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[POLL] Mount Skins Distribution - A Serious Poll

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It would be nice to tone down RNG aspect by letting us decide which mount skin we want to get (like one from the set of raptor skins, or bunny skins etc).

I mean not to pick the skin, but at least to pick the mount type. I don't need griffon skins now, but I would like to get any of raptor skins.

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_At the moment_ I am not bothered by the RNG aspect since I really want all the skins in the lottery. _But_ I also see that with this very RNG involved many people who just want one or two specific skins will potentially spend a lot more money for them than they would otherwise. 400 gems used to get us stuff that we actually want, not something that might or might not be what we had in mind or something that some players will never see the use for (griffon skins).

It does not help _at all_ that at the same time they sold a jackal skin for the whopping price of 2.000 gems, not for a skin collection like the spooky one, no, for a _single_ skin. By that comparison 400 gems per license appears cheap, but once you do the math it appears just the other way around: 400 gems would be reasonable for a chosen skin, but it is definitely too much for a lottery ticket unless you _know_ you win (because like me you want every one of them).

I know that Anet usually is not like that. Because of that it irritates me quite a lot that they would give us a mount skin with a distractingly insane price tag that appears to have the main purpose of making the license price look reasonable, which it is not.

And, to be honest, I would very, very likely vote against the RNG aspect, too, if there was a lottery like this with only some prices I liked in it. I tolerate it when it happens with Black Lion Chests, because keys are cheap enough and I can even get some by playing the game, but this thing is going in a very unpleasant direction if that is where we are going with mount skins and potentially other skins, too.

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I don't hate this method, but there was a huge sticker shock seeing the full gem cost all 30.

The full RNG is rough. I would have liked the odds cut down by selecting what type of mount. If given the options, I would have skipped all the skimmer skins.

I wanted a few of the griffins, few of the springers and most of the Jackals especially Twin Sands.

I did buy 10 of them for forty something dollars. Of the 10, I got only one Jackel skins(one I liked but not Twin Sands), 2 Griffon skins I wanted and one I wasn't interested in, got 2 springer skins I wanted, and 2 skimmer I had no interest in as well as 2 raptor skins I also wasn't interested in.

While I am happy I don't have to worry about duplication, 50% of the items being ones I wanted feels less than great.

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> @Asum.4960 said:

> First of all, no we don't do that all the time.


Yes, real people actually do that all the time. It's common.


It's a videogame/reddit outrage to be this mad over it in videogames. And you don't even realize why you are so angry. The people that tell you to be angry and outraged benefit from this, it generates them clicks, youtube views, ad revenue, and even just reddit karma.


You're being farmed. Next month, there'll be another fake outrage for you to explode about. And then another. And another.



I wouldn't pay for this garbage, mind you. But be rational. Don't let yourself be dragged by the nose and controlled like a puppet.

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> @REVOLVET.4807 said:

> There are simple and fancy skins. If there's no RNG, who is going to buy a simple one?


> If Anet sells skins at different prices, they would be blamed anyway.


> If Anet releases simple skins now and fancy skins at few weeks later, they would be blamed anyway. Plus, you may have to spend more to obtain the skins you want at the end.


> What ever Anet decides, there'll be someone dissatisfied.


Nobody should be coerced into buying things they don't want just to thin the pool of items trying to get one that they want. Whenever someone buys something it should be something they want, or, if it is a gambling thing, they should provide a means for it to be done in game, like black lion keys.

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Really when we say "the price is fine" I'm sure many of us would admit that we'd pay double or 2.5x the current cost if we could guarantee getting one we want. I'd pay 1000 gems easy for the Jackalope Hopper skin, but some of the simpler skins where it's just a texture replacement that gives you 4 dye channels, I'd only pay 250 gems for max. So.. price could vary on the skins 400 might even be too cheap for some, too expensive for others. 2000 gems is pushing it though,

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The RNG aspect of this is just really predatory. There are a few skins I like and desperately want (the stardust one is so gorgeous i'm still reeling, just to name one) and I would've been more than willing to spend money to get them; but _not_ like this. And pretty much everyone I've talked to so far felt the same.

So I sincerely doubt making money with simply selling the skins would've been a problem (just look at how many people bought the halloween skins, and 1,600 gems isn't something most people have just lying around). Basically, you have a userbase who _is_ willing to drop money on this game, and you're choosing to exploit it in ways that likely will do more harm than good in the long run.

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This Poll is a nice idea but they will never change it . Here is WHY direct from an Anet DEV direct message on Reddit ::-1:


Anet_Bengw2 dev [-2] sent 1 day ago

You are incapable of seeing it from our side because you have no idea the costs to run an MMO or the thought and market research that goes in to designing these systems. Obviously it would feel better to you to be able to pick any skin you want, and therefore spend 400 gems per mount and never anything more.


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> @JADE.1702 said:

> This Poll is a nice idea but they will never change it . Here is WHY direct from an Anet DEV direct message on Reddit ::-1:

> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> Anet_Bengw2 dev [-2] sent 1 day ago

> You are incapable of seeing it from our side because you have no idea the costs to run an MMO or the thought and market research that goes in to designing these systems. Obviously it would feel better to you to be able to pick any skin you want, and therefore spend 400 gems per mount and never anything more.

> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


That still makes no sense to me. "Here buy all this crap you don't want, to get the few things you want" Because even anet knows there's no way the skins are worth $40-$60 that it'd cost for a person to get the 2-3 skins they like, so they try to do it roundabout saying each skin is only $5, even if 90% of them you don't want.

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I was excited when I opened the gem store and learned you could get new mount skins. Was getting ready to spend ten dollars for 800 gems and two mounts. Glad I read the details. If I am spending ten bucks I am choosing my two mounts. That's my requirement. As it is set up right now I will not be purchasing any. I don't make much and my kids come first. The small amount of "fun money" I do set aside per paycheck will not be wasted on mounts I don't like.

This isn't game breaking for me. I like the base mounts and will continue using them. Kinda sucks that I wont participate in the new skins but that is my choice with the current set up.

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