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Legendary Masteries(?)

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Someone posted [this](

"this") on Reddit and asked about ideas for long-term, legendary masteries. I think it would be interesting and useful to expand on the Core Tyria masteries simply because those work on all maps and offer the most general utility (except for Griffon, it's just the best), here are some of the ideas I came up with:


-Explorer Mastery (unlocked by completing all maps), potentially broken into locations (Core Explorer, HoT Explorer, PoF explorer, etc): Gives 10% extra magic find in fully explored maps

-Combat Veteran Mastery: In Open-World areas only - gives an extra % damage vs enemies you've completed the Slayer achievements for

-Dungeoneer Mastery: If your character has completed all dungeons and/or done a certain number of dungeons, Dungeon token gains increase by 50%(?)

-Runner Mastery: If your character has traveled a certain distance on foot over its lifespan, it gains 10% movement speed in open-world content (similar to the speed gains in city maps with the pact mastery)

-Jumping Puzzle Mastery: If your character has completed all jumping puzzles in Core Tyria (since new JPs get added all the time its pointless to have this require JPs in new maps) you get a 25% fall damage reduction or something like that - in Open World content ONLY, adding this to WvW or something like that would be a huge problem


It's important that anything added like this should never ever supercede something else that exists in the game and that it doesn't alter instanced content in particular. I do really think some masteries should be based on achievements rather than just experience gains.


What are y'all's thoughts?

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Nothing of these suggestions is something, what I personalyl woudl ever consider to be worthy to call a "Legendary Mastery"


Why do we even have to have sonmething like Legendary Masteries? Are simple Mastereries just not enough?

The game isn't making even usage yet of the massive potential that just normal masterirs could add to this game. In the old forums I#ve listed up already several times, how many potential Masteries the gam is missing and what ANet kind of should have added already from begin on with HoT, to give the Mastewry System directly enough weight, so that people have enough things to do and that also in Core Tyria too, because especially with Core Tyria anet can use the Mastery System also very well to add with it alot of Quality of Life improvements that gets pack into the Mastery System as a form of character progression, that can revive also kind of the old maps, cause if you want to progress in the masteries, you have to play in the fitting maps so that the gained exp lets you progress on the region based masteries, like that you can progress on HoT based masteries only, when you play in HoT Maps, same as like you progress in the Moutn Masteries only, while you play on PoF Maps....


So adding alot of more Core Game Masteries from which also everyone and not just only expansion oweners have somethign is also a natural and easy way to revive the core maps, if you can progress on these masteries as lek with expansion based masteries only, while playing on the various core maps.



However, if there is something, that I'd consider eventually being some kind of "Legendary Mastery", if you ask me, then it would be something thats based on your equipment.


Like on the Crafting System, a Mastery, that builds upon having mastered first all Craftign Jobs, and with this I mean truly all, including Scribing, Jeweler and Chef to Job Level 500, becoming Grandmaster in the Job, which unlocks then the Access to the Legendary Mastery


"Legendary Creator"

Which unlocks for you then legendary Features, that should belong only to players, that have done the same legendary workload in the game, giving players which have done these thigns then some priviligious gameplay features, that aren't making them better ove other players, which don#t have also too this mastery - so it has to be visual fluff.


Legendary Creator I = **Weapon Fashionista**

Unlocks for you the Feature to Dye your Weapons by becoming able to craft "Weapon Dyes", which are sellable new Items you can use then onto Weapons to dye them with them. With the Introduction of this feature receive Weapons now also 1 to 4 Dye Slots like Armor whre ANet makes it possible to dye the weapons.

Excluded from this are Legendary Weapons and those Ascended Weapons that do already exist in all colors of the rainbow. Works otherwise only on normal weapons.

Unlocks for you also the Feature, to give your Equipment own individual unique Names, so that you can give your Weapons, Armor and Accessoires own Names, which underlie the same naming rules as like player character names do.


Legendary Creator II = **Skilled Designer**

Unlocks for the Player the Feature to craft for their Characters "as a Scribe "Skill Skin Tomes", which when used unlock for your Account unique Skill Skin Sets that allow you to change the style/theme and look of your Classes Weapon Skills, Utility Skilsl ect. like turning the looks of a Necromancer's Minios into something else, like turning the Bone Minion Rats into some more ferocious looking two Hellhounds for example, or changign the Look of the GW2 Flesh Golem into the GW1 Flesh Golem Design remastered for GW2 and so on ...


Legendary Creator III = **Charismatic Person**

Unlocks for the Player to craft legendary unique Aura Infusions that and change also the effects and colors from Foot Step Effects and Arm Auras from Legendary Weapons that you own. You don't like your Aurora Balls in pink? Then this legendary Mastery wil lhelp you out to bcome able to turn its colors into somethign else, or to eventually change its design into somethign else, that will orbit around you insteal of a pair of orbs, you could turn with this mastery the orbs maybe instead into a veil of many smaller twinkling stars or so to be coated practically in a rain of stardust :3 You get what I mean, this mastery could just extent basicalyl our options to make us more visually individual - thats what counts for me as aspect of a legendary mastery that improves the visuak aspects of the game.


Legendary Creator IV = **Mystic Rider**

Unlocks for you the ability to craft legendarys Mount Saddles, with that you can change your Mount Skin to the only way earnable Legendary Mount Skins there would be in the game, everything else only via gemstore. And it would be the only way to obtain unique special Racial Mount Skins, like Horses, for Humans, Motobikes for Charr, Animal Spirit Avatar Transforms for Norn, Hoverboards or Golem Mech Suits for Asuras and Thorn Wolves or Kirins for Sylvaris

Legendary Gryphon Skin = HoT Style Wyvern

Legendary Raptor Skin = Golden or Black Grand Choco ehm "Moa"

Legendary Springer Skin = Giant Frosh

Legendary Skimmer = Im no good with Skimmer Skin Ideas xD Just not my type of mount ^^

Legendary Jackal = Mistfire Wolf


Legendary Creator V = **Fabulous Player**

Unlocks a unique Card Collector Minigame for you, making it possible or you from now on to craft also "Cards" for your Card Deck with that you can play then against other players for one of their Cards similar to Triple Triad from FF8, but more stretegetical and well designed like Gwent from Witcher 3 with various types of Card Sets that have their own Play Styles. As a fabulous player, you will also want to participate, once you have enough cards for a complete Card Deck eventualy in Card Tournaments then agaisnt other players, which will be held among other legendary creators every few months, where players can earn prices, if they win these card playing touraments.

Players, which don't participate on these toruaments, can then make BETS out the outcome and eventually earn this way also too their money, by just making good bets on players. The first tournament will start, once there are enough players first in the game, which have become a rank 5 legendary creator, who has mastered this legendary mastery completely and has enough cards for a full deck to be able to participate in a tournament, who has also payed the "Entry Fee" to be able to participate in the tournament. The reward money is then practically the sum out of the entry fees minus some gold sink percentage that goes to the bank for to pay the poor npcs ;) They must live from somethign as well xD


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> @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > No more masteries.

> > Stop please.

> > Farm achievements instead.

> > At least them won't harm anybody.


> I'm not sure I'm understanding how masteries harm people


More farm.

If people requires farm, or simply something to do, it means that they feel Somehow bored.


When somebody reach that point, he should simply take a break from the game.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > No more masteries.

> > > Stop please.

> > > Farm achievements instead.

> > > At least them won't harm anybody.

> >

> > I'm not sure I'm understanding how masteries harm people


> More farm.

> If people requires farm, or simply something to do, it means that they feel Somehow bored.


> When somebody reach that point, he should simply take a break from the game.



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> @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > No more masteries.

> > > > Stop please.

> > > > Farm achievements instead.

> > > > At least them won't harm anybody.

> > >

> > > I'm not sure I'm understanding how masteries harm people

> >

> > More farm.

> > If people requires farm, or simply something to do, it means that they feel Somehow bored.

> >

> > When somebody reach that point, he should simply take a break from the game.


> Uhhhh...


Hmm... guess that farming skins and achievements, or playing just for fun, is a thing no more.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> > > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > > No more masteries.

> > > > > Stop please.

> > > > > Farm achievements instead.

> > > > > At least them won't harm anybody.

> > > >

> > > > I'm not sure I'm understanding how masteries harm people

> > >

> > > More farm.

> > > If people requires farm, or simply something to do, it means that they feel Somehow bored.

> > >

> > > When somebody reach that point, he should simply take a break from the game.

> >

> > Uhhhh...


> Hmm... guess that farming skins and achievements, or playing just for fun, is a thing no more.


No, just more how can you complain about farming then instantly turn around and recommend farming. Seems rather counter intuitive no ?

Like telling your kids fire is hot, but go ahead and put your hand on the stove anyway.

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As much as id like to see some more core tyria masteries... I'd also hate to see more of them, due to how annoying it is to get core tyria mastery points... before they add more core tyria masteries they should add more mastery points that eont require completing long achievement chains.

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > > @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> > > > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > > > No more masteries.

> > > > > > Stop please.

> > > > > > Farm achievements instead.

> > > > > > At least them won't harm anybody.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm not sure I'm understanding how masteries harm people

> > > >

> > > > More farm.

> > > > If people requires farm, or simply something to do, it means that they feel Somehow bored.

> > > >

> > > > When somebody reach that point, he should simply take a break from the game.

> > >

> > > Uhhhh...

> >

> > Hmm... guess that farming skins and achievements, or playing just for fun, is a thing no more.


> No, just more how can you complain about farming then instantly turn around and recommend farming. Seems rather counter intuitive no ?

> Like telling your kids fire is hot, but go ahead and put your hand on the stove anyway.


Try again.

Masteries are something which enhance the game, which are needed.

Skins and other things like achievements, Minis, legendary items and so on are no needed.


And you have my bless.

Farm as many of em as you want.


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> @Panda.1967 said:

> As much as id like to see some more core tyria masteries... I'd also hate to see more of them, due to how annoying it is to get core tyria mastery points... before they add more core tyria masteries they should add more mastery points that eont require completing long achievement chains.


Part of the thought is that they become achievement/accomplishment related rather than being tied to exp gain and mastery point collection

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> Nothing of these suggestions is something, what I personalyl woudl ever consider to be worthy to call a "Legendary Mastery"


> Why do we even have to have sonmething like Legendary Masteries? Are simple Mastereries just not enough?

> The game isn't making even usage yet of the massive potential that just normal masterirs could add to this game. In the old forums I#ve listed up already several times, how many potential Masteries the gam is missing and what ANet kind of should have added already from begin on with HoT, to give the Mastewry System directly enough weight, so that people have enough things to do and that also in Core Tyria too, because especially with Core Tyria anet can use the Mastery System also very well to add with it alot of Quality of Life improvements that gets pack into the Mastery System as a form of character progression, that can revive also kind of the old maps, cause if you want to progress in the masteries, you have to play in the fitting maps so that the gained exp lets you progress on the region based masteries, like that you can progress on HoT based masteries only, when you play in HoT Maps, same as like you progress in the Moutn Masteries only, while you play on PoF Maps....


> So adding alot of more Core Game Masteries from which also everyone and not just only expansion oweners have somethign is also a natural and easy way to revive the core maps, if you can progress on these masteries as lek with expansion based masteries only, while playing on the various core maps.

> ___


> However, if there is something, that I'd consider eventually being some kind of "Legendary Mastery", if you ask me, then it would be something thats based on your equipment.


> Like on the Crafting System, a Mastery, that builds upon having mastered first all Craftign Jobs, and with this I mean truly all, including Scribing, Jeweler and Chef to Job Level 500, becoming Grandmaster in the Job, which unlocks then the Access to the Legendary Mastery


> "Legendary Creator"

> Which unlocks for you then legendary Features, that should belong only to players, that have done the same legendary workload in the game, giving players which have done these thigns then some priviligious gameplay features, that aren't making them better ove other players, which don#t have also too this mastery - so it has to be visual fluff.


> Legendary Creator I = **Weapon Fashionista**

> Unlocks for you the Feature to Dye your Weapons by becoming able to craft "Weapon Dyes", which are sellable new Items you can use then onto Weapons to dye them with them. With the Introduction of this feature receive Weapons now also 1 to 4 Dye Slots like Armor whre ANet makes it possible to dye the weapons.

> Excluded from this are Legendary Weapons and those Ascended Weapons that do already exist in all colors of the rainbow. Works otherwise only on normal weapons.

> Unlocks for you also the Feature, to give your Equipment own individual unique Names, so that you can give your Weapons, Armor and Accessoires own Names, which underlie the same naming rules as like player character names do.


> Legendary Creator II = **Skilled Designer**

> Unlocks for the Player the Feature to craft for their Characters "as a Scribe "Skill Skin Tomes", which when used unlock for your Account unique Skill Skin Sets that allow you to change the style/theme and look of your Classes Weapon Skills, Utility Skilsl ect. like turning the looks of a Necromancer's Minios into something else, like turning the Bone Minion Rats into some more ferocious looking two Hellhounds for example, or changign the Look of the GW2 Flesh Golem into the GW1 Flesh Golem Design remastered for GW2 and so on ...


> Legendary Creator III = **Charismatic Person**

> Unlocks for the Player to craft legendary unique Aura Infusions that and change also the effects and colors from Foot Step Effects and Arm Auras from Legendary Weapons that you own. You don't like your Aurora kitten in pink? Then this legendary Mastery wil lhelp you out to bcome able to turn its colors into somethign else, or to eventually change its design into somethign else, that will orbit around you insteal of a pair of orbs, you could turn with this mastery the orbs maybe instead into a veil of many smaller twinkling stars or so to be coated practically in a rain of stardust :3 You get what I mean, this mastery could just extent basicalyl our options to make us more visually individual - thats what counts for me as aspect of a legendary mastery that improves the visuak aspects of the game.


> Legendary Creator IV = **Mystic Rider**

> Unlocks for you the ability to craft legendarys Mount Saddles, with that you can change your Mount Skin to the only way earnable Legendary Mount Skins there would be in the game, everything else only via gemstore. And it would be the only way to obtain unique special Racial Mount Skins, like Horses, for Humans, Motobikes for Charr, Animal Spirit Avatar Transforms for Norn, Hoverboards or Golem Mech Suits for Asuras and Thorn Wolves or Kirins for Sylvaris

> Legendary Gryphon Skin = HoT Style Wyvern

> Legendary Raptor Skin = Golden or Black Grand Choco ehm "Moa"

> Legendary Springer Skin = Giant Frosh

> Legendary Skimmer = Im no good with Skimmer Skin Ideas xD Just not my type of mount ^^

> Legendary Jackal = Mistfire Wolf


> Legendary Creator V = **Fabulous Player**

> Unlocks a unique Card Collector Minigame for you, making it possible or you from now on to craft also "Cards" for your Card Deck with that you can play then against other players for one of their Cards similar to Triple Triad from FF8, but more stretegetical and well designed like Gwent from Witcher 3 with various types of Card Sets that have their own Play Styles. As a fabulous player, you will also want to participate, once you have enough cards for a complete Card Deck eventualy in Card Tournaments then agaisnt other players, which will be held among other legendary creators every few months, where players can earn prices, if they win these card playing touraments.

> Players, which don't participate on these toruaments, can then make BETS out the outcome and eventually earn this way also too their money, by just making good bets on players. The first tournament will start, once there are enough players first in the game, which have become a rank 5 legendary creator, who has mastered this legendary mastery completely and has enough cards for a full deck to be able to participate in a tournament, who has also payed the "Entry Fee" to be able to participate in the tournament. The reward money is then practically the sum out of the entry fees minus some gold sink percentage that goes to the bank for to pay the poor npcs ;) They must live from somethign as well xD



While some of these would be nice, they are impossible. ANET has already stated that dyeing weapons is impossible within the games framework.


Unless you are thinking to add a legendary mastery track to each area (Core/HoT/PoF) I think tying something like this to a specific expansion is ill-conceived as it locks people out of it unless they pay for that particular expansion.


If a card game is introduced it should never be locked behind anything, least of all a gold barrier

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Although I completely agree with the OP, I have serious doubts these Mastery will be implemented. Why? Because until now we had completely useless masteries, some of them usable only once to gain access to a certain objective. The way to obtain these masteries had no relation with the mastery itself: Gain some Mastery points, then kill mobs/kill mobs/kill mobs for XP, then spend the Mastey Points.


The Masteries from this post are different - here you should do something related with the mastery to get the mastery and then this Mastery is useful in that field.

I think this is the major difference to the actual Masteries. And, taking into account the trend to make the Masteries as useless as possible and (if possible) with a single use, the OP suggestion seems like an insult to ANet vision of what a Mastery should be.


Sorry, OP - I salute your idea, is a good one. Unfortunately .... is a good one.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Try again.

> Masteries are something which enhance the game, which are needed.

> Skins and other things like achievements, Minis, legendary items and so on are no needed.


> And you have my bless.

> Farm as many of em as you want.


Technically none of the artificial longevity systems are needed. However, your still complaining about a grind either way and trying to justify one grind over the other. At the end of the day your still saying eww grinding unless its my favorite kind, it's hypocritical.


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