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[Suggestion] Trashcan

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Hi People,

with Halloween currently running I have run repeatedly into an annoying issue, that I think many can share.

Whenever I want to toss multiple items at once, because I don't want stacks of toilet paper or Hellfire Skeleton Potions it is very annoiying to have to delete each item individually and confirm each delete.


I see why this has no Keybind or a similar QoL, because it's not supposed to be spammable or automatable very easily, since after all we're deleting items.


Now I want to propose a little QoL feature for this: The Trashcan.


When I open the Trashcan, a 10-15 slot bag opens. When I now shift-click an item it goes into the bag and vice-versa.

Nothing can be stored in this bag; when I hit Cancel everything goes back to their slot in my inventory.

Once I'm happy with what I want to toss, and hit Delete.

A window pops up that has me Type in a keyword for mass-delete (probably s.th. like "Confirm Delete"). Since I could also delete valuable items this way this is a safety measure to avoid accidental legendary destructions.

After deleting a batch of items the Trashcan goes on a 1-2 minute cooldown so it can't be spammed. I see it being unlikely for 15 slots to be short for mass-delete and if I need more i can still resort to individual delete, or just wait it out.


I think this will improve the game expierience for me and others a lot.



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> @Taygus.4571 said:

> They really should just make toilet paper and tonics that drop like crazy, grey items so that you could nust right click delete. They're not rare by any means...no big deal if you accidentally delete one.


I want this feature to be universal, not just for Halloween which is why i described it in such detail.

It would be a much greater effort to change all the Potions, Food items, Collection items, Obsidian Shards, etc. individually to fit into existing patterns like vendors (each 1c).

Also Junk rarity must never be given to an item that has any other use than being sold to a vendor.

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The reason for the restriction is to prevent people from accidentally deleting stuff they want. Every time someone suggests, "but why would you ever want this?"... there's always someone who does. There's no question that a lot of stuff is misclassified (e.g. give a vendor value to one-use finishers and one-use tonics) and they could probably use another category or two (e.g. delete OK if collection completed or transform after collection completed), but that doesn't mean the concept is unsound. People really do accidentally delete stuff and it's a support nightmare for ANet to fix it.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The reason for the restriction is to prevent people from accidentally deleting stuff they want. Every time someone suggests, "but why would you ever want this?"... there's always someone who does. There's no question that a lot of stuff is misclassified (e.g. give a vendor value to one-use finishers and one-use tonics) and they could probably use another category or two (e.g. delete OK if collection completed or transform after collection completed), but that doesn't mean the concept is unsound. People really do accidentally delete stuff and it's a support nightmare for ANet to fix it.


~~Make everything need to be typed out to delete it. Everything.~~

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The reason for the restriction is to prevent people from accidentally deleting stuff they want. Every time someone suggests, "but why would you ever want this?"... there's always someone who does. There's no question that a lot of stuff is misclassified (e.g. give a vendor value to one-use finishers and one-use tonics) and they could probably use another category or two (e.g. delete OK if collection completed or transform after collection completed), but that doesn't mean the concept is unsound. People really do accidentally delete stuff and it's a support nightmare for ANet to fix it.


In german we even have a Word for this: DAU (Dümmster anzunehmender User; rough translation: Dumbest forseeable User) Especially in Software engineering it's used as a reminder to make ones systems as waterproof as possible and especially handle false inputs and misuse without (completely) breaking. The lightest versions of this are "UNDO" buttons. Some of the harder are the Type-out-to-delete systems.

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> @hornswroggle.8023 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > The reason for the restriction is to prevent people from accidentally deleting stuff they want. Every time someone suggests, "but why would you ever want this?"... there's always someone who does. There's no question that a lot of stuff is misclassified (e.g. give a vendor value to one-use finishers and one-use tonics) and they could probably use another category or two (e.g. delete OK if collection completed or transform after collection completed), but that doesn't mean the concept is unsound. People really do accidentally delete stuff and it's a support nightmare for ANet to fix it.


> In german we even have a Word for this: DAU (Dümmster anzunehmender User; rough translation: Dumbest forseeable User) Especially in Software engineering it's used as a reminder to make ones systems as waterproof as possible and especially handle false inputs and misuse without (completely) breaking. The lightest versions of this are "UNDO" buttons. Some of the harder are the Type-out-to-delete systems.


TIL auf Deutsch, "user" ist "User"


Yeah, ANet's stuck on this. When they make it easier for people to delete stuff, Support gets more tickets. When they make it too hard, impatient players (including myself) get up in arms about it.


I think they could do a lot better about preventing the issue (below), but that wouldn't include adding a trashcan; that just transfers the issue into a new set of mechanics and problems. Some people are still going to delete stuff and ignore all the warnings.


What I'd like to see them do is be explicit in all collection items: it should always say if it's required for later (or if it's not). Things that can be destroyed should have a vendor value, so they can be sold rather than deleted. Things that can be traded or forged should have a simple warning, "are you sure you want to delete?" After doing all of that, the only items that remain should be gem shop purchases, everlasting tonics, gizmos, and other sorts of one-of-a-kind items. Stuff that you really wouldn't want to delete.

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I simply support this.

Everythign, of QoL features, which makes Inventory Management easier and more comfortable, or just quicker, will always a good implement for this game and will help in making GW2 a much better game and as such, should get a high priority to be added to the game.


Then theres this debate here, what is again "too simple" for the dumbest person ever playing this game, which is the reason, why in fact the beginner regions of this game got so dumbed down ,that even infantile chimps could play this game blindly, but thats an other discussion.. howev,er if ever anyone deletes somethign with the help of a simplyfied deletion system, like a trashcan feature, then its THEIR OWN PERSONAL FAULT.

People have two god damn EYES in their heads - USE THEM - and I have heard, people have brains, which they should use first to think about it, what they want to delete out of their inventories..


If then even such deletion protection mechanics, like having to type in the names of items first for a deletion don't help, then I seriously don#t know, what even will help at all against the stupidity of some people *ponders*

What I just want to say with this is - Anet shouldn't stop from making this game better, more comfortable , easier and quicker to handle in regard of quality of life features, only because there are people out there, which make out of their craziest reasons for themself in a certain moment a fatal mistake, leading to them having to make a support ticket to make hopefulyl for them this fatal mistake undone. thats just natural, its human. People make mistakes, and people making mistakes should never becoem a reason to make not a game better, when it cane be potentialyl made alot better in many quality of life aspects

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> @Galmac.4680 said:

> And please remove that "type that name in" confirmation for that halloween stomps. I have other stomp animations and don't want to reset it after consuming that halloween stomps.


The thing is that Limited-use-finishers are also a gemstore Item, and those must have the Name-to-delete property, because someone could toss an Item with real world value.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > The reason for the restriction is to prevent people from accidentally deleting stuff they want. Every time someone suggests, "but why would you ever want this?"... there's always someone who does. There's no question that a lot of stuff is misclassified (e.g. give a vendor value to one-use finishers and one-use tonics) and they could probably use another category or two (e.g. delete OK if collection completed or transform after collection completed), but that doesn't mean the concept is unsound. People really do accidentally delete stuff and it's a support nightmare for ANet to fix it.


> ~~Make everything need to be typed out to delete it. Everything.~~


Wash your mouth with soap!

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> I simply support this.

> Everythign, of QoL features, which makes Inventory Management easier and more comfortable, or just quicker, will always a good implement for this game and will help in making GW2 a much better game and as such, should get a high priority to be added to the game.


> Then theres this debate here, what is again "too simple" for the dumbest person ever playing this game, which is the reason, why in fact the beginner regions of this game got so dumbed down ,that even infantile chimps could play this game blindly, but thats an other discussion.. howev,er if ever anyone deletes somethign with the help of a simplyfied deletion system, like a trashcan feature, then its THEIR OWN PERSONAL FAULT.

> People have two god kitten EYES in their heads - USE THEM - and I have heard, people have brains, which they should use first to think about it, what they want to delete out of their inventories..


> **If then even such deletion protection mechanics, like having to type in the names of items first for a deletion don't help, then I seriously don#t know, what even will help at all against the stupidity of some people** *ponders*

> What I just want to say with this is - Anet shouldn't stop from making this game better, more comfortable , easier and quicker to handle in regard of quality of life features, only because there are people out there, which make out of their craziest reasons for themself in a certain moment a fatal mistake, leading to them having to make a support ticket to make hopefulyl for them this fatal mistake undone. thats just natural, its human. People make mistakes, and people making mistakes should never becoem a reason to make not a game better, when it cane be potentialyl made alot better in many quality of life aspects


That's the thing: nothing will ever truly hinder anyone from "accidentally" deleting valuable items, And customer service can refund such Items.

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. Not quite sure about the universe though.


I find the systems in place right now to be very solid. On Items like Terrace Pass, Airship Pass, etc. Use and Delete are right atop each other, I've misclicked more than once, but I literally can't press the wrong button and of course I cancel.

I've Just thought of a system that can help a little bit against Inventory Wars 2, especially on Halloween, without undermining the well-thought-out systems in place.

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