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EU vs NA WvW tournament


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Just an idea... Would it be possible to have like a round robin style tournament with servers in each tier playing each other like home and away games? With warscore added up at the end to decide placements.


I don't know if this would be even possible but I think it would be fun. I play in Asia and have a ping of around 300 on both NA and EU so if it was even possible I'm sure your ping will still be less on any away game..

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> @boolah.1325 said:

> Just an idea... Would it be possible to have like a round robin style tournament with servers in each tier playing each other like home and away games? With warscore added up at the end to decide placements.


> I don't know if this would be even possible but I think it would be fun. I play in Asia and have a ping of around 300 on both NA and EU so if it was even possible I'm sure your ping will still be less on any away game..


Yeah, I brought up an idea about a 'champions league' for the winning tier one servers to play in matchups vs the comparable servers. Had three comments, but I figure that said more about my proposal than anything.


I like the idea, but finding a way to make it work with coverage being one of the major factors: I.E. NA prime is overnight for EU prime, and vice versa. I still would like to see it happen once in a while. Like maybe once every six months.

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Wait let me get this straight, you want a competition between EU & NA? I tell you what I want, I want a competition for EU vs EU, because there isn't one, the league is a joke, links are a joke, nothing counts for anything, if they ever rebuild some kind of competition over here in EU then maybe we can talk about this again, right now it has no legs to stand on.

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> @Krypto.2069 said:

> You're living in a dream world, Neo.


they must be na would never go for this . that idea is as bad as the ESL sports E- sports and just as bad as the UGO 5v5 Tournaments crap they trying to force on NA . but yet them UGO 5v5 Tournaments people are not even gotten that idea yet. that we do not even pay them any mind any more . besides i see the death of wvw and pvp coming .

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