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Share your Holosmith open world build!


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I'm a new player to Engi, leveled him with thomes, played one week core engi, one week scrapper and than started as a holosmith.

Found the gameplay amazing. Yet I'm curious how You play Your Holosmith in open world, what strengths and weknesses did You find in Your build?


The first build I found while looking for something to start with Was Pronounced HoloMANCER from WorldofEnders - [https://youtube.com/watch?v=nYKhhNx52ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYKhhNx52ls "https://youtube.com/watch?v=nYKhhNx52ls") _(no I don't use meta build for open world content, they mostly suck)_

And I found it AMAZING.

SO much damage from so much sources, insane burst. It's only weakness is lack of stability and stun breaks, but You can always use googles or spectrum shield for it.

Also it's bit squishy in full zerker, sometimes and You need to pay attention not to facetank too much damage.

Also, Rifle is better on some enemies that are not melee-friendly while waiting for the forge to cool down a bit.


So, what do You run?

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I made this one. Well in theory.

It looks pretty solid with good mobility, a stunbreak, good dmg, crit chance, crit dmg, condi duration and condi dmg.

Its a little bit lacking on the cleansing side but with the rocket boots you could double combo finish the lightfield on the arena and leaving PF converts condis into boons.

Might stacking is a peace of cake with PF.

Only thing missing for now is bring it to practice. But first doing Legy bounties for the gear.

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After I decided I'll be using Holosmith primarily for CC overdosing instead of anything dps or even barely rational... I'm rocking this thing righ now:


Is not that effective, even for PvE, but I'm having a blast of fun with it, just CCing things to no end while they burn, to then burst Rifle and PF in short succession.

This has great mobility, decent might stacking for hybrid damage, pretty decent survivability, permanent stability through juggernaut to pass through annoying mobs, and not a couple, but 5 hard (interrupting) CC skills that eat bosses breakbars and keeps your cheaper minions always on the floor.

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I have been playing with this recently. I have tried a couple of trait lines for pure damage, but found that Elixers are vital for Open World, since you need to supply your own healing and condi-cleanse which is really hard otherwise.


Elixer H is a pretty decent healing skill, I would probably swap this for the turret in a setting where I could have healing elsewhere. With triats this also cleanses conditions.

Elixer U provides Might, Quickness, and Fury while also breaking stun and gives a projectile blocking toolbelt skill. Also cures condi with the trait. It really does a lot.

Laser Disk is great added damage AOE

Hard Light Arena gives me some nice defensive boots while providing a toolbelt CC which counts as an explosion

Prime Light Beam feels like the most useful Elite, the alternate is Supply Crate, but I find PLB gives the same CC and better damage.


I am not sure about my trait lines, I am still playing around with what works best, but currently allowing myself to overheat for the bonus damage, and found I can survive the damage. So I am staying in Holo mode till the explosion and I reactive it once it is up again.


The rest of the time Rifle is good, nice CC, mobility, and range.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @Omnicron.2467 said:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdIQFAUncTBlXhlIDWIDcJjlBD7LAkeaPitjSQIofHGEXiA-jhRBABJt/wDXAgrU+Rp6PmpEEgHAAA-e


I play something really similar's traits :


Explosives : Aim Assited rocket ==> Big Boomer ... i gain more vita & ferocity.

HoloS : Light Density Amplifer ==> Solar focusing lens : Because i have more vita with big Boomer and my protection are +75% longer duration ... i have no need about 15% damage reduction. Instant i gain +10% damage when i am under overhead !!! (Cumulable with laser edge : +15% ^-^)


I play with commander's gears to maximize my boons instant of berserker.




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  • 4 weeks later...

It took me a while to figure out Holosmith and find a build that really worked for me in PvE:




When I first tried the spec the damage was always there, but I was a bit underwhelmed by the healing/sustain aspects until I realized that most of the healing/sustain comes from going in and out of Photon Forge activating Heat Therapy and that Photonic Blasting Module really didn't work for me when running solo. The Elixir Gun utility skill is added mainly for the tool belt skill that gives regen and a stun break and can be swapped out for something else.


I found that Sword/x works with this build as well. You won't need Bomb Kit since the sword AA is much better than rifle AA, so you can add in another utility skill if you want.

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This is mine:


The F5 skill is a decent stun breaker

There is enough healing packed to counter forge blast

The most vulnerable part is when you get hit with a strong spell while going through the forge blast. The shield skills work excellent for this. They are also good for CC.

It is made to fight melee range as much as possible. The elixergun is used at ranged, but is poorly. It is there for those situations you don't have a choice (either cause you can't stand the heat, or game mechanics require ranged attacks.


I took zerker stats, which I am not fully sure off. It does help a lot, but I haven't experimented with anything else.

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  • 3 weeks later...

# **PvE Build**


- 2500+ Power, 80%+ Crit Chance (with fury), 220%+ Crit Damage

- **100% endurance regen rate** coupled with multiple offensive on dodge traits

- Good amount of **hard CC** _(300 **Knockback,** 1s **Stun or Daze,** 240 or 360 **Pull,** 240 **Launch,** 0 **Launch** with S&S Variant)_

- Good heal and condi cleanse

- Lots of **outgoing damage modifiers** (+15%, +10%, +10%, +10%, +6%)


[**Sword & Shield** Melee Variant](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdIQJAsenUUB9dhlIDWIDcJjlBDr/HOEPijLoHUM4LAseePA-jxRBQB4RPwM2fwMKBviyPA8AASo6P58EAQKgqUGB-e)


[**Rifle** Ranged Variant](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdIQFAUnUUB9dhlIDWIDcJjlBDr/HOEPijLoHUM4LAkeaPA-jxRBQBJU9nro8zMKBBwDAInXAgZs/Ae0BQKgqUGB-e)


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