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[Idea] Next Halloween.


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I'm gonna open this by saying that I get that once made, often these events don't change (much), and I fully get that. But, I have an idea for next year's Halloween event, to make it a bit more "Epic


For Starters:


4 Bosses. Not just the Lich and the Count, add in a Spider Boss and a Gargoyle Boss.


Now, some changes. The Bosses as they were, should be toned down to be around "Elite" (Silver) level, this would make their reward and their synergy to the rest of the zone more aligned and build a better area for what otherwise works, which is solo/small group play, as opposed to needing to form squad level zerg balls to kill the Bosses, which quickly devolves into a race to be the first to hit anything, or nothing will be alive by the time you get to it.


So scaling down the Bosses would make the whole zone more in tune, the rewards more acceptable and proper, as well as make for an easy solo come-n-go style of play, which works well for for that arena.


But where is the fun in easy grind if there is no Scary as Fuck Chaos?


Which brings us to a fun part.


Every time any of the Bosses are killed there would be around a 5% chance that the Mad King or Bloody Prince, in all their majestic larger then life glory, would stop the fussing, and step down into the maze itself to wreck havoc.


The way the event would work, is They would start at the center of the map (right where the race starts) and walk around the map (following the race path), and it would be up to the players to stop/kill them before they completed their walk (which would take around 5 min , unless engaged by the players) Of course killing them would be no easy task, as they would require a large group of around 20+ people to take them down.


If the players beat the Mad King, they would receive 100 ToT bags, 1 Cob, and 1 BL scrap.

If they failed to stop the Mad King, he would stand cut down the Prince, with the dead body of Eddick laying at his feet he would play a game of Mad King says (akin to how it is played in the Inquisition) with the winners getting 20 ToT bags.


The Prince would reward 100 ToT bags, 1 BL scrap, and 10 large candy bags (after all he hates candy corn)

If they failed to stop the Prince, he would rip the Kings head off, hold it high in the maze, and Candy Corn would explode from the head, raining down on the payers (Imagine just a ton of candy corn spawning all around the maze that the players only needed to run over to pick up)


I think that would make for a really fun way to change the maze up from it's current state, after all.. those two just bickering gets old.. having them step down and do something would be awesome!

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My Guild Wars 2 Halloween Vision that I have in mind for the ultimate Halloween Fun for next years spooky time season to come:


# Content:


**Lunatic Inquisition**

Lunatic Inquisition gets reworked and rebalanced and will provide next year also a new Map to play on.

Both Sides, Village Players, as like the Lunatic Courtiers will have both their own Skill Set of 5 Skills and both sides will have the ability to make variouds usage of the environmental items to be found on the maps.


_Village Player Skills_

1) **Run For Your Life** - Temporarely increases your Run Speed and grants you Stability, making you immune to Fear Effects

2) **I'm Scared** - Temporarely put yourself into Stealth and gain Regeneration. Stealth and Regeneration ends preemtively, if you move out of its areas effect zone.

3) **Obey the Lunatics** - Appears only, when you get an order whispered by a Lunatic Courtier Player that haunts you - Fullfill the Order to become for a brief time immune to damage and burn nearby Lunatics

4) **I Will Avenge You** - Becomes only active, if an allied Village Player gets killed in your near - Grants you temporarely some Stacks of Might and make Environmental Items more effective for you against Lunatic Courtiers, once activated. Grants you also Bonus Points if you happen to defeat Lunatics, while the effect is active.

5) **The Last Of Us** - Becomes only useable, when you are the only living Village Player, allowing you to become for a short moment of time berserk out of despair, in which your attacks can deal even lethal damage to the LunaticCourtiers and grant Bonus Points while evading their attacks and dealing damage to them.


_Lunatic Courtier Skills_

1) **Haunting Scythe** Throw a Sickle Blade after Village Players to deal damage. this attack deals now lesser damage, therefore that its a ranged attack now

2) **Eviscerate** Kills instantly a Village Player, if its Health was below the threshold of 50%. Short range Leap Attack with now a range of 300 instead of 130

3) **Do what I say** Whispers a command of the Mad King to the Village Player, which makes it for the player temporarely not able to use normal skills, until they pressed 3 and clicked then on the right obey skill icon next that matches to the random command they received from you.

4) **Terrifying Scream** Scream at your Village Victim, causing Fear and a small Torment to them for a short time

5) **Soul of the Scarecrow** Plant a Scarecrow at your Ground Target, which causes after a tiny delay AoE and Chill and Bleeding from upcoming Ravens that pick at nearby villagers that run into it's range. Turns into **Will'o Whisp's Teleport**, which teleports you to the Location of the Scarecros and summons a Will'o' Whisp at its place, that alarms Lunatics and makes Villagers for them on a greater range visible on the map, as long its alive, but it can be easily defeated with a few environmental items.


Matches will last now again instead of like 6 Minutes now again 10 Minutes, or until every Village Player has been defeated and turned into a Courtier


Point Rebalance - The amount of Points that players receive over time, and the amount of points that Courtiers receive for defeating Villagers gets rebalanced

Rewards for Lunatic Inqusition will get enhanced and Halloween receives new LI based Achievements for next years Halloween based on being a Village, as like a Courtier and not just only 1 achievement, that is based on the amoutn of times you just play LI as repeatable Achievement.


Villager Achievements:

* for avoiding being hit

* for winning the matches with the most points/being last man alive

* for staying alive a certain total amount of time

* for using the various environmental items xxx times

* for killing Courtiers with environmental items using not the help of Skills

* for killing Courtiers with environmental items using the help of Skills

* for having used all types of environmental items at least once

* for speaking to the Mad King's Avatar and giving him a Jack'o Lantern as a present

* for defeating a Courtier especially with the Ripper

* for defeating a Courtier especially with a Hammer

* for defeating a Courtier especially with a Blunderbuss Rifle

* for throwing xxx Boulders at Courtiers

* for helping the Minion Events of Prince Thorn at the corners of the Lunatic Court/New Map xxx times

* for using Food in the near of a Courtier, after being attacked first, or in front of the Mad King Thorn Avatar

* for dancing in the face of danger (Alarm Wall) for at least 15 seconds

* for dancing in front of a by a Courtier summoned Scarecrow

* for dancing in front of a by a Courtier summoned Will'o'Wisp


Courtier Achievements:

* for killing xxx Villagers

* for Winning the Match and having killed all Villagers, before time runs out

* for having used all environmental items as traps

* for having catched players xxx times by your used traps

* for summoning xxx times a Scarecrow that successfully chills Villagers

* for having terryfied with your screams xxx players

* for summoning xxx Will'o Wisps

* for defeating especially Villagers right at the Court of the Mad King Thorns Avatar (the Inner Zone of the Lunatic Court)

* for defeating Minions of Prince Thorn that have been successfully summoned by the Villagers

* for using the Teleport Circles xxx times

* for commanding Villagers xxx times in the name of the Mad King

* for killing especially Villagers with under 50% health through Eviscerate xxx times

* for dancing in front of Mad King Thorns Avatar

* for dancing in front of a killed Villager, before the defeated corpse turns into a Courtier too

* for dancing in front of the Alarm Wall as a Courtier

* for avoiding being hit with environmental Weapons

* for avoiding being hit by environmental Items, like thrown Torches, Bones, Goo ect.

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**The Labyrinth**


Pretty much agree with the Concept Idea presented above my initial posting. Besides of that, it woudl be actually in the end 5 bosses, because the OP missing the running around annoying but mad Skeleton with its giant chainsaw, that haunts players all across the maze in its thirst for blood.

However I do agree with it, that each corner should have its very own rebalanced **Champions** (Not Elite, Elite would make them laughable cheap and not worthy to be called Bosses)


Northwest = New Spider Boss "Tarantulos"

Southeast = Lich King (redesign it into a Mummy, not a Skeleton with Zombie Minions, we have already tha Skeleton running around, no need for a second Skeleton Boss)

Northeast = Candycorn Count (reallocated its position to there, fits there better)

Southwest = New Gargoyle Boss "Goliath"


Special Boss, if all 5 Champions get defeated within a specific time limit = Mad King Thorn or eventually Prince Thorn based on who of those two won their bickerings between each other meanwhile or based on a kind of ration between mined Candycorn that has been gifted to the Mad King compared to the amount of Candycorn Minions being defeated in favor of Prince Thorn. If more Candycorn has ben defeated, than gifted, Prince, appears, otherwise Mad King


New Achievements added for next year to the Mad Labyrinth based on the changes beign made to the feature


* Defeat the Special Boss Mad King Thorn xxx times

* Defeat Prince Thorn xxx times

* Defeat all 5 Champions of the Labyrinth xxx times, before the time runs out




**The Clock Tower**


Not much, that can be changed here, other than addign for fun and challene new alternative Clock Tower Version Instances, that are higher and have also some kind of traps mayb included that have to be avoided while gettign up, instead of being chased by Acid, where time is not your enemy, but rather the mechanics and your player skill is requested more on those versions, where the original clock tower just equires of you only to jump quick enough to be not in danger of the green acid swallowing you and knowing the jumps/the path to jump effectively to reach the top.

Achievements could then be added for the new alternative Clock Tower JP's for beating them the first time and from then on as repeatable achievements just like the original tower has its repeatable achievement.

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**Trick or Treat Town Tours** (T4)


A new Event Chain, which lets you travel all through the various towns of Tyria, where you ask costumized for Trick & Treat.. when you get treats, then you receive bags, when its time for tricks, then you have to throw all kins of halloween stuff at nillager nocs that aren't willing to give you something, to make them convinced to give ypou somethign by putting up either a huge reverse costume brawl, where using brawl skills against the npc enemies counts towards your costume brawl achievement progression, or it can happen, that you have to spam the villagers full with lots of thrown toilet paper, old eggs, rotten pumpkins ect. p, until their Breakbars are removed from all this powrful sense of halloween thrown at them, that they give up and give you their treats which will be so more rewarding, so faster you successfully convinced them, means so more peopel join the brawls, or the spam of toilet paper and eggs, so more rewardign it will become for everyone. And this junk and all the garbage, that we get permanently dropped from bags, that usually gets instantly deleted out of our inventories, wil lreceive finalyl for somethign actualyl a usage in halloween.



**Ascend of Madness**


The Instance of Defeating the Mad King becomes completely redesigned and improved into acttually a full complete **Halloween Dungeon** designed for 5 players with its own variously themed Halloween Paths with different Bosses and its own rewards and achievements of similar quality and design as like the normal Dungeons.

Like Mad Weapons/Armor Sets earnable from the Halloween Dungeons Token Currency and Achievements for the various pathes to be done successfully (like 3 to4 different pathes, all leading in their own way to the Final Boss Instance, that is defeatign Mad King Thorn.


Doing this Halloween Dungeons shpould reward players and help them significantly at obtaining ascended equipment, especially armor sets, through the help of the earned tokens, making this halloween dungeon the first and only one, where you would be able to earn ascended weapons and armor items via dungeon tokens, therefore, that its there only for a limited time every year.... and with this redesign, the content actualyl would finally fit to its name "**Ascend** of Madness"

Plus the game would also finalyl receive after so long time again something, what many players want - a complete new Dungeon that is outside of the original ones from the base game, which also doesnt need to have a "story mode" or so (unless Anet would want to give it one, but i see no reason why, except for lore lovers maybe).



**The Return of "Reaper's Rumble"**


never understood actually, why this feature was only there once at Halloween 2012,. and from then on never returned!!!

This has to be changed for next year.You were so kind to let this year finayl return the Memoire Events and even added new content based on this old events in form of two new Memoire Skins that are part of achievement rewards (I hope this continues for next yearv as well with more alternative skin versions of the Memoire Book, like for example one that you receive by forgign all 4 earlier versions together into an Ascended Memoire Book plus again two more skisn from achievements for doing some new events in the old maps It

Reapers Rumble was the Halloweens PvP MOBA Content .. was so sad that it never returned until now and stayed permanently, like all the other Halloween Content



# Rewards:


Now to the Rewards....


What I'd like to see in the next year is rewarding the players more with Candycorn Cobs through Achievements.. its ridiculously overpriced to have to pay for a few haloween related minipets together like over 350 corbs or so, which require each 1000 units of candycorn (so youd need 350000 candycorn, thats ridiculous 1400 stacks of them, if you want to obtain them all for your account and ongoing more, as anet surelly will add with upcoming halloweens in the future more of these ultra rar halloween minis, that cost like 100+ cobs..

I can understand, that the game needs also such rarer minis, but for the sake of this game, please not for time limited vents that happen only once a year.

So older these rare miniatures before, so lesser should they cost over time in cobs from year to year. Every ongoung additional year shoud reduce the cob costs of those pets by say 20 Cobs to a maximum minimum of 1 Cob Costs after 5 years of waiting

I'd love to have oxidemus for my necromancer, but I'm surely not wastign like 300+ G just for that minipet, which is this pet absolutely not worth it, but Id maybe willign to pay say like 20 to 40 Cobs, after having waited first some years.

Either this, or make Cobs quicker receiveable, by reducing the Candy Corn costs from 1000 per Cob down to 250 per Cob, so that you can get now 4 cobs per 1000 candy corn, instead of just only 1, makign this way obtainign enough cobs to earn those miniatures also more reasonable and possible in a normal time span to achieve.


Aside of that, please continue with addign new halloween base weapon skins, not all weapon types have seen yet hallwwen themed exotic weapon with new skins being added, this year was the torch chosen, last year hammer and focus, the yeasrs before that ,sword, shield, shortbow ect.. lets continue with this tradition and let us see next year more new halloween skins for exotic weapons for weapon typs, which haven't been used yet.


As you can see with my vision, regardign rewards I want to see especialyl also alot of new achievements being added, which in return can be used as more rewards, than actualyl givign you only a few ap, but coudl be used also to reward you with more cobs, or other stuff like more Memoire Skins, like a new earnable halloween outfit or some earnable Moutn Skins next year, while putting next year somethign else big into the gemstore.


Brief said, theres alot of potential there to make halloween next year more fun and rewarding, just through some added new things, like my suggested T4, or through simply lettign return Reapers Rumble and improving a bit the already existing features of halloween liek the labyrinth by adding just a few new bosses, which can be already simpyl enough, to make the whole content alot more fun and slightly new, without having too much effort for making it happen actually, as addign a few new bosses is a really small task to do for something you have a year of time for to add to the game on the next years halloween.

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> @Ellisande.5218 said:

> Next Halloween dump the fing CLock Tower and fing Skeleton in the Labyrinth. Those are both the kitten that never should have been added to the game in the first place as they are anti fun in the extreme and completely ruin my playing experience.


Sounds like you need a jumping puzzle speed course. But i agree that the skeleton is a pain

More often than not he appears right as the race is about to start. And he's not a challenge. An obstacle is something you overcome with effort, but the skeleton is just brick wall....

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> For Clock Tower I say remove the rising slime and just add a timer to the jumping puzzle. Could be around the same time it would take for the green slime to completely eat you if you failed when you got to the top. Add an extra 5 courtesy seconds probably for those that can't get pixel perfect jumps.


I like it, even without the extra 5 seconds.

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> **Trick or Treat Town Tours** (T4)


> A new Event Chain, which lets you travel all through the various towns of Tyria, where you ask costumized for Trick & Treat.. when you get treats, then you receive bags, when its time for tricks, then you have to throw all kins of halloween stuff at nillager nocs that aren't willing to give you something, to make them convinced to give ypou somethign by putting up either a huge reverse costume brawl, where using brawl skills against the npc enemies counts towards your costume brawl achievement progression, or it can happen, that you have to spam the villagers full with lots of thrown toilet paper, old eggs, rotten pumpkins ect. p, until their Breakbars are removed from all this powrful sense of halloween thrown at them, that they give up and give you their treats which will be so more rewarding, so faster you successfully convinced them, means so more peopel join the brawls, or the spam of toilet paper and eggs, so more rewardign it will become for everyone. And this junk and all the garbage, that we get permanently dropped from bags, that usually gets instantly deleted out of our inventories, wil lreceive finalyl for somethign actualyl a usage in halloween.

> ___


> **Ascend of Madness**


> The Instance of Defeating the Mad King becomes completely redesigned and improved into acttually a full complete **Halloween Dungeon** designed for 5 players with its own variously themed Halloween Paths with different Bosses and its own rewards and achievements of similar quality and design as like the normal Dungeons.

> Like Mad Weapons/Armor Sets earnable from the Halloween Dungeons Token Currency and Achievements for the various pathes to be done successfully (like 3 to4 different pathes, all leading in their own way to the Final Boss Instance, that is defeatign Mad King Thorn.


> Doing this Halloween Dungeons shpould reward players and help them significantly at obtaining ascended equipment, especially armor sets, through the help of the earned tokens, making this halloween dungeon the first and only one, where you would be able to earn ascended weapons and armor items via dungeon tokens, therefore, that its there only for a limited time every year.... and with this redesign, the content actualyl would finally fit to its name "**Ascend** of Madness"

> Plus the game would also finalyl receive after so long time again something, what many players want - a complete new Dungeon that is outside of the original ones from the base game, which also doesnt need to have a "story mode" or so (unless Anet would want to give it one, but i see no reason why, except for lore lovers maybe).

> ___


> **The Return of "Reaper's Rumble"**


> never understood actually, why this feature was only there once at Halloween 2012,. and from then on never returned!!!

> This has to be changed for next year.You were so kind to let this year finayl return the Memoire Events and even added new content based on this old events in form of two new Memoire Skins that are part of achievement rewards (I hope this continues for next yearv as well with more alternative skin versions of the Memoire Book, like for example one that you receive by forgign all 4 earlier versions together into an Ascended Memoire Book plus again two more skisn from achievements for doing some new events in the old maps It

> Reapers Rumble was the Halloweens PvP MOBA Content .. was so sad that it never returned until now and stayed permanently, like all the other Halloween Content

> ___


> # Rewards:


> Now to the Rewards....


> What I'd like to see in the next year is rewarding the players more with Candycorn Cobs through Achievements.. its ridiculously overpriced to have to pay for a few haloween related minipets together like over 350 corbs or so, which require each 1000 units of candycorn (so youd need 350000 candycorn, thats ridiculous 1400 stacks of them, if you want to obtain them all for your account and ongoing more, as anet surelly will add with upcoming halloweens in the future more of these ultra rar halloween minis, that cost like 100+ cobs..

> I can understand, that the game needs also such rarer minis, but for the sake of this game, please not for time limited vents that happen only once a year.

> So older these rare miniatures before, so lesser should they cost over time in cobs from year to year. Every ongoung additional year shoud reduce the cob costs of those pets by say 20 Cobs to a maximum minimum of 1 Cob Costs after 5 years of waiting

> I'd love to have oxidemus for my necromancer, but I'm surely not wastign like 300+ G just for that minipet, which is this pet absolutely not worth it, but Id maybe willign to pay say like 20 to 40 Cobs, after having waited first some years.

> Either this, or make Cobs quicker receiveable, by reducing the Candy Corn costs from 1000 per Cob down to 250 per Cob, so that you can get now 4 cobs per 1000 candy corn, instead of just only 1, makign this way obtainign enough cobs to earn those miniatures also more reasonable and possible in a normal time span to achieve.


> Aside of that, please continue with addign new halloween base weapon skins, not all weapon types have seen yet hallwwen themed exotic weapon with new skins being added, this year was the torch chosen, last year hammer and focus, the yeasrs before that ,sword, shield, shortbow ect.. lets continue with this tradition and let us see next year more new halloween skins for exotic weapons for weapon typs, which haven't been used yet.


> As you can see with my vision, regardign rewards I want to see especialyl also alot of new achievements being added, which in return can be used as more rewards, than actualyl givign you only a few ap, but coudl be used also to reward you with more cobs, or other stuff like more Memoire Skins, like a new earnable halloween outfit or some earnable Moutn Skins next year, while putting next year somethign else big into the gemstore.


> Brief said, theres alot of potential there to make halloween next year more fun and rewarding, just through some added new things, like my suggested T4, or through simply lettign return Reapers Rumble and improving a bit the already existing features of halloween liek the labyrinth by adding just a few new bosses, which can be already simpyl enough, to make the whole content alot more fun and slightly new, without having too much effort for making it happen actually, as addign a few new bosses is a really small task to do for something you have a year of time for to add to the game on the next years halloween.




These are some great ideas, especially actually trick or treating in towns. It'd be nice if in addition to the 6 mechanical cities, the included other place significant lore-wise, such as Ebonhawke and Amnoon. Not sure where else, maybe Tarir? I wonder what the exalted would think of this, and what they're doing in general now...

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