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Sooner or later, every class has to be nerfed besides (Necro/Reaper/Scourge)


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Is this thread real?


Necro spent the past two years being a glass cannon class that needed dedicated support to function, a class incapable of winning any 1v1s, and whose only role was to counter tempest boonshare. But suddenly we have 1 meta where necro doesn't need to be handheld and people are screaming that it's Anet's favorite class. Meanwhile Thieves are almost always meta and nobody bats an eye.


Note: I'm not defending Scourge, but I am pointing out how short this forum's memory is.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> Is this thread real?


> Necro spent the past two years being a glass cannon class that needed dedicated support to function, a class incapable of winning any 1v1s, and whose only role was to counter tempest boonshare. But suddenly we have 1 meta where necro doesn't need to be handheld and people are screaming that it's Anet's favorite class. Meanwhile Thieves are almost always meta and nobody bats an eye.


> Note: I'm not defending Scourge, but I am pointing out how short this forum's memory is.


Crinn.7864, so far I know you are a very strong necro that don't complain and played your best! RESPECTED!

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> Is this thread real?


> Necro spent the past two years being a glass cannon class that needed dedicated support to function, a class incapable of winning any 1v1s, and whose only role was to counter tempest boonshare. But suddenly we have 1 meta where necro doesn't need to be handheld and people are screaming that it's Anet's favorite class. Meanwhile Thieves are almost always meta and nobody bats an eye.


> Note: I'm not defending Scourge, but I am pointing out how short this forum's memory is.


Necros haven't had it too bad over time. They have been meta plenty of times. And winning 1v1 should not be idicative of anything in this game because there are many other roles to fill in game. I've played tons of Necros as a matter of fact on multiple accounts its likely 1000 matches. The nerfs they made to Reaper a few months back were low blows but Scourge can't be nerfed soon enough. Just say no to 2 to 3 scourges in half of pvp match on one team. It would be 4 to 6 in half of matches counting both teams lol.

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Excuse me, let us all go back to the time during beta HOT and the first what two seasons of HOT when reaper literally steamrolled you over like a goddamn truck.


And THEN had two different builds that could counter at least two or three class really damn hard depending if they were power or condi. They got overnerfed cause Anet and then had to be babysat like Crim said.


Do people pay attention to old metas?

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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> L O L

> Excuse me, let us all go back to the time during beta HOT and the first what two seasons of HOT when reaper literally steamrolled you over like a kitten truck.


> And THEN had two different builds that could counter at least two or three class really kitten hard depending if they were power or condi. They got overnerfed cause Anet and then had to be babysat like Crim said.


> Do people pay attention to old metas?


Chillomancer was only strong in low division during s1, it was overshadowed in high division by Herald/Shiro rev, Chronobunker, and Tempest. (do recall that chillomancer existed back when Diamond Skin gave total immunity to condi application)

Reaper had a glory period between the 1/26/16 patch (scepter auto boon corrupt patch) and the 4/19/16 patch. (rework of Deathly Chill, and across the board nerf to all reaper chill skills and sustain skills)

Reaper never recovered from that patch, and spent the rest of HoT has a tournament only class that struggled in regular queues. The 8/9/17 patch was the final nail in the coffin for reaper with the Soul Reaping nerfs and the destruction of the Signets of Suffering trait which killed off signet builds. Mid-to-Late HoT changes such as a the removal of Ice and Hydromancy Sigils, the rise of radiant power guard, the mobility meta, and the nerfs to support tempest and scrapper further killed off reaper.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > L O L

> > Excuse me, let us all go back to the time during beta HOT and the first what two seasons of HOT when reaper literally steamrolled you over like a kitten truck.

> >

> > And THEN had two different builds that could counter at least two or three class really kitten hard depending if they were power or condi. They got overnerfed cause Anet and then had to be babysat like Crim said.

> >

> > Do people pay attention to old metas?


> Chillomancer was only strong in low division during s1, it was overshadowed in high division by Herald/Shiro rev, Chronobunker, and Tempest. (do recall that chillomancer existed back when Diamond Skin gave total immunity to condi application)

> Reaper had a glory period between the 1/26/16 patch (scepter auto boon corrupt patch) and the 4/19/16 patch. (rework of Deathly Chill, and across the board nerf to all reaper chill skills and sustain skills)

> Reaper never recovered from that patch, and spent the rest of HoT has a tournament only class that struggled in regular queues. The 8/9/17 patch was the final nail in the coffin for reaper with the Soul Reaping nerfs and the destruction of the Signets of Suffering trait which killed off signet builds. Mid-to-Late HoT changes such as a the removal of Ice and Hydromancy Sigils and the rise of radiant power guard, the return of thieves, and the nerfs to support tempest and scrapper further killed off reaper.


Was it chillomancer that was their go-to power build in the beginning? I thought it was always that odd valk with guaranteed crit build, then chillomancer, and then the boon shred one that rekt people in teamfights before it got nerfed into the floor?


Either way, seriously, rip reaper on those last changes. Reaper was the only reason I picked up necromancer because it had fit my bruiser playstyle so nicely. Now I just grow sad looking at my decked out necro and loathing the idea of ever making her Condi.

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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > > L O L

> > > Excuse me, let us all go back to the time during beta HOT and the first what two seasons of HOT when reaper literally steamrolled you over like a kitten truck.

> > >

> > > And THEN had two different builds that could counter at least two or three class really kitten hard depending if they were power or condi. They got overnerfed cause Anet and then had to be babysat like Crim said.

> > >

> > > Do people pay attention to old metas?

> >

> > Chillomancer was only strong in low division during s1, it was overshadowed in high division by Herald/Shiro rev, Chronobunker, and Tempest. (do recall that chillomancer existed back when Diamond Skin gave total immunity to condi application)

> > Reaper had a glory period between the 1/26/16 patch (scepter auto boon corrupt patch) and the 4/19/16 patch. (rework of Deathly Chill, and across the board nerf to all reaper chill skills and sustain skills)

> > Reaper never recovered from that patch, and spent the rest of HoT has a tournament only class that struggled in regular queues. The 8/9/17 patch was the final nail in the coffin for reaper with the Soul Reaping nerfs and the destruction of the Signets of Suffering trait which killed off signet builds. Mid-to-Late HoT changes such as a the removal of Ice and Hydromancy Sigils and the rise of radiant power guard, the return of thieves, and the nerfs to support tempest and scrapper further killed off reaper.


> Was it chillomancer that was their go-to power build in the beginning? I thought it was always that odd valk with guaranteed crit build, then chillomancer, and then the boon shred one that rekt people in teamfights before it got nerfed into the floor?


> Either way, seriously, rip reaper on those last changes. Reaper was the only reason I picked up necromancer because it had fit my bruiser playstyle so nicely. Now I just grow sad looking at my decked out necro and loathing the idea of ever making her Condi.


Chillomancer was the spite/SR/reaper carrion build with signets. There where a few power builds right at the beginning before the 11/4/15 patch (the first patch after HoT) gutted the base damage of Dealthy Chill to 1/4th of what it was while dramatically increasing the condition damage scaling of Deathly Chill. Power reaper did not return until Nos started advocating his blighter's boon build in s5. Note: power reaper has never been used in tourneys and is primarily used as a solo-queue build since it is slightly more flexible than condi builds.


> @Bossun.2046 said:

> Power reaper can still rekt people.


While I can certainly attest to the effectiveness of power reaper. It's grossly outclassed by modern power builds, such as Holosmith, radiance guard, SB, core warrior, and most thief variants. The only reason I still use it is because it's toolkit is more flexible than Scourge's and as such is better for carrying. It does not perform well when fighting opponents that are at equal skill.

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