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legendary armor

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can we pls don't say we can clear 13 boss a week to newbie. because this msg pass to those who doesn't do pve raids, they think it is easy to get leg armor and get upset. they have no idea the pain and plenty of mental challenge that raiders has to go through to be able to get to where we are. it isn't a simple maths calculation that says. 13 li a week, 150li/13 = 12 weeks approximately for a set of legendary armor. No. it isn't 12 weeks to get a legendary armor. you have to build up from scratch if you haven't done raids. it takes weeks months or even a year before you can get a nice full clear each week depending on how much effort and time you put into raids.

that's all I have to say :)

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> @Talindra.4958 said:

> can we pls don't say we can clear 13 boss a week to newbie. because this msg pass to those who doesn't do pve raids, they think it is easy to get leg armor and get upset. they have no idea the pain and plenty of mental challenge that raiders has to go through to be able to get to where we are. it isn't a simple maths calculation that says. 13 li a week, 150li/13 = 12 weeks approximately for a set of legendary armor. No. it isn't 12 weeks to get a legendary armor. you have to build up from scratch if you haven't done raids. it takes weeks months or even a year before you can get a nice full clear each week depending on how much effort and time you put into raids.

> that's all I have to say :)


I'm expecting that lol sounds fun and worth it in the end to make my necro look cool

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> @Talindra.4958 said:

> can we pls don't say we can clear 13 boss a week to newbie. because this msg pass to those who doesn't do pve raids, they think it is easy to get leg armor and get upset. they have no idea the pain and plenty of mental challenge that raiders has to go through to be able to get to where we are. it isn't a simple maths calculation that says. 13 li a week, 150li/13 = 12 weeks approximately for a set of legendary armor. No. it isn't 12 weeks to get a legendary armor. you have to build up from scratch if you haven't done raids. it takes weeks months or even a year before you can get a nice full clear each week depending on how much effort and time you put into raids.

> that's all I have to say :)


Which is why I added the last bit to my post about skill level. It all depends on how much personal time they are willing to invest in learning the encounters. The more skilled they are, the less time that it will take.

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> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > @Talindra.4958 said:

> > can we pls don't say we can clear 13 boss a week to newbie. because this msg pass to those who doesn't do pve raids, they think it is easy to get leg armor and get upset. they have no idea the pain and plenty of mental challenge that raiders has to go through to be able to get to where we are. it isn't a simple maths calculation that says. 13 li a week, 150li/13 = 12 weeks approximately for a set of legendary armor. No. it isn't 12 weeks to get a legendary armor. you have to build up from scratch if you haven't done raids. it takes weeks months or even a year before you can get a nice full clear each week depending on how much effort and time you put into raids.

> > that's all I have to say :)


> Which is why I added the last bit to my post about skill level. It all depends on how much personal time they are willing to invest in learning the encounters. The more skilled they are, the less time that it will take.


I know the path and what to do from videos I just am lacking in the group's not kicking me so far I've attempted for a month

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Well honestly, yes if you are absolutely new it would take 1 year. That's due to many reasons though, the primary people being inefficient about getting started.


Most new raiders go through the process of:

- deciding they might want to start raiding

- get 1 class ready for raids (hopefully with some advice and guides which make this effort not go to waste)

- watch some guides on youtube (or not, most are in the not boat I'd say)

- join random raid groups hoping they can tag along

- eventually start joining training runs to get some practice

- IF they enjoy raiding, they might join a raiding guild which takes and traines new raiders


Total Legendary Insights aquire so far, probably sub 10 or 20. Total time devote, probably 2-3 months or more.


I say, cut out the middleman, join a new player friendly raiding guild asap. In which case the process would go somewhat like this:

- get 1 class ready for raids

- participate in training runs with your guildies. take advice on what to watch or if at all

- get better at clearing more and more encounters

- get the first 150 legendary insights required for the first armor within around 6 months (estimating 6-7 LI per week eventually)


This is a MMO. It's ment to be played with other people. The fact that many players want to get legendary armor done by themselves without social interaction is a self-imposed limitation.

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  • 4 months later...

> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> can we pls don't say we can clear 13 boss a week to newbie. because this msg pass to those who doesn't do pve raids, they think it is easy to get leg armor and get upset. they have no idea the pain and plenty of mental challenge that raiders has to go through to be able to get to where we are. it isn't a simple maths calculation that says. 13 li a week, 150li/13 = 12 weeks approximately for a set of legendary armor. No. it isn't 12 weeks to get a legendary armor. you have to build up from scratch if you haven't done raids. it takes weeks months or even a year before you can get a nice full clear each week depending on how much effort and time you put into raids.

> that's all I have to say :)


But it is easy to clear all bosses every week. I teached someone with no kp or LI how to use chatcodes and he clears everything weekly now. He even did most cms that way already lol.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > can we pls don't say we can clear 13 boss a week to newbie. because this msg pass to those who doesn't do pve raids, they think it is easy to get leg armor and get upset. they have no idea the pain and plenty of mental challenge that raiders has to go through to be able to get to where we are. it isn't a simple maths calculation that says. 13 li a week, 150li/13 = 12 weeks approximately for a set of legendary armor. No. it isn't 12 weeks to get a legendary armor. you have to build up from scratch if you haven't done raids. it takes weeks months or even a year before you can get a nice full clear each week depending on how much effort and time you put into raids.

> > that's all I have to say :)


> But it is easy to clear all bosses every week. I teached someone with no kp or LI how to use chatcodes and he clears everything weekly now. He even did most cms that way already lol.


Not everyone can manage tho I did show two guys how to sneak in with good group and they did cm etc too and one actually recently did dhuum cm legit way .. but this two players started only few months ago .. they are players who are tough not bad.... not everyone is like that.

Also i don't encourage ppl use chat code :p

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I had many Wvw players who speaks so proudly that pve get leg skin and they don't. They somehow think it's so much easier to get leg skin pve than Wvw and said that it isn't fair. I just want to put point forward for them so that they actually understand, not everyone can get it. Only the tough one who can play the game gets it.

Are they ready for wipe over wipe? Can they pass the beginer test?

They are many many good PvP players.. I do think they deserve leg skin.. but you know what.. usually real PvP players don't care about skin.. they use the basic

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > can we pls don't say we can clear 13 boss a week to newbie. because this msg pass to those who doesn't do pve raids, they think it is easy to get leg armor and get upset. they have no idea the pain and plenty of mental challenge that raiders has to go through to be able to get to where we are. it isn't a simple maths calculation that says. 13 li a week, 150li/13 = 12 weeks approximately for a set of legendary armor. No. it isn't 12 weeks to get a legendary armor. you have to build up from scratch if you haven't done raids. it takes weeks months or even a year before you can get a nice full clear each week depending on how much effort and time you put into raids.

> > > that's all I have to say :)

> >

> > But it is easy to clear all bosses every week. I teached someone with no kp or LI how to use chatcodes and he clears everything weekly now. He even did most cms that way already lol.


> Not everyone can manage tho I did show two guys how to sneak in with good group and they did cm etc too and one actually recently did dhuum cm legit way .. but this two players started only few months ago .. they are players who are tough not bad.... not everyone is like that.

> Also i don't encourage ppl use chat code :p


I think most of the bad players are just lazy and not actually bad. Like doing facebook, reddit, tv whatever next to raiding. Otherwise I cannot explain why people fail the easiest mechanics all the time. Reading a guide / watching a video of your desired class for each encounter should stop anyone from being completly useless. Unless they are disabled maybe

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Won't call them bad players Id call them crying babies :p. And ppl with ego higher than mount Everest.. demand for leg armour skin .. they need to realise, obtaining leg armour can not just be participating in it. They need to learn the mechanic and be good. Current game play for PvP and Wvw.. need adjustment so they can include worthy leg armour skin collection to it. Pve leg armour isn't just grinding LI, but there is few sets of achievements and collections to complete. To be truly deserve the skin .. players should complete it and earn it.

And I totally support the making of leg armor skin for PvP n Wvw.. but it has to come with good achievement collections.. not just jump in pew pew over time you get it. Some worthy collections with nice ap.. :p

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I recently posted an attempt to rank the bosses based on difficulty. I will repost it here:


escort (wing 3)


mursaat overseer




keep construct


vale guardian

escort wing 5

statues wing 5





soulless horor



Realistically, anyone can do escort,trio,mo every week. That's 3 LI a week. So as far as time gating goes, absolute max would be 150/3 = 50 weeks, less than one year. If you are willing to put in some time and learn; gorse, samarog, cairn, keep construct are all very reachable. I think within 2 months you could reach a point where you kill them weekly. That is 7 LI per week pretty easy for a newbie.


So that would put you at 150/7 = = 21 weeks. 6 months accounting for the starting period roughly.


The problem still remains that in order to get legendary armor, you also need to kill vg twice, sabetha once, sloth once, matthias once, xera once, deimos once. But if you do one of these every 2 weeks, the time gating will still be the bulk LI.


A word of caution, to get legendary armor, the second collection requires you to do specific things in wing 4 fights. This part can be frustrating and require multiple weeks.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > @"czerwoni.9563" said:

> > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > Delete this. Realised it's an old post :p

> >

> > i still check my old posts lol


> :P. Realised I made enough noise before lol don't need another one..


na i was just curious how long it took people, i dont really care for the skin its the ease of stat changes i like. but atm all i have is zerker medium full ascended and a daredevil and ranger...still yet to find a group since the beginner groups require you to have 40 years of expert raid experience, and the one group i did find booted me half way through and sent me a message saying "haha noob you got booted cause you are noob" apparently my dps was 100 lower than the cap on qtfy so ya

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