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Necromancer weapons need Buffs....


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ALL of them......


seriously the only weapon ability that actualy feels like its doing something is Axe 2.......... For reaper and core necro other weapons just feel like a weak filler.....


For scourge... they are just stat sticks.... i could run around and just Shade people to death... Torch cone burn is somewhat nice tough....


necromancer weapons are the MOST underwhelming weapons in the game....

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I feel like Scepter, Torch, and Warhorn are fine, but the rest, I would agree with you on.


Offhand dagger doesn't need much, just life force gain on one of the skills.

Focus needs the Regeneration boon on Reaper's Touch changed to something actually useful. Retaliation would be fun, but Fury and Protection are acceptable substitutes. Stability would be amazing.

Axe really just needs the second strike on Unholy Feast moved up to 33% or 50% health threshold.

Mainhand dagger I would add short bleeds onto the auto attack and reduce the cast time of Dark Pact to 3/4 second.

Greatsword, the third hit in the auto needs to be reduced to 3/4 second cast time and have its chill duration increased to 3 seconds.


Staff, I honestly don't know. I think the whole thing needs a rework, personally, but at bare minimum I would boost the auto to a 100% projectile finisher and boost its power coefficient to at least .8 (probably 1.0). Mark of Blood, Chillblains, and Reaper's Mark all need some significant buffs, too. Mark of Blood needs more bleed stacks (4 would probably be okay, if the duration doesn't change) Chillblains needs a shorter cooldown, and Reaper's Mark needs both a longer Fear and a shorter cooldown.

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Scepter need a second Lifeforce Generator besides Skill 3. Maybeo something like AA3 --> Gain 3% Life Force and additional X%, if you corrupt a boon or so.

But in general I think, Axe (except Unholy Feast, as Dranor mentioned), Warhorn and Focus as well as GS are in a not that bad position.

Staff could need some (much) love. But Dranor also mentioned XD. I agree with that kind of changes^^

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I would love to see focus 5 - Spinal Shivers to have it's damage values swapped so that it does more damage to boonless foes. We already have more then enough boon strip and this change would finally give us a valide power offhand for PvE, where almost nothing has boons. Chill of Death, the trait that cast this skill, should get same treatment of course.

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ALSO when playing other classes you constantly think on your builds and what weapon is good to go with...


this weap give Blocks

this immunes or both

or should i go with a weapon that gives me mobility

or maybe group utility


MEANWHILE as a necro the only real thing you look at mostly when decided on a weapon for your build is


this Does the most Power dmg

this Does the most Condi dmg


the end........


in short


Necros run around with a Kitchen knife

While other classes run with a Swiss Army knife.....

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Idk if crazy idea or not,


Make focus 4 only bounce between you and target foe, leash range 1200. Will pierce upto 3 additional foes. Increased travel cleave. 3vulnerability for 10 seconds. Regeneration changed to 3sec fury. Boonless foes take 100% more damage.


Focus 5 strips upto 3 boons from foe causing 1sec stun if 3 are removed. If target has no boons (checked after boon strip), you and nearby 5:allies 300 radius gain 25 might for 5sec while target foe and foes nearby target 300 radius gain 25 vulnerability for 5sec.

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I think, if they don't want to redesign staff completely, they should make the Auto have some kind of extra-special projectile interaction, or maybe its own "magic projectile" that had some unique effects. Standalone, it's just so bland and frankly, bad. But given how accessible fields are for Necro, and how underused projectile combo can be, I think it would be a cool theme.

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> ALSO when playing other classes you constantly think on your builds and what weapon is good to go with...

> this weap give Blocks

> this immunes or both

> or should i go with a weapon that gives me mobility

> or maybe group utility


> MEANWHILE as a necro the only real thing you look at mostly when decided on a weapon for your build is

> this Does the most Power dmg

> this Does the most Condi dmg

> the end........


Spot on.



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