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Can we please get a de-aggro or Peace button? ☮


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One of the more annoying things about GW2 is the borked aggro radius, and the fact that you can not force de-aggo from mobs you might be stuck in combat with due to lag or due to buggy AI. I don't know how many times I've gotten stuck in scenery; Even the /stuck feature is screwy at times, or have died and can not teleport anywhere due to being still stuck in combat. Sometimes re-logging isn't an option due to you getting kicked from the map.


There is also the whole having to run halfway across a map to clear aggro so you can pull out your mount because something thousands of meters away still wants to kill your character; even though he doesn't look like it, just to run into something else to pissoff. This is annoying and pretty much kills this "Joy of movement" thing you folks at anet so proudly touted in your PoF developer diary. I just want a button I can spam for quick deescalation like old MMOs used to have because apparently even in this day and age AI doesn't always work as intended. ☮

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As annoying as it can be too lose aggro it really is a non issue, I know the bug were you are always in combat even after you kill everything around you, but it is quite rare to happen that it's not worth the Dev time to fix it when the easy fix is to go back into character select and back on. Dev time is better spent elsewere.

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I find slaughting all de-aggros like a charm or look ahead and plan your route like old an school mmorpg. Getting stuck because of pathing or lag can happen in any online game, and an iwinReset mob button would get abused. Also imagine if everyone in a zone was using it.


You should try a hard mode map in GW1 sometime if you want to see what over aggroing can do to a man :)

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Maybe you can pay fine or go to jail?


In all seriousness though, it is unfortunate that you get stuck and get into combat. I can only count very few times it happens to me over the last 4 years, don't think its frequent enough to warrant fix. You should be able to get back to same place within 5 minutes on a mount though, so I'd just let the mob kill me or rally of it and WP.

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What MMOs have buttons like this?

Or is it a pseudo feature like in Pokémon for the Gameboy.



"[swap] Pokémon"


"Flee" > " You could not escape. | Enemy hits you critically. | You are defeated"


I still really think at least sentient beings or Mordrem should leave you alone when you are clearly a well-known commander and armed to the teeth or simply from a higher level. Yesterday I saw Wargs and Griffons fighting a Doe and the Doe won.



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> @Vanive.3804 said:

> One of the more annoying things about GW2 is the borked aggro radius, and the fact that you can not force de-aggo from mobs you might be stuck in combat with due to lag or due to buggy AI. I don't know how many times I've gotten stuck in scenery; Even the /stuck feature is screwy at times, or have died and can not teleport anywhere due to being still stuck in combat. Sometimes re-logging isn't an option due to you getting kicked from the map.


> There is also the whole having to run halfway across a map to clear aggro so you can pull out your mount because something thousands of meters away still wants to kill your character; even though he doesn't look like it, just to run into something else to pissoff. This is annoying and pretty much kills this "Joy of movement" thing you folks at anet so proudly touted in your PoF developer diary. I just want a button I can spam for quick deescalation like old MMOs used to have because apparently even in this day and age AI doesn't always work as intended. ☮


forced leave combat button? yeah that wont be abused at all.

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> @Zedek.8932 said:

> What MMOs have buttons like this?

> Or is it a pseudo feature like in Pokémon for the Gameboy.


> "Attack"

> "[swap] Pokémon"

> "Item"

> "Flee" > " You could not escape. | Enemy hits you critically. | You are defeated"


> I still really think at least sentient beings or Mordrem should leave you alone when you are clearly a well-known commander and armed to the teeth or simply from a higher level. Yesterday I saw Wargs and Griffons fighting a Doe and the Doe won.


> Excelsior.


I've played a few where you could easily "waypoint" out of harms way even when in combat.

I've played at least one where I can make my own "personal waypoint" get out of harms way to somewhere else and then go back to my personal waypoint when I don't have aggro and keep on going.

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> @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> > @Vanive.3804 said:

> > One of the more annoying things about GW2 is the borked aggro radius, and the fact that you can not force de-aggo from mobs you might be stuck in combat with due to lag or due to buggy AI. I don't know how many times I've gotten stuck in scenery; Even the /stuck feature is screwy at times, or have died and can not teleport anywhere due to being still stuck in combat. Sometimes re-logging isn't an option due to you getting kicked from the map.

> >

> > There is also the whole having to run halfway across a map to clear aggro so you can pull out your mount because something thousands of meters away still wants to kill your character; even though he doesn't look like it, just to run into something else to pissoff. This is annoying and pretty much kills this "Joy of movement" thing you folks at anet so proudly touted in your PoF developer diary. I just want a button I can spam for quick deescalation like old MMOs used to have because apparently even in this day and age AI doesn't always work as intended. ☮


> forced leave combat button? yeah that wont be abused at all.




_Player aggros lots of mobs and drags them towards others players, then hits special de-aggro key, and laughs while other players are inconvenienced._


I mean, yeah that happens today, but it seems to me a de-aggro key is extra enably.

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To be fair, some games have a "no enemies attack you" 'status', usually with some penalties. FFXIV has a stealth for gathering classes, that stops enemies from attacking them if they come within range, but the catch is that they can only walk and never jog or sprint. It's slow, but it lets you safely do non-combat things.


And doesn't GTA Online have a passive mode? I think you can still get run over or something, but otherwise enemy players can't kill you (but you can't kill them either). It does exist in games, but not as a "remove aggro" button but more like a "enable and don't get attacked by enemies after" button.

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> @Zedek.8932 said:

> What MMOs have buttons like this?

> Or is it a pseudo feature like in Pokémon for the Gameboy.


> "Attack"

> "[swap] Pokémon"

> "Item"

> "Flee" > " You could not escape. | Enemy hits you critically. | You are defeated"


> I still really think at least sentient beings or Mordrem should leave you alone when you are clearly a well-known commander and armed to the teeth or simply from a higher level. Yesterday I saw Wargs and Griffons fighting a Doe and the Doe won.


> Excelsior.


I think its funny that I killed the mordrem's literal God and they still think they can fight me (and they still win when I go afk in a HoT map :( ) . Back to OP, its an annoying problem when it does happen, that's for sure. But I don't think this would solve it, it would either be heavily abused or useless.


I think a better option would be a timer on aggro. Say if you manage to not take any hit or hit any mob for 10 (maybe even 15) seconds, then all veteran and below mobs lose any aggro they had towards you? This way if it bugs out (which happens fairly often on my mesmer for some reason), all you have to do is wait. It also benefits players who have better mobility, if they avoid taking a hit then they get out of combat (aka the mob "gives up").

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> @Vavume.8065 said:

> What's next? you going to ask for a npc friendlist, so you can add all npcs you do not want to fight to it so that they are set to neutral? then skip your way through the game whistling Dixie? you installed the wrong game if that is your playstyle.


That's not bad...

Can I blacklist all of the generic Sylvari npcs?

I don't care if they can attack the mother tree in the grove, that they could attack anywhere... even in this forsaken wasteland.

And I rather violence than violets. I'm more of a green, red, black person.

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> @Cynn.1659 said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > You have one already though `F12` character select, re-select character.


> But that's whole 3 buttons you have to press. 300% increase in complexity to the proposed 1 button. It's too complicated to press that many buttons.


200% increase. It's 300% effort - 100% ideally = 200%

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Let's see, stuck in aggro...you can also weapon swap, eventually you'll be out of combat. As for still being on combat when dead, are you fully dead or just downed waiting for the health bar to reach zero and the little dialogue pops up asking if you want to WP or use a Res Orb, because honestly, with as many times as I've died I've never come across a situation where I was dead but still in combat, unless I wasn't truely dead, in that case I'd go to character select, but as I said...has never happened. Really though, there are multiple methods to get out of combat and to find a nice safe spot to get on your mount or what ever it is you want to do, it just takes about ~10 seconds of though, maybe.

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The reason it happens more often on mesmers is actually a simple mechanic to prevent your clones from just vanishing. Every time you create a clone you re-aggro everything that has you in their sights.

As for anything else...glitching into the ground happens in specific conditions that we have known about since before HoT! If you don't want it to happen don't use those skills when in those situations (movement skills uphill for example that don't slide you along the physical plane).

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> @Runiir.6425 said:

> The reason it happens more often on mesmers is actually a simple mechanic to prevent your clones from just vanishing. Every time you create a clone you re-aggro everything that has you in their sights.

> As for anything else...glitching into the ground happens in specific conditions that we have known about since before HoT! If you don't want it to happen don't use those skills when in those situations (movement skills uphill for example that don't slide you along the physical plane).


Thinking about it, that one time I was stuck in a ditch-like area in PoF and couldn't get out because I was "in combat" so I couldn't mount or waypoint or anything when I was literally sitting there not fighting anything...

I was on my Mirage.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> I do agree, but only if mobs can have that option too.

> It's not fair to get killed over and over all day long.

> Give mobs some rest.


They have this already. It's called invulnerable, stacked blocking (like sand lions/smokescales), or when you try to get away and they finally give up the chase when theyr'e about 5% left of their hp and you just see it gradually go back up and you can't do enough damage compared to their regain.


Or the best ones. When they can sometimes attack you from below you from a distance, but if you try attacking back, because of the distance, they get that "not aggroing" regen effects on them.

Thankfully certain classes with extras can solve this (pets/minions/illusions) other classes? Not so much.

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