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Upcoming Balance Update

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Well issues happen and balance patch gets postponed, happens...

I would like a week before the next PvP season start to let meta settle in, bugs get fixed or too OP stuff tuned down, but I guess we will just have a season with balance patch at start with no practice, no preparation time and have chaos until meta settles, at least won't be worse then having an entire expansion dropped mid season with unbalanced specs, that made PvP really unfun towards the end of last season with war, necro, guard comps only being viable.


I'm just tired at this point and saying as someone who PvPs and PvEs, at least fix stuff mid seasons now, can't really worse then having expack dropped mid season. Know people don't care about PvP, don't blame them, just a shame what has happened lately, just a shame...

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Oh, so next week we get the changes the community was asking for since the PoF beta? And the changes are rolling out at the same time as the new pvp season? Which looks to have new solo queue restrictions added in to normalize an even greater percentage of the population into a pile of Plat 1s? Hype!

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> @Vagrant.7206 said:

> Can I ask why exactly the next season and the balance patch are going to land on the same day? It makes no sense.


If there was a history of top notch good balance patches and super quick, resounding tweeks to any problems then it could conceivably be an exciting thing. Like waking up on Christmas morning. But if all you ever get for Christmas is utter garbage, two months late and a kick in the teeth then it wont be. Or in other words, idd.

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> @Xcorpdog.2840 said:

> > @kKagari.6804 said:

> > Can we at least get a change list to discuss now?


> Odds are they aren't finished, so they wont want to talk about them.



That makes no sense though. You'd think something in the development cycle would be planned ahead of time, and a deadline they aim to reach, not just them doing as much as they can then writing up the notes on patch day.

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This better be a doozy. I uh. I haven't even bothered touching the Halloween event, was kind of hoping the patch would drop before it ended, so I could make up my mind and maybe dig in to the Lab before it's gone for another year. Guess I'll just get to find out in 7 more days if coming back for PoF was a mistake or not. Trying and failing to not get my hopes up, since I want to like this game so hard, but history has shown that balance isn't Anet's forte (at least in GW2, not sure how they did it so well in GW1 sans outliers like PvP Smiter's Boon and then endlessly flounder in the sequel).


**Please** prove me wrong, I want to see everything having some PvE niche where they excel, beyond "gimmick build in PvP formats". Surely this'll be the patch where skills and traits experience a widespread split between game formats, and we see the dawn of a new balancing age? _No, it won't happen, but that doesn't mean I won't hope for the best while expecting nothing and still being disappointed._ I mean I came back to the game and they some how nerfed medkit.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > @Chaotic.9742 said:

> > Glad there’s Destiny to play in the meantime...


> I'm glad there is Smite, Eve Online, and ESO to play in the meantime. Made some amazing progress on my ESO account.


Warframe, Dota 2, B&S, SWTOR, LOL, Paragon-Epic Games......


FFXIV is one of the main game many of us former gw2 players are playing: always welcome to join :)

Friendly and healthy community and environment: you will not be disappointed.




**Competitive games the way to go** ^*^


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Checking the forums in wait of the balance patch is the most I've been involved with in this game since they destroyed Scourge in pve. Tired of my favorite class being awesome in gamemodes I don't enjoy, and somewhere between sub-par and trash tier in the game modes I do enjoy. I moved his gear to my mirage for the time being, but I just have no excitement to play it. Have little faith that the balance patch is going to fix my main, but maybe it'll get me excited about something else. The devs have focused so many resources into developing the 4 raid wings we currently have, and yet seem to have zero desire to actually create any kind of balance in the classes for tackling them.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> A message from the Balance Team:


> There seems to be some incorrect information and/or unfounded expectations surrounding the next balance update, so we’d like to shed a light on our plans:


> The next balance update will not take place this week; it is scheduled to come out next week, on **November 7**. The release date still could change due to unforeseen circumstances or shenanigans beyond our control, but that is our plan right now.



Would you mind explaining these "circumstances or shenanigans beyond your control"?

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Nobody gets the idea that people have to play with things for some longer period first, to be able to say what is OP and what needs buff. The game is not only about numbers, it is also about HOW PEOPLE PLAY.


And if most people use qT benchmarks that have nothing to do with real usability of classes(they don't count to buffs to party, so half of skills that boost everyone are discarded from their benchmarks. The only true way to measure whole DPS would be to run whole party benchmark , then same run without that measured person, and compare overal dps), then....no help to those people.

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> @Amiron.1067 said:

> I share the sentiment most others feel here when people bring up the lack of transparency or discussion from developers with profession changes. It's 100% unreasonable to demand developers to be crystal clear with transparency, but the other extreme (no communication at all) is just as bad. I haven't seen one response from a developer within the Revenant forums about short-bow skills and potential changes, nor anything about Renegade stance.


> I love this game, I love my revenant (regardless of balancing), but I would love to see some more interaction from the profession team. You don't need to give us all the details, but a glimpse into the minds of the developers can be more than enough to satisfy a lot of players.


Developers in this game have the crappy attitude that communicating with the players is done off work hours because it's not really their job. Developers from other games think differently. WoW holds monthly livechats and offers PTR with explanation behind class changes. FFXIV does class changes about every 3 months and they are warned about with developer statements.


This game just vomits any changes without consulting players every quarter of a year.

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> @kKagari.6804 said: writing up the notes on patch day.


Have you seen some of the changes in the past?? 10% physical damage on [fire bomb](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fire_Bomb "fire bomb") or reducing aftercast of a skill by 0.002 seconds (I don't even know how this makes a difference). Feels like they both make the changes and write them up just hours before the patch.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> > @Amiron.1067 said:

> > I share the sentiment most others feel here when people bring up the lack of transparency or discussion from developers with profession changes. It's 100% unreasonable to demand developers to be crystal clear with transparency, but the other extreme (no communication at all) is just as bad. I haven't seen one response from a developer within the Revenant forums about short-bow skills and potential changes, nor anything about Renegade stance.

> >

> > I love this game, I love my revenant (regardless of balancing), but I would love to see some more interaction from the profession team. You don't need to give us all the details, but a glimpse into the minds of the developers can be more than enough to satisfy a lot of players.


> Developers in this game have the crappy attitude that communicating with the players is done off work hours because it's not really their job. Developers from other games think differently. WoW holds monthly livechats and offers PTR with explanation behind class changes. **FFXIV does class changes about every 3 months and they are warned about with developer statements.**


> This game just vomits any changes without consulting players every quarter of a year.


we former gw2 players can confirm this.

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> @kKagari.6804 said:

> > @shippage.1983 said:

> > We really need more frequent, smaller patches. The off-season should be the dev's chance to test balance changes, not right as the season starts! Do they listen to player feedback?


> Why bother having an off season at this point anyways?


Maybe to just time gate the rate you can make progression? Other then that I have no ideas.

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I'm gonna go ahead and say that a balance patch right when the pvp league season hits is ridiculous. As is you not even giving us a heads up about what you plan to do or are still testing.


People take off season to practice and dropping a balance patch right when league starts with no prior warning as to what you will change pretty much makes practicing during off season meaningless because you don't know if the build you're practicing with will me nerfed or buffed. It's extremely disruptive.

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