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Serious D/C issues

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It happened to me today as well. Everything was fine up till about an hour ago when suddenly,:

1. First I started getting in-game lags (very delayed skill activation) while doing heart of Thorn final story instance (Mordremoth boss fight),

2. then freezes where my friend was fighting but for me nothing was happening (I could run, but I didnt see anyone else move and my skills were stuck in activation mode (blinking as if they were about to go off, but did not).

3. Eventually I got disconnected.

4. Now I am disconnected around 3 minutes after logging in, cant start the story instance, nobody moves and my skills are frozen in activation.

5. Also can't chat in PVP (it says it failed to connect to the chat channel).


I live and play the game in Poland.

Everything else works fine, I was with my friend on Discord the entire time this was happening and I wasn't lagging or disconnecting from Discord.

Browsing is fine as well, only GW2 is affected.

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i am getting disconnects back to character select every 5-10 mins today fix it now i am east coast its not my internet its the login server, i been kicked out i can't play my alt i am trying to get hero points for cause either my skills not show up after i get off my mount or i disconnect while i try to a freaking hero point fix it plz.

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Last 3 days have been horrible. It started Tuesday, at least one DC every hour or two; before then exactly zero. On tuesday they were full zone kicks, but now they're pretty much always "one sided" disconnects. I still see mobs and other players moving around, and things attacking me damage me in real time, but none of my actions are responsive. Eventually after a minute or so it will either "pop back" to responsiveness or give the "you have lost connection to the server" message. Usually a few other people will complain about dcs in map chat at the same time. Playing from the continental U.S. here.

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Sorry but this is getting ridiculous. The game is essentially unplayable. Maybe it is time to get your own new servers? I am not even sure how that would work or if it would. But the fact that some entity keeps the DDOS shit going needs to be looked and and somehow avoided if you want people to keep playing Gw2.

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> @Malerian.8435 said:

> Sorry but this is getting ridiculous. The game is essentially unplayable. Maybe it is time to get your own new servers? I am not even sure how that would work or if it would. But the fact that some entity keeps the DDOS kitten going needs to be looked and and somehow avoided if you want people to keep playing Gw2.


Unfortunately, that's not how it works. They could be running their servers on $10m Super-Cray mainframes (If it were compatible) and you'd still get the lag and DCs because the DDoS attack affects the available bandwidth, not necessarily the servers themselves. The servers are located in Austin, Texas, so a more central continental location would be desirable, especially as you get further North, like I am in Northern Canada, but that's about all they could do. Also, I don't think it's ANet that's getting DDoS'd, I think it's their service provider, so outside of their control. Of course they could switch providers, assuming there is a suitable alternative, but what happens when they get DDoS'd? Really, all we can do is wait until the attack lets up.

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> @Lechtrixx.1053 said:

> It makes sense for me to play on the NA server. It would make sense for others in their own regions to play on their servers. But what's going on here defies common sense and it is causing disconnect issues with many of us who play on the NA server because our packet traffic is getting dropped on its way to Europe before going back to the server in Texas. Texas never sees it and kicks us off. But that's part of the problem. The traffic should not even being going in that direction in the first place. It should be going to Texas .. THEN to any client connecting from Europe. At least that way the NA server still knows we're here.


I don't go through Europe for my connection, though I do hop through 7 servers in California alone. In your case, it sounds like the DDoS attack may have screwed up some of the routing tables between you and Texas. Unless you're using something to obfuscate your IP there is no logical reason for traffic to be routed that way if you live in NA.


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The client doesn't contain a set of directions with how to get to the server all of that is handled by the internet, and it's kind of like driving around. You are driving along on a route you know well and try to turn left to get on to your normal route only to find it's busy. Now it could be busy due to roadworks (maintenance), or due to an accident (hardware failure), or it could just be busy. So you go up to the next street on the left to try and get around it - only to find that one is busy too. You try the next one and the next one and eventually you find a way around the traffic. This is how the internet works and it can at times result in odd things happening because it can't find a street that isn't congested and ends up on a highway, has to turn right and go around in a big circle, or just can't find a way back towards the goal and ends up out in whoop whoop.


I seriously doubt that GW2's client has much in the way of peer-to-peer communication - this means that your PC gets my player information from the game server not from my client. Could you imagine your PC having to disseminate your character information to everyone in LA all at the same time? Your game client would have to be holding the IP addresses of every player in the city in order to do this, not to mention updating that list regularly as players come and go from LA. The only time programming like that makes sense is instanced content and I doubt that GW2 uses it for that either. In short there is no way your issue is caused by Oceanic, Asian, or EU players who play on the NA servers.



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> @Sleepwalker.1398 said:

> I'm on TC, **logging from Australia. **


Oh hey, serious question.

When you're in wvw engaging a large enemy group with your scourges and spellbreakers, does your group always rotate clockwise?

I'm not sure if its different in the southern hemisphere or if that's just a misconception.


~ Kovu


edit- I heard about the DDOS attacks. Unfortunate. I log late at night, hasn't been an issue for me yet.

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Lady Lozza,

I can't dispute what you've said. Packets have a source and destination address to get from point A to point B. The internet doesn't differentiate how that traffic gets there. It only "tries" to get there in the shortest route. The irony is that this particular packet traffic has been consistently going to a dead end. I've been through tech support here and with AT&T (who owns the node at that location where the traffic is running into a dead end). Both end up telling me to go see the other ... back and forth.

The thing is, that node ties into the EU server (wrong address) when it should be going to Austin. I can see it taking several more hops (up to 30 of them) around the U.S. to get to Austin, but to Europe? The hops my traffic takes is from here via DSL to Jacksonville, then on fiber optic to Austin.

If Jacksonville is "busy" as you say, it takes an additional hop through Atlanta, then to Austin via fiber optic. There is no logical sense that it's going up to New Jersey heading for Europe .. other than maybe it's going out with the wrong address and that's not my machine doing that.


It's the traffic being dropped at that node that is causing disconnects for me. If anyone else is having disconnect issues and they're on the North America server, check the routes and find out what the tracing indicates. If they're experiencing frequent disconnects as they have been plaguing me, it will show where the packets are being dropped.

Here is an actual sample taken from one trace route showing packet loss and where it's going.


5 --- 50/ 50 =100% 32/ 50 = 64%

0/ 50 = 0% |

6 --- 50/ 50 =100% 32/ 50 = 64%

0/ 50 = 0% |

7 --- 50/ 50 =100% 32/ 50 = 64%

0/ 50 = 0% |

8 --- 50/ 50 =100% 32/ 50 = 64% xe-4-1-6.cr3-fra2.ip4.gtt.net []

0/ 50 = 0% |

9 --- 50/ 50 =100% 32/ 50 = 64%

0/ 50 = 0% |

10 --- 50/ 50 =100% 32/ 50 = 64% 206-127-157-86.ncsoft.com []

0/ 50 = 0% |

11 180ms 18/ 50 = 36% 0/ 50 = 0% 206-127-158-1.ncsoft.com []


This shows that some of the traffic is getting through. Communication continues, but we're noticing lag and rubber banding.

A trace route from earlier samples showed 100% loss and results in the associated disconnect.

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Following up on my previous post, here is an actual sample taken from the trace route where 100% packet loss occurs. This trace was performed only 30 minutes ago.

3 38ms 10/ 100 = 10% 0/ 100 = 0%

1/ 100 = 1% |

4 41ms 11/ 100 = 11% 0/ 100 = 0%

89/ 100 = 89% |

5 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%

0/ 100 = 0% |

6 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0% gar23.attga.ip.att.net []

0/ 100 = 0% |

7 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%

0/ 100 = 0% |

8 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%

0/ 100 = 0% |

9 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%

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> @Lechtrixx.1053 said:

> Following up on my previous post, here is an actual sample taken from the trace route where 100% packet loss occurs. This trace was performed only 30 minutes ago.

> 3 38ms 10/ 100 = 10% 0/ 100 = 0%

> 1/ 100 = 1% |

> 4 41ms 11/ 100 = 11% 0/ 100 = 0%

> 89/ 100 = 89% |

> 5 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%

> 0/ 100 = 0% |

> 6 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0% gar23.attga.ip.att.net []

> 0/ 100 = 0% |

> 7 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%

> 0/ 100 = 0% |

> 8 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%

> 0/ 100 = 0% |

> 9 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%


We believe that you're having connection issues, we all are. That's why this thread is a thing. What we are trying to tell you is that the cause of those connection issues is NOT Europeans, Asians, and Australians playing on NA servers.

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The fact that this is still happening almost a week later makes me question who's really in control here.


As I understand, DDoS attacks aren't exactly easy to protect against or resolve. While I understand that it would demand money and resources to fix... At the very least a game-wide message should be issued to let everyone know of the situation so they don't blame their internet. Not everyone visits the forums or Reddit.

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> @"Bopha Debs.3290" said:

> > @Lechtrixx.1053 said:

> > Following up on my previous post, here is an actual sample taken from the trace route where 100% packet loss occurs. This trace was performed only 30 minutes ago.

> > 3 38ms 10/ 100 = 10% 0/ 100 = 0%

> > 1/ 100 = 1% |

> > 4 41ms 11/ 100 = 11% 0/ 100 = 0%

> > 89/ 100 = 89% |

> > 5 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%

> > 0/ 100 = 0% |

> > 6 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0% gar23.attga.ip.att.net []

> > 0/ 100 = 0% |

> > 7 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%

> > 0/ 100 = 0% |

> > 8 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%

> > 0/ 100 = 0% |

> > 9 --- 100/ 100 =100% 0/ 100 = 0%


> We believe that you're having connection issues, we all are. That's why this thread is a thing. What we are trying to tell you is that the cause of those connection issues is NOT Europeans, Asians, and Australians playing on NA servers.


There is a reason and a purpose that ANet operates regional servers globally and to be certain that hosting isn't provided free of charge. In the long run, it's us (the clients) who are paying for it.


I don't fault anyone for playing "anywhere they choose" (so long as it is without malicious intent), but I do find fault with how this is getting routed and this is what is causing a major issue. But if people are having disconnect issues because of dropped packet traffic due to a routing issue, don't blame ANet for it and expect them to fix the problem people are creating by blatant misuse of resources "just because they can play where ever the hell they want to play". If they're not on their own regional server as it was intended for them and their convenience, and they're having disconnect issues (which no doubt I'm sure they're experiencing as well), then by God take a hint and go back to where you get the most consistent service. Everyone will suffer less for it.


The least desirable fix (that would be considered a hostile fix) for this issue is initiating Region Blocks as was done for an invasion problem plaguing a different MP game development, but that won't stop the misuse of VPNs.


These disconnects aren't a recent issue, it's been ongoing for months and it was happening long before Path of Fire was released.



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At what point does Anet partition overseas connections from NA. There are EU servers etc... but to have this same issue continue over and over says ANet puts a low priority on stability . When countries like china, korea etc can affect this many people, cut them off, and I know there are VPN's, but its a start. I cant ever remember another game with this much trouble dealing with this.

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Still getting disconnected a frustrating amount. Not often, but when it does happen, it seems to be right when I'm midway through a story instance and have to repeat it over from scratch. Most frustrating thing ever that you can't pick up a story mission where you left off...


Anyway, grabbed the error code out of curiosity. It's giving me an error of "7:11:3:191:101". Is there any information anywhere on what that breaks down to, so I can tell if it is because of the DDoS still screwing with me, or something else causing the problem?

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> @ShadowDragoonFTW.3418 said:

> Still getting disconnected a frustrating amount. Not often, but when it does happen, it seems to be right when I'm midway through a story instance and have to repeat it over from scratch. Most frustrating thing ever that you can't pick up a story mission where you left off...


> Anyway, grabbed the error code out of curiosity. It's giving me an error of "7:11:3:191:101". Is there any information anywhere on what that breaks down to, so I can tell if it is because of the DDoS still screwing with me, or something else causing the problem?


That's the code for packet loss and ties it often to the route which it travels. It's a common code for most of us these days.

Running a trace route during game play will show at which IP the loss is occurring and if you research it, you'll find out where they're supposedly going. If it has been anything like mine, they're going somewhere they aren't supposed to be going in the first place.

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> @Lechtrixx.1053 said:

> I don't fault anyone for playing "anywhere they choose" (so long as it is without malicious intent), but I do find fault with how this is getting routed and this is what is causing a major issue. But if people are having disconnect issues because of dropped packet traffic due to a routing issue, don't blame ANet for it and expect them to fix the problem people are creating by blatant misuse of resources "just because they can play where ever the hell they want to play". If they're not on their own regional server as it was intended for them and their convenience, and they're having disconnect issues (which no doubt I'm sure they're experiencing as well), then by God take a hint and go back to where you get the most consistent service. Everyone will suffer less for it.


I'd agree with you, except that Arenanet charges for any kind of transfer. I'd love to try a different server and maybe get better performance. But at a thousand gems per seven day locked transfer, I'm not going to PAY for the HOPE of better performance. It took a very long time for Gw2 to grow into a game I wanted to play, but this is quickly eroding that desire. Bad enough I spend as much time emptying bags of useless junk, as I do playing, or trying to figure the game out(I recently restarted playing, LONG after both Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire came out) But to spend twenty minutes in a story instance, only to lose connection at the end and have to start the whole sodding process over again....I got better things to do with my time.

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> @Khas.9075 said:

> > @Lechtrixx.1053 said:

> > I don't fault anyone for playing "anywhere they choose" (so long as it is without malicious intent), but I do find fault with how this is getting routed and this is what is causing a major issue. But if people are having disconnect issues because of dropped packet traffic due to a routing issue, don't blame ANet for it and expect them to fix the problem people are creating by blatant misuse of resources "just because they can play where ever the hell they want to play". If they're not on their own regional server as it was intended for them and their convenience, and they're having disconnect issues (which no doubt I'm sure they're experiencing as well), then by God take a hint and go back to where you get the most consistent service. Everyone will suffer less for it.


> I'd agree with you, except that Arenanet charges for any kind of transfer. I'd love to try a different server and maybe get better performance. But at a thousand gems per seven day locked transfer, I'm not going to PAY for the HOPE of better performance. It took a very long time for Gw2 to grow into a game I wanted to play, but this is quickly eroding that desire. Bad enough I spend as much time emptying bags of useless junk, as I do playing, or trying to figure the game out(I recently restarted playing, LONG after both Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire came out) But to spend twenty minutes in a story instance, only to lose connection at the end and have to start the whole sodding process over again....I got better things to do with my time.


I'm well aware of the cost for transfers. I've changed servers in NA alone several times in the hope of getting around the disconnect issue, but to no avail. Much to my dismay, it's when I discovered how I was losing connections that all my transfers meant nothing. I understand how infuriating it is when you have to repeat a certain story instance over and over because of disconnects. Or when you in the heat of a major meta event the disconnects throws you out of it all because your packets get dropped somewhere along the line going somewhere they shouldn't be going.

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.> @Kuya.6495 said:

> Everytime i boot up the game, my entire pc seems to slow down. Is this an issue related to the attack or is this something happening on my end? I'm not really sure why this started happening all of a sudden.


What you're referring to is a different issue, here's a thread with others that have had performance issues since PoF released, this may/may not help: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/11841/how-well-should-i-be-able-to-run-guild-wars-2

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> @aandiarie.7195 said:

> Could any of the new pof skills like the bubbles be causing lag or dcing?


If effects like that were causing issues, that's what turning down/off the Post-Processing Effects is for. It's definitely possible for that to cause lag if your PC's specs are on the low-ish side, but then you can just turn off those effects. Definitely shouldn't cause a disconnect though.

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