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Wvw classes


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Yes, Thief is good for roaming and ganking enemies. Mesmer or Ranger also works for same purpose.


In large zerg vs zerg fights Guardians and Scourges are used a lot, but main rule atm goes - "no medium classes", meaning no thief or ranger or engi. All other classes can be played.

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> @czerwoni.9563 said:

> Sooo I was wondering what are the different classes good at in wvw? For example I guess thief is good for roaming cause of invis and blink kiting



All are situationally good in wvw.


by situationally, i mean, how you tailor their role.


popularly, guards revs necro ele war mes has a role in a zerg.


thief engi ranger has for roaming x havok.


guards for stab resist heal basically taking the slot of revenant and ele. thus allowing a team space for other classes.


war boon strip cc, thus allowing less need for rev boon strip or necro boon strip


rev can replace eles and necros for range pressure also rraited dwarf stance works well with guard f3 skills firebrand.


ele no longer support can focus range pressure with chills static nd meteors. because guards has waters now.


necro barriers and dps range burst and portal. semi replacing mesmers and adding tankiness.


thief - scout. nothing compares.


mes - boons x veil portal. works well with thief, can sub rev or guard for boons, works well with them in melee or range. pulls and moas


engi - does everything


ranger - kills fliers because of long range. good for anti gliders roaming, havok. a class than can 1v1 everyone or 1v5



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> @FogLeg.9354 said:

> Yes, Thief is good for roaming and ganking enemies. Mesmer or Ranger also works for same purpose.


> In large zerg vs zerg fights Guardians and Scourges are used a lot, but main rule atm goes - "no medium classes", meaning no thief or ranger or engi. All other classes can be played.


No druid? In wvw or in zergs and why lol guardian has less base hp than some medium classes

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> @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > @czerwoni.9563 said:

> > Sooo I was wondering what are the different classes good at in wvw? For example I guess thief is good for roaming cause of invis and blink kiting

> >


> All are situationally good in wvw.


> by situationally, i mean, how you tailor their role.


> popularly, guards revs necro ele war mes has a role in a zerg.


> thief engi ranger has for roaming x havok.


> guards for stab resist heal basically taking the slot of revenant and ele. thus allowing a team space for other classes.


> war boon strip cc, thus allowing less need for rev boon strip or necro boon strip


> rev can replace eles and necros for range pressure also rraited dwarf stance works well with guard f3 skills firebrand.


> ele no longer support can focus range pressure with chills static nd meteors. because guards has waters now.


> necro barriers and dps range burst and portal. semi replacing mesmers and adding tankiness.


> thief - scout. nothing compares.


> mes - boons x veil portal. works well with thief, can sub rev or guard for boons, works well with them in melee or range. pulls and moas


> engi - does everything


> ranger - kills fliers because of long range. good for anti gliders roaming, havok. a class than can 1v1 everyone or 1v5




How does armor work in wvw is it like pvp or pve like is it scaled to be all exotic or if someone has ascended they have advantage

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> @czerwoni.9563 said:

> > @FogLeg.9354 said:

> > Yes, Thief is good for roaming and ganking enemies. Mesmer or Ranger also works for same purpose.

> >

> > In large zerg vs zerg fights Guardians and Scourges are used a lot, but main rule atm goes - "no medium classes", meaning no thief or ranger or engi. All other classes can be played.


> No druid? In wvw or in zergs and why lol guardian has less base hp than some medium classes


Not enough support/burst damage. Guardians share boons and have higher stability/protection uptime (also on allies unlike druid) for their party.

Druid just sux, thief lacks AoE/range, engi specs get hard countered by boonrip (might turns into weakness = no damage). Not to talk about all of these classes being terrible in initial engage where you drop wells and group support with minimal cast times (f/e bomb -> Dodge thro enemy -> bomb) and in skill-lag.


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> @Threather.9354 said:

> > @czerwoni.9563 said:

> > > @FogLeg.9354 said:

> > > Yes, Thief is good for roaming and ganking enemies. Mesmer or Ranger also works for same purpose.

> > >

> > > In large zerg vs zerg fights Guardians and Scourges are used a lot, but main rule atm goes - "no medium classes", meaning no thief or ranger or engi. All other classes can be played.

> >

> > No druid? In wvw or in zergs and why lol guardian has less base hp than some medium classes


> Not enough support/burst damage. Guardians share boons and have higher stability/protection uptime (also on allies unlike druid) for their party.

> Druid just sux, thief lacks AoE/range, engi specs get hard countered by boonrip (might turns into weakness = no damage). Not to talk about all of these classes being terrible in initial engage where you drop wells and group support with minimal cast times (f/e bomb -> Dodge thro enemy -> bomb) and in skill-lag.



What about zerk lol man all I play atm are medium and I only have medium ascended. I mean my scourge has exotic vipers but I got harassed off the map for trying with exotic

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> @czerwoni.9563 said:

> > @Threather.9354 said:

> > > @czerwoni.9563 said:

> > > > @FogLeg.9354 said:

> > > > Yes, Thief is good for roaming and ganking enemies. Mesmer or Ranger also works for same purpose.

> > > >

> > > > In large zerg vs zerg fights Guardians and Scourges are used a lot, but main rule atm goes - "no medium classes", meaning no thief or ranger or engi. All other classes can be played.

> > >

> > > No druid? In wvw or in zergs and why lol guardian has less base hp than some medium classes

> >

> > Not enough support/burst damage. Guardians share boons and have higher stability/protection uptime (also on allies unlike druid) for their party.

> > Druid just sux, thief lacks AoE/range, engi specs get hard countered by boonrip (might turns into weakness = no damage). Not to talk about all of these classes being terrible in initial engage where you drop wells and group support with minimal cast times (f/e bomb -> Dodge thro enemy -> bomb) and in skill-lag.

> >


> What about zerk lol man all I play atm are medium and I only have medium ascended. I mean my scourge has exotic vipers but I got harassed off the map for trying with exotic

Uh... what? People dont care what armor you have as long as you dont die in the first push. Ascended armor is ~5% stat difference (most will be running ascended trinkets and probably also weapons). This does nothing for you. If people "harassed" you off the map they where either trolling you or you cant handle a glass cannon. There is a reason necros run trailblazer/dire combos.


Druid/thief/engie work in smallscale, roaming and hanging near a zerg but dont expect to be included. Its guardians/necros for the pug masses with a few warriors/eles sprinkled in if you are good on them.

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