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[POLL] What class do you play the most?


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Elementalist always. No other class connects to me or satisfies me more. I love controlling the elements and arcane power. The endless attunement switching and vast arsenal of skills and abilities to use and build with. I love all the weps they have. The versatility, AOE's, melee and range proficiency, devastating offense and formidable defense, eye-candy skills and abilities, armor designs and skins, balance of direct damage and conditions, Tempest and Weaver, everything about them.

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I've spent a lot of time deciding my main when I started to play GW2 and as a result only vanilla Guard had this overal feeling I loved. Especially greatsword abilities.


Then HoT came and I've spend leveling every profession to 80 to unlock elite specs. And while I had short moments of thinking that something can be better than my guard (I hated dragonhunter at the very beginning but l2p and started to love it a lot) but it ended up I returned to play my good old main.


And now with PoF the same happened - I didn't like the idea of firebrand, unlocked all elites, played mostly Mirage and thought "hey finally I'll switch my main". But... nope! I gave firebrand more time due to guard nostalgia and played it despite I didn't like it. And after a short time it grew on me and boom - once again I'm playing almost exlusively on my guard and loving it.


PS: This also helped me to decide on my new goal - get wvw heavy legendary armor for my guard.

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> @Haishao.6851 said:

> I played 1780 hours on my Mesmer since 2012 and 1240 hours on my Ele since 2014

> Every others are lower than 500 hours and pretty much irrelevant.


Decided to check my hours which I know will be way lower than yours.


Deadeye: 474 hours

Necro: 351 hours

Mirage: 108 hours

Dragonhunter: 76 hours

Druid: 36 hours


Renegade: 155 hours, but deleting her after her birthday.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Haishao.6851 said:

> > I played 1780 hours on my Mesmer since 2012 and 1240 hours on my Ele since 2014

> > Every others are lower than 500 hours and pretty much irrelevant.


> Decided to check my hours which I know will be way lower than yours.


> Deadeye: 474 hours

> Necro: 351 hours

> Mirage: 108 hours

> Dragonhunter: 76 hours

> Druid: 36 hours


> Renegade: 155 hours, but deleting her after her birthday.


May want to just get another character slot (can help you if you would like) and relegate her to being a mule (for storage) and she will continue to get X Year Birthday gifts down the road. Since each year gives different items, the dye packs in later years could save a lot of coin instead of buying them from the TP (like the shadow dyes).

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I started playing Guardian, Then Engineer and then Mesmer... Now my Mesmer have over 3800 hours, My Guardian over 2300 and my Engineer over 1500.

With the exception of revenant, I played a few hundred hours of the other professions but they hover around 500 hours each. My revenant don't even have 100 hours.

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My preferred prof is mesmer, like it already was in GW1. I have 5 of them, each playing different weapons. I have needed time to feel good with other professions, but I am a very slow learner, so it is not surprising. However, by now, I have one strong char in each profession at least and enjoy them all. Revenant was the last one I could not cope with. Thanks to Renegade, I found a way to play that I finally enjoy. Now fact is that I am definitely better at casters than melee... :3


So, nowadays, I play with all professions, mostly depending on activities. What made me stop playing mesmer only was that I got stuck at final primary of Lake Doric LS. I had been able to solo all storylines up to that specific primary, but my mesmer could never get rid of that one. This is what forced me to start playing with other professions. At the time, I was frustrated, but now, I am thankful it happened, because I really enjoyed to be able to take whatever prof based on moods and needs. :)

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Haishao.6851 said:

> > I played 1780 hours on my Mesmer since 2012 and 1240 hours on my Ele since 2014

> > Every others are lower than 500 hours and pretty much irrelevant.


> Decided to check my hours which I know will be way lower than yours.


> Deadeye: 474 hours

> Necro: 351 hours

> Mirage: 108 hours

> Dragonhunter: 76 hours

> Druid: 36 hours


> Renegade: 155 hours, but deleting her after her birthday.


You're confusing "deadeye" with "thief".

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I want to say Necro, but Necro just hasn't felt right the last few months. I still play it (Reaper) some (I keep hoping I'll make peace with its current state), but I spend more time on Thief (Daredevil- didn't care for Deadeye)- zippy and fun, but kinda makes my Necro feel like it plays in slow motion, lol.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> What class do you play the most or have played the most?


Thief is so much fun. I used to play a condition ranger as my main. One of my friends started a thief. And grouping with him was like grouping with a blender. I couldn't believe how fast stuff was dying. So I rolled a thief (daredevil), instantly fell in love and never touched my ranger again.


Thief is SO survivable (esp. With invigorating precision). The damage is SO sick. The mobility is SO high. And the rotation is so easy. It's just exhilarating to start cleaving mobs, look at the DPS meter, and see ridiculous numbers like 56k popping up. I don't have any interest in any other profession.

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> @Sobx.1758 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @Haishao.6851 said:

> > > I played 1780 hours on my Mesmer since 2012 and 1240 hours on my Ele since 2014

> > > Every others are lower than 500 hours and pretty much irrelevant.

> >

> > Decided to check my hours which I know will be way lower than yours.

> >

> > Deadeye: 474 hours

> > Necro: 351 hours

> > Mirage: 108 hours

> > Dragonhunter: 76 hours

> > Druid: 36 hours

> >

> > Renegade: 155 hours, but deleting her after her birthday.


> You're confusing "deadeye" with "thief".


Not really. My characters are Deadeye, Necro, Mirage, Dragonhunter, and Druid.


> @StinVec.3621 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @Haishao.6851 said:

> > > I played 1780 hours on my Mesmer since 2012 and 1240 hours on my Ele since 2014

> > > Every others are lower than 500 hours and pretty much irrelevant.

> >

> > Decided to check my hours which I know will be way lower than yours.

> >

> > Deadeye: 474 hours

> > Necro: 351 hours

> > Mirage: 108 hours

> > Dragonhunter: 76 hours

> > Druid: 36 hours

> >

> > Renegade: 155 hours, but deleting her after her birthday.


> May want to just get another character slot (can help you if you would like) and relegate her to being a mule (for storage) and she will continue to get X Year Birthday gifts down the road. Since each year gives different items, the dye packs in later years could save a lot of coin instead of buying them from the TP (like the shadow dyes).


Not sure how you could help exactly, but yeah she would just take up a spot that I rather use on something else.

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