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Upcoming Balance Update

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  • ArenaNet Staff

A message from the Balance Team:


There seems to be some incorrect information and/or unfounded expectations surrounding the next balance update, so we’d like to shed a light on our plans:


The next balance update will not take place this week; it is scheduled to come out next week, on **November 7**. The release date still could change due to unforeseen circumstances or shenanigans beyond our control, but that is our plan right now.


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That's disappointing considering PoF and the new elites came out over a month ago and there's a good deal of bugs and broken skills in game.


Is it possible to get a preview of some changes for each class in the profession forums? Including expected bug fixes and balance changes so players can debate and provide early feedback if needed.

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> @psizone.8437 said:

> That's disappointing considering PoF and the new elites came out over a month ago and there's a good deal of bugs and broken skills in game.


> Is it possible to get a preview of some changes for each class in the profession forums? Including expected bug fixes and balance changes so players can debate and provide early feedback if needed.


No kidding. Does the team realize this glacial approach is not good? I sometimes wonder but we never hear from them about such things. Guess I expected to see a little more urgency in dealing with issues in PoF skills, some of which were discovered during the demo weekends. It's truly mind-boggling to me that we aren't really getting it. If anyone from A.net reads this thread then you all really need to be faster and more agile with this stuff than you are now. Taking the wait and see approach doesn't work in all cases and all cases should not be treated as if it does. It's not working for the player base... it's okay to take risks sometimes, put down the spreadsheets and try to be faster.

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I am glad that after all this time we get some sort of ETA for the balance patch and I hope it's a very significant patch and not the usual minor tweaking since the balance cycles are so spread out. I am honestly pretty jaded about the slow balancing right when an expansion drops (and there are so many outliers/underpowered things still).

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Here's hoping damage is toned down.


9+ burn stacks in 0.5 seconds from firebrand

15+ confusion stacks in 0.5 seconds from mirage

Full bar of conditions ft. 4 burning and 12 torment from scourge

10-20k damage death judgment

Holosmith requiring every single photon forge minimal cooldown abilities to be dodged or lose upwards of 4-6k health in 1 hit.

Spellbreaker being immortal, and by far the most forgiving, autopilot, easy mode spec / class ever released in the history of gw2


Weaver, Renegade and Soulbeast hold onto their buffs until these are toned down first.

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> @Lunateric.3708 said:

> > @Dyfinz.2348 said:

> > Can someone point me to the post that indicates when Season 9 starts, or are these event the same day?


> Yes, they are. The ranked button on your PvP panel in game has the date displayed.


Alright, thank you. Never noticed that lol.

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It's extremely frustrating that at this point we have had to wait over five weeks for necessary balance changes to be made to various specs. The fact that there has been zero communication about what changes are to be made and **when** is even worse.


Whilst anecdotal, I have seen friends leave the game purely because of how disappointing the post-release balance has been, and the lack of communication has only exasperated this. Extremely bad move considering the hype that PoF had built prior to its release.

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> @Kanto.1659 said:

> Sigh. Bugs that help players are fixed within the hour if need be. Bugs that hinder the player take between a month to three years.


Or specifically 5 years ,cannot for the life of me work out why I am so miffed with this umm its a game right?? and the company does care about it users?? oh wait no its ANET , bring on the Gem Store update.

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> @AngelsShadow.7360 said:

> It's extremely frustrating that at this point we have had to wait over five weeks for necessary balance changes to be made to various specs. The fact that there has been zero communication about what changes are to be made and **when** is even worse.


> Whilst anecdotal, I have seen friends leave the game purely because of how disappointing the post-release balance has been, and the lack of communication has only exasperated this. Extremely bad move considering the hype that PoF had built prior to its release.


I have seen that happen too, that doesn't mean I suddenly dislike the game of course but balance wise it has always been too slow and mysterious for my taste.

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Well there goes the 'hope' that we'll get a week to test before season starts. What happens if there's any major issues with the balance patch? Wait till season 9s over? Stealth fixes mid season? Heres 'hoping' its a good balance patch. Or is that just incorrect information/or unfounded expectations.

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> @Razor.6392 said:

> Here's hoping damage is toned down.


> 9+ burn stacks in 0.5 seconds from firebrand

> 15+ confusion stacks in 0.5 seconds from mirage

> Full bar of conditions ft. 4 burning and 12 torment from scourge

> 10-20k damage death judgment

> Holosmith requiring every single photon forge minimal cooldown abilities to be dodged or lose upwards of 4-6k health in 1 hit.

> Spellbreaker being immortal, and by far the most forgiving, autopilot, easy mode spec / class ever released in the history of gw2


> Weaver, Renegade and Soulbeast hold onto their buffs until these are toned down first.


Now now, lets hold up on the Scourge part, Scourge is far from, OP in PvE, that is, I think in PvE scourge could use some mercy damage wise, because damage falls off heavily after a certain point. I however do agree with the amount of boon conversion and clear that the scourge provides that in PvP yes in PvP only they could use some tweaking, but for the love of all necros, Scourge needs a buff in PvE.

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> @troops.8276 said:

> Well there goes the 'hope' that we'll get a week to test before season starts. What happens if there's any major issues with the balance patch? Wait till season 9s over? Stealth fixes mid season? Heres 'hoping' its a good balance patch. Or is that just incorrect information/or unfounded expectations.


I hope that "Can't balance in PvP season" excuse is gone. They shattered their own reasoning when they dumped an entire expansion worth of new unbalanced Elite Specs right into the middle of the last one. It carries no weight anymore to me and a lot of people once they did that.

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I share the sentiment most others feel here when people bring up the lack of transparency or discussion from developers with profession changes. It's 100% unreasonable to demand developers to be crystal clear with transparency, but the other extreme (no communication at all) is just as bad. I haven't seen one response from a developer within the Revenant forums about short-bow skills and potential changes, nor anything about Renegade stance.


I love this game, I love my revenant (regardless of balancing), but I would love to see some more interaction from the profession team. You don't need to give us all the details, but a glimpse into the minds of the developers can be more than enough to satisfy a lot of players.

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i would REALLY appreciate it, if you guys from arenanet would think about your announcements of whatever-patches are coming.

like literally every game besides gw2 has some communication and schedule that is freaking shared with the community.

i am really upset, that you guys can not just tell people what you are going to do - for many years now.

you have a good game here, many people love it, although there are many flaws.

the community has to guess every step you are doing - and is in most cases super upset because there has never been communication.


people from eve online (as an example) might be kinda "spoiled" in regards to dev to player communication. but for the sake of the game, speak to the community more often and invilve them more. explain why certain things won't happen and what your ideas are.


anyways, thanks for the clear statement towards when the next balance patch is happening. its late - but it is there!



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> @Amiron.1067 said:

> I share the sentiment most others feel here when people bring up the lack of transparency or discussion from developers with profession changes. It's 100% unreasonable to demand developers to be crystal clear with transparency, but the other extreme (no communication at all) is just as bad. I haven't seen one response from a developer within the Revenant forums about short-bow skills and potential changes, nor anything about Renegade stance.


> I love this game, I love my revenant (regardless of balancing), but I would love to see some more interaction from the profession team. You don't need to give us all the details, but a glimpse into the minds of the developers can be more than enough to satisfy a lot of players.


Personally I don't think that's it. More there's a lack of faith that the balance patches will be meaningful or timely. At least for the PvP community.

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