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Concussion shot changed to the old disrupting shot or magebane

R E F L H E X.8413

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Shortbow could probably use a small buff... I havent been playing much to test everything like I want to post celestial to say for certain (which is what I used to run shortbow on pre-hot) due to carpal tunnel my whole arm from wrist up to my shoulder was hurting from playing mesmer and spamming powerspike while gripping the mouse really hard to do so and i had to take a break after getting celestial back. However I don't see sb used in comparison to lb although I feel its a good weapon in the right builds or atleast used to be with old celestial in the old meta. My first impression of playing ranger with the new celestial is that the lower crit lowers its potential to stack bleeds and you rarely crit at 25% compared to 33%.





Just a minor situational buff. Either + dmg or disables the skill on interrupt. Since shortbow is condi damage could come by a few stacks of bleeds like 5 bleeds.


What do you guys think?


This is what I used to run shortbow on + celestial if you want to play something else other than longbow.. i used to like longbow before I made this celestial build... it seemed like it was still partially viable although I didnt get to play it much post celestial in current meta I wanted to test a few other things too like firebrand/necro/pistol thief.


Pretty sure sic em to replace sharpening stone is one of the alternates I'd use.

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While I like bonuses on interrupt, I do not like to have them without a guaranteed way to see how enemies activate skills. And we can't see them properly with all the visual clutter.


GW1 had a [skill activation progress bar](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/3/3d/Interruption_%28visuals%29.jpg "skill activation progress bar") under an enemy's health, letting you see what they were doing even if they were covered by tons of other creatures and visuals.


If we had that, skills with effects on interrupt would be way more useful.

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yea I agree interrupts are more spammable which kinda sucks as it takes away a whole playstyle that was really good. Its much more anticipation based than reaction based however you can still do some reactions on things like heals but youve probably spammed it by the time they use the heal if you hold it you almost feel like it can be inferior while playing and firing it off instinctively.


I also prefer casting bars as well you can get good at rupting people well atleast I did in vanilla on mes but it was only limited in its potential and shines most in 1v1 where you can actually have a better chance at seeing things to rupt. And still rewarding for landing it is good still trumps the otherway around without one.


All this stuff still dont make me think we shouldnt have bonuses for landing the rupts. gw1 got me obsessed with situational stuff because in that game especially it took more skill to pull off the situational like rupt during wastrels worry so it can get damage etc..


Plus gw1 had less instant casts and more 1 second casts if gw2 was done with most things being 1 second plus telegraphs rupts would become more viable by default.

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