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Mirage has too much of everything


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You just need to find the right build. Polishing builds takes a lot of trial and error.


For example, this is the power build I currently run.




I spent about a month polishing it, and this is where I currently am.


Spam Split Surge, secure skills with Mirage Cloak, use utilities often, get creative!

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> @Ferus.3165 said:

> mirage is more overpowered than a daredevil right now, with the exception that mirage fights from range and has his clones on top of that. The clone spamming is real, you cannot destroy them faster than he generates them and they either power burst you down in 1 sec or give you 15 stacks of confusion in 0.5 sec. it is seriously ridiculous.


Lol please break it down for me how mirage is more OP than DD.


If clone spamming is your problem all it says is you cannot cleave, or doge shatters, and waste your cooldowns.

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> @Ferus.3165 said:

> the fact that you cannot fight a mirage and win nor can you run from it (besides thief). Idc that there are 90% bad players running around who have no clue how to play the class, it's just that if you can play reactivly and not just spam random skills, mirage is (just like daredevil) unbeatable


......Warrior, ranger, and engineer with rocket boots can all outrun mirage. A revenant with shiro superspeed can outrun mirage.


The only classes who can't run are guardian and necro, but they've never been able to run from any class....


> @Curunen.8729 said:

> > @Carighan.6758 said:

> > > @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> > > It's not strong for zerg fights, it is quite strong in small skirmishes and outnumbered fights due to the increased mobility and dodges. It's quite a strong duelist.

> >

> > Yeah but if you enjoy smallscale, wouldn't you be in sPvP? Not exactly the game mode for small scale or 1v1 combat, nevermind that the latter just isn't a supported PvP format on ANet's side.


> Organised Spvp conquest and wvw solo/smallscale roaming are completely different things tbh and require different approaches/mindsets.


> It's like me saying raids and open world bosses are the same thing and anyone who enjoys one should enjoy the other.


It is simply asinine to expect for the game to be balanced around a format that can use broken food/pot combinations, has PvE stat caps that allow for ridiculous condi duration/crit damage while maintaining certain vitality/toughness levels impossible in spvp, and to top it off allows utterly broken runes like runes of durability.


WvW is impossible to balance outside balancing around objective captures and aoe caps/spells for zerg combat, so the other formats shouldn't suffer with the futile attempt at balancing such a broken format.


WvW needs a flat overhaul to function with the same limitations of spvp. Amulets, no food/potions, no runes/sigils that are disallowed in spvp, and crit damage/condi duration/reduction are the same as in spvp.

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> @Curunen.8729 said:

> > @Carighan.6758 said:

> > > @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> > > It's not strong for zerg fights, it is quite strong in small skirmishes and outnumbered fights due to the increased mobility and dodges. It's quite a strong duelist.

> >

> > Yeah but if you enjoy smallscale, wouldn't you be in sPvP? Not exactly the game mode for small scale or 1v1 combat, nevermind that the latter just isn't a supported PvP format on ANet's side.


> Organised Spvp conquest and wvw solo/smallscale roaming are completely different things tbh and require different approaches/mindsets.


> It's like me saying raids and open world bosses are the same thing and anyone who enjoys one should enjoy the other.


It is simply asinine to expect for the game to be balanced around a format that can use broken food/pot combinations, has PvE stat caps that allow for ridiculous condi duration/crit damage while maintaining certain vitality/toughness levels impossible in spvp, and to top it off allows utterly broken runes like runes of durability.


WvW is impossible to balance outside balancing around objective captures and aoe caps/spells for zerg combat, so the other formats shouldn't suffer with the futile attempt at balancing such a broken format.


WvW needs a flat overhaul to function with the same limitations of spvp. Amulets, no food/potions, no runes/sigils that are disallowed in spvp, and crit damage/condi duration/reduction are the same as in spvp.

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It is funny how the whiny mirage players here that wins all their duels try to argue that their class isnt broken.


It is.


A class that is almost always in evade mode, spam invisibility plus clones that can escape 90% of situations is utterly broken.


The only argument you have is to tell people they are bad.


That's what ''non skilled two buttons i win classes players'' always says when people point how unpleasant their class is in term of balance.

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> @Nemesis.7896 said:

> It is funny how the whiny mirage players here that wins all their duels try to argue that their class isnt broken.


> It is.


> A class that is almost always in evade mode, spam invisibility plus clones that can escape 90% of situations is utterly broken.


> The only argument you have is to tell people they are bad.


> That's what ''non skilled two buttons i win classes players'' always says when people point how unpleasant their class is in term of balance.


Can you read?


Nobody argues that mirage is supreme at duelling. It's clear that it was designed around it, period.


Is it good in group pvp? Not too much.

Is it good in zerg fights? Nah.

Is it good, or does it bring anything fresh and interesting to pve? Nope.


You view the class from one perspective (1v1) and assume its broken. Stop it already.


You know what? Fine, I'd trade some of that 1v1 potential mirage has if it was interesting and at least a little useful in other game modes.


EDIT: What's up with all the hate towards clones lately? It almost feels like 2012 lol.

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> @takatsu.9416 said:

> Listen, Mirage was designed to be our dps, dueling and offensive spec. We are supposed to be able to burst you down. We bring no support to a team, it is entirely focused on killing. Still, there are a lot of classes that aren't easy to take down. A good Spellbreaker for example is a tough fight and can stay alive, never die, and burst you down. Have you fought those? If you complain about Mirage, complain about Spellbreaker too.


> You're complaining that a glass spec can stay alive using all our trickery? How else do we stay alive? Should we be sitting targets? The current balance is nowhere safe enough to be a sitting duck, almost EVERYBODY can basically one/two shot you under 10 seconds. Every class has their own survival tricks. You're complaining actually about the entire gw2 balance, NOT the Mirage.


> Chrono was designed to be a support class. Same with Scourge, Firebrand and Tempest, all of which players simply optimized the damage out put (as always, as they do on everything) and somehow has huge dps. Isn't Spellbreaker supposed to be defensive, counter and so on? Berserker was the damage spec. This is a problem for the entire gw2 balance, all the class stats and the three different game modes that Anet obviously is not very good at.


> I personally use Elusive Mind and all the mobility I can get. That said, if you build for huge burst, the Mesmer can be very glassy and easy to kill in a moment. It's like spellbreaker, you look for the moments when they are vulnerable and their cooldowns are gone (which is close to never). Or drop AoEs everywhere. Most good players with most classes can be the same in survivability or level of danger.


> Sorry but it's about play skill and also play style, how aggressive or cautious you are. I lose more often when I'm trying to go in for the kill and try to faceroll and usually win if hanging back, going in and retreating when necessary. Don't be the lazy spammer player.



How funny.


Most warrior cooldowns that you cry about are 60 seconds and you dare to say they are close to never gone.


Clones spamming, invisible, not as squishy as you pretend, with many evade abilities, able to teleport even to higher groud, portal performing class player is trying to say that the warrior(with nothing of the aboves) is broken because they have one 7 seconds cooldown counter skill that have to be built with adrenaline and can be avoided easilly ?


Lol ?

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> @Nemesis.7896 said:

> It is funny how the whiny mirage players here that wins all their duels try to argue that their class isnt broken.


> It is.


> A class that is almost always in evade mode, spam invisibility plus clones that can escape 90% of situations is utterly broken.


> The only argument you have is to tell people they are bad.


> That's what ''non skilled two buttons i win classes players'' always says when people point how unpleasant their class is in term of balance.


Always in evade mode... you know they have as much evades as other classes too? Spam Invisibility... well Mirage never adds invisibility, at most a Mirage would have 6 seconds of invi, add 3 more when they drop Jaunt for Mass Invisibility.


Non skilled? What are you even talking about? Mirage (or any Mesmer build in that regard) has a weakness of not being able to keep up with sustained damage. If they face to face just fought other classes without playing around their tricks, they would die easily.

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> @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> > @Nemesis.7896 said:

> > It is funny how the whiny mirage players here that wins all their duels try to argue that their class isnt broken.

> >

> > It is.

> >

> > A class that is almost always in evade mode, spam invisibility plus clones that can escape 90% of situations is utterly broken.

> >

> > The only argument you have is to tell people they are bad.

> >

> > That's what ''non skilled two buttons i win classes players'' always says when people point how unpleasant their class is in term of balance.


> Always in evade mode... you know they have as much evades as other classes too? Spam Invisibility... well Mirage never adds invisibility, at most a Mirage would have 6 seconds of invi, add 3 more when they drop Jaunt for Mass Invisibility.


> Non skilled? What are you even talking about? Mirage (or any Mesmer build in that regard) has a weakness of not being able to keep up with sustained damage. If they face to face just fought other classes without playing around their tricks, they would die easily.


Well, mirage does get additional evades from mirrors, but it's not exactly like we can generate them endlessly. The shortest refresh on a mirror generating ability is 20 seconds. Our axe also gives us an evade from a skill - but then so do our other one-handed weapons, so we're really not getting an additional evade there. Being able to add anymore evades comes from vigor, and mirage only adds that through our heal skill and shatters (which isn't as useful with a phantasm build). A mesmer can probably get vigor more reliably from the Duelist trait line. Anything else is purely because we use sigil, runes, and food that helps regenerate endurance faster, which obviously any other class can also do if they want.


And, like you said, mirage doesn't get have anymore access to invis than base mesmer or chrono. In fact, mirage likely has _less_ invis spamming capabilities since we can't double up with Continuum Shift like chrono, and I can't really see wanting to drop Jaunt in favor of Mass Invisibility. Depending on the build, a mirage also might not be taking the Illusions trait line, and therefore doesn't have faster recharges on the torch skill that grants invis.

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> @Nemesis.7896 said:

> > @takatsu.9416 said:

> > Listen, Mirage was designed to be our dps, dueling and offensive spec. We are supposed to be able to burst you down. We bring no support to a team, it is entirely focused on killing. Still, there are a lot of classes that aren't easy to take down. A good Spellbreaker for example is a tough fight and can stay alive, never die, and burst you down. Have you fought those? If you complain about Mirage, complain about Spellbreaker too.

> >

> > You're complaining that a glass spec can stay alive using all our trickery? How else do we stay alive? Should we be sitting targets? The current balance is nowhere safe enough to be a sitting duck, almost EVERYBODY can basically one/two shot you under 10 seconds. Every class has their own survival tricks. You're complaining actually about the entire gw2 balance, NOT the Mirage.

> >

> > Chrono was designed to be a support class. Same with Scourge, Firebrand and Tempest, all of which players simply optimized the damage out put (as always, as they do on everything) and somehow has huge dps. Isn't Spellbreaker supposed to be defensive, counter and so on? Berserker was the damage spec. This is a problem for the entire gw2 balance, all the class stats and the three different game modes that Anet obviously is not very good at.

> >

> > I personally use Elusive Mind and all the mobility I can get. That said, if you build for huge burst, the Mesmer can be very glassy and easy to kill in a moment. It's like spellbreaker, you look for the moments when they are vulnerable and their cooldowns are gone (which is close to never). Or drop AoEs everywhere. Most good players with most classes can be the same in survivability or level of danger.

> >

> > Sorry but it's about play skill and also play style, how aggressive or cautious you are. I lose more often when I'm trying to go in for the kill and try to faceroll and usually win if hanging back, going in and retreating when necessary. Don't be the lazy spammer player.



> How funny.


> Most warrior cooldowns that you cry about are 60 seconds and you dare to say they are close to never gone.


> Clones spamming, invisible, not as squishy as you pretend, with many evade abilities, able to teleport even to higher groud, portal performing class player is trying to say that the warrior(with nothing of the aboves) is broken because they have one 7 seconds cooldown counter skill that have to be built with adrenaline and can be avoided easilly ?


> Lol ?


Is that why Spellbreaker is currently considered THE most overpowered pvp spec ingame after Scourge got nerfed?


No one is debating that mirage is a strong 1v1 class. Doesn't change the fact that some classes out there are quite overpowered in any pvp setting (spellbreaker being the prime example).


Don;t worry though, next tuesday is coming. I doubt spellbreaker is going to remain unchanged.

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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > @Nemesis.7896 said:

> > > @takatsu.9416 said:

> > > Listen, Mirage was designed to be our dps, dueling and offensive spec. We are supposed to be able to burst you down. We bring no support to a team, it is entirely focused on killing. Still, there are a lot of classes that aren't easy to take down. A good Spellbreaker for example is a tough fight and can stay alive, never die, and burst you down. Have you fought those? If you complain about Mirage, complain about Spellbreaker too.

> > >

> > > You're complaining that a glass spec can stay alive using all our trickery? How else do we stay alive? Should we be sitting targets? The current balance is nowhere safe enough to be a sitting duck, almost EVERYBODY can basically one/two shot you under 10 seconds. Every class has their own survival tricks. You're complaining actually about the entire gw2 balance, NOT the Mirage.

> > >

> > > Chrono was designed to be a support class. Same with Scourge, Firebrand and Tempest, all of which players simply optimized the damage out put (as always, as they do on everything) and somehow has huge dps. Isn't Spellbreaker supposed to be defensive, counter and so on? Berserker was the damage spec. This is a problem for the entire gw2 balance, all the class stats and the three different game modes that Anet obviously is not very good at.

> > >

> > > I personally use Elusive Mind and all the mobility I can get. That said, if you build for huge burst, the Mesmer can be very glassy and easy to kill in a moment. It's like spellbreaker, you look for the moments when they are vulnerable and their cooldowns are gone (which is close to never). Or drop AoEs everywhere. Most good players with most classes can be the same in survivability or level of danger.

> > >

> > > Sorry but it's about play skill and also play style, how aggressive or cautious you are. I lose more often when I'm trying to go in for the kill and try to faceroll and usually win if hanging back, going in and retreating when necessary. Don't be the lazy spammer player.

> >

> >

> > How funny.

> >

> > Most warrior cooldowns that you cry about are 60 seconds and you dare to say they are close to never gone.

> >

> > Clones spamming, invisible, not as squishy as you pretend, with many evade abilities, able to teleport even to higher groud, portal performing class player is trying to say that the warrior(with nothing of the aboves) is broken because they have one 7 seconds cooldown counter skill that have to be built with adrenaline and can be avoided easilly ?

> >

> > Lol ?


> Is that why Spellbreaker is currently considered THE most overpowered pvp spec ingame after Scourge got nerfed?


> No one is debating that mirage is a strong 1v1 class. Doesn't change the fact that some classes out there are quite overpowered in any pvp setting (spellbreaker being the prime example).


> Don;t worry though, next tuesday is coming. I doubt spellbreaker is going to remain unchanged.


Don't be like that. Spellbreaker is underpowered, and probably needs some buffs to its mobility as it is easily kited. Mirage on the other hand has so much mobility that it's OP! :open_mouth:



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> @Curunen.8729 said:

> wvw smallscale and especially solo is all about you vs the world - putting yourself in the position that necessitates self sufficiency and preparedness. You walk out that gate and have to be ready for anything - a huge blob, gankers, duelists, uplevels, guild groups, npcs, whatever... how long can you survive, defeat enemies and score points through objectives until you get dropped. You have to build to be extremely adaptable to totally unpredictable situations. I savour this challenge.


> pvp is about how well can you coordinate with your team to outperform the opposing team - which requires a combination of high combat proficiency, map awareness, pvp mechanic understanding such as rotations and above all teamwork. There is far greated predictability than in wvw because you know exactly who the enemy are and most of the time where they are - it's more about how are they splitting, where are they moving and so on. In this way it is more restrictive in what you can/can't do and what you should/shouldn't do whereas wvw solo is a blank canvas. In pvp you build to fill a role on your team in order to ensure winning the cap point race.


> The only aspect of pvp that remotely resembles smallscale/solo wvw is skirmishing in hotjoin - ie the cap point and win condition mechanics of pvp don't matter.


IMO that's valid for players to play, but as it resembles the WvW design as much as 1v1 skirmishing away from the points in sPvP does, I wouldn't want ANet to **ever** intentionally balance for that. There is far, far, **far** too much balancing left to do for sPvP, WvW and PvE to worry about player-invented game formats. It's sort of the cherry on top once everything else is done with balancing.


But, right now I'd say a good 25%-50% of skills of **every** class should be ripped out and replaced (or not even that), nevermind the traits. Balance is in a really shoddy state. So balancing for something the game isn't built for (1v1 PvP) is a bit... silly.

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> @Zenith.7301 said:

> > @Ferus.3165 said:

> > the fact that you cannot fight a mirage and win nor can you run from it (besides thief). Idc that there are 90% bad players running around who have no clue how to play the class, it's just that if you can play reactivly and not just spam random skills, mirage is (just like daredevil) unbeatable


> ......Warrior, ranger, and engineer with rocket boots can all outrun mirage. A revenant with shiro superspeed can outrun mirage.


> The only classes who can't run are guardian and necro, but they've never been able to run from any class....



This is factually wrong, with mirage thrust and high endurance regen nothing but DD and possibly Druid can outrun mirage and certainly only DD if we talk about Z axis movement too because Jaunt while short in range does allow you to blink up a number of cliffs. If at any point you considered daredevils too strong in WvW then mirage is certainly too strong as it has just as much mobility as DD only lacking the stealth access technically but if you were to go PU while you lose damage you gain more stealth. Even going illusions instead of chaos would allow you to get +25% crit chance on MW, reduced shatter CDs while reducing torch and decoy cool downs by 20% giving you plenty of stealth, not enough to rival a DD but enough to certainly be as much of a troll.


I might try illu dom or illu duelling mirage on reset, see how it holds up as you can have decent vigor even without duelling, just not perma.


In terms of what I would change about mirage thrust, I don’t know because the rest of the spec isn’t exactly amazing but a range decrease might be good for the game in general so mirage can’t double leap, blink and be so far out of range of everyone that it cannot be chased. There would have to be a buff to split beams damage and the mirage mirrors mechanic could do with work. I know there’s a lot of stuff that doesn’t seem to fit but it’s no excuse to keep this insane level of mobility without any real investment because mirage thrust for most builds isn’t an investment in any way other than take mirage and possibly invest in endurance regen.

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> @Levetty.1279 said:

> Mirage comes close to catching up to the mobility that most other classes have and suddenly mobility is a problem and needs to be brought down.


> Funny how that works.


It blows most classes out of the water for mobility as without mentioning portal. You can get 1 bar of endurance back every 5s with endurance food and vigor which means you have a 600 range leap every 5s. Couple that with an energy sigil on the torch or sword and you pretty much will always have that ready when you need it, Jaunt, keep running and 5s later you leap again. Add on blink and you can out run even warriors and druids.


As I say if at any point you considered DD too strong in WvW roaming then mirage is definitely too strong too. That SB and other classes are just as strong isn’t a justification for these poorly thought out decisions neither is the fact most of the other stuff on mirage is kinda poo.

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> @Nemesis.7896 said:

> It is funny how the whiny mirage players here that wins all their duels try to argue that their class isnt broken.


> It is.


> A class that is almost always in evade mode, spam invisibility plus clones that can escape 90% of situations is utterly broken.


> The only argument you have is to tell people they are bad.


> That's what ''non skilled two buttons i win classes players'' always says when people point how unpleasant their class is in term of balance.


stoped reading after "spam invisibility".


Come on Bro , be honest, did u ever read any of mirages Skills? Mirages can't stealth. Mesmers can. "always in evade mode" - lol we dont have more endurance regen then any other class. (DD has more then mirages + third bar). Yeah people who attack my clones for 5 minutes ARE bad.


"non skilled two buttons i win classes players" - did u ever played mesmer?



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> @Carighan.6758 said:

> > @Curunen.8729 said:

> > wvw smallscale and especially solo is all about you vs the world - putting yourself in the position that necessitates self sufficiency and preparedness. You walk out that gate and have to be ready for anything - a huge blob, gankers, duelists, uplevels, guild groups, npcs, whatever... how long can you survive, defeat enemies and score points through objectives until you get dropped. You have to build to be extremely adaptable to totally unpredictable situations. I savour this challenge.

> >

> > pvp is about how well can you coordinate with your team to outperform the opposing team - which requires a combination of high combat proficiency, map awareness, pvp mechanic understanding such as rotations and above all teamwork. There is far greated predictability than in wvw because you know exactly who the enemy are and most of the time where they are - it's more about how are they splitting, where are they moving and so on. In this way it is more restrictive in what you can/can't do and what you should/shouldn't do whereas wvw solo is a blank canvas. In pvp you build to fill a role on your team in order to ensure winning the cap point race.

> >

> > The only aspect of pvp that remotely resembles smallscale/solo wvw is skirmishing in hotjoin - ie the cap point and win condition mechanics of pvp don't matter.


> IMO that's valid for players to play, but as it resembles the WvW design as much as 1v1 skirmishing away from the points in sPvP does, I wouldn't want ANet to **ever** intentionally balance for that. There is far, far, **far** too much balancing left to do for sPvP, WvW and PvE to worry about player-invented game formats. It's sort of the cherry on top once everything else is done with balancing.


> But, right now I'd say a good 25%-50% of skills of **every** class should be ripped out and replaced (or not even that), nevermind the traits. Balance is in a really shoddy state. So balancing for something the game isn't built for (1v1 PvP) is a bit... silly.


Oh yes I agree - roaming is not possible to balance and in any case I'm not advocating for anything in this situation. And tbh that's taking the conversation off on a tangent - I was merely stating the differences between pvp and smallscale/solo wvw for the record because it's important to note that people who like one don't necessarily like the other, or at least not to the same extent as they are too different to be interchangeable. I suppose it's like the difference between playing football in the street and football on a team.


I didn't even mention the greater scope for build customisation in wvw which is another source of enjoyment.

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> @Nemesis.7896 said:


> How funny.


> Most warrior cooldowns that you cry about are 60 seconds and you dare to say they are close to never gone.


> Clones spamming, invisible, not as squishy as you pretend, with many evade abilities, able to teleport even to higher groud, portal performing class player is trying to say that the warrior(with nothing of the aboves) is broken because they have one 7 seconds cooldown counter skill that have to be built with adrenaline and can be avoided easilly ?


> Lol ?


Lol are you a warrior player? Why did you focus on my little brackets adding a little side thought? My main post was that it is tough to down. You know how average spellbreakers can do 1v3, 1v4 any day and get away. 60seconds? Have you even looked at the warrior skills? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_warrior_skills https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spellbreaker Are you only talking about Endure Pain perhaps? There are tons of short CDs on everything. and FC is 8, blocks, stability, resistance in a variety of options, damage heals you, weapon skills, mobility. Cooldowns go down but there is always something else to go through. Don't pretend and tell me you have 60 second windows. Any decent enough warrior won't allow much room for any damage, CC or too much condi get through.


Yes, you can SEE a warrior there, but it doesn't mean you can touch them very much or often. Just because mesmers need to rely on some tricks, like detargeting stealth, clones, it doesn't mean we are the most invincible. And let's see you stand there and take some hits from a warrior not even built complete glass and tell me they can't burst you down just as bad as a mesmer.


Not as squishy as we pretend? LOL Should we not use any of our survival and class skills and just let someone hit us and see how squishy we are? It's all we've got to survive. Just as thieves will use invisibility or daredevil will use close to perma evades. Every class has got to do that. There is no reason you should think Mesmers are OP, just because we are trying to survive, otherwise we'd be dead instantly, just as warriors will use their abilities to mitigate or take no damage.


But just a note, I'm not actually crying about warriors, I think they're a great formidabble class to face in the hands of a good player and I have defeated and have been defeated by warriors. I see that all classes have their ability to survive and damage. That's what I'm saying. Warrior is just a good example to talk about because of SB. If you're complaining about Mesmer, then you better complain about every other class out there with any sort of ability.


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On another note back to the OP


Condi classes are all the same, they will stack conditions on you, if you have built to face condi classes, then you're ready with condi cleanses. You should have no problem. There are a lot of condi classes out there, and the mesmer is not the only one. These days you've just got to be ready for that. It's not the mesmer's fault for your unpreparedness.


Power burst mirage depends on similar concepts that have been around since the beginning of the mesmer class. However, it was no longer so popular due to the shift in the balance and the difficulty of survival as a pure power mesmer. With mirage, it comes back because we have the added survivability of the evades and ambush - that's all.


Just like the entire gw2 meta, power was not really as popular once condi dps (and burst) came to dominate. We should be glad that it's coming back and there are now more variations. It's how we can play power again, due to the ability to survive better now.


Power bursts has always been a thing, thieves do it all the time. Hit and run and get away if it fails. That's their way of surviving. Should they stand still and let you hit them back? Lol


The balance will continue to shift. People were complaining so hard about Scourge. Some about Firebrand. Some people complain about Deadeye. Everyone thinks something is OP. There is no way to deal with this but to just learn and deal with it, because every class has their way of managing a fight.


Not too long ago, I was trying out the power burst mirage, and I could not down a Druid. It was just a stalemate. They couldn't be dented very much and could easily handle 1v4 (daredevil, spellbreaker, etc) for a good time. I'm sure WvW roaming is different but everybody has their way of handling something and handling different roles in the field.

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