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Is using a program to dodge/start autorun a bannable offense?


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I won't list the username but a certain user was spotted in Lunatic Inquisition over the course of a few days by some fellow Inquisition-loving players running at walls and occasionally dodging, seemingly AFK as they would never react to anything around them. Later on, after several of us discussed it in map chat, they contacted me in whisper and all but admitted to using a third party program to autorun and dodge while they were AFK. Every time they were seen in the game, their char would be running into a wall and dodging at the cooldown interval. Seeing as you can't just hold down 'v' to dodge repeatedly and have to press 'v' every time to dodge, a program would have to activate it each time. This is the same for turning autorun on after being teleported at the end of the game.


I'm fairly certain it's considered botting but figured I'd ask too. B)

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> Every time they were seen in the game, their char would be running into a wall and dodging at the cooldown interval.


Obviously botting.

Not sure if whispers screens could be useful to ANET ( i.e. i can say whatever i want to anybody, and there's no proof that i am not trolling, nor that could be the truth ), but if you have em it could be worth a shot ( no public shame cause it's not allowed by forum rules ).

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Just /report them for botting. Let ANet determine whether it's against the rules or not. If someone actually admits to using a 3rd party program to "play the game", then send that to ANet. Either via a [support ticket](https://help.guildwars2.com/anonymous_requests/new) or mail them at exploits@arena.net.


ANet never suspends or bans based on a report; they always investigate. Don't report people without a cause, but also don't worry about making an airtight case either; that's ANet's job, not ours.

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OP must be great to have at a party. The only time I report bots is if they're affecting my ability to play the game. In WoW I would report them for material/rep farming or farming AV back in the day when they have a competitive PvP ladder you had to climb as you rank up. In this game, I can't see how someone botting can affect me. Maybe by flooding the market with their ill-gotten gains but that would likely drive prices down.


Help me out here. What am I missing? If someone is botting, other than being against the rules, how does it affect me?

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I could go and pull the 'it's unfair' card since not everyone will play Inquisition for 12 hours straight, but life's not fair in general. It can impact the game if they are chosen to be the lunatic (happened twice during my session) which makes for a bit of a boring game but that's not much of a consequence since yay, free bags for those playing the legal way.


My point being is that it's against the rules to bot, whether it's autoaiming/attacking in PvP/WvW or to use a bot to dodge/autorun to AFK farm Inquisition. It would seem harmless to you but if they wouldn't get in trouble for something like this, it would make for a gray area for botting that could get ugly in a hurry.

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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> OP must be great to have at a party. The only time I report bots is if they're affecting my ability to play the game. In WoW I would report them for material/rep farming or farming AV back in the day when they have a competitive PvP ladder you had to climb as you rank up. In this game, I can't see how someone botting can affect me. Maybe by flooding the market with their ill-gotten gains but that would likely drive prices down.


> Help me out here. What am I missing? If someone is botting, other than being against the rules, how does it affect me?


Bots do things much more efficiently. They don't make mistakes if the programming is good. This means they on average make more gold than players playing by the rules. Which has an effect on the inflation rate.


The ones who bot while AFK could AFK in WvW and not lose their spot due to inactivity. Holding a spot for themselves instead of someone who is able to actively play right now.

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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> OP must be great to have at a party. The only time I report bots is if they're affecting my ability to play the game. In WoW I would report them for material/rep farming or farming AV back in the day when they have a competitive PvP ladder you had to climb as you rank up. In this game, I can't see how someone botting can affect me. Maybe by flooding the market with their ill-gotten gains but that would likely drive prices down.


> Help me out here. What am I missing? If someone is botting, other than being against the rules, how does it affect me?


I will help you out with what you are missing: You are an egocentric individual.

Only reporting someone if he negatively affects you says quite clearly "I am the most important one to me, I don't care about anyone else".

The rules were made so that players of this game play fairly, on equal terms, without cheating and without getting rewards they don't deserve (for example by "playing" a game of Inquisition and getting the rewards for it while actually being afk). Reporting this is the most obvious thing to do for anyone who cares about sticking to the rules which were made so that the game is not full of bots, cheaters and exploiters. Not reporting them when they don't affect you directly is like not reporting someone who commited a hit and run because the one who was hit was not you.

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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> OP must be great to have at a party. The only time I report bots is if they're affecting my ability to play the game. In WoW I would report them for material/rep farming or farming AV back in the day when they have a competitive PvP ladder you had to climb as you rank up. In this game, I can't see how someone botting can affect me. Maybe by flooding the market with their ill-gotten gains but that would likely drive prices down.


> Help me out here. What am I missing? If someone is botting, other than being against the rules, how does it affect me?


To add to what Shikigami said above, having players AFK in a PvP game mode does actually affect other players, in the sense that you are replacing someone who actually wants to participate properly and have fun, with someone who isn't interested at all. Replace five or ten players with such individuals and then suddenly the game mode no longer functions as intended, if at all. Now imagine said player started as the Inquisition. You'd have the player meant to be hunting you down, instead running into a wall and doing nothing productive, thus leaving the rest of the players trying to enjoy the game standing around scratching their heads.


If you can't see how that's not a good thing, I'm not sure what to say. Lol.

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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> OP must be great to have at a party. The only time I report bots is if they're affecting my ability to play the game. In WoW I would report them for material/rep farming or farming AV back in the day when they have a competitive PvP ladder you had to climb as you rank up. In this game, I can't see how someone botting can affect me. Maybe by flooding the market with their ill-gotten gains but that would likely drive prices down.


> Help me out here. What am I missing? If someone is botting, other than being against the rules, how does it affect me?



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