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Scourge shades should be attached to the player - like aoe effect around ...


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I think something like whirl centered around the player , this way we will not have to spam it it and miss, but it will always be applied to the enemies - could be also granting small amount of barrier and some torment and stack 3x or in case of big shade - 1x and huge amount of barrier without torment.

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It already is. When you push one of the Shade skill buttons, the effects emanate from you as well. I was looking at the combat log last night and you even do the Shade deployment damage as well. (Though it doesn't trigger the skills that cause burning on Shade deployment.)


The current Shade mechanism is fine: have effects centered on the Scourge and also able to have the effects emanate at a remote location.

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> @maciora.9542 said:

> Ok guys stop bullshitting, if necro is so great and op why its being kicked from every group? Its like: O, necro - kick. or We dont need necro etc.


What they're saying is that what you are requesting:


A. is basically already the case. All of the F skills originate from you as well as any shades you have out.

B. Dumbs down the Scourge and ultimately makes the Scourge even worse.


It doesn't matter how bad something is, taking away capabilities for nothing else is not going to help it.

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