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Serious D/C issues

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I've been in the game for more than one hour with only one disconnect, but others are messaging me that it's happening quite a bit for them. Some are calling out specifically Dragon Stand, but I don't think the map location is particularly relevant.



hi Gaile,

i just wanted to say that this really has been a issue for since about 3 updates after the expansion pack came out, and no it is not my internet. Use to be able to play for hours with out getting dced. now it seems like every 10 minutes or so it becomes slow, and will disconnect. it does not matter where i am in the game. i was thinking maybe it is something like where i live, or a bug in a update some where. i live in upstate ny if that helps any.

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I have had no disconnects today, a fair number of them yesterday.. Today the issue is almost every fight over half of my skills won't go off. I have never had either problem in the past, just a disconnect maybe a couple times a month, no biggie. I'd almost rather have disconnects than this crippling effect that keeps killing me! I hope the issues are resolved soon.

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If you look at the news, Comcast in the Midwest U.S. went down last night due to a massive DDoS attack. It affected a number of major cities and knocked out internet service for 68% of Comcast's customers in the affected areas. Basically, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Sacramento were the hardest hit by that and they're still dealing with it.

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> @Laeris.9273 said:

> If you look at the news, Comcast in the Midwest U.S. went down last night due to a massive DDoS attack. It affected a number of major cities and knocked out internet service for 68% of Comcast's customers in the affected areas. Basically, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Sacramento were the hardest hit by that and they're still dealing with it.


Ohhh I use comcast, didn't know that.. I should be glad I have internet at all then. (am in the southwest US)

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> @Laeris.9273 said:

> If you look at the news, Comcast in the Midwest U.S. went down last night due to a massive DDoS attack. It affected a number of major cities and knocked out internet service for 68% of Comcast's customers in the affected areas. Basically, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Sacramento were the hardest hit by that and they're still dealing with it.


Keep in mind that Arena Net's servers are in an affected region... so it doesn't so much matter where you live if you're affected or not. If their distant end provider is degraded, we all get it. I live in FL and we lost service here early this morning around 1am to a DDoS attack on the Comcast hub here. So, it's a widespread attack on the infrastructure and not really localized at this point.


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Darmstadt, Germany. Wasn't laggy 30 minutes ago. Now, my ping is around 2k-4k (usually 32-90). Got booted out every minute.

ISP is Unitymedia and it is not really a good one in my area, but I can usually play well, just not today it seems hahah


Those experiencing disconnects on US are probably caused by massive DDOS attack atm.


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YB server all wvw and pve maps. Playing from nc usa. this has been happening for more then 24 hours lags then kicks us out to the charcter select screan and we appear in LA.

On Gw2 meta battle site it says The GW2 api is ecperincing issues and the pages will not load. its impossible to stay loged in more then 5-10 minets.

Its happening to every one in the 5 guilds I am in, people from all over the world.


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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I've been in the game for more than one hour with only one disconnect, but others are messaging me that it's happening quite a bit for them. Some are calling out specifically Dragon Stand, but I don't think the map location is particularly relevant.



maybe this will help it is saying error code 58:11:5:535:101 and 1022:5:1:876:101 also fps does change no matter what setting you have it it always stays around 18.

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UK.. been getting some weird messages come up as of 5 mins ago... attempting to deposit deco items into guild storage keeps bouncing the items back into inventory and messaging "Deposit failed. This is likely due to network conditions. Please try again in a short while.


That's a new one on me, especially when I am pinging at around 45-60ms. and outside of GW2 it all appears stable.. still suffering from the DDoS or affects of others being DDoS'ed??


Also getting some very noticeable FPS drops as of the same time.

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I'm in midwest Iowa and can't do anything in Lake Doric for more than 4 mins at most without being kicked to log in. I can't continue the story journal either for Confessor Cadecus because the instance kicks me all the time as well. I know the story journal instances have always been finicky and kicks me to log in screen all the time but this was worse. Dragon stand, queensdale, gendarran, divinity reach...and a lot of other maps as well. I've checked my /ip and its always differnt shards as well. If this is DDOS typically other MMO's shut the servers down for a complete reboot to kick the attacker/s.

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> @DKzPixel.3792 said:

> The fact that the BSOD error is indicative (nvlddmkm.sys) of a clash with the new Nvidia drivers which were also updated yesterday (about the same time these issues cropped up). Rolling back the driver didn't have any effect.


> Going to try a clean install of nvlddmkm.sys will be my next step. If I succeed I'll be sure to post here. I do wonder how many of those with similar problems also run an NVidia card?


> DKz Pixel

> The Order of Digital Knightz





If you are still having issues I'm going to suggest something a little different. If you are using a Display Port (mini or normal) cable from your screen to your PC, change it out for something else, HDMI/DVI, anything else - if you can. I know it sounds weird but your BSOD may just be a coincident. I've been in the same patch as you a few times now, upgraded a computer part, a driver, and suddenly massive GPU driver crashes bring my whole PC down. I know you say it's very specific to GW2 but the big thing with bad DP cables is that they can be really weird about what sets them off and what doesn't.






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Last 3 days it's been really bad. Tested speed on other sites/games, it's just GW2 atm. Even now as I speak was d/c in a pvp game, and in this lab game I am getting random spikes then d/cs. Noticing in map chat and some friends it's happening to them, not to everyone but there's some ISP/routing issue. Somethings going on, yesterday morning Teq was d/c even d/c in an AB meta.

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