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Black Lion Chests Drops

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Did I miss a patch note with these, did Anet change the loot table for these, I normally avoid BLC's like the plague, but I watched a twitch stream where the person got some decent loot from them, so I figured id give it a chance, and the loot wasn't bad, I got way more rares than I ever expected, if Anet has changed the loot tables to be more rewarding id be more inclined to actually invest in the keys etc,


Has anyone else had similar results since Halloween, or is this just 100% pure dumb RnG luck.

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They should rather increase the drop chace of "normal" Black Lion Keys by now, now that they added these "Golden Black Lion Keys" with that they can hide the really valuable items from the chests behind another RNG layer, so that the less valuable stuff or very old stuff that is very rare, but shouldnt be anymore so extremely rare after some time, can be put into the black lion chests that are opened by normal keys to get that stuff with very low chances of obtaining very rare stuff...


I think with this they can make Black Lion keys fairer, so that people can stop farming them through makign and permanently deletign nw characters, if they would exist finally a permanent normal and sane way of obtaining keys as part of rarer normal loot (make them basically exotic drops, out of which you can craft, or forge golden key versions and make keys sellable, so the game wil lprofit from this then too as they be good money sinks then too, at leats much better sinks, then the sellable chests themself, which drop way too often, they drop chances shoudl get reduced if the drop chances of normal BL keys gets increased to compensate for this change, make chests rare yellow drops)


This would help people especially, which want to earn all those various bl weapon skins (either for the skins, or cause of beign AP hunters/completionists), by collecting Bl Tickets/Scraps, so that it actually becomes possible in a normal humans life time, to earn all those sets also, slowly but surely ...

BL sets, that are like a year old or so, should become easier to obtain over time. As these skins are a anyways an infinite money makign maching, as anet can permanently add new bl weapon skin sets to the game, whenver they see fit..so I see absolutely no reason, why the super old skins that are over a year old already should become slowly but surely more accessible for all players to obtain, either as part of soem meta rewards, in the future, or due to making keys more accessible, that allow to to earn the older skins, while all the preciurs and super new and rare content gets now locked byhind those new golden bl keys with them you could have only the chance to obtain the newer contents out of the bl chests.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > Hydra staff is cool.

> > And has to be oversized.


> I wish I could sell it to people who like it. Anet, take a hint.


Me too.


But they already started with this system, and it works ( first avaible on gambling, the maybe as rare drop which can be put on TP, like the elemental sword ), so i doubt they are going to change it.

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No matter how bad your luck is, you'll have lucky streaks. Drop rates do change for BL chests (not just the contents), but never so significantly to explain the OP's good fortune. It's just RNG.


PS it is **never** going to be financially rewarding to invest in BL keys. Like any lotto, they are designed to drop junk most of the time, in order to offer highly coveted or lucrative drops to a tiny, tiny fraction of players. Buy them (or invest time in key runs/map completes) if you like the excitement of hoping for good drop; don't buy them hoping to save some gold in getting something you want.


PS if you want a specific account-bound item from the first 6-8 months of the "seasonal" BL chest contents, purchase a [bL Exclusives Chest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Exclusives_Chest) on the TP. (Buy offers below 390g; sell listings above 590g.) You can choose among nine unlocks, including the Elemental Sword, Grasping Phantom Glider, and Mini Celestial Rooster.

(I'm hoping that ANet will keep releasing similar 'exclusive' containers every 6-8 months for those of us willing to spend a bit more coin to avoid RNG.)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> (I'm hoping that ANet will keep releasing similar 'exclusive' containers every 6-8 months for those of us willing to spend a bit more coin to avoid RNG.)


That's why Hydra, Balth and other things from BLC are account bound.

They didn't claim anything, but it's clear that they intendo to continue what they started with the exclusive chest.

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