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Post your Weapon Design Contest submission


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> @"Wraith.3524" said:

> >! I was lucky enough to have my greatbow selected, but I'd like to share the other submissions as well!


> >! ![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/fe309eb0064a84fa5873bdf433b547ed/tumblr_oxl8vo1W8M1ucxxqeo1_1280.png "")


> >! ![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/361fa3c94ff5fb219d603fb751c9217f/tumblr_oxl8sl2zVT1ucxxqeo1_1280.png "")


> >! ![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/43bb9413d5f8efe0261260f4eec2bb71/tumblr_oxl8q9nHxm1ucxxqeo1_1280.png "")


> >! Thanks for looking. :)


I really like your greatsword and axe and would buy them and design characters around using those skins! I really like them.


Of your 3, I'm disappointed (for my sake) that your bow was the one selected into the top 20 (grats on that though!). I'm not fond of the bow and would not buy or use anything like it due to it having the long ribbon on it (I dislike all of the existing weapons with ribbons hanging from them as they 'ruin' them for me), and also because I feel it resembles the existing shadow bow skin too much for my taste, which I also do not like (ribbons and bones/skulls are very overused and on too many weapons and armor pieces, which further limit my wardrobe options).

Very nicely done though!

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> @StinVec.3621 said:


> Of your 3, I'm disappointed (for my sake) that your bow was the one selected into the top 20 (grats on that though!). I'm not fond of the bow and would not buy or use anything like it due to it having the long ribbon on it (I dislike all of the existing weapons with ribbons hanging from them as they 'ruin' them for me), and also because I feel it resembles the existing shadow bow skin too much for my taste, which I also do not like (ribbons and bones/skulls are very overused and on too many weapons and armor pieces, which further limit my wardrobe options).

> Very nicely done though!


Thank you! I had a mixture of feelings towards the designs, too. I wanted to make things that were lore-laden but some of the designs I was concerned were too crazy. I did the axe first, greatsword, and the bow last. The bow was my attempt at a less flashy design. Looked into all the weapons and legendaries they have made and knew the greatsword was probably too nuts for their art direction even though I'd love to hundred-blades with it, personally.


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> @Wraith.3524 said:

> I was lucky enough to have my greatbow selected, but I'd like to share the other submissions as well!



> Thanks for looking. :)



Not sure we're allowed to post who is in the top 20 yet.


I wonder if they will disqualify for posting a top 20 painting on social media or the forums.. If not I'd love to post my top 20 entry. :open_mouth:

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Focus: Dhuumseal - originally it had an animation of when the focus was put on, armored centipedes would climb up the wielding arm and encompass it in a helix fashion. Because of anet's rule on effects, I took off the arm guard concept of the focus and just stuck with the claw'd skull head. I was inspired by those long ninja hand claws you see in movies...but I was unsure of how much creativity anet would have wanted in the design concept. After seeing the pistol in the top twenty though - I regretted revising and detracting from the idea. I think it would have made the focus originally unique and more visually appealing. It was originally intended to be a dagger.



Rifle: Djinn Whisper - I was actually originally inspired by the idea of living rock and alabaster or white marble. When designing it I took heavy influence from the Luxon armors in GW1 honestly and though they are Canthan I felt the aesthetic and garb and the coins and tattooing felt more tribal, nomadic, and Africanisque to me in likeness with that Arabian feel. Drawing from those ideas I wanted a rifle powered by the sleeping embers of Djinn residue, a living breathing artifact that imparted its power.



Staff: Moonward - I changed the name many times. I didn't even know I was doing it till it was too late (Jackal). I thought of thieves shadow magic and how shadow magic is never really touched on in the lore. And like with the deadeye elite specc, I had a little fun idea that this sacred staff would in theory be created by the Djinn (I seem to like these guys...). The idea was it was forged from sand spelled in the shadow of the full moon, the black sand would be a simple stave or baton that would drip excess sand at day and shadowy whisps. And at night it would form the blue parts to fully extend. Most of the sudden inspiration was because we have too many magic staffs in game and not enough melee ones. Here I wanted to combine both in the sense of a slight halberd attachment at the top. Maybe it was conceptual overload.



tbh I wasn't very happy with my designs at all. They did not come out how I envisioned them; for the most part me being super busy at work, I had done all three in one night the day of the deadline. entering this contest was like my dream since I missed the one in GW1. I felt the staff was the weakest, as it was not planned to be a staff in my line up at all, I just chose to draw it for the easy venture of crunching time. Ah well, we'll see - another one in the future or the next five years lol and hopefully I'll be able to fully flesh out my ideas and construct something a bit more fleshed out and visually appealing/detailed.


Artists like myself always knitpick at their work.


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> @"Sarasv.8962" said:

> >! https://i.imgur.com/0pkibCr.png

> >! Focus: Dhuumseal - originally it had an animation of when the focus was put on, armored centipedes would climb up the wielding arm and encompass it in a helix fashion. Because of anet's rule on effects, I took off the arm guard concept of the focus and just stuck with the claw'd skull head. I was inspired by those long ninja hand claws you see in movies...but I was unsure of how much creativity anet would have wanted in the design concept. After seeing the pistol in the top twenty though - I regretted revising and detracting from the idea. I think it would have made the focus originally unique and more visually appealing. It was originally intended to be a dagger.


> >! https://imgur.com/D9O1ox6.png

> >! Rifle: Djinn Whisper - I was actually originally inspired by the idea of living rock and alabaster or white marble. When designing it I took heavy influence from the Luxon armors in GW1 honestly and though they are Canthan I felt the aesthetic and garb and the coins and tattooing felt more tribal, nomadic, and Africanisque to me in likeness with that Arabian feel. Drawing from those ideas I wanted a rifle powered by the sleeping embers of Djinn residue, a living breathing artifact that imparted its power.


> >! https://imgur.com/vD79R3c.png

> >! Staff: Moonward - I changed the name many times. I didn't even know I was doing it till it was too late (Jackal). I thought of thieves shadow magic and how shadow magic is never really touched on in the lore. And like with the deadeye elite specc, I had a little fun idea that this sacred staff would in theory be created by the Djinn (I seem to like these guys...). The idea was it was forged from sand spelled in the shadow of the full moon, the black sand would be a simple stave or baton that would drip excess sand at day and shadowy whisps. And at night it would form the blue parts to fully extend. Most of the sudden inspiration was because we have too many magic staffs in game and not enough melee ones. Here I wanted to combine both in the sense of a slight halberd attachment at the top. Maybe it was conceptual overload.



> >! tbh I wasn't very happy with my designs at all. They did not come out how I envisioned them; for the most part me being super busy at work, I had done all three in one night the day of the deadline. entering this contest was like my dream since I missed the one in GW1. I felt the staff was the weakest, as it was not planned to be a staff in my line up at all, I just chose to draw it for the easy venture of crunching time. Ah well, we'll see - another one in the future or the next five years lol and hopefully I'll be able to fully flesh out my ideas and construct something a bit more fleshed out and visually appealing/detailed.


> >! Artists like myself always knitpick at their work.





I think you did a really good job on the designs. I like aspects of all of them and could see several of my existing characters using each without any change to their wardrobe. Nicely done.

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> @fey.5438 said:

> That was tough competition, 900 entries to 20 finalists. Didn't make it through, so here is my Pantheon Axe:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/VWzj7Ap.jpg "")

> General idea was to depcit all gods. From the top there is Balthazar section with hounds turned against the rest of the gods. Spear striking Abaddon's head symbolize Kormir. Grenth and Lyssa on the left side and Dwayna and melandru on the right side.


> Looking at this now I see so much room for improvement. I thnik I will spend some time to repaint details :dizzy:


> edit. For clarification - I know it's a lot of details, but It was meant to be just a concept to inspire in-game weapon.


Amazing work.

If this weapon would have made it into the game, I would pay any gems/gold to buy or craft it *_*

(As a shield with only the upper part of the design too)

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All the entries that I have seen are spectacular, has had to be very difficult to stay alone with twenty. All of you who have posted here, you can be proud, all designs are incredible!

Vlast really inspiring me, so I designed a crystal sword with reminiscent of the memories crystals and the Glint's Lair, but in yellow and orange colors. I call it "Vlas't Legacy".





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Guess I'll post mine as well. This was the very first time I actually tried digital drawing and even though the art is not that good, I'm quite satisfied with the effort I put into it.


![](https://i.imgur.com/9qNTv1I.jpg "")

The first one was a greatsword that supposedly devours the life force of those it strikes and grants it to the wielder. The writing on the blade says "Eternal life to those who wield it, eternal death to those it strikes," the writing on the handle says "serve" which is supposed to hint at the fact that the greatsword has a mind of it's own. My idea for the name was "The Leecher." Put 2 weeks into him and am quite happy with the way he turned out. Also I think that we need more spooky weapons in the game, which was why I started my concept with a glowing skull.


![](https://i.imgur.com/QfUbnrC.jpg "")

This one I did almost the day before the contest ended. I was playing GW2 that day, hanging around in the wardrobe and then I noticed that we had a lot of lion and dragon themed weapons, but pretty much no other animals are depicted on weapons. So I decided to make a quick sketch of a wolf themed dagger. The name could have been "Black Fang." The whole drawing is quite lazy and I will maybe redraw it at some point later.


I never expected to win this and I had tons of fun while drawing and playing around with Krita, but I am not at all happy about the way the contest turned out. I feel like the judges didn't put enough time into their decision, or judged based on some criteria that were not listed in the rules. It is absolutely beyond me, how some of the concepts in this thread didn't make it, while some reskins of already existing weapons, as well as bland, and even 2D concepts made it into the 20 finalists. Everything feels rushed, one of the daggers is for some reason marked as a sword in the poll (not that I understand why the weapon type is even there, since it will clearly influence the voting), details that were supposedly going to be removed were not removed from one of the concepts, etc, etc.




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> @Lisaria.4170 said:

> Amazing work.

> If this weapon would have made it into the game, I would pay any gems/gold to buy or craft it *_*

> (As a shield with only the upper part of the design too)

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.

I decided to go with the axe because it was way too similar to Flameseeker prophecies in my opinion.


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> @fey.5438 said:


> Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.

> I decided to go with the axe because it was way too similar to Flameseeker prophecies in my opinion.



Honestly, your concept is so gorgeous that I don't even know what to say. I don't think it's fair that they discarded it just because of the details (or whatever the reason was), since the rules didn't state anything about that.


If I had money, I'd buy it from you just to hang it on my wall, the colors are incredibly vibrant, but at the same time don't distract from the rest of the picture and the texture is incredibly realistic. It would have been something for everyone as well, since there are all the gods and the elements on it.

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Heres my entries! Kinda bummed I didn't make it into the finalists for my sword, and I accidentally disqualified my bow by posting it on reddit early(whoops) but here they are!




![sword of the Forgotten](https://i.imgur.com/2lPRmVC.jpg "Sword of the Forgotten")


![Houyi - Bow of the Ten Suns](https://i.imgur.com/XitlU3F.jpg "Houyi- Bow of the ten suns")


Sucks to not make it in, but all of the finalists are gorgeous and it seems the competition was super tough so I'm not too disappointed! Fantastic job to everyone :)

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Here are mine.

First a greatsword, a Kurzick Zweihänder:

![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/40128d6c80580ab47bf55a2443ca8896/tumblr_oyr3vyRSTv1u83b5uo1_1280.png "")

Second, a shield, the Seal of Torment:

![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/a638bb7ac22a5bca0b76f651a68f7957/tumblr_oyr3vyRSTv1u83b5uo2_1280.png "")

It wasn't deliberate that they were both GW1 themed, just sort of happened...

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> @Elve.1278 said:

> Sucks to not make it in, but all of the finalists are gorgeous and it seems the competition was super tough so I'm not too disappointed! Fantastic job to everyone :)


You didn't submit your designs with those backgrounds did you? If so that'll be the primary reason you didn't make it in.

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