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Queen's Gauntlet Fractal?


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Hello I recently read about WOW announcing a new official Vanilla-only server and this reminded me of our good old Living Story Season 1 days.. You know the days when people like Dontain and Nemesis were still playing, when Bodydoc was trolling us all with his MF-Precursor-sprees and when the whole zerker-meta drama was like a series to watch (and there was a lot of drama back then). Now it's mostly WP and his videos that I bother watching (sometimes) and I kind of miss that feeling in the old days where most people had no clue and the youtubers showed the masses how to do things the proper way.

The game didn't feel so much like a single-player MMO where you just copy-paste from MettaBattle and "use" the players around you as a means of accessing an event. Anyway that's a different story and imo GW2 is still one of the best MMO-RPGS in the market so I'll leave it to that.


Now seeing WOW making such an announcement I thought; "How can GW2 bring back some of the Vanilla memories?" And my answer was Living World Season 1 obviously. But the devs have explained before (

read top comment) that attempting to bring back the Season 1 as a "whole bundle" is possible, but it will surely be non profitable as they would have to redesign and recreate a lot of content which is already consumed by the majority of the player base. It's out of the question and it should remain if we want GW2 to stay on its budget and bring us great new content.


But they have made new fractals out of most of the Season 1 storylines (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Living_World_Season_1#Storylines) and imo this was the best way to do it!

After seeing all the S1 Storylines I thought "Wow that's a huge list for one season!" and it is indeed 25 new episodes and they have also managed to cover almost all of them through fractals. But so far one of my top favourites by far is left out and that is The Queen's Gauntlet which would make an epic fractal with its boss fights.

The other one that I'd love to see is the Twisted Marionette from Scarlet's Lair as a boss fractal. And now that we still have Halloween... what happened to the Bloody Prince Thorn? That one particular Halloween was the best because we could run this little story and fight him in the end. Now it's only Mad King once and then farm Labyrinth. Every single year!


Come on Anet, you've made such great content back in 2014 and now unfortunately most of it is gone. I understand that the technology or perhaps the idea of preserving content through the Living Story/Season Gem Bundle did not exist back then, but you must surely have the data to design 1 or 2 more fractals. I always hated it then that we would simply lose all this content after a few weeks after it was released and I could never understand why they would simply remove hundreds of hours of content design. Thank god they now sell the Living Stories in the Gem Store and give them for free during logins.



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The gauntlet is no fractal worthy content.. the gauntlet is a FESTIVAL, which is one, that got a break for some time now, due to living wearld season 3's activities. which played heaviliy part in divinities direct near.. the town was attacked by the white mantle, there it is surely no good moment to make in the town a festival, like lettign the gauntlet return ....


However, what is actually realyl fractal worthy content in form of advanced new fractal types (Mass Fractals, Heroic Fractals, Dungeon Fractals (remove Dungeons by living world changes to the maps from the game, and put them into the game again as fractals and add from this point on then completely new designed Dungeons into the game that practicalyl replace the old ones, while the old ones are practicalyl sitl lthere, but now only accessible from the Fractal Portal in a central way) is stuff, like the complete Marionette Battle, like the complete Scarlet Briar Battle on the Breachmaker and the complete Lions Arch Invasion that could give also Anet the chance to show players through such a fractal the days of the old Lions Arch design, before the town got destroyed by lettign us start the invasion fractals first in an undestroyed old lions arc momentu, before the invasion begins and we are fractal teleported into the invasion instance form, as if we would have some kind of dream, where just the scenario changes from a peaceful old LA to the la state full at war, beign already partialyl destroyed and battles going on everyhwere as the airships of scarlet scene starts and the city gets bombarded....


Fractals are basicalyl the answer to all of Naets problems with reimplementatign the season 1 content mostly all, but its a sad fact ,that it seems, that Anet by themself absolutely isn' able, to realize, what a real huge raw gem they have there full of potential to make GW2 much greater in regard of possible gameplay modes, options, content and so on full of complete design freedom, as fractals basicayl allows ANet to implement into the game practically EVERYTHING you can think of, because of the fractals beign basicalyl a place of distorted for of the worlds reality in the mists, that can show you anythign , the past, th present, the future eventually also.

But the most interestign here is the past.. anet could practicalyl show us with fractals whatever we want from the past, they can addwith fractals everythign of the past, that was actually designed as throw away content, liek season 1, and make it with the help of fractals still permanently accessible and reimplement it again to the game in a similar way, as if you could replay that season whenevr you want ... because of the fractal simulatign for you with instances maps, so as if you were in a persistant map from the past where the events happened ...


if Anet actually would have the ressources for that and would actually care for fixing this huge self made content design hole which they left there in the game to rot, then we actually surely would have seen the reimplentation of seasson 1 through the help of fractals by now already.

But ANet doesn#t have the ressources, so we will basically never see this getting fixed sadly I guess.

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oh yeah ,this one is something, that Anet should have added already too, but i guess, they sikmply don#t because then woudl have been all this season 1 crap about votign either Kiel or the charr for in vain.


Howev,er personalyl i don#t care about it, if this would make now the votign from the past in vain, I just want to see this as new content, because it could show is somethign very important and interestign out of the lore of this game in a form ,where we can actively take part in in in the few of somethign, that was there at that time , while watchign the gods fight each other and imprison llastly Abaddon in the end.


KIn the end its all stil lalready existign content, that had to be fully made for in the case, that reaslyl the charr wins the vote and they have in fact to add it then as new content.. so its just content, thats currently rottign away, when it fact it could and should be added, so that all the work and effort put into it in fact wouldn' be made in vain for now ...

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They have stated a desire or interest to bring the Queens festival back. Unfortunately it is stuck on old tech and that means it needs fixing and restoring, which is a lot of work (see SAB and how long that took along with other festival mini games).


Making it a fractal would neither make sense or make it any eassier to restore, so we might as well wait and hope for the festival to one day return.

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