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What makes you kick someone from group?

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> You forget the, probably, main reason.


> **The player does not know the instance mechanics or how to play its class ( though maybe dps is goo )**


Hmm 1 sec


Won't let me edit options. But you are right. Knowing your class is key.


Doing unranked pugs while waiting for s9, eles who think they are warriors, thieves who think they are rangers...

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > You forget the, probably, main reason.

> >

> > **The player does not know the instance mechanics or how to play its class ( though maybe dps is goo )**


> Hmm 1 sec


> Won't let me edit options. But you are right. Knowing your class is key.


> Doing unranked pugs while waiting for s9, else who think they are warriors, thieves who thing they are rangers...



But mostly, about the pool, the option closer to "know your class / boss mechanics" is the dps one.

And though they are related, the difference is huge.

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I voted bad attitude, but if i kick someone i kick for inactivity. I don't use DPS meters so idk how much anyone does, or even me for that matter, but if someone is obviously not trying, or is really bad at the content and doesn't know how to clear it (why am i dead at the beginning of 40 boss fractal? What's agony resistance?) then i vote to kick. But if someone isn't all that familiar with the content but is trying, then i try to do the content with them for them to learn.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> I voted bad attitude, but if i kick someone i kick for inactivity. I don't use DPS meters so idk how much anyone does, or even me for that matter, but if someone is obviously not trying, or is really bad at the content and doesn't know how to clear it (why am i dead at the beginning of 40 boss fractal? What's agony resistance?) then i vote to kick. But if someone isn't all that familiar with the content but is trying, then i try to do the content with them for them to learn.


I have been carried by groups in t4 fracs who use arcdps.


My AR is 90.

Still no kick.


It's all about HUMILITY.

You don't show up to a raid wing in rare t3 cultural armor and then yell "this is how I wanna play!" And expect people to not hate you.


No. If you want to play a certain way tell your group upfront at least. "Hey guys, I only got a couple ascended, still cool?"

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > I voted bad attitude, but if i kick someone i kick for inactivity. I don't use DPS meters so idk how much anyone does, or even me for that matter, but if someone is obviously not trying, or is really bad at the content and doesn't know how to clear it (why am i dead at the beginning of 40 boss fractal? What's agony resistance?) then i vote to kick. But if someone isn't all that familiar with the content but is trying, then i try to do the content with them for them to learn.


> I have been carried by groups in t4 fracs who use arcdps.


> My AR is 90.

> Still no kick.


> It's all about HUMILITY.

> You don't show up to a raid wing in rare t3 cultural armor and then yell "this is how I wanna play!" And expect people to not hate you.


> No. If you want to play a certain way tell your group upfront at least. "Hey guys, I only got a couple ascended, still cool?"


Well if they're upfront about it then the rest of the group can decide. The problem is, if they don't have adequate AR at fractal level 40 it means that all they did until that point is being carried by others and probably don't know how to clear the content at all. If they lack some AR then it's fine, most of the time you can get away with lower AR by dodging it's not a big deal. But at fractal 40 you get hit by agony right before the boss shows up, and then if they have no AR they die instantly. If they say that before and the froup decides to carry them it's fine, we'll res or leave them and do the fractal, but if they don't, then it's a little unfair towards the group that took you in.


I have nothing against carrying people if everyone decides it's ok. But as you said. Be upfront about it.


I can't comment on raids because i don't have the time to do them so i don't even try.

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I don't use the dps meter but i tend to kick people like crazy, if they have a bad attitude, if they make alot of mistakes etc, i don't like people, and i certainly don't like people who waste my time coming into group with their "this is gw2 i play my way" nonsense they get booted FAST. usually after i kick someone i find a friend/guildy to fill the slot and finish that way.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > I voted bad attitude, but if i kick someone i kick for inactivity. I don't use DPS meters so idk how much anyone does, or even me for that matter, but if someone is obviously not trying, or is really bad at the content and doesn't know how to clear it (why am i dead at the beginning of 40 boss fractal? What's agony resistance?) then i vote to kick. But if someone isn't all that familiar with the content but is trying, then i try to do the content with them for them to learn.

> >

> > I have been carried by groups in t4 fracs who use arcdps.

> >

> > My AR is 90.

> > Still no kick.

> >

> > It's all about HUMILITY.

> > You don't show up to a raid wing in rare t3 cultural armor and then yell "this is how I wanna play!" And expect people to not hate you.

> >

> > No. If you want to play a certain way tell your group upfront at least. "Hey guys, I only got a couple ascended, still cool?"


> Well if they're upfront about it then the rest of the group can decide. The problem is, if they don't have adequate AR at fractal level 40 it means that all they did until that point is being carried by others and probably don't know how to clear the content at all. If they lack some AR then it's fine, most of the time you can get away with lower AR by dodging it's not a big deal. But at fractal 40 you get hit by agony right before the boss shows up, and then if they have no AR they die instantly. If they say that before and the froup decides to carry them it's fine, we'll res or leave them and do the fractal, but if they don't, then it's a little unfair towards the group that took you in.


> I have nothing against carrying people if everyone decides it's ok. But as you said. Be upfront about it.


> I can't comment on raids because i don't have the time to do them so i don't even try.


My whole point was that people are willing to carry me because I'm fun and contribute when not being hit by agony.


Also, I plain just LEAVE group when I start holding them back. I don't have to wait to be booted because I am courteous.

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Situational, i mean i do not really care about what people do. But they do need to contribute towards the instance i/we are aiming to complete. For example if we do a t4 fractal, i list our party in lfg when we lack players. Nothing major, no specific needs, anyone is accepted right. So then there comes this guy that lacks ar for example. And all he does is basically leeching because he is melting instantly when agony hits. Or he just auto attacks not providing certain boons, buffs or other utility. Or heck i even had people that did not even know how to deal with mechanics despite having enough ar and knowing their role. And well bad attitude is something i can not stand at all. So that is an instant kick from me.


Don't get me wrong. i'm totally ok with this type of players. Not to mentioned i do not ask for something specific when i list our party in lfg. But in situations like t4 fractals, you would expect people to know their stuff by the time they reach that "level". So in that regard i do expect some certain level of gameplay/skills from pugs. UNLESS they mention it before we start. Then i know what i am (about to) dealing with, and can probably adjust my own gameplay to help him/her out, or teach even.

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > Where's my option for roleplaying carpets ?


> Zero dps is generally considered "Bad DPS" :skull:


> Seeing a huge skew toward "bad attitude". Curious, given the actual comments.


Not curious at all. I knew full well that's the reason most dps meter haters get kicked from groups.


You're talking to the guy who carries "Kick" as a utility purely because it's cool/funny and wears mismatched stats. My dps is turnips. I still don't get kicked.


I play "how I want" and still get into good pugs.

Because I am not hostile to the group taking me in.

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I do commander in PvE. I very rarely kick players. If I do, I always use whispering to explain the reason why to the player. In the few cases it happened, the reasons were almost the same "standard" ones:

- Blaming others.

- Unfair behaviour: Afk for example (yes, I had that!) or clearly not contributing upon intention (staying behind and not fighting and just approaching toward the end). But that's rare.


I believe that what helps a lot, is that before to go on with a squad, I always explain with a few words what we are going to do. I answer questions (public or whisper), and most of all, I tell clearly that we will wait for everybody, revive and help each others. That way, players know clear from the first in what type of squad they are, and can leave if they don't feel to support to work as a team with all players, strong or weak. Usually, that's no problem. :)


Exceptions to that: When I tagged up unexpected, due to an emergency, and that everything happen within some seconds. Then I have of course less control on what the squad has for members. But even then, I cannot recall a trouble. Probably because in such cases, people are just thankful that someone tagged up! So they just enjoy having a team at all. =)





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- bad attitude (same for super hardcore "i am best, you are nothing" and super casual "i play whatever i want, screw you you elitist"... and trolls)

- super bad player in combination with ignoring any hints/explanations on how to do something better than it is actually happening right at that moment. some are new players, some dont like to play condi (insert class) and instead play power (insert class), some play a class that underperforms in grp content. thats fine for many parts of the game, but please atleast try to make it work "better" (i am not saying "go meta or gtfo" nor "go study all the mechanics first, before you can play with me"). i really mean no harm ! its a better experience for anybody. In return i'd appreciate many of you guys accept, when i don't know everything and explain it instead of flame it.



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%99.99 of the time it's someone who picks a fight over DPS or a learning person being being assaulted for trying. Unless the lfg says something specific, don't. Fucking. Talk.


I do kick the occasional player who refuses to learn the mechanic if they do not know. If you are not willing to help, bye Felicia!

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I don't really care how good or bad anyones gear/dps is, as long as they make an honest effort. And if someone don't understand certain mechanics for an encounter and/or asks for help I try to take time to explain and guide them if they're willing to listen. I always think it is a shame that people are getting punished simply for not having enough experience with certain content.


Bad attitude is never accepted. Anyone can have a bad day, but don't push it onto other players.


Bad and awful fashion is certainly something I jab guildmates and friends for (to everyones frustration/amusement), but not something to kick partymember for.

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> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> %99.99 of the time it's someone who picks a fight over DPS or a learning person being being assaulted for trying. Unless the lfg says something specific, don't. kitten. Talk.


> I do kick the occasional player who refuses to learn the mechanic if they do not know. If you are not willing to help, bye Felicia!


Today i made my first fractal 99 ( i am doing fractal since a week, but i happened to see mightyteapot playing em, so somehow i managed to learn the attacks and the mechanics ( i play thief ).

Our party leader was a Ranger which was definitely good ( i saw things... :open_mouth: ), and while playing there was complains about the druid, like


* How can u die so much with a druid

* You don't know the mechanics?

* Leave it dead, we can end it in 4


and more.


This to say that i suppose the problem also happens where somebody change class, or maybe many players manage to **rank fractals avoiding both nightmare and observatory** ( 2 wonderful instances. the others feel plain if compare ), and that's why the wipes.


Also when you want to try a **new character**, better use a low scale fractal instead ( but i am not sure that all players are selfless... ).

This is the main point everybody should deal with.


Or maybe some players are just **too** bad for some reasons.

It can simply happens.

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