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Your favorite Guild Wars expansion

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NF most fun ever had playing a MMO

EoTN, loved the dungeons

HoT: 2 months ago i would have said this was the worst thing Anet aver made, then i played PoF..

Factions: game was too damn short also Luxon vs Kurzick crap brought out the stupidity in gamers.

PoF: Gave us mounts, but lacks a end game, no new fractals, raids or even a damn dungeon, i am happy it cost $30.

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> @Nemesis.2019 said:

> NF most fun ever had playing a MMO

> EoTN, loved the dungeons

> HoT: 2 months ago i would have said this was the worst thing Anet aver made, then i played PoF..

> Factions: game was too kitten short also Luxon vs Kurzick crap brought out the stupidity in gamers.

> PoF: Gave us mounts, but lacks a end game, no new fractals, raids or even a kitten dungeon, i am happy it cost $30.


lmao and i thought suxons vs kur**** was a great addition, especially if you were into FA/JQ pvp. It was entertaining as hell,,, for years.

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I'm weird because I loved the games for their environment more than anything which makes me put...


1) Factions. My absolute favorite game environment in the GW Universe. The fact that it was so short made me want so much more of it.


2) Core Prophecies. This mainly wins second for being the first that I ever played. It will always give me nostalgia, especially pre-searing Ascalon.


3) Eye of the North. It was just awesome to see other races living in this world and not necessarily being enemies, aside from dwarves. It also echoes Prophecies nostalgia to some degree.


4) Path of Fire. Crystal Desert was my most loved and most hated zone in GW1. I loved the environment, story, and music, and absolutely hated navigating the zones and doing the story missions solo with just henchmen. I hated Elona, but this expansion makes me truly love both zones.


5) Guild Wars 2 Core. I loved the core game, but after years of playing it, the game is just dull and repetitive. Plus you can only handle seeing all of the nostalgic areas in tyria blown up, sunk, or in ruins so many times before it gets exhausting.


6) Heart of Thorns. I actually enjoyed this expansion, though I play one of the tankiest professions which makes it easier. The rush of it and especially the military campaign that is Dragon Stand made for some awesome experiences.


7) Nightfall. I hated Elona. I don't know why. The story was good, heroes were a game changer, Vabbi was beautiful, but the soundtrack and the rest of the environments just didn't do it for me.

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1. Prophecies

2. Guild Wars 2 (Core)

3. Heart of Thorns

4. Factions/Nightfall

5. Path of Fire


Rated on the features and experiences each expansion has given me so far. Current iteration of Path of Fire being on #5 spot doesn't mean it's bad. I have too many good sides to list on each expac. If I had to pick one feature on each top 3 expac that heavily affected my scoring it would go as follows: for prophecies Guild versus Guild battles, for Core GW2 the movement system and Jumping Puzzles and for HoT it was Raiding that changed the game experience heavily.

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> @Narcemus.1348 said:

> I'm weird because I loved the games for their environment more than anything which makes me put...


> 1) Factions. My absolute favorite game environment in the GW Universe. The fact that it was so short made me want so much more of it.


> 2) Core Prophecies. This mainly wins second for being the first that I ever played. It will always give me nostalgia, especially pre-searing Ascalon.


> 3) Eye of the North. It was just awesome to see other races living in this world and not necessarily being enemies, aside from dwarves. It also echoes Prophecies nostalgia to some degree.


> 4) Path of Fire. Crystal Desert was my most loved and most hated zone in GW1. I loved the environment, story, and music, and absolutely hated navigating the zones and doing the story missions solo with just henchmen. I hated Elona, but this expansion makes me truly love both zones.


> 5) Guild Wars 2 Core. I loved the core game, but after years of playing it, the game is just dull and repetitive. Plus you can only handle seeing all of the nostalgic areas in tyria blown up, sunk, or in ruins so many times before it gets exhausting.


> 6) Heart of Thorns. I actually enjoyed this expansion, though I play one of the tankiest professions which makes it easier. The rush of it and especially the military campaign that is Dragon Stand made for some awesome experiences.


> 7) Nightfall. I hated Elona. I don't know why. The story was good, heroes were a game changer, Vabbi was beautiful, but the soundtrack and the rest of the environments just didn't do it for me.


The environment, setting and enemies design was the reason Faction was my fav expansion as well. I'm not even into the Chinese art direction but Faction had something special going into it. Its what's missing in the whole of GW2 for me, nothing feels unique.

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The Guild Wars chapters weren't exactly expansions, but anyway:


1. Nightfall. The story was the best one we ever got from ArenaNet, dervishes were amazing (paragons were nice), heroes massively changed the game, we got the inscription system, it introduced white dyes (<3), the soundtrack was great, and so on.


2. Factions and Eye of the North. Factions had a poor story and horrible voice acting, but the ritualist was great (assassins were more or less), the PvPvE modes were fun, and the world looked amazing; the Jade Sea is still one of the most unique settings I have seen. The soundtrack was great, too, and it has the best armor sets in the original Guild Wars. Eye of the North, in other hand, introduced a lot of poor skills and armor choices (many were bland reskins), the story was more or less, and it felt a lot like advertising for GW2, plus it introduced a lot of grind to the game with the alliance points. But, mechanically, it was the best part of the original Guild Wars, when everything had been refined to its best.


3. The original Guild Wars. Horrible story and somewhat uninspired world design (we got the cold areas, the hot areas, the jungle areas...), but a brilliant skill system with great horizontal progression.


4. Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire. Having played both more or less at the same time (I only got HoT a few weeks before the release of PoF), I think both expansions have opposite good and bad points, with the only trait common to both being very bad stories. An expansion merging the best aspects of HoT and PoF, with a new team taking care of the game's plot, would be amazing.


5. The original release of Guild Wars 2. Probably the biggest disappointment in my life.

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I wonder why EotN is so highly rated. The dungeons were really cheap and they re-used assets in several dungeons. Some levels were just copy paste with different enemies. I remember how disappointed I was. Also the campaign was super short as well. Of course music and overall feel was quite good. It wasn't bad, but compared to Nightfall and Factions (I know these were also stand alone games) it felt very short and rushed.


Anyway here my list:

- Fations

- Nightfall

- Path of Fire

- Heart of Thorns

- Eye of the North

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