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What Do You Think is Anet's most Favourite Class?


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posts like this make me smile, mindlessly bash the keyboard in wvw or pvp and you will die. to whatever class.

warrior is based on timings not rotations and everyone that says it;s easy and boring don't get it. Also plenty of big warrior nerfs, gs never been the same since might nerf.

yawn the hate.

did you lose to one while mindlessly bashing your keyboard when they pushed an invulnerability

or did it break your rotation?

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> @"Miko.4158" said:

> posts like this make me smile, mindlessly bash the keyboard in wvw or pvp and you will die. to whatever class.

> warrior is based on timings not rotations and everyone that says it;s easy and boring don't get it. Also plenty of big warrior nerfs, gs never been the same since might nerf.

> yawn the hate.

> did you lose to one while mindlessly bashing your keyboard when they pushed an invulnerability

> or did it break your rotation?


You'd be surprised just how passive the defense is meaning you can just bash attacks and not rally worry at all. Hell, quite a few builds are bash all the buttons, use everything as quick as you can because Anet think that its good to have skills that are too useful in too many situations on short cool downs, the amount of times i have seen people mindlessly using abilities without any thought of if they will even land or anything, mostly due to how short the cool downs are and how little it means if you fail to hit with it.


Thats what i like about Ele, you make a mistake. You die. You mess up your condi removal. You die. Too many classes and builds are too good at recovering from mistakes and too good that it makes bad players seem like they might be good. Well. given that for example Warrior cant actually attack while they are blocking, the issue is that we have ZERO access to things that would give us a little help such as poison to counter their insane regen without even taking Healing Power or having some good options for Unblockable damage.


I think things like their blocks and invuls and such should reduce or even STOP their passive healing, maybe make things like Healing Signet based on USING abilities rather than it just being passive, require them to do SOMETHING even if its just attacking. Having them block and recover insane amounts of health is just annoying as hell.

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passive heals are useless with the power creep, they are good against npcs and siege and pve.

but players no chance. shield warriors are dead in wvw, bit like armor you get condi-fried in your own juices. the quickest I've ever died to a roamer is an ele who jumped me and chained skills I think I was done in less than 2.5 secs deadeye a close second . Druids are the masters of tank aswell some of those builds are untouchable, but little to no offense. They have a role in wvw but pvp , no. I think it would be boring if every class had the same potential at every role.


The passive skills are already less than than the risk of timing a button, you can always add dolyak runes if you are missing it it only really works if you are out of combat.


I don't think poision in ele is in character, its not very elemental, mix up your conditions if you are having problems, cleanse is kitten.


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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"Rettan.9603" said:

> > You guys dont see the problems on warrior correctly...

> > Yes, many thing on these class ARE broken, BUT that does not mean, that it is the favorite class of A-Net.

> > Most broken things are just bad design (WoD, Banners, Full Counter...) and a bad design simply shows that A-Net dont care about these class.

> > When they have any design concept (with some love) for the warrior, they will never introduce a few broken things to a class to make them somehow viable.

> >

> > When the developer guys ever have played an warrior they would know how stupid a bannerslave feels. They would know that it is no fun just to be the guy with the broken bubble. Or the guy that dont have to do anything because of hundred passives.

> >

> > A favorite class of developers at least should have an concept... and warrior dont have one. (Maybe the concept of the noob class, but even that will never be a reason to be a favorite...)


> OR just a thought - they are badly designed and easy to use on PURPOSE? Just a thought. It might be bad design, that doesnt mean it wasnt bad design on purpose. Also, not sure how long you have played but i am pretty sure there was a point where they all admitted they played Warrior. This was the balance team though iirc


This is where I disagree.


A good developer makes it so that their favorite class is never the OP one, but it's also never bad, thus they can't be seen as biased. The only class that matches that description consistently, throughout the 5-6 years of this game is guardian. It has been buffed and nerfed almost to pinpoint precision to be good, but not op or weak. Other classes have significant variation in their power level, but not guardian, which is why I think it's their favorite. To this day, core guardian still sees use in all game modes. Dragonhunter is good in almost all game modes. Firebrand is overperforming right now, but I doubt it'll ever be underwhelming.


The classes that get very little attention until an OP build appears are the least favorites -- I'm thinking scrapper/holo/revenant nerfs for example. These classes get nerfed back from OP-ness and are henceforth forgotten about.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> This is where I disagree.


> A good developer makes it so that their favorite class is never the OP one, but it's also never bad, thus they can't be seen as biased. The only class that matches that description consistently, throughout the 5-6 years of this game is guardian. It has been buffed and nerfed almost to pinpoint precision to be good, but not op or weak. Other classes have significant variation in their power level, but not guardian, which is why I think it's their favorite. To this day, core guardian still sees use in all game modes. Dragonhunter is good in almost all game modes. Firebrand is overperforming right now, but I doubt it'll ever be underwhelming.


> The classes that get very little attention until an OP build appears are the least favorites -- I'm thinking scrapper/holo/revenant nerfs for example. These classes get nerfed back from OP-ness and are henceforth forgotten about.


This would be assuming that Anet are good developers and have a good balance team. They dont. Their balance team doesnt even play the game (based on their idea of balance...) They NEED some classes to just be face roll easy. It is in my opinion partly due to the fact they rely on the gemstore for their funds. More players. More likely to spend. They went with the quantity of player, over quality of player.


The difference between a bad Guardian and a bad warrior is very easy to tell, a bad Guardian will die to someone who is just as good or better, the same cant be said about a bad Warrior. When they can run through zergs and blobs and live with ease. When they have the mobility to escape most people and have burst damage while having insane passive regen and defenses.


I would also disagree with putting Revenant in the "OP" bracket. It was NEVER overpowered. Herald was. No doubt about that but base Revenant was never overpowered. The problem is it kinda feels like Revenant was made with Herald in mind, ignoring the base spec. The difference between and Herald is HUGE. Firebrand without a doubt needs its support and healing nerfed. Other than that, its in a good spot. Has good damage, good condition damage it just has WAY too much healing and support and without a doubt needs to be nerfed. Dragonhunter is still very strong, mostly because of the design of the traps. this goes for all classes, traps are just poorly designed on them all. The "use all the skills (traps)" mentality is just WAY too strong, mostly due to the design of the elite trap.


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> I would also disagree with putting Revenant in the "OP" bracket. It was NEVER overpowered.


Did you ever face revenant just after HoT release? God, they were broken powerful. Then they got nerfed and ArenaNet forgot about them.


That's what I mean -- the classes that get the most attention from ArenaNet are their favorites. Sure, warrior gets quite a bit of attention, but I'd argue guardian gets more.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> Did you ever face revenant just after HoT release? God, they were broken powerful. Then they got nerfed and ArenaNet forgot about them.


> That's what I mean -- the classes that get the most attention from ArenaNet are their favorites. Sure, warrior gets quite a bit of attention, but I'd argue guardian gets more.


Yes i did. base revenent was an easy spec to fight against, compare that to Herald and it was another story. Herald was (and still is in some ways) Overpowered. Base revenant felt like it was designed around Herald and Glint but of course couldnt use them. You take out Herald and Glint and Revenant doesn't offer much at all. Why do you think most revenants today are still playing Herald over Base revenant and Renegade? Because Herald is MUCH stronger than both specs.


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a bad warrior cant run through a zerg, If they are targeted a good one can't.

a bad guardian has instant access to their f1 skills and invulnerability refreshes them, warriors cant.

we tell people to guardian first as its easier they add value to a zerg by being there and fb is really good and can fulfill most roles depending where they want to play as they get better. there are some good tank builds for warrior but frontline requires a fair amount of experience, if they tank up and sit at the back they arent adding value, where as guards always will. the flexibility makes it a contender for favorite.


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I voted favorite for necro, they have great back story and the skills fit with their character which is easily defined /added to. Scourage hits like an aoe tank aswell.

but favorite seems to have salted into biased. I don't believe any of the balance patches are deliberately biased but the meta is to to small a range so impossible to tweak.

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Until Warrior ACTUALLY come with a Risk Vs Reward type gameplay. They will ALWAYS be top. They have the best of everything, prebuilt into their class. No other class has a build that can do what Warrior does. It has the defense of bunker builds, the blocks/invuls, sustain and passive defense of bunker builds, while having the burst damage, sustained damage and mobility of zerk builds.. It sacrifices NOTHING to get any of this. Because they can go full zerk gear and STILL be more bunker than most bunker builds!


They are in SERIOUS need of their defenses, sustain and passive healing and blocks to be reduced. They need to actually have to make sacrifices to get their damage, or sacrifices to get their sustain like everyone else does. Until that happens and it WONT Warrior will always be top.

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> @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> Oh this poll would look completely different if it was pvp only.


I'm pretty sure most of the ele votes are because of ther Zerk staff build that is really only "good" against big targets. The build isnt used anywhere PvP wise because it would be killed just by being looked at lol


Maybe, they needed to make a PvP version of the poll and a PvE version, because PvP wise, its defo not ele lol

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > Oh this poll would look completely different if it was pvp only.


> I'm pretty sure most of the ele votes are because of ther Zerk staff build that is really only "good" against big targets. The build isnt used anywhere PvP wise because it would be killed just by being looked at lol


> Maybe, they needed to make a PvP version of the poll and a PvE version, because PvP wise, its defo not ele lol


You could always make one. I mean I only made this after seeing the "Anet's least favourite profession poll".

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> @"Miko.4158" said:

> I voted favorite for necro, they have great back story and the skills fit with their character which is easily defined /added to. Scourage hits like an aoe tank aswell.

> but favorite seems to have salted into biased. I don't believe any of the balance patches are deliberately biased but the meta is to to small a range so impossible to tweak.


From the video they introduced necro with, i was pretty hyped and would have said necro as well. But what they released and now patched and what they did to the necro in the past. Im definetly against necro being their favourite.


While playing necro, you feel more like an unwanted child, that is crying for attention but is overlooked all the freakin time

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