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Rev Patch Notes (11/7/17)


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> @"Professor Sprout.1560" said:

> - If you're not in melee with a target you will get nothing out of this trait.

You can legend swap while using Phase Smash, so you don't have to be in melee range if using a hammer build. Also, you can legend swap while traveling through enemies with Frigid Blitz. I haven't seen what else can be done yet.

But for shortbow, only ventari could work with shortbow from what I can see.



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> @Halikus.1406 said:

> This patch pretty much gutted revs instead of buffing. The only thing they got it right was the sword off hand and when we finally get an energy management skill that we asked so much what do they do? They remove equilibrium, the only motive why energy management was important. Really anet??????

> Most of the changes to the invocation tree are grand master traits, I'm not even going to mention again how hard and unnecessary removing equilibrium was. Who in it's right mind would swap 40% crit chance for the other 2, like really???

> The only "buff" revs got was the sword off hand that it was needed for ages but it's still too similar to axe off hand though axe still has a bigger range (900) and a CC that the sword off hand lost. So again, POINTLESS. I'm definitly done with GW2 after this patch.


I both agree and disagree as I will explain:


First of all, I don't understand why they destroyed the off hand sword. From the three off hand weapons available to **Herald** each one had a function:


Axe: condition damage, cc

Sword: mobile blocking, cc

Shield: support, self sustain


Now, the blocking properties of the off hand sword (the ONLY defensive off hand weapon for core Revenant) has been erased, replaced by a ofensive off hand weapon which does the same as the off hand axe but worse: worse cc capabilities, much worse energy cost, much worse cooldowns.


Now, the off hand sword was the least used of the off hand Revenant weapons, but still **the butchering has long term implications**: because the shield (the other off hand capable to block damage) is exclusive to the Herald specialization, so **the annihilation of Duelist's Preparation prevents any future specialization to get access to off hand blocking **(if isn't specifically added to the spec) **and also grants that core Rev has no way to block attacks while using a mace or a sword** in the main arm guaranteeing that core Rev will NEVER be a thing in PvP/roaming.


The other changes of the patch.... I couldn't care less. Never used Equilibrium (the healing was pathetic and a swap being over 50 energy never happened due in combat you're forced to use skills and the swap was usually a mandatory request of either a need for a specific skill in the other legend or an acute necessity of energy). Still an needless remove, and I feel sorry for the ones who used that trait. Renegade changes are irrelevant for me due that class has no hope in PvP/wVW.


I'll probably spent my PvP time in season 9 moving between power herald with axe and power herald with shield. The good news is that some of the PoF specs are now weaker (full counter got full nerfed), so all in all I think that we lost nothing. But the unexplanable butchering of off hand sword is full of insanity: sentences both the weapon to not be used and the core rev and future specs to be potentially non-viable in competitive game modes due the lack of any defensive tools (aside from the shield, exclusively bonded to Herald).

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I sort of see what they were trying to do with the 11/7 patch, but the execution was poor as is always the case on Rev balance. I suggest the following minor revisions be made to the Invocation trait line to open up more possibilities.


1) Song of the Mists and Spirit Boon are incredibly weak by themselves, so they should be combined into a Major Grandmaster option.

2) Since Revs have extremely limited access to stun break and condi cleanse, please merge Cleansing Channel and Empty Vessel to function together in the Minor Grandmaster slot.


This would free up slots for new traits in the Major Adept and Major Master positions which, I believe, should be geared toward either DPS improvement and/or energy management.




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Give me swiftness in larger amounts of time anet and maybe do something with charr summons and tablet so they are useful in wvw because they require too much micromanagement and the charr summons are just utter crap outside of doing pve bounties. Easiest thing right now would be to make them work like the sand shades do or even firebrand tomes to throw in some extra things everyone is wanting to have on it lol.

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