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[POLL] Mount Skins Distribution - A Serious Poll

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200 Gems per skin would encourage players to buy more skins for variety and to be able to skin more of their mounts. There are 5 mounts. Most players I assume use more than one mount regularly and would like to have at least more than one skinned. There are also 30 new skins here, giving a greater incentive to buy more skins.


The high price of 400 gems for a random mount skin is discouraging to purchase unless you either really love most of the skins or don't mind spending a large amount of real money to purchase multiple licenses to get the mount skin you want.


I would lower the cost to 200 per license and/or remove the random skin factor and let players choose the skin they want to pay that much money for.


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> @Bunter.3795 said:


> Time is money in this case only if you were forced to farm for a specific item to get the gems. You can just play the game, you don't need to do anything but play the game. You don't have to farm item X for the mounts, you don't have to spend hours in one zone, you just have to play the game. Sure doing some things over others gets you more gold but you are going to make gold just by playing it. Take that gold and convert it and you get the mounts skins.


> It's a luxury skin, nothing more. Your gameplay won't change because of it. Sure you may desire it but the same mount you had yesterday will still be there tomorrow whether or not you have a luxury skin. Don't like the cost? Don't like the semi RNG? Don't buy it.


The problem **is not** that people don't want to spend money on this, the problem is that people **want to spend money on mount skins**, but they find this means of doing so to be asinine or insulting at best, and openly callous and greedy at worst. There is no benefit for the consumer in doing this. There is no benefit for the game in doing this-- you cannot even claim "artificial scarcity" as a reason because shelling enough cash will get you all the skins.


The **only** reason this RNG system exists is to **force** people to spend more money than they want to. The **only** reason this RNG system exists is to turn what should be a single purchase into two, or five, or fifteen. The **only** reason there is RNG attached to this purchase is to exploit the consumers who might want to make it, and arguing that people "do not need" the item is a fool's argument, because everyone here knows that they don't need it, they just want **NOT SCUMMY** means to support a company they were pretty sure they liked.


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> @Bunter.3795 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > @Bunter.3795 said:

> > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > > @Bunter.3795 said:

> > > > > Such outrage over a single item, so funny. If you don't like the method, don't buy it. Simple as that. These skins give you ZERO, THAT'S RIGHT ZERO, advantage in game. It's not even a true RNG as you will eventually get the skin you want. You don't get duplicates. Just save up your gold and convert it and you'll have one skin a month and eventually you'll have the skin you want. OMG having to play the game to get something you want, the horror, the horror.

> > > >

> > > > 1 person will get the one desired skin after spending 400 gems, the other will have to pay 10k gems - there is no way I can say how much money I need to spend to get what I want. This is plain gambling. I hope one day big players like EU and USA will finally regulate and penalize such practices. Today anet embraces and shares toxic attitude of big players like EA and Ubisoft to exploit and benefit on gamble while avoiding gambling law. And they are doing this not only to adults but to children also.

> > >

> > >

> > > You can convert in game gold to gems, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SPEND ANY MONEY to get the skin you want. Don't lie to yourself. It doesn't cost you anything but playing the game to get the skins you want from these boxes. You go play the game, you get gold, you convert gold to gems, you get mount skins. Sure the time it takes is variable but the money you "have" to spend is absolutely ZERO.

> > >

> >

> > time is money


> Time is money in this case only if you were forced to farm for a specific item to get the gems. You can just play the game, you don't need to do anything but play the game. You don't have to farm item X for the mounts, you don't have to spend hours in one zone, you just have to play the game. Sure doing some things over others gets you more gold but you are going to make gold just by playing it. Take that gold and convert it and you get the mounts skins.


> It's a luxury skin, nothing more. Your gameplay won't change because of it. Sure you may desire it but the same mount you had yesterday will still be there tomorrow whether or not you have a luxury skin. Don't like the cost? Don't like the semi RNG? Don't buy it.






I have every right to voice my discontent with the company decisions I am funding. Thank you for sharing your opinion.

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I don't mind rng, it's just too much rng,


If the rng was split up between each mount, I wouldn't care at all, like being able to select whether you want a griffon, jackal, or, etc

As it is now, I can be trying to get Jackal skins, and end up getting three skimmer skins in a row. (if that's how it works)

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Please, Anet, don't do this to all your loyal fans. I adore the mount skins, I would grind and save to get the gems to buy them. But please PLEASE take the wholesale RNG aspect out of it. We already have this in the BLC. Even if you want to keep some aspect of RNG in it, bring it down to the specific mount types, not the WHOLE collection of mounts. Having this hit so soon after the halloween skins is like a royal slap in the face. This is, in fact, the singular most hurtful thing I've seen implemented in the game. Period. I know its just cosmetics, but if you make it this prohibitive then no one will want to enjoy the hard work put into them. Please remove the RNG aspect of mount skins!

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I'm in the minority, I like it just how it is. If it wasn't RNG, I'm thinking I'd have to pay more than 400 gems. (like that 2000 gem jackal!) Sure, I have my favorites, but to get a new skin, no matter which it is, I'm glad for the better options for customizing. That alone is worth it to me. I try to be positive on things, and any skin I get will be a better one than what I have. If I could choose between picking for 2000 gems, or RNG for 400, I pick RNG.

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Whether the 400 is correct or not will be determined by the market. I think it is a tad too high given it is just one item but is lower than an outfit so maybe it is right. Whether the cost goes down or not the RNG aspect has GOT to go. It looks like the only option to get around it is the one skin that is being sold for MUCH more though, so hopefully both are trial balloons.


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Having to pay 120 dollars to get the one you want for certain is ridiculous. If they don't want to change it, they should add a pick one option. There are only two I want and two out of 30 is just not good enough odds for me to spend gems on it. This is a money grab that turns mount skins into upper echelon products only.

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Price is fine but I don't like RNG aspect. That said I think RNG is fun in this case and I would only like an additional method of acquisition if the price was increased for the respective mounts sold separately, 800 for example or pay by "rarity" of appearance. There's some mind blowing skins in the pool.

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For these skins the price should be way lower...no way I would expend 400 gems on skin that is basically a recolour from the original one lol...it should have diferent range prices for diferent skins, like this ones that are just recolours should have really low price, better yet, you should be able to get it in game, but other ones that Anet actully put some work on it, like the Warhound Jackal, those could be more expensive, like 1000 gems(2K gems, this gotta be a joke!)....also pretty lame to just put some fire effects or extra horns on it and call it done...come on we know you guys can do it better...why not make a Wolf skin with norn runes on it for the Jackal or maybe a Wyvern for the Griffon, even the more tradicional griffon would be cool to(Half lion and eagle)

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As many have already said, the rng factor is just not a good addition.

Before playing gw2 I used to play Tera, and one of the main reasons I left was because everything from gear to cosmetics was tied to rng. It scares me to see this wonderful game move in that direction.

Of course this doesn't mean I'm gonna leave because A-net added this, but I am definitely not gonna be getting any of these skins unless the system gets modified.

I understand that I'm probably not the target of this "sale" since I am not can't spend $120 to attempt to get a skin, but I feel like this "strategy" pushes away a lot of the current customer base. Spending to get gems is not easy for me given that I live in a country where my money is worth 1/19th of a dollar, but I would have definitely made an effort and gotten one for each mount if they were selectetable. I have supported A-net so far, and would like to keep doing so given the quality of the content, but I cant (and will not) support rng.

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I personally dislike how there is random element introduced to a selection of skins that are account bound. Even with a 100% chance to get a new skin with ever spin, it really does not work into any-ones favor except for all the people who go all in. I was hyped for PoF and the new forms of customization that it will offer for mounts but if this is how mount skins are going to be should going forward then I rather save my money for something I like that I know I can get. I like maybe five skins in the collection of thirty skins, which means twenty-five other skins are going to be collecting dust. I don't understand why change from the norm that was for gliders and outfits for some skins that offer some slight variations (recall flamekissed armor outcry) that really just feel uninspired. When the Halloween skins where released I was ecstatic and bought them right away as the price was right and the amount of skins and dye channels was awesome, this current gimmick is not at all what I expected or want for my hard earned cash.


Now I understand that some of these skins and new models are time consuming and have been priced as such so that cost can be recouped. So I thought of something that is a compromise in which everyone can win (To a lesser degree for each). Lets drop the randomness and let us choose out skins BUT at a premium. For every skin chosen after that the price is reduced a set amount of gems till the final few skins that might not be wanted would be very very small but enticing (bargain bin) to the players. If the first skin from the Black Lion Adoption was 610 gems, and ever skin bought after that is 20 less gems the end result would be more players enticed to buy there favorite skins and maybe by the others at a later time.

Math below:

610, 590, 570, 550, 530, 510, 490, 470, 450, 430, 410, 390, 370, 350, 330, 310, 290, 270, 250, 230, 210, 190, 170, 150, 130, 110, 90, 70, 50, 30 (All together 9600 Gems)


If this was rolled out, I would of bought five tickets right off the bat, choose my five skins, and be happy. If people want more then they get closer and closer to the (At post) 9600 gem fee for all thirty skins. Sure, this does not entice people to pay more if there unlucky BUT it does offer a MUCH more enticement to buy into the skins. Anyway that's my thoughts and maybe someone will have a better idea to make us happy and GET more money from us.

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> @MegaManExpert.8413 said:

> I personally dislike how there is random element introduced to a selection of skins that are account bound. Even with a 100% chance to get a new skin with ever spin, it really does not work into any-ones favor except for all the people who go all in. I was hyped for PoF and the new forms of customization that it will offer for mounts but if this is how mount skins are going to be should going forward then I rather save my money for something I like that I know I can get. I like maybe five skins in the collection of thirty skins, which means twenty-five other skins are going to be collecting dust. I don't understand why change from the norm that was for gliders and outfits for some skins that offer some slight variations (recall flamekissed armor outcry) that really just feel uninspired. When the Halloween skins where released I was ecstatic and bought them right away as the price was right and the amount of skins and dye channels was awesome, this current gimmick is not at all what I expected or want for my hard earned cash.


> Now I understand that some of these skins and new models are time consuming and have been priced as such so that cost can be recouped. So I thought of something that is a compromise in which everyone can win (To a lesser degree for each). Lets drop the randomness and let us choose out skins BUT at a premium. For every skin chosen after that the price is reduced a set amount of gems till the final few skins that might not be wanted would be very very small but enticing (bargain bin) to the players. If the first skin from the Black Lion Adoption was 610 gems, and ever skin bought after that is 20 less gems the end result would be more players enticed to buy there favorite skins and maybe by the others at a later time.

> Math below:

> 610, 590, 570, 550, 530, 510, 490, 470, 450, 430, 410, 390, 370, 350, 330, 310, 290, 270, 250, 230, 210, 190, 170, 150, 130, 110, 90, 70, 50, 30 (All together 9600 Gems)


> If this was rolled out, I would of bought five tickets right off the bat, choose my five skins, and be happy. If people want more then they get closer and closer to the (At post) 9600 gem fee for all thirty skins. Sure, this does not entice people to pay more if there unlucky BUT it does offer a MUCH more enticement to buy into the skins. Anyway that's my thoughts and maybe someone will have a better idea to make us happy and GET more money from us.


solid idea


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I think it's fine how it is, people are forgetting you can convert gold into gems and don't actually have to spend any real money on them at all.

Gold is also easier to get now then it ever has been, you get loads of gold by literally just playing the game, I don't raid and I haven't done fractals in a while either but I still had enough gold to get a couple. You can get maybe one or two skins a week just through playing the game. You don't even have to no-life to make enough gold for 400 gems a week.


The RNG encourages people to spend money, meaning we get more content, the game stays live and Anet employees don't starve.

The Gold > Gems conversion acts as a huge goldsink as well, which helps removes some gold from the server and keep it balanced.

I would only have issue if you could receive duplicates - which you can't.

It's a win/win for Anet and I don't think they should change it at all.


The only thing I have issue with is the Warhound, but I strongly believe it's just an experiment to see how far they can push people into spending money/gems/gold. I don't think the Warhound will sell very well and I think as a result future individual mounts will be cheaper.


Remember guys, they are a business supplying a service. They are not your friend, and compared to every single other MMO dev, their gem store is the kindest version of a cash store I have ever seen, and I've been playing MMOs since 2002.

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My biggest problem with this whole thing is not the RNG or the pricing, but the fact that the RNG wraps the griffon skins into the RNG. I do not have and did not plan to get a Griffon mount; I wanted to focus on other goals. I was sincerely hoping that the RNG would not unlock skins for a mount that you don't get within the context of normal story required play.


Now, if I want to use 1 of the 2 skins I purchased, I have to spend 200+ gold. I think specifically to resolve this issue, and perhaps some others, that for each skin you buy you should be able to pick the mount type, and then RNG will select a skin from that mount's available skins. This lessens the trial and error needed to receive "that one skin" that you want above all others for each mount, and also keeps players who weren't planning on getting the griffon from sinking 400 gems into a skin they may never even see.

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> @Raesin.2908 said:


> The only thing I have issue with is the Warhound, but I strongly believe it's just an experiment to see how far they can push people into spending money/gems/gold. I don't think the Warhound will sell very well and I think as a result future individual mounts will be cheaper.


> Remember guys, they are a business supplying a service. They are not your friend, and compared to every single other MMO dev, their gem store is the kindest version of a cash store I have ever seen, and I've been playing MMOs since 2002.


While I bought all of the rng mounts I will not buy that Warhound unless it sees a 75% off sale.



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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:


> **Price is fine but I don't like RNG aspect.**

> Partially my choice, but I say there should've had a better discount. And that "bundle" should've just been a "Unlock all contract" as in all 31 and not a bundle of contracts.

> I'm already planning on giving you money on the mounts, don't make me have to buy that bundle and still spend another 400 to get the last one. That's not helping the saving.


What last one? There are only 30 skins from the contracts the new jackal skin can't be obtained through it at all.


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What I don't understand the most about this whole fiasco is... why did they release all 31 mounts at once...? With the original 5, you got them in-game (by playing), one of which, the Griffon, was an achievement. The spooky mounts were a pack of 5, so why not release these in packs of 5 with different themes?


Said packs could be as follows: Dessert Pack, Fire Pack, Plains Pack, Storm Pack, Water Pack, and Mythical Pack. Each pack could be 1,600 gems (20 USD) which would save the customer 800 gems (10 USD) per pack.


Dessert Pack: Canyon Spiketail, Dessert Lop, River Moth Wing, Polished Stone, and Badlands Stalker.

Fire Pack: Flamelander, Primal Hare, Oasis Skate, Pyroclast, and Fire Pinion.

Plains Pack: Savannah Monitor, Tawny Hare, Bright Ringfin, Crowned Ancient, and Highlands Harrier.

Storm Pack: Storm Ridge, Windy Spot, Dajkha Lantern, Banded Mystic, and Clouded Corvus.

Water Pack: Coastal Spiketail, Arctic Jerboa, Oceanic Ray, Twin Sands, and Spotted Sylhp.

Mythical Pack: Striped Tri-Horn, Elonian Jackal, Spined Longtail, Stardust, and Starbound.


(The Reforged Warhound is its own thing and shouldn't be in a pack, I think)


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