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Eu Server aren´t full but anet say´s they are full


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Here is the thing: if you have to face a server with queue on all maps, you can prepare yourself to have a week full of frustration and wipes. But the game is unplayable if everyone has a full map blob (5+ seconds delay on skills). It's a dilemma.


I don't know, but maybe some people should just take a break from gw2, enjoy something else and check back from time to time to see if anything has improved.

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> @illenos.5134 said:

> Here is the thing: if you have to face a server with queue on all maps, you can prepare yourself to have a week full of frustration and wipes. But the game is unplayable if everyone has a full map blob (5+ seconds delay on skills). It's a dilemma.


> I don't know, but maybe some people should just take a break from gw2, enjoy something else and check back from time to time to see if anything has improved.


I believe this is the best option, considering the circumstances. I also believe this is what most WvWers do when faced with matchups. That includes them being curbstomped all week via numbers and coverage. Which in turn also bleeds out players faster from WvW.

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Full probably doesn't mean how many players are online at the same time but rather how many players are online during a certain time period, my home server is full for example and I imagine that is due to the fact that we have a lot of players loggin in to wvw during the night, it's alway fun to log in at morning and see that all maps are basically ours (Just to watch while we loose everything during daytime :) )

Anyway, I am absolutely not sure how exactly they determine weather a server is full or not but I am sure that it works as intended. (Since, you know, they earn money for people transfering between servers ;) )

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  • 4 weeks later...

Again, where is the logic behind this?

These are all linked, or higher Tier servers. Desolation is moving between T4-5 and it really is getting boring, getting screwed by the system.

That's a server that isn't intentionally tanking, it's just stuck in those Tiers, because Anet locks it from transfers or a link.


![](https://i.imgur.com/8FPBccQ.jpg "")



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Instead of thinking of the worlds as "full," think of them as "closed". ANet uses "full" because they've used that term since launch, but since then, they've used it for more than just "the world has more active WvW players than capacity." Their goal is to keep some worlds closed until the population reduces due to attrition.


Further, there's no way that we, as players, can assess whether a world is "full" or just closed and labeled as full. We can only measure activity in limited ways for a limited time. We can see the size of the visible squads, but not of roamers (and there are almost always more roamers than we think). We see the queues (or lack thereof) when we're online, but have no idea if our world is close to queuing or far, if it has the more active population (unqueued) when we aren't online, or any of a number of ways in which we could perceive our own world to be low pop... without it actually being low pop.


Without accurate data and without good proxies for said data, we can't say if a world is high pop or not, even if it's our own.


tl;dr translate "full" into "closed, for balancing purposes."



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