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Will Tuesday see the rise of the power reaper?

Omega Mayhem.7163

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With that all necro-hate i think they will scourge nerf more, coz its still viable in pvp/wvw .. not that strong as before nerf, but some ppl still play it, so this must end. Also if they buff something for power reaper... it will be some crap minor trait in death magic, +5% stronger autoattack on greatsword :D

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> @Arzurag.7506 said:

> Yes, tomorrow is the rise of the axe-reaper on conditions of course because we all love conditions so much.


> "+20% to axe autoattack, applies bleeding now"


> I hope that happens so I can come back to this thread saying: told ya´^^


Pretty sure they will instead put some boon corruption on greatsword #3. Because anet love boon corruption on the necromancer and believe that it's what the necromancer need when he ask for offensive support and damage.

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> @"Omega Mayhem.7163" said:

> Will we finally rise from the grave to become equal with other classes?


Not sure, you didn't specify a game mode or aspect of the game you would like power reaper to "work" in.


On a more serious note, I do think Scrouge will see some more rework and hopefully find a place in the meta. Doubt we will be seeing a lot of HoT elite changes.

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Following anet logic they first make sure core necro is useless, then nerf any traits and weapon skills which might be useful for reaper. Because scourge is so powerful.


I've been playing since beta and most of the time power builds get shafted when they try to nerf condi builds. With current meta scourge can just walk around spamming red circles with no apparent logic and still kill any power necros on the way by pure accident.


Most of all I'm annoyed how they've managed to remove a lot of useful defensive boons, condis and mechanics from the play. Or then just made them so useless they're not worth bringing in. (Who cares about couple condi cleanses when there's condis bombing everywhere, or who cares about removing one immobile when it's applies instantly again thus still rooting you in one place etc.. ofc)




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