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FYI: Haunted weapons give off a violet light effect


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I only have the shortbow unlocked so far so I can't make any comparisons outside the preview window, but some of the skins look like they may cast more light than others. The axe looks like it may be as bright as the torch.


> @Aomine.5012 said:

> Now I struggle which one to pick even more lolz...


If you can't decide you can always just hold onto the boxes until you're ready to select one. You still have time to get at least 2 and you'll be able to unlock another few each Halloween thereafter.

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I find it ridiculous, that yo ucan earn oen of those skins basically only every 5 days of actively doing halloween dailies.

So get a full set of the haunted weapons means, you would have to participate in 1 6*5 = 90 days of halloween, which means, you will need multiple years of halloween just to get a complete set. Most people get likely only max 3-4 of them, or lesser, based on how actively you were able to play the game while halloween was active.

So most people will need like 5+ years and more, until they have a complete set, unlet Anet adds in the upcoming years more options to earn the haunted weapon skins through some new halloween achievents that reward them, so that we have a way to speed up the progress on unlocking the whole set and not only through doing 5 days of halloween dailies with this time gated option only


I think it would have been even more awesome, if they would have added for each skin an own unique kind of collection or so, while havign to collect all 16 would have made a better meta achievement, that could have rewarded us with an awesome halloween based title like for example "Will O'Whisp of the Mad" or "The Haunter of Madness", or "Lord/Mistress of Madness", whatever it woudl be, it would have felt more rewardign, that gettign nothign for collectign all the skins for 90 days of doing halloween dailies, so 3 months of workload spread over multiple years of halloween needed to get all skins

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> I find it ridiculous, that yo ucan earn oen of those skins basically only every 5 days of actively doing halloween dailies.

> So get a full set of the haunted weapons means, you would have to participate in 1 6*5 = 90 days of halloween, which means, you will need multiple years of halloween just to get a complete set. Most people get likely only max 3-4 of them, or lesser, based on how actively you were able to play the game while halloween was active.

> So most people will need like 5+ years and more, until they have a complete set, unlet Anet adds in the upcoming years more options to earn the haunted weapon skins through some new halloween achievents that reward them, so that we have a way to speed up the progress on unlocking the whole set and not only through doing 5 days of halloween dailies with this time gated option only


> I think it would have been even more awesome, if they would have added for each skin an own unique kind of collection or so, while havign to collect all 16 would have made a better meta achievement, that could have rewarded us with an awesome halloween based title like for example "Will O'Whisp of the Mad" or "The Haunter of Madness", or "Lord/Mistress of Madness", whatever it woudl be, it would have felt more rewardign, that gettign nothign for collectign all the skins for 90 days of doing halloween dailies, so 3 months of workload spread over multiple years of halloween needed to get all skins


And this is a bad thing why?? Not everything needs to be earned immediately.

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I didn't say that everythiing needs to be earned immediatly, so don#t please lay words into my mouth, that I haven't written here.

However, I think it should be earnable in a more reasonable time span. 5+ years of halloweening I don't find is a reasonable time span for just getting these skins.

2-3 years is more reasonable, that why I proposed that it would be nice, if Anet adds on the next halloweens more options to earn the haunted skins, rathern than through only doing halloween dailies with this time gated system.


They could easily add next year some achievements and a meta achievement, which could reward us example with boxes of chooseable haunted skins as rewards, to speed up this way our progress on earning the skins, so that it doesn#t take us 5+ years just to get a complete haunted skin set.

It would make things go a bit quicke,r but we'd still not be able to earn everythign immediately... because seriously, havign to repeat the same old halloween for another 5 years, is more of a torture, than it would be fun, just to get all the haunted skins to have a compelte set of them.

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> I find it ridiculous, that yo ucan earn oen of those skins basically only every 5 days of actively doing halloween dailies.

> So get a full set of the haunted weapons means, you would have to participate in 1 6*5 = 90 days of halloween, which means, you will need multiple years of halloween just to get a complete set. Most people get likely only max 3-4 of them, or lesser, based on how actively you were able to play the game while halloween was active.

> So most people will need like 5+ years and more, until they have a complete set, unlet Anet adds in the upcoming years more options to earn the haunted weapon skins through some new halloween achievents that reward them, so that we have a way to speed up the progress on unlocking the whole set and not only through doing 5 days of halloween dailies with this time gated option only


> I think it would have been even more awesome, if they would have added for each skin an own unique kind of collection or so, while havign to collect all 16 would have made a better meta achievement, that could have rewarded us with an awesome halloween based title like for example "Will O'Whisp of the Mad" or "The Haunter of Madness", or "Lord/Mistress of Madness", whatever it woudl be, it would have felt more rewardign, that gettign nothign for collectign all the skins for 90 days of doing halloween dailies, so 3 months of workload spread over multiple years of halloween needed to get all skins


I don't think there's any achievement or reward for collecting the entire set, so what's the issue? By doing it this way they gave players an incentive to participate in the Halloween events for years to come, that's a good thing.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> I only got the staff, but after that I decided to go only for the bags instead as those weapons are super ugly designs. For instance, the dagger would look pretty cool if it didn't have that silly candle on it.


I like the candles. My issue with a lot of them is their size. Have you seen the scepter or torch wielded? They're ridiculously huge.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> I only got the staff, but after that I decided to go only for the bags instead as those weapons are super ugly designs. For instance, the dagger would look pretty cool if it didn't have that silly candle on it.


How many bags do you get? I was just wondering because salvaging the weapons gives you a chance at ectos and dark matter, and a Superior Night Sigil (on all the 1H weapons) which is worth around 1G by itself. By current TOT bag prices, you'd need to get around 40-50 TOT bags per chance for it to be worth not choosing the weapon.

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