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cleanup reminder

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- Several enemies ignore stability.

- Several bosses own a break-bar but are resistant against CCs.

- Several bosses still own Defiance.

- Several bosses still own Unshakable

- To become invisible: Stealth, Invisible, Hide in Shadows, Camouflage - some work with traits and none of them stacks with the other ones. And they seem to work differently with revealing effect.

- To become invincible: Invulnerability, Determined, Righteous Indignation, Distortion, Blur, Renewed Focus, Resurrection, Nutrient, Protective Shielding, Blue Pylon Power, Mist Form, Vapor Form, Obsidian Flesh, Elixir S, Renewed Focus, Distortion, Drink, Take Root, Drink, Fortify; none of these can be seen as true invincibility, because forced leathal strikes ignore them completely.

- The large area behind the Aerodome.


I am totally aware, that none of these are on your priority-list. Once the mounts are dealt with and you have got some free time, please have a look on them. Thank you.


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