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What Do You Think is Anet's most Favourite Class?


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Anet has a whole doesn't have a favorite..... but the 3 lead designers have pretty clear bias' in their design methods. Now if you want to identify which one always gets way above their power budget, it would be the Guardian given their in-line support mechanics. It also represents their soft trinity design philosophy as functional concept, as it can fit into any meta the game currently enables.

I wouldn't claim its their Favorite.... instead I would claim that its their most successful proof of concept.

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At the very least they put the most work into ele. They almost have to, considering how attunements work, it's a balance nightmare. Weaver didn't do them any favors either.


Warriors are generally set up as the most accessible specs though up until spell breaker were a tough sell in PvP and WvW. Turns out they just had to give them a bunch of GW1 mesmer hexes, go fig. Wonder when GW2 mesmers are gonna get em :kissing_wink:


Guardians had a pretty huge gap in HoT where they had niche play. It's more than better now, of course.


And yes, ANet doesn't play favorites and don't have least favorites, of course they don't. Nothing wrong with a little veiled venting though, feedback is feedback :star:

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> @starlinvf.1358 said:

> Anet has a whole doesn't have a favorite..... but the 3 lead designers have pretty clear bias' in their design methods. Now if you want to identify which one always gets way above their power budget, it would be the Guardian given their in-line support mechanics. It also represents their soft trinity design philosophy as functional concept, as it can fit into any meta the game currently enables.

> I wouldn't claim its their Favorite.... instead I would claim that its their most successful proof of concept.


Well said. Guard always seems to come out at least along the middle of the totem pole at worst in any game mode. Definitely not a favorite but tends to be one that they almost never overnerf.

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> @Arcaedus.7290 said:

> > @starlinvf.1358 said:

> > Anet has a whole doesn't have a favorite..... but the 3 lead designers have pretty clear bias' in their design methods. Now if you want to identify which one always gets way above their power budget, it would be the Guardian given their in-line support mechanics. It also represents their soft trinity design philosophy as functional concept, as it can fit into any meta the game currently enables.

> > I wouldn't claim its their Favorite.... instead I would claim that its their most successful proof of concept.


> Well said. Guard always seems to come out at least along the middle of the totem pole at worst in any game mode. Definitely not a favorite but tends to be one that they almost never overnerf.


It's something I like about the profession. "In a good place" is a bit of a curse on the guardian forum (almost as bad as "purity of purpose" among engineers), but the truth is it generally does seem to be about the power level ArenaNet wants and thus doesn't have massive balance swings like some other professions do. It's rarely at the top, but I don't think it's ever been at the bottom either, and I think the only time it could be said to have had a 'your build just got removed from the game' update was when spirit weapons were reworked.

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> @Arcaedus.7290 said:

> > @starlinvf.1358 said:

> > Anet has a whole doesn't have a favorite..... but the 3 lead designers have pretty clear bias' in their design methods. Now if you want to identify which one always gets way above their power budget, it would be the Guardian given their in-line support mechanics. It also represents their soft trinity design philosophy as functional concept, as it can fit into any meta the game currently enables.

> > I wouldn't claim its their Favorite.... instead I would claim that its their most successful proof of concept.


> Well said. Guard always seems to come out at least along the middle of the totem pole at worst in any game mode. Definitely not a favorite but tends to be one that they almost never overnerf.


It's something I like about the profession. "In a good place" is a bit of a curse on the guardian forum (almost as bad as "purity of purpose" among engineers), but the truth is it generally does seem to be about the power level ArenaNet wants and thus doesn't have massive balance swings like some other professions do. It's rarely at the top, but I don't think it's ever been at the bottom either, and I think the only time it could be said to have had a 'your build just got removed from the game' update was when spirit weapons were reworked.

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Ele, Warr, Thief and guard.

Ele is a balance nightmare i have to say but its working smoothly and has consistent mechanics.

Guard and warr have a simple mechanics too and are viable in many modes.

Thief is a power house and the pinacle if a glasscannon. Thief has several mechanics that work good in conjunction with eachother and that bug free.


Necro works fine too IMO, its just dmg wise underperforming not mechanically.


Rev, ranger, engineer and mesmer just have design flaws or are just plain out bugged as hell (especially the former two).


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> @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> kitten why are so many people saying warrior?



The only people who don’t see this plain as day are those who main war and don’t want to believe they are OP in pvp/wvw. The high damage, mobility, sustain, build variety, and ease of play all adds up to a class that’s long overdue for some nerfs. The strongest evidence that warrior is ANETs favorite class is that most of the time I see a dev in game, they are playing warrior.

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should have voted for guardian.


werent all classes compared to guard at start of gw? if not... it is still the only class that shines in every gamemode.


one of 2 classes to farm BL keys (leveling) the most efficient and fast way.

~~open world easy as kitten (sword, greatsword, 50% crit trait... mobility and killspeed).~~ ever class can do that in one way or another

WVW mandatory since launch, before the current meta each goup had 2 guards.

solid pve aspect as tank/utility (before distortion was a big thing = aegis) - dps - support.

solid pvp aspect with dh or meditations/burn (or all of them in one build).

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Only when you play and look on warrior for longer time you can understand why it is not the most favorite class.

Soooo many broken things, tons of skills and traits that dont work. The only reason why it is sometimes op is that A-Net dont know and care about the class and do ANYTHING with warrior... that results are more broken things that are sometimes overpowered.

But there are so few things in warrior that are really thoughtful... they really dont care about warrior and its players.

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> @draxynnic.3719 said:

> > @Arcaedus.7290 said:

> > > @starlinvf.1358 said:

> > > Anet has a whole doesn't have a favorite..... but the 3 lead designers have pretty clear bias' in their design methods. Now if you want to identify which one always gets way above their power budget, it would be the Guardian given their in-line support mechanics. It also represents their soft trinity design philosophy as functional concept, as it can fit into any meta the game currently enables.

> > > I wouldn't claim its their Favorite.... instead I would claim that its their most successful proof of concept.

> >

> > Well said. Guard always seems to come out at least along the middle of the totem pole at worst in any game mode. Definitely not a favorite but tends to be one that they almost never overnerf.


> It's something I like about the profession. "In a good place" is a bit of a curse on the guardian forum (almost as bad as "purity of purpose" among engineers), but the truth is it generally does seem to be about the power level ArenaNet wants and thus doesn't have massive balance swings like some other professions do. It's rarely at the top, but I don't think it's ever been at the bottom either, and I think the only time it could be said to have had a 'your build just got removed from the game' update was when spirit weapons were reworked.


If you look at how the game meta has evolved in all modes, the performance of Guardian pretty much dictates the performance of other classes by comparison. As a Psudeotank, the Guardian anchors every team comp imaginable.... and its only in the cases of extreme min/max setups where you'll ever see them excluded.


Since putting together my Frontline FB for WvW, I've come to the realization that Celestial gear is actually the litmus test of all of the game's metas. That includes Raids, though its harder to see the relationship. Celestial will always work on a build that has a good spread of capabilities, and will be pretty damning to any build thats horridly overspecialized. With that perspective, you start to see the pattern of classes that have the hardest swings in any buff or nerf pass, because that power is derived from compounding numbers and/or overstacking specific mechanics. Ele as a class has also maintained fairly stable balance, despite having the widest performance range, and is also a class that consistently does well with Celestial gear. Cele Engineer used to be a thing, but changes in the trait layout are causing too many conflicts, due to much of its build craft being constructed on a number of very high impact traits. That change was startling, because prior to it, the Engineer's Hybrid design made it a prime candidate for Celestial's Hybrid stats.


For raid meta, Cele can actively reveal problems in a class's buildcraft. Conceptually, Cele maintains a high statistical average, where as deep specialized builds have high niche performance, but low overall performance. Raid comps are intended to compensate for the latter.... however, the mechanical aspects of raids, and many of the encounters designed to be easily controlled, has lead to mechanical abuse to condense multiple roles into single a player. This is how we got ChronoTank doing 50% of the raid mechanics, freeing up 2 additional slots for raw DPS. While players consider this to be cleaver, its actually a failure of the raid mechanics. Thats why I'm hoping the next set of raids are punishing to glass cannons, to try to break up DPS meta thats all over the HOT raids.

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I would say guardian. Tends to be neither Over powered or underpowered in most metas. Most of guardian weapons are usable in both PvP and PvE. And not only has strong builds for both its elites, it also has a strong core builds. In additional, it has builds varying from bunker to glass cannon.


It has issues, but is the most versatile class. This is sure sign of through development.

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