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Gave info to hacker

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Hello, 2 weeks ago i was hacked, a nice GM helped me out by the name GM Bartama. I had one more question for the GM after my problem was already solved, I asked the GM about my 3k missing gems and if i could get them back somehow. Next day a mail from guildwars2suppor@hotmail.com. Me being stupid, I did not even check if it was legit because i was happy it was a quick response. Basicaly i gave all my info needed to hack me to the guy(acc name, telephone number, date of birth, address, serial code, order id). How did he even know about the conversation? And what should i do now to not get my acc hacked again. Please help! [https://imgur.com/a/ivicW](https://imgur.com/a/ivicW "https://imgur.com/a/ivicW")

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How did you communicate with the GM? Via e-mail? In that case it's highly likely the hacker has access to your e-mail account. Change the password and make sure any password-recovery options can not be abused by the hacker to take the account from you again. If you are using one e-mail account for most day-to-day things, then this is a worse threat than "just" loosing a game-account.


There is also a real possibility your PC is infected with spyware. A full virus-scan should be the bare minimum at this point.


Once you got rid of any surveillance the hacker could have over you, activate 2 factor authorization for your account. 2 factor authorization is available via SMS or Authenticator App (which is also available for PC as WinAuth). If you live in a country where your IP-Address changes on a regular basis, you will need to whitelist a few addresses until GW2 learns your IP-range and doesn't ask for an authenticator code every time you log in.

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Yes, communication was via e-mail. I changed my e-mail acc password 2 times, scanned my pc and it got nothing. If the hacker had access to my e-mail he could have taken the account gain when it got reset? I have recovered it, set a new password and 2 step verification on it. I have not whitelisted any IP or device and i get SMS for every login. For now i still have my acc but when support gets to his ticket it will be gone, well i already sold everything and gave it to my guild.

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Did you update your ticket to give this new information about your account security? Or open a new ticket? Did you ask to have the email address associated with your game account changed?


Remember, in the future, the CS Team will always respond to the email you sent (including the first ticket submission), and no other.


Good luck.

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I'm really sorry you're in the situation. I hope it doesn't get any worse for you.


We can only offer the same advice you got in your Reddit thread:

* Ensure your PC isn't infected with malware.

* Take time to secure your other accounts, by changing passwords; don't re-use passwords.

* Consider adding 2-factor authentication to the ones you hold most dear.

* Stop telling people your passwords, not even your cat should learn it (dogs... maybe).



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