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Windswept Haven Invisible Walls


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So today as I was going through decorating the guild hall further, I wanted to go back to some of the spots we had already started near the entrance to the guild hall. One of my Officers had built a very nice Super cloud area above that waypoint that contains his garden. Well, his area is no longer accessible due to invisible walls that were put in place. We can't even move those specific decorations out of the area. Another guild officer made use of a cave we found in the same area, added some flooring and some decorations, and it made a nice little Sylvari home. Well, now there is a big rock covering up the entrance, also making the decorations no longer accessible. We have allot of hours put into decorating that guild hall. So clicking remove all decorations.... The very idea makes me cringe. If a Dev would please just come with me and I can show them where every thing is, maybe we can figure out how to make the areas still work, or they can assist me in removing just the decorations in those areas. Windswept Haven was already small enough, now, it is much smaller. Some assistance would be greatly appreciated Anet, we really did try our best to make the most of the new guild hall. Glitches and all. We made every spot we found into something better.

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Why fix it when you can board it up. It's what people do with old and broken down houses.


I have to say, their "problem fixing" is very sad sometimes. Areas that "aren't finished" are getting walled off because players aren't supposed to see unfinished unpolished work. ( I guess)


Ofcourse, Gilded hollow has a whole upper section full of unfinished stuff. Our guild hasn't switched yet, but so far it seems like windswept haven is smaller, and less exciting to explore, while some stuff is closer, the most used stuff bank/scribe/ gathering nodes is seemingly further away. (I build a bridge for another guild towards it, which did seem to alleviate that problem a little.) Also windswept has alot less little areas that are interesting to find. AND alot less flat areas to build upon.


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They need to expand it anyway. If they’re not going to make any of the twenty buried buildings accessible or add another underground level to it at least expand the borders of the hall to include more of the visible outer area like the canyon with the river and the upper level that you just abruptly hit the invisible wall at.

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