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The Santa Charr Thread Season Two


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_Hello Santa,_


way up north for a Charr isn't it?!

Reindeers and stuff, that's mostly our territory, didn't know Charrs could stand the chilly weather up here. =)


Well, I started off nice this year, just a couple of friendly muggings, nothing 'serial' you know. But to be honest, I'm done being nice. It bores me to death. Ok, I might visit the orphanage sometimes and drop a few things I gathered from around the world, but that's it.

As a Norn I don't like the desert very much, so with the beginning of the second half of the year, yeah, that maybe changed it. That changed me. And I — definetly — needed a change, indeed.


I kill people for a living.

Preferably from the distance with my sniper rifle. Silent, but it makes a lovely >>SPLASH<< when the high velocity bullet exits the skull — sometimes if I'm lucky, it has enough speed to pierce through another bloke behind them, ouh my deer, that always makes my giggle. ^^

Yeah, it's mostly bad guys, but you know... so I suppose you _COULD_ call this nice though... but then... nah, I go for _naughty_ girl!

Because sometimes, I do need to get into the shadows and slice my way trough my target with them daggers. I crave the slice and the sound of the bloody well, when the warm stream of life flows out and the dripping echoes from the cold dungeon walls. Oh, and the smell of fresh red... don't get me started on that.


Ok Santa, or whatever you call yourself. I need to be honest with you, I don't believe in some sentient being, dressed in ridiculously coloured fur. Bloody red is the only other colour I accept, next to natural. I live in the wild and the only higher beings I believe in, are the _spirits of the wild._

But, my deer... a naughty girls likes a present from time to time! ;)



_See you on Wintersday & don't catch a cold boy,_

_Line Kjællborg_ <3

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Santa Charr,


I've run into at least one other Santa, and he was a Norn. Honestly I'm not entirely convinced you exist. But! I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. All I got from the other Santa was a little wintersday present. Maybe you could hook me up with something a little better? ;) I've tried to be good! I've only messed up once. A day.


Anyway, thanks in advance!

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> @Xykris.6758 said:

> I must admit this is an awesome idea! :D

> This> @Aurelius.6829 said:

> Dear Santa Charr,


> Your tribune smells like a stinky poo.


> naughty enough? now get me my precursor.


Your on your way there, better watch it.


> @xisniel.8296 said:

> I've been very nice this year. I finally stopped trying to ride the centaurs after going to the desert. Raptors are much easier to control. But I don't like the scales. So scratchy. Or the teeth. Ouch.


They got very sharp teeth make sure it doesn't bit you. Then you'll have a very bad day.


> @Blutengel.7089 said:

> I can't believe more people have not responded to this


Right need more to comment.


> @Matick.4132 said:

> _Hello Santa,_


> way up north for a Charr isn't it?!


> I kill people for a living.

> Preferably from the distance with my sniper rifle. Silent, but it makes a lovely >>SPLASH<< when the high velocity bullet exits the skull — sometimes if I'm lucky, it has enough speed to pierce through another bloke behind them, ouh my deer, that always makes my giggle. ^^

> Yeah, it's mostly bad guys, but you know... so I suppose you _COULD_ call this nice though... but then... nah, I go for _naughty_ girl!

> Because sometimes, I do need to get into the shadows and slice my way trough my target with them daggers. I crave the slice and the sound of the bloody well, when the warm stream of life flows out and the dripping echoes from the cold dungeon walls. Oh, and the smell of fresh red... don't get me started on that.


> Ok Santa, or whatever you call yourself. I need to be honest with you, I don't believe in some sentient being, dressed in ridiculously coloured fur. Bloody red is the only other colour I accept, next to natural. I live in the wild and the only higher beings I believe in, are the _spirits of the wild._

> But, my deer... a naughty girls likes a present from time to time! ;)


It's not that cold I have the fur to keep me warm.


Oh Holy Charr. That description..... Ohhhhh......... But that's not all that bad I guess. I mean back in the day we fought to the death (no weapons) where I grew up to see who the true Charr warriors were and that was a bloody mess....... Anyway times changed. When I was old enough to fight in the arena they stopped it but I was so ready to be a true warrior. How I missed the chance to be a true Charr warrior.... That's why I started being a nice Charr and Santa Charr to help out the less fortunate ones.


> @Xykris.6758 said:

> I must admit this is an awesome idea! :D

> This will be my first wintersday back in guild wars since about 2012 so I'm quite excited!

> Also, as mentioned in a previous comment, you should totally put up a picture of Santa Charr! :D


This is the only one I have since I don't have any other ways on uploading a picture that's not a link.

[https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/232983/gw495.jpg](https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/232983/gw495.jpg "https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/232983/gw495.jpg")


**Thank you everyone for the awesome comments so far you all rock.**


There's only **FIVE DAYS LEFT** hurry up and leave a comment if you haven't already, before time runs out.


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> This is the only one I have since I don't have any other ways on uploading a picture that's not a link.

> [https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/232983/gw495.jpg](https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/232983/gw495.jpg "https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/232983/gw495.jpg")


> **Thank you everyone for the awesome comments so far you all rock.**


> There's only **FIVE DAYS LEFT** hurry up and leave a comment if you haven't already, before time runs out.



That's Awesome! :D


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’**Twas** the night before Wintersday, when all through the fahrar

Not a creature was stirring, not even Clawspur;

The meatsticks were hung by the chimney with care,

In hopes that Santy Charr soon would be there;


**The** cublings were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of catnip danced in their heads;

And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my hair-hiding cap,

Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap,


**When** on the Iron Legion's porch there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I blinked like a chrono,

Shredded open the shutters and clawed open the windo'.


**The** moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow

Reset my graphics to reflect objects below,

When, what to my wondering eyes should be seen,

But a miniature Magic Carpet, and eight tiny Quaggan,


**With** a little old driver, so shiny, so lit,

I knew in a moment it must be the Great Skritt.

More faster than centaurs, his 2k-gem-mounts came,

And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;




(”That doesn’t rhyme, Stupid!" one said one that was tall.)

(“No matter, run away, run away, run away all”)


**And** with perma-alacrity, I heard as if in invisi-slippers

The prancing and pawing of each little flipper.

As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,

Down the chimney The Great Skritt came with a bound.


**He** was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,

And his clothes were all shiny (despite ashes and soot);

A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,

And he looked like a burglar just hiding his hobosack.


**His** eyes — how they shined! his dimples how shiny!

His cheeks were like silver, his nose was… so tiny!

His droll little mouth was drawn up like a mop,

But the beard of his clipped so it was removed from the gem shop;


**The** stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,

And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;

He had a skinny face and a little thin tummy,

When he laughed, it sounded like he ate too many gummies


**He** was short and tiny, a right smiley old skritt,

And I laughed when I saw him, I nearly lost my... skritt;

The wink of his eye and the twist of his head,

Convinced me to hide all our brood’s best silver.


**He** spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,

And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,

And sticking his finger inside of his nose,

And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;


**He** sprang to his carpet, to his team gave a whistle,

And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.

But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,



_Slightly modified from Season One_

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I remember when my friends and I first got into this game and had the joy of experiencing its amazing world and community for the first time. Ever since then, Guild Wars instantly became my favorite PC game, and generous stuff like this from the community only makes it better! Thanks so much for doing this Santa Charr, and I hope everyone has a very merry Wintersday!

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Dear Santa Charr,

Hi! I have not met you because I only came to Tyria this year, and thus I am unacquainted with the parameters of the moral guidelines you use to differentiate the nice from the naughty. For example, is it naughty to walk out of storyline boss battles stark naked? Please feel free to drop by the Applied Development Lab at Rata Sum, where the krewe researchers have prepared a lengthy questionnaire to better understand your concept of niceness and naughtiness, and your place in the Eternal Alchemy in general. If you make an appointment before arriving, I will endeavor to schedule a dolyak barbecue for the occasion. Excelsior!

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**Thank you everyone for making this another great year for The Santa Charr Thread and has now come to an end.**


Thanks for the awesome comments everyone. As a reminder please make sure your in game mail box is not full. Also I'll start giving out presents to you all during Wintersday. I'll try and get you all your presents out before the end of Wintersday. I'm going to let you all know now that some of you might get your presents late but I'll let you know in advance if it's going to be late.


**Thank you all again. Please be safe out in the world and where ever you travel for the Holidays.**



Keep a look out for the Santa Charr Thread in 2018 under In-Game Events.

The thread for next year will start in November just like this one did.



From EVGA and Santa Charr (That looks like a reindeer)

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As nice as a true charr can be.


Which I guess is **Naughty** to folks who aren't charr. I mean... it's not my fault that someone left a delicious looking Chicken just wondering the street without a collar or anything. And it's certainly not my fault that I shot some kids dad with a rifle on Ebonhawk. That was war, and it was well before the treaty became a thing! I was just doing my duty, right!?

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