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What sort of traits would you like to see?


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Or what ones would you improve ? Some come to mine like the reapers 15% attack speed only effecting shroud . I feel it should have a weaker attack speed buff to reapers weapons outside shroud , the bleed trait instead of a bleed on crit could be poison chance each time you bleed a foe with and poison getting a 10% boost (I feel necro for what they do spreading diseases and such should have more access to poison ) the conditions that hurt foes heal you seems so situational and weak (greatsword passive even heals more) it would be better if they made it so all conditions that damage deal more damage and all conditions that do not damage have longer duration (something like 5% on all conditions either in damage or duration )

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# Spite


**Spiteful Talisman** - Increased bonus damage to +10%.


**Chill of Death** - Will now trigger if you strike a foe with 3 or more boons, instead of at a certain threshold.


**Rending Shroud**- Removed vulnerability. Now inflicts a non-stacking debuff that reduces enemy toughness by 150 for 9 seconds, every 3 seconds.


**Unholy Fevor** - Remove the additional Axe damage. Replaced with a universal +10% damage vs vuln foes.


Basically make the mid tier Spite traits have actual meaning. 1 for active boon rip, 2 for party damage increase and 3 for personal damage increase, rather than being mediocre as they are at the moment.



#Blood Magic


**Quickening Thirst** - Change to a 20% dagger recharge time reduction, your critical hits with dagger attacks siphon health and whilst wielding a dagger move 25% faster.


**Blood Bond**- Added a +5% damage vs bleeding foes.


**Vampiric** - Increase Life Siphon damage to 38 + 0.0213 * power. Reduce Minion Life Siphon to 50 + 0.003 * power to compensate.


Reintroduce the old vampiric precision trait into Quickening Thirst and normalize the recharge, to create a trait more in the theme of what dagger is for (sustain). Blood Bond now feels more like the obvious go-to damage trait, keeping within its theme. And the damage from Vampiric feels more rewarding when your skill bar isn't filled with minions (basically the scaling values have been swapped).




**Decimate Defenses** - Reduce Critical chance gain to 1%. Add a +1% critical damage bonus per vuln stack on foe.


Now that Berserker reaper is better than valks (with the food changes), this trait change can boost our damage whilst in a more organised party where our crit chance won't be massively overcapped.

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