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Poll - Which is your favorite Path of Fire elite specialization.

Cave Rock.4869

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> @Flaming.4250 said:

> I voted for Holosmith with Soulbeast being a distant 2nd with Theaf and Spellbraker not even being concidered.

> Firebrand would have to do a lot to make me give up my Dragon hunters longbow.

> Weaver in it's curent state was just too complicated for me to wrap my head around.

> All the other classes were just meh. /shrug



What I personally can see is that the idea of an elite being too 'complicated' should really be put aside for now and think of it as being intriguing to have so many options. I think people will wait for others to figure out how strong elites like the Weaver can be and then go oh yeah I will play that now I understand it or know its full potential.


Don't get me wrong when I started to make a build for the Weaver I was really confused/overwhelmed, it just took me time and I said yeah I can do this for sure. To me the Weaver has access to damage modifiers, plenty of skills to shuffle through and can do great hybrid damage. That seems like a deadly combination with the right stat set and build. But that seems largely to be my own opinion at the moment.


Everyone should consider a Vipers stat set with toxic tuning crystal as you can get some nice power damaged and high condition damage output. Especially with burns and bleeds being some of the most painful conditions to deal with at the moment.


Anyway as you can see I personally really like the aesthetic and plenty of options/opportunities offered by the Weaver.

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To be perfectly honest... I did not like neither of the new specs I tried...

My main is Ele, but weaver feels too slow and unplayable for me with the global 4 sec on attunements and giving up a utility slot for unravel is not an option what is the squishiest class in the game.

And none of the other elite specs have anything that fits my play style.. maybe deadeye? But I'm not sure.

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> @Conncept.7638 said:

> You're at least six days premature on this.


Hey Concept, thanks for dropping in and participating with the discussion. Your probably right. Although many people have already played most of the elites in the demo weekend and during a stress test.


So i just wanted to gauge how people felt about the nine new elites specialisations after the demo and stress test period. Also I wanted to see if those people of Guild Wars 2 community had a favourite yet.


I do realize that much is subject to change throughout the development process, but many things have already been locked in or finalized. So therefore I thought why not vote now as we kind of have an idea which we will play first or is going to be our main new elite specialisation for our character. Do others agree with me or not that: much will change, very little or none at all since the demo and stress test?

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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> I voted Mirage because I found it a lot of fun. That shouldn't be taken as a personal insult to Mesmer mains who are _furious _that the Mirage exists, I do think that it, and all PoF specs, could use some heavy reworking, but I still think it's a fun spec to play.


I am so glad to hear positive comments about the Mirage. Thanks for being honest and saying what you really felt.


To all the core or Chronomancer Mesmers I know it seems rough at the moment but have faith it will all be okay when Path of Fire releases. You might have to either find a way to adapt to the changes or perhaps more love will come the way of your profession. Whichever way it works out things really will be okay as your profession will still be playable and fun like always, keep positive trust me.


Btw I have friend who is one of those furious Mesmers so I know exactly what your talking about, as it Is his main character and profession. Talking to him about what happened to the mantras gets his blood boiling. But I said exactly the same thing to him in time it will all work out. A fitting way to help calm a mesmer right by talking about 'time'. :)

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> @Vova.2640 said:

> To be perfectly honest... I did not like neither of the new specs I tried...

> My main is Ele, but weaver feels too slow and unplayable for me with the global 4 sec on attunements and giving up a utility slot for unravel is not an option what is the squishiest class in the game.

> And none of the other elite specs have anything that fits my play style.. maybe deadeye? But I'm not sure.


What game mode do you mostly play? Is your preference high dps either condition or power damage? Perhaps I could help you out with another elite and profession. I am serious just ask if need any advice as I would like to help you out. That is if you need/want it of course. Or additionally I could offer some advice on the Weaver.


Personally I found the Weaver is an elite specialisations that you really need time to master and well we haven't had enough time yet to do so. Weaver is my second favourite elite at the moment. Perhaps give it another chance in a weeks time when Path of Fire launches.


Good luck and like I said just ask me for help if you need it. That goes for anyone on the forums. I am around very often so drop me a message or join in on a thread.


As I have played since beta and therefore I am a veteran of five years. Mostly I play in WvW but I also do SPvP and I keep up to date with the living world story and lore. Also I know many people in the community. So If don't have an answer I am sure I could either ask a dev, twitch streamer or folks of YouTube and many close in and out of game friends to find out the answer to your question. The only parts of the game I do not play are fractals or raids.

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> @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> Holosmith was really fun to play in the demo. And I really liked the visuals of the firebrand. Oh, and the ele elite looked like avatar the last airbender...I liked that too :D


I know right how cool is it to be able to double attune elements now! If only we still had the tempest visuals of the auras that released just after HoT. But Avatar style like double attuning that is a great comprise in my books


I agree the Holosmith elite specialisation looks so fun to play! An up close and personal fighting style. It has a cool aesthetic also and is rather flashy, pardon the light/heat pun totally not intended. :)

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> @Scourge.1563 said:

> I think Mirage should of been a minion build that you could have 4 phantoms out at a time. Would of been interesting


I could see that for a mirage... Like with blurring phantasms (longer lasting) that you go to hit and then it is the wrong target and not the mesmer. Mega confusing making the attacker feel like they were delusional from the Crystal Desert heat.


Actually that is something I wondered is that desert hot? If so that would be funny because we literally went from HoT (Heart of Thorns) to hot. You all get what I mean?

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> @quaniesan.8497 said:

> I voted Soulbeast and surprised how many votes went in FB , even how clunky they are and the heavy criticism on the design that comes with it. These folks must have not tested the profession and just read on paper. Be more informed. There needs to be more rework.


Yeah that is what I feared that on paper the Firebrand seems strong in theory but when tested or used that it is not very practical at all. I hear that word clunky used with both the tomes and mantras. That does sound concerning, but you know what Quaniesan I think you might be right it is just the matter of a slight reworking or fine tuning of cooldowns and timers. When Path of Fire releases it will all be okay. You will see Arenanet have got this under control, trust me. Test it again next week.


Plus someone mentioned to me that Renewed Focus is now fixed and working to reset the Tomes. that should make the tomes feel more user friendly. Good luck and thanks for sharing your concerns with Firebrand and that the Soulbeast is your favorite at the moment.

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> @Kodiak.3281 said:

> I liked Weaver enough and disliked Renegade enough to go back to my Elementalist at this point.


Yeah Kodiak, Weaver seems more able to deal with both conditions and control effects than the Renegade. I was disappointed in my YouTube video a couple weeks back that the Renegade got little to no increase in defensive capabilities.


Plus the Weaver may even out do the Renegade on hybrid damage. But that will need extensive testing to prove or negate. But you have to ask yourself how can a Renegade do damage if they are loaded with conditions or control effects. Hmm think on that folks.

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I voted soulbeast,

I do like the ability to go dagger main hand. I really enjoyed some of the new pets, especially in PvP. The concept of melding with your pet is rather cool; however, the effect for it is a little over the top and needs to be reworked a little.

There is still quite a bit that needs to be ironed out...


Honorable mention to Scourge! <3

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Holosmith is probably my favorite, but I like what Soulbeast has done as well.

Mirage is probably the most disappointing, although Chronomancer is mostly to blame. Chrono is already a really strong PvE and PvP spec, so there's not much niche left for Mirage. Even if it does end up having some fun builds, Chrono will likely end up still being preferred in every scenario escort maybe sPvP.

Renegade has gotten a lot of hate, but I think it could bring some potential in PvE, even if it's not the flashiest of the elite specs.

Of course PoF hasn't released and a lot could change. I hope the future proves me wrong on Mirage.

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> @Zacchary.6183 said:

> I am pretty sure the people who responded to "Thief has no long ranged attacks!" with "You have Steal." before are going to start regretting that answer.


For sure Zacchary they may eat their words now. Thief will be able do damage at all ranges now: 1500, 1200, 600 and melee. On top of that the amount of damage across the board is about the same. Now that is scary. Plus throw in more stealth yikes. But I have warmed to the Deadeye, making builds for that elite specialisations is plenty of fun. Mostly because you can push the power damage stat limits to something crazy like 4,500 is off the top of my head. If not further when the traits of Deadeye are combined with some of the core Theif lines.

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> @Wolfey.3407 said:

> I voted soulbeast,

> I do like the ability to go dagger main hand. I really enjoyed some of the new pets, especially in PvP. The concept of melding with your pet is rather cool; however, the effect for it is a little over the top and needs to be reworked a little.

> There is still quite a bit that needs to be ironed out...


> Honorable mention to Scourge! <3


Can I ask what your favorite Soulbeast pet is and the reason why? Also btw do use wolf pets? :)

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> @Dahkeus.8243 said:

> Holosmith is probably my favorite, but I like what Soulbeast has done as well.

> Mirage is probably the most disappointing, although Chronomancer is mostly to blame. Chrono is already a really strong PvE and PvP spec, so there's not much niche left for Mirage. Even if it does end up having some fun builds, Chrono will likely end up still being preferred in every scenario escort maybe sPvP.

> Renegade has gotten a lot of hate, but I think it could bring some potential in PvE, even if it's not the flashiest of the elite specs.

> Of course PoF hasn't released and a lot could change. I hope the future proves me wrong on Mirage.


Dahkeus cheers and thanks for sharing your honest opinions and feelings about so many of the elites. I too like the Holosmith as well.


Btw I hope Mirage doesn't disappointed many Mesmer mains also, as I would hate to loose people close to me like my friend from the game because he felt the profession got a nerf or the elite wasn't up too par.


I guess many people feel concerned or worried this might happen to their profession at the moment. But remember we still have a week and much feedback will have been taken down and noted. Perhaps some will make it into the release or shortly after, so time will only tell but have faith Arenanet have it all under control and it will all be okay once Path of Fire releases to the Public on 22nd September in 5 days time.


Rest up all and just chill for a bit everybody your professions are in safe hands. Just give them some time to work out the kinks and to readjust what requires fixing or fine tuning.

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