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Suggestion for Dhuumfire


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I know you the Balancing team changed it as a whole due to the effect on World vs World and Spvp, but when it comes to scourge, we heavily relied on it for PvE, basically what i'm saying is, is it possible that you guys could rework, the trait so that in PvE it will trigger on each pulse, while in Spvp and WvW it would remain in its current state. Honestly Scourge and Necro in general could use some PvE love. I know I don't have issues with Core necro and or Reaper. But scourge falls off so hard on the damage department its depressing to play. I know its intent was support, but now days groups require that support dishes out alot of damage. So could you balance devs give Scourge its PvE hey day and make it viable in the PvE game mode, shielding and condi clear is great, but it needs a little more flavor to get groups to bite.

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@sniperman, the dhuumfire effect like it was was a bug and will never came back to game. but i hope they will bring back dhuumfire on another way...maybe triggering 1 time per f skill activation, because dhuumfire was created for shroud AA, on reaper you could hit 30 times in 15 sec. now you can hit 1 time on f1 shade in 15 sec (recharge of shade). thats a great nerf from reaper to scourge...

but scourge has a higher range so i think 1 trigger everytime you activate a f-skill would be good, f2 and f3 you can activate 2 times in 15 sec. f4 and f5 just 1 time, so finally you would have 7 activations with f1 in 15 sec.

for comparison: on reaper it was 30 times (1/2 sec casttime) , on core necro it was 15 times (1 sec casttime).

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You gotta remember this is PvE we are talking about here not PvP, maybe that would work for PvP but for PvE Scourge needs buffed and making Dhuumfire work the way I suggested would greatly help the scourge. Yea I get scourge is supposed to be support, but no one wants a support that can't do X amount of damage. Remember PvE is different from PvP, it takes more to be competitive in PvE than PvP because PvP is more about sustain.

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> @Methuselah.4376 said:

> Hopefully they will split Demonic Lore from PvP/WvW and makes every Torment application apply Burning. That way, Desert Shroud gets its old strength back....and a few extra burns overall.


Would love that but I doubt they’d allow that kinda damage since we’re support to be a “heavy support” spec....I say with much annoyance.

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