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What if we had one pet, no swapping?


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Ooo...they could make it so you can have only 1 pet at a time, and when you want a new pet, you have to kill your old pet, it'd drop the item "香肉 " in your inventory, and you'd have to go out and tame a new one to replace it. And if you named your pet say "Fluffy" the next one would show up as "Fluffy 2" then "Fluffy 3..." ;)

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Gw1 had a single pet the new pet system is almost one of the only things I prefer on ranger compared to gw1s rangers skillset/expertise.


I miss water combat for many reasons partially it being a diversity to the game which the game lacks. I really like using shark/armored fish I really like the armored fish. Although I mostly mesmered while having water it was fun on ranger with the water pets. We lost like half our skills losing water and its like really??? I already cant change my individual skills on a weapon...


I think anet should stick with their vision and only take/implement suggestions if it really aligns with what they wanted they wanted water shouldnt be coerced to remove something because people cry op. Water was clearly in that vision all specs would seem op at times like they do on land but we didnt remove land... I thought waters balance was just as comparable to land except in water there wasnt really any insta kills so how was it worse than land?

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Ranger was my main in GW 1 and we also had one pet. In the beginning if you wanted a different pet you lost your current pet in order to tame a new one. I defiantly prefer the current system. I like the convenience of having all tamed pets and my finger tips. Also there is value in the ability to swap from a high dps feline to a pet with heavy CC when needed for a break bar.


Unless Anet is willing to re-develop the pet system and at least make all pets viable I don't see a need for the system to change. I've mentioned in another thread that it would be awesome if we could swap stats and F2 pet abilities on the fly as needed. Much like how legendary weapons work. This way all pets would be viable and you could customize your one pet to your needs. I would have no need to have 2 swappable pets if I had one pet that was customizable and a little tankier.

However sadly I do not see a redesign of pets happening any time soon.

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I had actually been thinking of this as a possible mechanic for a new elite spec. We lose access to an extra pet, but in exchange get a tougher adolescent version of any of the pets. Maybe make the pet's death function like players where they go into a downed state before actually dieing giving you a chance to revive them, otherwise you're without a pet until you can get back out of combat. Give the spec a rifle and it'd be a day one buy for me.


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