, which is how it should be to keep as an incentive for people to play the game mode, and prestige for those who have attained those ranks. There is zero difference in stats from the armor that doesn't require certain ranks, and the armor that does.


I am talking about legendary.

I hit legendary in spvp in about x hours every season and i have enough mats to craft 1 leg piece ( if i farm enough shards, i can make 2, but have to hi leg 4 more times if i recall right ).

In wvw i have around 1500 tickets and 250 rank.


And nothing, i can chose between a laughter or a cry.

I wish they remove rank requirement ( which does not exist nor in PvE nor in SPvP ).

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @Turk.5460 said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > That's why i am not sure i'll pursue the wvw way.

> > > I am 250 rank, and for the first piece i need 1500 rank... it's simply senseless ( PvE and SPvP don't have this stupid block ).

> > >

> > > I probably made a mystake purchasing the wing of ascention from spvp ( i could have made the wvw back instead ).

> >

> > You don't need specific ranks for the first tier of Ascended. There is only rank requirements for the alternate armor skins, which is how it should be to keep as an incentive for people to play the game mode, and prestige for those who have attained those ranks. There is zero difference in stats from the armor that doesn't require certain ranks, and the armor that does.


> I am talking about legendary.

> I hit legendary in spvp in about x hours every season and i have enough mats to craft 1 leg piece ( if i farm enough shards, i can make 2, but have to hi leg 4 more times if i recall right ).

> In wvw i have around 1500 tickets and 250 rank.


> And nothing, i can chose between a laughter or a cry.

> I wish they remove rank requirement ( which does not exist nor in PvE nor in SPvP ).


With 1500 tickets you can still buy the Legendary War Insight (1095 Tickets) and one of T2 Ascendeds to use as a precursor for the legendary. You don't need ranks to make legendary. You only need ranks for the Mistforged Triumphant Hero Skins.

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> You are misunderstanding the point of this topic... I don't want the legendary to be easier to be obtained. I want the Ascended pieces to be easier to be obtained. And the Ascended pieces from PvP aren't locked behind a timegated currency. All you need to do is keep playing and you'll continue to receive Ascended Shards of Glory from the repeatable Bizanthium chest.


That's right, and i can agree with you with the last part you wrote


> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> I'd be completely fine with that because that would let us buy ascended with a repeatable currency while keeping the legendaries locked behind the timegated one. I'm not trying to make legendary easier to obtain, I'm trying to make Ascended easier to obtain to be more par with the other game modes.


Unrelated to legendary equipment could be a thing ( though then through PvE and SPvP would be way unfair the first, cause PvE requires more skills than unlocking things in WvW and SPvP, and longer the second, cause the ascended equipment through SPvP shares with legendary items, and then there should be there too another way to get it, without spending shards, which are like tickets, for equip ).


But i doubt we will see some rework, cause ( as some said ) they want you to play the game more, with timegate too.

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> @DevilishLyx.2340 said:

> Cos.....balance.


> Anet simply cannot allow WvW players to get ahold of legendary gear which PvE and sPvP players have taken a few hours to get!

> So to balance it out, anet have made it so that it takes WvW players weeks to get similar items.

> So please remember this is all to balance WvW.


It takes longer for Pvp players to get Legendary by quite a bit than WvW players..... WvW takes 22 weeks PvP can take anywhere from 24-44 weeks (dependent on Off Season Length) to acquire...


Yeah Pvp is so much faster...

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> @BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

> > @DevilishLyx.2340 said:

> > Cos.....balance.

> >

> > Anet simply cannot allow WvW players to get ahold of legendary gear which PvE and sPvP players have taken a few hours to get!

> > So to balance it out, anet have made it so that it takes WvW players weeks to get similar items.

> > So please remember this is all to balance WvW.


> It takes longer for Pvp players to get Legendary by quite a bit than WvW players..... WvW takes 22 weeks PvP can take anywhere from 28-44 weeks (dependent on Off Season Length) to acquire...


> Yeah Pvp is so much faster...


Legendaries aren't the point of this thread and I've posted this multiple times already. But since people keep bringing this up, i'll keep repeating myself:


#**While a PvP Season is active, I can simply farm Ascended Shards of Glory for as long as I want and buy Ascendeds because I'll keep receiving shards from the Repeatable Bizanthium Chest. In WvW I cannot do that because the Repeatable Diamond Chest do not award tickets**.


Changing the Ascended to be sold by Testimony of Heroics make it people can actually just keep playing the game mode and be able to buy ascended gear without being timegated by the ticket acquisiton, while the legendary still get locked behind the time gate because the Legendary Insight will still cost the 1095 tickets.

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

> > > @DevilishLyx.2340 said:

> > > Cos.....balance.

> > >

> > > Anet simply cannot allow WvW players to get ahold of legendary gear which PvE and sPvP players have taken a few hours to get!

> > > So to balance it out, anet have made it so that it takes WvW players weeks to get similar items.

> > > So please remember this is all to balance WvW.

> >

> > It takes longer for Pvp players to get Legendary by quite a bit than WvW players..... WvW takes 22 weeks PvP can take anywhere from 28-44 weeks (dependent on Off Season Length) to acquire...

> >

> > Yeah Pvp is so much faster...


> Legendaries aren't the point of this thread and I've posted this multiple times already. But since people keep bringing this up, i'll keep repeating myself:


> #**While a PvP Season is active, I can simply farm Ascended Shards of Glory for as long as I want and buy Ascendeds because I'll keep receiving shards from the Repeatable Bizanthium Chest. In WvW I cannot do that because the Repeatable Diamond Chest do not award tickets**.


> Changing the Ascended to be sold by Testimony of Heroics make it people can actually just keep playing the game mode and be able to buy ascended gear without being timegated by the ticket acquisiton, while the legendary still get locked behind the time gate because the Legendary Insight will still cost the 1095 tickets.


I was answering directly to the person I quoted.


If you are going to rant go rant at them not the person correcting someone else that brought it up.


Maybe go read a reply I directed at you further up where I show you that you are wrong saying shard of glory aren’t time gated and maybe you can make a post in reply to that.


So again saying Ascended Shards isn’t timegated is a farce since you can’t get them right this moment, guess what that is called, oh yeah a timegate, you have a limited time to acquire those materials(which are also shared with other item costs).


Every week in WvW you can work on Skirmish Tickets, can’t work on Ascended Shards Of Glory every single week.


Like I said above you are trying to compare apples to oranges.

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> And then why the spvp ascendeds aren't locked behind a timegated currency? You people keep repeating everything should be timegated but you are forgetting that the only timegate for ascended is on WvW while the other game modes you can either **just straight craft it**, or straight purchase from the vendor with a currency you can obtain through repeatable means (Ascended Shards of Glory).


There is a time-gate for crafting it. The daily refining of materials such as lumps of mithrillium.

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> @Turk.5460 said:

> > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > And then why the spvp ascendeds aren't locked behind a timegated currency? You people keep repeating everything should be timegated but you are forgetting that the only timegate for ascended is on WvW while the other game modes you can either **just straight craft it**, or straight purchase from the vendor with a currency you can obtain through repeatable means (Ascended Shards of Glory).


> There is a time-gate for crafting it. The daily refining of materials such as lumps of mithrillium.


I would agree with you if I couldn't buy the End Materials off the Trading Post... I cannot buy Lumps of Mithrillium, but I can buy Deldrimor Ingots, which are the ones that I'll use anyway. I can skip the whole timegate in craft with gold.

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Testimony of heroics -> Memory of Battle

Pretty much anything else is just trying to find ways to circumvent a timegated material for personal instant gratification.


Jeknar, you are nearly 4k wvw, 70 spvp and 27k achievement. I have no idea why you are "suffering" to get ascended as you should have had full ascended multiple toons years ago. And probably multiple legendaries. I have a 6 piece set of mistforged heavy armor in storage with no use for it.

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> Testimony of heroics -> Memory of Battle

> Pretty much anything else is just trying to find ways to circumvent a timegated material for personal instant gratification.


> Jeknar, you are nearly 4k wvw, 70 spvp and 27k achievement. I have no idea why you are "suffering" to get ascended as you should have had full ascended multiple toons years ago. And probably multiple legendaries. I have a 6 piece set of mistforged heavy armor in storage with no use for it.


It's been 5 years of "Suffering" through the least rewarding game mode in the game or having to go to PvE to seek the shinies that god forbid the WvW players to get. Can't we get a break just now? These stupid Testimonies will just pile up in my bank just as Proofs of Heroics before them and Badges of Honor before them too without any real use other than buying Sigils of Frenzy or Runes of Firebrand and selling them until Arena Net decide to make them Account Bound like everything else that was sold by proofs during HoT.


And yes, I have 7 Full Ascended Armor sets, multiple Ascended Weapons and even a few legendaries, but I've been playing this game for 5 years now and people who do not WvW as their main activity have far more than that in the time I've played. Is it wrong to ask for a little somenthing now?

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> @Turk.5460 said:

> > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > And then why the spvp ascendeds aren't locked behind a timegated currency? You people keep repeating everything should be timegated but you are forgetting that the only timegate for ascended is on WvW while the other game modes you can either **just straight craft it**, or straight purchase from the vendor with a currency you can obtain through repeatable means (Ascended Shards of Glory).


> There is a time-gate for crafting it. The daily refining of materials such as lumps of mithrillium.


The crafting timegates can be skipped with gold and the TP. Just buy the time gated mats. from the TP, GG timegate removed. But in order to do that, much time in PvE or Ranked PvP is needed.

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> @Vova.2640 said:

> I can understand the Legendary armors being heavily time gated... but why are ascended also time gated??


Apparently the time gate save us a bit of gold...I just calculated that if I had to buy the mats with gold to make the marks, buy the memories and the extra 2g needed for an Ascended heavy helm, it'll run 80g on top of the tickets. Zojja's Visor runs about 83g per the wiki...so you'll save a whopping 3g on the helm with zerker stats for the time gate. You would save more if you're talking Minstrel's or Trailblazer's, about 20-30g, since they have mats that are still very expensive.

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @Justine.6351 said:

> > Testimony of heroics -> Memory of Battle

> > Pretty much anything else is just trying to find ways to circumvent a timegated material for personal instant gratification.

> >

> > Jeknar, you are nearly 4k wvw, 70 spvp and 27k achievement. I have no idea why you are "suffering" to get ascended as you should have had full ascended multiple toons years ago. And probably multiple legendaries. I have a 6 piece set of mistforged heavy armor in storage with no use for it.


> It's been 5 years of "Suffering" through the least rewarding game mode in the game or having to go to PvE to seek the shinies that god forbid the WvW players to get. Can't we get a break just now? These stupid Testimonies will just pile up in my bank just as Proofs of Heroics before them and Badges of Honor before them too without any real use other than buying Sigils of Frenzy or Runes of Firebrand and selling them until Arena Net decide to make them Account Bound like everything else that was sold by proofs during HoT.


> And yes, I have 7 Full Ascended Armor sets, multiple Ascended Weapons and even a few legendaries, but I've been playing this game for 5 years now and people who do not WvW as their main activity have far more than that in the time I've played. Is it wrong to ask for a little somenthing now?


So buy siege and put in guild bank or just mail them to commanders?


Ask for a little what? What are you lacking that you do not already have? I myself am probably going to start working on legendary wvw armor or idk maybe finish buying the rest of the Mistforged skins. Idk what I am even supposed to do with tickets at this point.

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