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Why am I so unproductive at this game?

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> @RandomWolf.3986 said:

> First of all, I want to thank most of your for the kind words and general support. I only wish I could find people like that in-game. I also feel like there are a few more things I should point out in here.

> - **I have tried guilds.** They just don't work. I've joined PvE, PvP, WvW, Casual and RP guilds. And they're always the same. There's always a bad apple who ruins the fun for everyone and doesn't matter if I try to be active amongst the people, I always end up being ignored or saved for the last resort. No one wants to do content with me, no one talks to me, no one answers my questions. That's why I only join guilds for their halls. Otherwise, their chat is kept mute.

> - **Anyone can complete achievements, maps and finish the story.** It's the basic concept of the game; there is nothing remotely special about it. I just sank time into it.

> - **I'm not trying to be the best.** I am fully aware that this will never be an option, but I want to be above average at best. I want to be able to do things with success instead of failing them over and over again. It's tiresome and it affects the overall enjoyment of the game and my self-esteem. I am tired of being a liability and struggling to defeat an enemy. I follow guides, I study my build... to the point where I can spend months working around it.

> - **The in-game community is awful.** I don't care what people say, but this is the truth to me. The in-game community is one of the worst online communities I have ever seen in any video-game that I have touched. The people are cruel, manipulative, selfish, rude and self-self-absorbed. I've lost track of a number of people I met in this game that I once considered to be friends that only ended up treating me like garbage. Allow me to provide an example. I met someone who I thoroughly enjoyed talking to. We'd spend our time chatting everyday and playing together in all sorts of modes for over a year. When my usefulness ender, the person dropped contact with me and was quick to find a replacement. We haven't talked ever since. There were also others here and there. There was this another player who I befriended, and we were getting along just fine, but then this person's attitude towards me only kept decreasing. Even though I supported said player and helped him out when I had to, it got to a point where I was invited for a dungeon run by him and his friends only to end up being kicked before the boss died. There was also another player who actually harassed and stalked me and other few contacts that I had in the game. I could just keep going and going with numerous examples.

> - **I have tried Fractals.** I do admit that they were fun at the start, but again... the people are not. Since no one cares to join me, I use the LFG. And the randoms that join are no better than being alone. They're mutes; there's no communication and they ragequit at the first sight of a problem. It's obnoxious.

> - **It doesn't matter how broken a class is, I can't use it.** People have dumped me in the past because I was such a drag-down for their own gameplay. That's just how bad I am. And to answer what some asked: No. I'm not having fun.

> - **Nothing feels rewarding.** Everything feels like a chore, just another step in this whole grinding business. It's exhausting to work so hard towards a certain goal and feel empty when it's finally completed.

> - **The lack of attention from the developers themselves.** This might be just me, but over the years I've noticed some changes done by the company that actually turned the game down to the worse. It feels like they don't care about Guild Wars as much as they did back at the start.


> I honestly think it'd be better for me to just leave than to keep dragging this issue down the road and waste everyone's time with my pettiness. There's just no point to it anymore.


I'm sorry to see you go, OP, and I especially agree with your points concerning the community and the game's paltry rewards. But thank you again for opening this dialogue, and I hope you find a good replacement for GW2.

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Definitely sounds like it's time to take a break @"RandomWolf.3986"; find some other games that you can enjoy for a while. Maybe there's something for you in GW2 later. I certainly hope so. I recognize that my own predisposition to solo play is why I haven't bumped into the same problems that you have.


Message me in game sometime, if you stick around or if you return. Maybe we can party-up and tackle something.

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> @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

> Mod up some Skyrim hell mode and get your self respect back. Sounds like time for a single player break. I play Skyrim in my off time to escape everything MMO. I can mod it to be what I want in aesthetics, difficulty, almost anything. Nobody argues.


I took a hiatus from GW2 a few years ago to revisit Oblivion. Knowing your build and playstyle won't be suddenly wrecked by a balance team is a good feeling.

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Maybe you need a more fulfilling past time. As in not just another computer game. I game when theres no movies I want to watch. I watch movies when I'm not in the mood to read a book. I read a book when I'm too tired to enjoy making music, live with friends or just production. I used to gig before getting in the family way. My other hobby is woodworking but I'm just getting into it. All of this I do when I'm not at my full time job or trying to get my sideline business going. Anyway you never said if you keyboard turn.


EDIT: I forget to mention all my family time but that's separate to all of this because it's my greatest joy. Also I got to mid gold with little effort really, haven't been playing long, but doubt I'll go beyond that because its not worth the time and this game isn't that good.

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> @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

> Mod up some Skyrim hell mode and get your self respect back. Sounds like time for a single player break. I play Skyrim in my off time to escape everything MMO. I can mod it to be what I want in aesthetics, difficulty, almost anything. Nobody argues.


I would love to play Skyrim once again, but its performance is absolutely atrocious. For some odd reason, my game keeps struggling to keep up between 10 and 60 FPS whether it's set on Low or Ultra. Locking it at 30 causes constant stuttering and freezing. So that's not a viable option. I'll find something else.

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Hm, I haven't been exactly productive either in GW2 but wouldn't also count myself towards an MMO's target audience. I mostly play GW2 for the story, LS and - for new expansions - experiencing the elite specs (aka the flair and "feels" of it). I don't mind dugeons within the story, but can't stomache them within group play; no matter how easy they would have been. Likewise my playing times are varying like a fickly cat: sometimes for hours on one characters, sometimes I switch between characters evey few minutes just to log off. As such my characters are mostly in exotics, or ascendent from laurels or the Caladborg quest chain. To be blunt, the main reason why I can come back to GW2 is due to no subscription fees. Affording them generally isn't the problem, but for my nonconformish gaming habit, it would clearly not be worth it in the long run. If I grow tired of GW2, I switch console gaming as I'm probably an addic through and through.


But yeah, from your last bullet point list, I'd also suggest to look for somethin else. As I'm a solo gamer on my own accord, I haven't experienced much of your bad experience with former gaming mates turning weird (to put it nicely), though.

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This is a bizarre post to me.


I've played the game on-and-off since the game released (only a few months late because my previous game was sunsetting) and likely haven't accomplished half of what you, the OP, has done. I'm still low-rank in PvP and get mostly man-handled in WvW when not in a group of 4+. I've never touched raids and haven't bothered doing fractals since they changed them from standard levels (was at level 40something before that) and there are fractals I've never seen before. I have never played a Necromancer or Revenant (hoping they'll release Tengu as a race so I can finally make a necro) and have very limited experience with Engineer. Only have 1 legendary and came across 3 total precursors (1 was crafted). I still enjoy playing the game mainly to have fun. Just doing open-world stuff or running through the old dungeons every now and then.


If I ever felt bad or wrong playing the game, I simply stop playing. If I ever feel bored or aggravated, I take a break.


Games are meant to be fun. They aren't meant to substitute accomplishments you should be aiming for in your real life. You also don't have to become an ace at it by doing things you don't enjoy doing (in this case, grinding).



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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> This is a bizarre post to me.


> I've played the game on-and-off since the game released (only a few months late because my previous game was sunsetting) and likely haven't accomplished half of what you, the OP, has done. I'm still low-rank in PvP and get mostly man-handled in WvW when not in a group of 4+. I've never touched raids and haven't bothered doing fractals since they changed them from standard levels (was at level 40something before that) and there are fractals I've never seen before. I have never played a Necromancer or Revenant (**hoping they'll release Tengu as a race so I can finally make a necro**) and have very limited experience with Engineer. Only have 1 legendary and came across 3 total precursors (1 was crafted). I still enjoy playing the game mainly to have fun. Just doing open-world stuff or running through the old dungeons every now and then.


> If I ever felt bad or wrong playing the game, I simply stop playing. If I ever feel bored or aggravated, I take a break.


> Games are meant to be fun. They aren't meant to substitute accomplishments you should be aiming for in your real life. You also don't have to become an ace at it by doing things you don't enjoy doing (in this case, grinding).




Bit off-topic here, but it's been discussed again and again that a new race won't be implemented into the game for numerous reasons, including:

- New animations, including new idles, emotes and facial expressions;

- New body rig and skeleton;

- Two new voice-actors who are meant to record new and old dialogue, including the Story instances, Dungeons and live-content.

- Adapt several body structures to armor and weapons;

- Apply changes to existing content to have certain NPCs treat your character by their respective race;

- ArenaNet would have to create a share of new starting area just for this race. Each race has their own starting area and their own set of maps which their Personal Story tale throughout the game;

- And many, many more...


Just thought you should know instead of holding out to false hope. I used to believe that Season 1 was going to make a debut, but it's not.


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> @RandomWolf.3986 said:

> > @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

> > Mod up some Skyrim hell mode and get your self respect back. Sounds like time for a single player break. I play Skyrim in my off time to escape everything MMO. I can mod it to be what I want in aesthetics, difficulty, almost anything. Nobody argues.


> I would love to play Skyrim once again, but its performance is absolutely atrocious. For some odd reason, my game keeps struggling to keep up between 10 and 60 FPS whether it's set on Low or Ultra. Locking it at 30 causes constant stuttering and freezing. So that's not a viable option. I'll find something else.


How good is your system? I upgraded to a better rig in June and my twitch play -- which GW2 requires -- got a lot better.

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> @RandomWolf.3986 said:

> First of all, I want to thank most of your for the kind words and general support. I only wish I could find people like that in-game. I also feel like there are a few more things I should point out in here.

> - **I have tried guilds.** They just don't work. I've joined PvE, PvP, WvW, Casual and RP guilds. And they're always the same. There's always a bad apple who ruins the fun for everyone and doesn't matter if I try to be active amongst the people, I always end up being ignored or saved for the last resort. No one wants to do content with me, no one talks to me, no one answers my questions. That's why I only join guilds for their halls. Otherwise, their chat is kept mute.

> - **Anyone can complete achievements, maps and finish the story.** It's the basic concept of the game; there is nothing remotely special about it. I just sank time into it.

> - **I'm not trying to be the best.** I am fully aware that this will never be an option, but I want to be above average at best. I want to be able to do things with success instead of failing them over and over again. It's tiresome and it affects the overall enjoyment of the game and my self-esteem. I am tired of being a liability and struggling to defeat an enemy. I follow guides, I study my build... to the point where I can spend months working around it.

> - **The in-game community is awful.** I don't care what people say, but this is the truth to me. The in-game community is one of the worst online communities I have ever seen in any video-game that I have touched. The people are cruel, manipulative, selfish, rude and self-self-absorbed. I've lost track of a number of people I met in this game that I once considered to be friends that only ended up treating me like garbage. Allow me to provide an example. I met someone who I thoroughly enjoyed talking to. We'd spend our time chatting everyday and playing together in all sorts of modes for over a year. When my usefulness ender, the person dropped contact with me and was quick to find a replacement. We haven't talked ever since. There were also others here and there. There was this another player who I befriended, and we were getting along just fine, but then this person's attitude towards me only kept decreasing. Even though I supported said player and helped him out when I had to, it got to a point where I was invited for a dungeon run by him and his friends only to end up being kicked before the boss died. There was also another player who actually harassed and stalked me and other few contacts that I had in the game. I could just keep going and going with numerous examples.

> - **I have tried Fractals.** I do admit that they were fun at the start, but again... the people are not. Since no one cares to join me, I use the LFG. And the randoms that join are no better than being alone. They're mutes; there's no communication and they ragequit at the first sight of a problem. It's obnoxious.

> - **It doesn't matter how broken a class is, I can't use it.** People have dumped me in the past because I was such a drag-down for their own gameplay. That's just how bad I am. And to answer what some asked: No. I'm not having fun.

> - **Nothing feels rewarding.** Everything feels like a chore, just another step in this whole grinding business. It's exhausting to work so hard towards a certain goal and feel empty when it's finally completed.

> - **The lack of attention from the developers themselves.** This might be just me, but over the years I've noticed some changes done by the company that actually turned the game down to the worse. It feels like they don't care about Guild Wars as much as they did back at the start.


> I honestly think it'd be better for me to just leave than to keep dragging this issue down the road and waste everyone's time with my pettiness. There's just no point to it anymore.


I am beginning to feel the same...I work nightshifts and on my day-off I spend it with my wife so I mostly play mornings. You have accomplished more than me though, I only do fractals t4 not even bothering with CM because people will not take a new guy unless it is a training run which I haven´t seen in LFG ever on my game time. I´ve tried PVP just to get some rewards everyday, planned on gearing up another character but I cannot seem to get into it because I feel like it is a chore... I had fun with fractals, now I feel like I am forcing myself to do it.

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The thing with PvP, is that there is always going to be someone better then you.. accept that.


Play for Fun... just the way it is. It's game, enjoy it for what it is.


But I will suggest Trove, it'as a fun time kill... an a nice break from GW2. Play a Candybarb, and remember.. they are a tank.. not a glass cannon.

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> @Riddle.2714 said:

> > @Etterwyn.5263 said:

> > As a casual who has a family, works 44-60 hours per week, and wants my play time to be relaxing, I live by these 5 rules:

> >

> > 1) Play Necro, since they are almost unkillable in PVE.

> > 2) Don't PVP.

> > 3) Don't PVP.

> > 4) Don't PVP.

> > 5) Don't PVP.

> >

> > Works wonders for me.


> ^This works for me too. Especially 3 & 5.



Hey!!! Me too!! Except my list looks like:


2) Don't PVP.

3) Don't dungeon.

4) Don't fractal.

5) Don't raid.

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> @RandomWolf.3986 said:

> Bit off-topic here, but it's been discussed again and again that a new race won't be implemented into the game for numerous reasons, including:

> - New animations, including new idles, emotes and facial expressions;

> - New body rig and skeleton;

> - Two new voice-actors who are meant to record new and old dialogue, including the Story instances, Dungeons and live-content.

> - Adapt several body structures to armor and weapons;

> - Apply changes to existing content to have certain NPCs treat your character by their respective race;

> - ArenaNet would have to create a share of new starting area just for this race. Each race has their own starting area and their own set of maps which their Personal Story tale throughout the game;

> - And many, many more...


> Just thought you should know instead of holding out to false hope. I used to believe that Season 1 was going to make a debut, but it's not.



Have had this discussion many times so everything you listed I've heard and discussed before. The long and short of it has always been "It's not that a new race *won't* be implemented because of those things but rather limit what they *could* add at a given time depending on how they allocate resources". Telling me that there won't be a new race implemented is synonymous with telling Anet they are incapable of adding a new race. But regardless, it's no skin off my back since I have plenty of game to mess with with my handful of characters. If the game were to expand to add more races, that would just mean even more newness for me to enjoy. The feeling is akin to a child enjoying simple stuff like a playground or jungle gym while an adult no longer gets any or the same joy from such simple things and it's always the adult who feels envy.

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I think we can all get this way. My husband changed his work schedule, so our usual 5 man get together on Wed evenings was deep sixed. Now, he is stuck with me, his wife. He likes to do PvP, WvW and wants to do fractals. But, we now have no group anymore, and I am terrible at PvP and not much better at WvW. I play core berserker ranger and won't change. I have some foibles (keyboard driver), that mean I will never be good at some things. My husband has to put up with me. A break can be a good thing. When we realize all we are doing is Teq and the dailies, it's time for a good hard look at why we are still playing.

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> @RandomWolf.3986 said:

> First of all, I want to thank most of your for the kind words and general support. I only wish I could find people like that in-game. I also feel like there are a few more things I should point out in here.

> - **I have tried guilds.** They just don't work. I've joined PvE, PvP, WvW, Casual and RP guilds. And they're always the same. There's always a bad apple who ruins the fun for everyone and doesn't matter if I try to be active amongst the people, I always end up being ignored or saved for the last resort. No one wants to do content with me, no one talks to me, no one answers my questions. That's why I only join guilds for their halls. Otherwise, their chat is kept mute.


You must realize that people are exactly like you, they have their own business, they have their own objectives, and they also want to have fun. For me, they way to maintain a decent conversation while playing is through vocal programs, you just can't type and play at the same time, and most people want to play when they log in. Imo, the solution is to find people that have the same schedule than yourself and set some recurrent activity : every sunday, 20:00, guild missions, every tuesday, 21:00, bounty hunt. Then everybody joins the vocal, and you can chat while playing.

But never expect to just log-in, and that people are suddenly interested in what you want to do, chances are they're already in the middle of something.


> - **Anyone can complete achievements, maps and finish the story.** It's the basic concept of the game; there is nothing remotely special about it. I just sank time into it.


You should value dedication and investment more. Yes, everybody can do it. Still, not everybody does it, and certainly not in the same way. It will be as special as you make it.


> - **I'm not trying to be the best.** I am fully aware that this will never be an option, but I want to be above average at best. I want to be able to do things with success instead of failing them over and over again. It's tiresome and it affects the overall enjoyment of the game and my self-esteem. I am tired of being a liability and struggling to defeat an enemy. I follow guides, I study my build... to the point where I can spend months working around it.


On the flip side, you shouldn't invest too much emotionally. Above average is super tricky to evaluate, being more successful than failing is certainly not a good metric, seeing as very good PvP or McM players have success rates that range from 55 to 65%. You must realize that when it comes to competitive modes, above average is not "I win above 50% of my matches", no, that is already for pretty good players.


> - **The in-game community is awful.** I don't care what people say, but this is the truth to me. The in-game community is one of the worst online communities I have ever seen in any video-game that I have touched. The people are cruel, manipulative, selfish, rude and self-self-absorbed. I've lost track of a number of people I met in this game that I once considered to be friends that only ended up treating me like garbage. Allow me to provide an example. I met someone who I thoroughly enjoyed talking to. We'd spend our time chatting everyday and playing together in all sorts of modes for over a year. When my usefulness ender, the person dropped contact with me and was quick to find a replacement. We haven't talked ever since. There were also others here and there. There was this another player who I befriended, and we were getting along just fine, but then this person's attitude towards me only kept decreasing. Even though I supported said player and helped him out when I had to, it got to a point where I was invited for a dungeon run by him and his friends only to end up being kicked before the boss died. There was also another player who actually harassed and stalked me and other few contacts that I had in the game. I could just keep going and going with numerous examples.


Too bad you don't care. :anguished: I can only answer with my own experience with several other MMORPGs, but GW2 has dedicated teams and tools for the community, something I've seldom seen in other games, and I've played Wow, Rift, Aion, Lotro, DDO, Swotor, and Wildstar. Even in Lotro, which has arguably a better community, you don't have that level of organisation in order to help the players reach multiplayer goals. As for your example, while I agree they're sad and disheartening stories, they're nothing uncommon in my experience. But I think you interpret wrongly what happened on the opposite side. Imagine that you'll take a break from GW2, would you go through your whole contact list to tell everyone you're making a break and you don't know how long it'll last? The only way to keep contact for a long period of time with online friend is if you make breaks at the same time and play to the same games during those breaks (or if you don't make breaks at all, of course). My advice : take them as they come and as they go, if you find people to play with on a regular base, great! If they leave, just put them in a little spot in your mind. If they never come back, too bad, if they come back, great again, you'll have things to discuss about how the game evolved, about what each one has been doing, etc, etc...


> - **I have tried Fractals.** I do admit that they were fun at the start, but again... the people are not. Since no one cares to join me, I use the LFG. And the randoms that join are no better than being alone. They're mutes; there's no communication and they ragequit at the first sight of a problem. It's obnoxious.


People being mute is not a reason to be mute yourself =). I always make jokes and funny comments in fractals, I usually don't get answers, but sometimes I do and we have a great time (while I'll admit that it's generally 3-4 people talking and laughing, and probably 1-2 people just wanting for things to move on, but hey, if they don't say anything, why care about them? =D) Also, with fractals as they are now, ragequiters are hardly a problem, you'll find people to finish the fractal in minutes. That is, provided you don't do T4 fractals, in which case, stick to regular groups, or steel yourself.


> - **It doesn't matter how broken a class is, I can't use it.** People have dumped me in the past because I was such a drag-down for their own gameplay. That's just how bad I am. And to answer what some asked: No. I'm not having fun.


Simple, if you don't want to be dumped, don't put yourself in a situation where you'd be dumped. Avoid competitive content, or do it with like-minded people.


> - **Nothing feels rewarding.** Everything feels like a chore, just another step in this whole grinding business. It's exhausting to work so hard towards a certain goal and feel empty when it's finally completed.


It's a game, you're killing your free time with it, it'll always be superficial and useless. If you don't enjoy the grind, don't play the grind. If you don't enjoy the journey in itself, it's simply not worth it.


> - **The lack of attention from the developers themselves.** This might be just me, but over the years I've noticed some changes done by the company that actually turned the game down to the worse. It feels like they don't care about Guild Wars as much as they did back at the start.


Without precise examples, I'd say "nostalgia goggles". The game has changed, sometime in a good way, sometime in a bad way. Overall, I'd say it has stayed reasonably on track. Especially when I see the evolution of other games (stop adding new systems that I'll never have the time to explore, Lotro! Stop the exponential gear progression, Wow! Why, whyyyyyyyyy?)


> I honestly think it'd be better for me to just leave than to keep dragging this issue down the road and waste everyone's time with my pettiness. There's just no point to it anymore.


It's up to you. In the end, the important thing is to have fun. If you feel GW2 is no longer for you, just leave. There are thousands and thousands other games out there. Just remember that GW2 will always wait for you, unlike pretty much every other MMORPGs I've played.

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> @Myhr.9108 said:

> Too bad you don't care. :anguished: I can only answer with my own experience with several other MMORPGs, but GW2 has dedicated teams and tools for the community, something I've seldom seen in other games, and I've played Wow, Rift, Aion, Lotro, DDO, Swotor, and Wildstar. Even in Lotro, which has arguably a better community, you don't have that level of organisation in order to help the players reach multiplayer goals. As for your example, while I agree they're sad and disheartening stories, they're nothing uncommon in my experience. But I think you interpret wrongly what happened on the opposite side. Imagine that you'll take a break from GW2, would you go through your whole contact list to tell everyone you're making a break and you don't know how long it'll last? The only way to keep contact for a long period of time with online friend is if you make breaks at the same time and play to the same games during those breaks (or if you don't make breaks at all, of course). My advice : take them as they come and as they go, if you find people to play with on a regular base, great! If they leave, just put them in a little spot in your mind. If they never come back, too bad, if they come back, great again, you'll have things to discuss about how the game evolved, about what each one has been doing, etc, etc...


I could honestly name you a few more. There's just so many bad experiences that have happened over the last two years. I used to hold some people close. I used to talk to them almost everyday, even take part in things that were not related to this game. I played some other games with some players, even added them in social media. I had my own group of friends and other people I'd ocasionally talk to online. They all abandoned me at the end; some stopped caring, others left without a word and others just... used me. They saw me as a tool and then used me for their own purposes. And that's a really shitty thing to do. Whenever I took a break in the past I always made sure to let people know. I'm just tired of being alone and getting myself into bad stiuations with other players almost every single day.

- I once did very poorly at a PvP match and got my chat full with hate from both teams.

- I spent said two years playing with someone that was pretty much my mentor. He showed me the ropes for the game and we became rather clse. Then he just lost interest.

- I get insulted by taking part in the creative side of the community. By making fan-made videos and fan-trailers people have shown disgust and hatred towards said projects online, being one of these platforms reddit.

- The roleplaying community has dragged me into needless drama and I have come across some really shady and disgusting people.

- I have tried to assume the mentor role. I tried to help out new players and all I got from them was sass and general bad behaviour.


It's honestly gotten to a point where I'm genuinely avoiding the other players at this point. I used to treat this community with such high regard and actually believe that it was one of the best online communities out there. Other MMOs that I played had pretty quiet and stale communities. I actually enjoyed SWTOR because the NPCs were enough to make the world feel alive.


Edit: And I went on to ramble again, apologies. I get what you meant and what you tried to do. I believe it's about time to let this thread die however. Once again, thanks for what most people said. As mentioned before, it's refreshing.

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OP who makes the rules about what is rewarding or successful in this game? You make the rules. Sounds like you are very successful to me. If you want to play a class that has a lot of survivabilty play a guardian with soldiers gear or a necro. Keep your chin up!

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Hey, OP! It sounds to me as though you need a big old hug, a nice warm cup of tea and a sit down. :)


If the only thing keeping you playing is how much money or time you've spent on the game, it's a clear sign a break - long, short or permanent - is needed. If it's not fun, why do this thing? It's your time, it's up to you to make the most of it, so do something you find worthwhile or fun or both. This game doesn't sound as if it currently fits any of that for you, so don't do it.


I'm someone who gets bored of grind and feels it to be steeped in ennui, and to lighten it up I will go back to Skyrim for the sheer joy of climbing up as far as I can and falling off again (it's a sickness, really). I also play The Sims, generally as a builder. I find pandering to my inner architect quite rewarding, and as it's part of who I am, it deserves attention. I'm due a GW2 break (planned for after Wintersday), so I expect to find me designing more buildings and faffing over the gables whilst knowing only I will ever see what I do (I do not share).


I hope you find something that makes you content and happy, OP. Good luck, and take this with you: <3


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To be honest, there's only one factor that is important when playing a game, and that is whether or not you're having fun or being entertained. The game is not a career or educational institution where the goal is to excel or be "productive", though that will often come as a natural byproduct from simply playing and having fun.


If the game is no longer entertaining for you, then I'd question if there's a reason to play it to begin with. If you still feel compelled to play despite not having fun, then it may be that you're simply addicted to it, and so you continue despite finding no joy in it anymore. I've dealt with similar issues before, game addiction is a real and serious problem, and often times you have to take a step back and rethink things, and ask yourself a few pertinent questions in order to find a way forward.


If the main issue is the community, however, then I'd suggest finding a few like minded friends in the game and forming a small guild. The reason I mention a small guild is because larger guilds with lots of clashing personalities can often contain a lot of drama, or you might get a sense of indifference from them because you are just another number fighting to be noticed. You don't need a lot of people to enjoy the community in a game, you just need a few players who you enjoy being with.


Lastly, you shouldn't look at the failure to overcome certain obstacles as a negative all the time. Challenge is often what makes a game fun, so rather than looking at a loss or defeat as something to feel down about, take joy in the challenge of overcoming something you couldn't before. Don't be afraid of defeat. I remember when Halloween first came out and the Clock Tower was new, I did it many, many, many times, failing every single time, before I eventually got it right. I remember players using the cry emote in the starting area because of how hard it was. I remember all the jokes we made about it, and how something that might have been seen as a negative became something funny and in turn became a fond memory. Now, when doing the Clock Tower in the current Halloween, I've only failed to reach the top once out of all my attempts. I went from a 100% failure rate to a 99% success rate. It just goes to show how even if you fail at something numerous times at first, if you just keep at it you will eventually excel.

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