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Should Anet make 1v1 pvp ranked game mode?


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In the past people have said that the reason there is no 1v1 is because everyone would play that and no one would team up. I think that is true to a certain extent, but so what. Give people what they want. I think it would be fun, and would play 1v1 more than teaming up. I think the only way to truly determine your individual skill is in 1v1.


No matter how you slice it if you're bad, you can get carried by the rest and think you are good too, and if you are good you can lose multiple times due to the rest of your team. Let's face it Anet has been promoting team PvP for one reason: esports, and no doubt the revenue that would bring in. However GW2 esports has been a total failure that the majority of the PvP player base couldn't careless about. So yes why not have a 1v1 league. The main issue I see is any big imbalances between the classes will become much more apparent, maybe that is another reason Anet doesn't want 1v1s.

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No 100% . GW2 sPvP is a team play mode. It was designed that way. 1v1 will be a trolling yolo thing that will bring more chaos to PvP. People will start asking each class to have a fair chance win any other class in 1v1 and if Arenanet go to this direction will be a heavy blow to real 5v5 sPvP. Btw the s in sPvP means structured. Enough said

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> @Emmrahil.1934 said:

> No 100% . GW2 sPvP is a team play mode. It was designed that way. 1v1 will be a trolling yolo thing that will bring more chaos to PvP. People will start asking each class to have a fair chance win any other class in 1v1 and if Arenanet go to this direction will be a heavy blow to real 5v5 sPvP. Btw the s in sPvP means structured. Enough said


sPvP is just a nonsence word that doesnt really mean anyting at the end of the day its just pvp, and anet needs to realize not everyone cares for team play and wants some good old 1v1.

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> @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> > @Emmrahil.1934 said:

> > No 100% . GW2 sPvP is a team play mode. It was designed that way. 1v1 will be a trolling yolo thing that will bring more chaos to PvP. People will start asking each class to have a fair chance win any other class in 1v1 and if Arenanet go to this direction will be a heavy blow to real 5v5 sPvP. Btw the s in sPvP means structured. Enough said


> sPvP is just a nonsence word that doesnt really mean anyting at the end of the day its just pvp, and anet needs to realize not everyone cares for team play and wants some good old 1v1.


Imho ArenaNet should support people who play sPvP seriously and team wise , not yolo casual 1v1'ers. ArenaNet already tried to keep them ( yolo / casuals / 1v1'ers ) happy long time now and that effected PvP community negatively. A smaller but better quality community is much better than a large one. And after all results of your own Poll proves my point. Kkthx


P.S. HotJoin is ok for people who cant / dont care to understand nature of sPvP (5v5) . So they have their place already

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> @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > @CedarDog.9723 said:

> > They have a 1v1 PvP mode already. It's called "Guild Hall Arena." Just go in with 1 other person and voila, 1v1 PvP.


> Your ignorance is off the charts but I'll make an exception for you and explain what's wrong with that:

> * Uses PvE gear.

> * Uses PvE balance

> * No matchmaking, must find opponents yourself.

> * No rewards.


must also have a guild big enough to spend lots of money on arena to set it up too.... (rip my 6 man guild)

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> @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:

> > > @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> > > > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:

> > > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > > I'd say no, but i wouldn't mind for a 100€ dlc for those who want 1v1 so badly.

> > > >

> > > > na make it cost much more if they really want it that badly in the game say for like 900 € if not more

> > >

> > > Do not be ridiculous, its a basic game function that should already been there.

> >

> > oh but I am not you want it that bad you should pay a lot for it . should be very costly for you to have it . if you want it that bad in the game . then that way if you wanted more of it and updates the dlc content for it would only cost half as much than the buy price .


> or i could you know pick another game and play that :) ^^


Perhaps you should take your advice. This isn't a game built around 1v1, and by the way, your reasoning for wanting a 1v1 mode is hypocritical. It would still be random as to whether you won or lost. Developing stuff costs money, and you don't even want to invest into something you want, it must mean you don't really want it

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> @Yamazuki.6073 said:

> > @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> > > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:

> > > > @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> > > > > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:

> > > > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > > > I'd say no, but i wouldn't mind for a 100€ dlc for those who want 1v1 so badly.

> > > > >

> > > > > na make it cost much more if they really want it that badly in the game say for like 900 € if not more

> > > >

> > > > Do not be ridiculous, its a basic game function that should already been there.

> > >

> > > oh but I am not you want it that bad you should pay a lot for it . should be very costly for you to have it . if you want it that bad in the game . then that way if you wanted more of it and updates the dlc content for it would only cost half as much than the buy price .

> >

> > or i could you know pick another game and play that :) ^^


> Perhaps you should take your advice. This isn't a game built around 1v1, and by the way, your reasoning for wanting a 1v1 mode is hypocritical. It would still be random as to whether you won or lost. Developing stuff costs money, and you don't even want to invest into something you want, it must mean you don't really want it


this is just nonsence a 1v1 match would depend on build traits and skill thats it no luck involved.

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> @Emmrahil.1934 said:

> No 100% . GW2 sPvP is a team play mode. It was designed that way. 1v1 will be a trolling yolo thing that will bring more chaos to PvP. People will start asking each class to have a fair chance win any other class in 1v1 and if Arenanet go to this direction will be a heavy blow to real 5v5 sPvP. Btw the s in sPvP means structured. Enough said


This "structured" argument of yours became null and void. The moment ANet took away the player's ability to play structured PvP.


- Yolo queue is the opposite of structured, yet it's the only thing player can do.

- Punishments not being given to players who clearly deserves them. Are the opposite of a structure, and only and has invited complete chaos.


So excuse me if I just don't think your argument has a half of a leg to stand on at this point and time.


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I think ranked 1v1s would be a very good way to bypass carries and some of the current win trade methods being used. There would still be some that would just queue into each other with dummy accounts for free wins but that would happen regardless. There are also issues with current builds that could cause problems if not handled carefully. I think that Arena Net should control selectable 1v1 builds to solve issues with having to fight in boring bunker or stealth matches.


Eliminating stealth is reasonable as a 1v1 is pretty much a "duel" and in a duel one doesn't hide behind a boulder or tree to surprise their enemy during the fight. Its basically just a crutch used by thieves, rangers, engi, and mes to recover from mistakes and reset during fights. I've seen a few very good thief duelists, mostly daredevil. I think the class could use a small nerf on the evade spam but I have seen some really good matches from some skilled daredevils in 1v1 rooms. The perma stealth trapper and the sword 2 (usually condi) through wall thieves though, that's just garbage in my opinion.


Removing healing amulets could help with bunker issues. If pre-set builds are used just don't include healing ammys in any of the builds. The goal isn't to hold down a point, its to kill your opponent so a bunker would likely just make for a boring fight that would force the game to chose a winner based on damage done if there are no deaths. In this situation, the bunker would likely lose every match as their damage often suffers in exchange for sustain.


I personally would love the chance to not depend on pugs given to me by Arena Net as I am almost always screwed over by it. I took screen shots and posted them in the old forums of the earlier system where I was placed in a team with a legend and 4 diamonds vs me as a Ruby at the time and I was armed with a sapphire, two emeralds, and an amber pre-made if i remember correctly. Last season on an alt with a rating of like 1480 or so I took a screen of me being placed with a group in there 1530's or so versus legend players in 1880 and higher.


I usually use that alt to queue with people I am unsure about so they don't lower my main accounts rating so I didn't care as much, but it is a pattern that Arena Net can't or wont break. The only difference is that now they don't show the divisions at the end of the match, most likely to eliminate screen shots and complaints like mine. So yes ffs, finally please give me a way out of that horrible match making. I killed several of the legend players that I've fought in 1v1s during those wasted matches so I would much rather be rated on that. Last season my main account with mostly solo queue landed at 191 but if this system was in place, I'm sure that number would be looking a lot prettier. I want to put the screens on here but they aren't on a "URL" anyone know how to just load on from desktop?

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![](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5dc70d_9bf9be6d3aec48d1be16fae073ecaa06~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_575,h_325,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/5dc70d_9bf9be6d3aec48d1be16fae073ecaa06~mv2.png "")

This is my alt that I mentioned that I use to test guys who want to duo Character name Xeroghoul Malak. The top 2 on the right hand side (blue team) are 1890 rated

Below is a pic of the same two from the upper right on blue team at 1890 vs my alts 1470



Did I actually have to make a website to put images on this forum?


Seems like there would be an easier way. Regardless, ranked 1v1 would eliminate ungodly match ups like this.

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> @veslarius.8425 said:

> ![](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5dc70d_9bf9be6d3aec48d1be16fae073ecaa06~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_575,h_325,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/5dc70d_9bf9be6d3aec48d1be16fae073ecaa06~mv2.png "")

> This is my alt that I mentioned that I use to test guys who want to duo Character name Xeroghoul Malak. The top 2 on the right hand side (blue team) are 1890 rated

> Below is a pic of the same two from the upper right on blue team at 1890 vs my alts 1470

> https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5dc70d_3579c118a7964d75b9a90ad245caa8b0~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_575,h_325,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/5dc70d_3579c118a7964d75b9a90ad245caa8b0~mv2.png


> Did I actually have to make a website to put images on this forum?

> http://www.wix.com/website/builder/?referral=split%20page&vertical=other#!/builder/story/8f60f40c-a6e7-41a0-bdde-45e8ea5aef37:f4a9af73-a6f0-4adf-bb41-d1dfcda176ae/preview

> Seems like there would be an easier way. Regardless, ranked 1v1 would eliminate ungodly match ups like this.


you need to link them from imgur, and use the add picture in edit for them to show:)


here have a kitty test

![](https://i.imgur.com/aHMZd9U.jpg "")


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> @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> > @Dahkeus.8243 said:

> > 1v1 would be a total balance shitshow. And the community would probably end up bullying ANet into balancing around it if it was released, which would make other game modes worse. Balance is bad enough without this.


> i dont see your point its anets job to balance things, saying 1v1 cant happen because they would have work is meh.


But honestly that's pretty much what it comes down to. ANet are mostly only willing to work on PvE improvements and upgrades.

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> @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> > @Dahkeus.8243 said:

> > 1v1 would be a total balance shitshow. And the community would probably end up bullying ANet into balancing around it if it was released, which would make other game modes worse. Balance is bad enough without this.


> i dont see your point its anets job to balance things, saying 1v1 cant happen because they would have work is meh.


They can't balance the game for the current 3 gamemodes, what makes you think they would be able to balance 4? They can't even split skills from PvP x PvE x WvW, why would they do it just for a gamemode that basically no one would play? Check your own poll, anet isn't going to put effort for such a small part of the community. Wake up. ahahaha

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> @Alehin.3746 said:

> > @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> > > @Dahkeus.8243 said:

> > > 1v1 would be a total balance shitshow. And the community would probably end up bullying ANet into balancing around it if it was released, which would make other game modes worse. Balance is bad enough without this.

> >

> > i dont see your point its anets job to balance things, saying 1v1 cant happen because they would have work is meh.


> They can't balance the game for the current 3 gamemodes, what makes you think they would be able to balance 4? They can't even split skills from PvP x PvE x WvW, why would they do it just for a gamemode that basically no one would play? Check your own poll, anet isn't going to put effort for such a small part of the community. Wake up. ahahaha


50 + people voted yes you cant just say its a small part of the community, besided no one ever said pvp should be only 5v5 thats silly.

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> @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> > @Alehin.3746 said:

> > > @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> > > > @Dahkeus.8243 said:

> > > > 1v1 would be a total balance shitshow. And the community would probably end up bullying ANet into balancing around it if it was released, which would make other game modes worse. Balance is bad enough without this.

> > >

> > > i dont see your point its anets job to balance things, saying 1v1 cant happen because they would have work is meh.

> >

> > They can't balance the game for the current 3 gamemodes, what makes you think they would be able to balance 4? They can't even split skills from PvP x PvE x WvW, why would they do it just for a gamemode that basically no one would play? Check your own poll, anet isn't going to put effort for such a small part of the community. Wake up. ahahaha


> 50 + people voted yes you cant just say its a small part of the community, besided no one ever said pvp should be only 5v5 thats silly.


Oh, yes i can say it's a small part of the community. 50 people isn't even close to have a decent matchmaking queue, even if said 50 people are queueing at the same time. You don't even know if all of the 50 people are in the same region. Instead of wating resources on this, i rather get other stuff like raids, 5v5 focused balance, fractals and story mode.


PvP isn't 5x5 only btw. It goes from 1x1 up to 12x12 iirc, so you and the other 50 people can make your own dueling server and have fun there. Or maybe look for another game for "real PvPers", as some of you claim to be. ahahahaha

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> @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> > @Alehin.3746 said:

> > > @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> > > > @Dahkeus.8243 said:

> > > > 1v1 would be a total balance shitshow. And the community would probably end up bullying ANet into balancing around it if it was released, which would make other game modes worse. Balance is bad enough without this.

> > >

> > > i dont see your point its anets job to balance things, saying 1v1 cant happen because they would have work is meh.

> >

> > They can't balance the game for the current 3 gamemodes, what makes you think they would be able to balance 4? They can't even split skills from PvP x PvE x WvW, why would they do it just for a gamemode that basically no one would play? Check your own poll, anet isn't going to put effort for such a small part of the community. Wake up. ahahaha


> 50 + people voted yes you cant just say its a small part of the community, besided no one ever said pvp should be only 5v5 thats silly.


Gw2 raidar has 25k users. So your 50 count is... well... irrelevant.

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**WARNING: Wall of text incoming lol**


The problem with spvp for me isn't because it is 5v5, it's because we have to control and cap/decap certain areas and battle aroud it to protect. Like I said in my inital post here this game mode clearly gives the advantage to certain classes/specs that can tank, have mobility to rotate, specifc roles that obviously not every class can fill. This game mode limitates build diversity for classes/specs too much since they have their "role" and they can't climb much farther without "adjusting" their build for that purpose.

I can certainly understand the point of the people who like the game mode and those who are cautious because of the failiure with stronghold. But in my opinion it could be a lot easier to balance things around small and controled fights instead of team fights. In a team fight they dont have to worry only about the class performance but about the role they want to give to it too, the synergy between skills of different classes so they dont interfere or end up doing the same as the others, the combos interaction, the pace they want to give to the fight, slower or fast paced bursty, the indiscriminate spread of aoes (which is pretty much our issue now in big fights and blob fighting), and the list goes on.

Balancing around the classes particularities and keeping its role in general, or redesign them if needed, could provide a better "balance" in my opinion. Because if each class has it's own tools agaist others, while keeping it's weaknesses at the same time like for example necro vs thief, they could in theory have a better control of things. Like, why are certain classes sooooo dependable of team support to fulfill it's "role"?

Why not keep their roles and their weaknesses but give them tools to sustain themselves while not diverging to make them too overpowered, for example giving a specific spec/class high burst capability at the begining of the fight but low during it with average to low sustain while others the opposite of that or something else, this kind of thing. Because the way I see it today we have certain classes with those capabilities while others dont have the capacity to sustain themselves in that fight, which is an obvious advantage for that class but not only over the one the has been beaten but over all the other classes that don't have that capacity too. The point here being, why balance certain classes/specs around 1v1 AND team fight capabilities while others are only balanced around team fight or single fights, being this game one that revolves around builds you either balance them in the same way or give them the option to choose which one they want to focus. Necros are a good example of that, they are a team fighter but not remotely balanced around single fights, even though necros got a certain advantage agaist certain classes thanks to the boon/condi system, they dont really have the option to choose in this case, it's the players that try really hard to make it happen.

Why is almost every skill in the game a multi target skill even though there are specific skills for that purpose? Why not have classes with their particular "boons" and "conditions" but instead you made this sort of "unified system"? Because we clearly have an issue with indiscriminate and overused spread of boons and conditions atm, you can't and you won't balance them like this when you have an excess of things to deal with because instead of shortening the issue you create more to "fix" it when it's clearly doing the opposite.


I hope I could make myself clear because I'm not good at expressing myself in english. But to sum up 5v5/team fights got way too many variables to balance around and involving the player to seize control of something you're limiting their roles and their freedom way too much. I like how anet tried to create something unique in Guild Wars 2, they certainly did it in some points, but I believe they should make their purpose clearer. As an experienced gamer I'm still confused to what their intention is, because in each balance patch they change the classes so much that I sometimes can't seem to understand their objective it's like they are always unsatisfied with the state of the game, to me it seems like they are trying to merge a mmorpg with a moba type of game. I sure know that balance patches are important, even more with each expansion and it's new features for the classes, but the amount of "change" in GW2 balance patches are really something.

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If pvp was all ready in a better place over all and ppl had more confidence in Anet being able to deliver then quite possibly more people would simply just say "sure, why not" if it wasn't all ready there alongside Ranked: 2v2, 3v3, 10v10, xvx, team q, more game modes, working MM, balance, functioning report feature, no bugs, mount specific maps, player created content, inbuilt voice coms, in no particular order, etc, etc, etc.


But that's a huge IF. A huge, huge, huge IF.

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Huge huge. . huge huge huge huge huge

Huge huge. . huge huge huge huge huge

Huge huge. . huge huge huge huge huge

Huge huge. . huge huge

Huge huge. . huge huge

Huge huge. . huge huge huge huge

Huge huge. . huge huge huge huge

Huge huge. . huge huge huge huge

Huge huge. . huge huge

Huge huge. . huge huge

Huge huge. . huge huge

Huge huge. . huge huge

Huge huge. . huge huge

Huge huge. . huge huge

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