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[News] Gemstore items: new/returned/sales

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Sale ending soon (less than 24 hours)

**Dervish Package** 1700 gems

**Primeval Dervish Outfit** 700 gems

**Bunny Ears** 200 gems

**Furrocious Cat Ears** 400 gems

**Wizard’s Hat** 200 gems

**Defiant Glass Backpack** 400 gems

**Transmutation Charges** 5 @ 0 gems

**Kurzick Dual Axe** 480 gems

**Monk’s Outfit** 454 gems

**Raiment of the Lich** 454 gems

**War Eternal Supply Drop Requisition** @ 2400 gems



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**Exotic Breeds Mount Adoption License** 1@ 400 gems. 5@ 1800 gems. 15@ 5100 gems. [Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exotic_Breeds_Mount_Adoption_License)

**Exotic Breeds Mount Select License** 1200 gems


15% off

**War Eternal Supply Drop Requisition** 2550 gems



**Heroic Booster** 1@ 0 gems


Available for 7 days

**[All or Nothing Appearance Package](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/All_or_Nothing_Appearance_Package)** 2000 gems

**Caithe’s Bloom Dagger** 600 gems

**Caithe’s Crystal Bloom Sword** 600 gems

**Ritualist Package** 1700 gems

**Enchanted Dragon Crown Package** 500 gems


Sale ending soon (less than 24 hours)

**Peacock Scepter** 480 gems


>Returning This Week


>Infinite Volatile Magic Gathering Tools

>World Boss Portal Device—20% Off

>Living World Season 2 Complete Pack—30% Off

>Living World Season 3 Complete Pack—30% Off

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##### All or Nothing Appearance Package (2000 gems)

Retail Values: 2150


* [Logan's Pact Marshal Outfit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Logan%27s_Pact_Marshal_Outfit) 700 gems

* [Onyx and Gold Lion Weapon Choice](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Onyx_and_Gold_Lion_Weapon_Choice) not available retail

* [Caithe's Crystal Bloom Sword](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Caithe%27s_Crystal_Bloom_Sword) 600 gems

* (5) [Kralkatorrik Dye Kit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Kralkatorrik_Dye_Kit) 500 gems

* [Total Makeover Kit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Total_Makeover_Kit) 350 gems


A modest discount if you planned on buying all the items at retail. However, the key feature is the pair of Onyx|Gold Lion weapon skins you can choose, since that can't be bought directly. So good deal if you want the outfit & sword skin **and** the Onyx|Gold Lion option.

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##### Revisiting: War Eternal Supply Drop Requistion

The cost has increased to 2550 (from 2400). Is it still a good deal?


The wiki has a summary of all the items and their retail or TP values at:



As you can see from the wiki's list, it's a minimum of 4410 gems worth of value, assuming you would (or might be likely) to buy everything in it.


Here's the calculus I used to decide to purchase:

* 2400 gems is the same cost for two select MountFit licenses and there are at least two I was considering already. ~~The rest would be gravy.~~ 100 gems is worth the cost of everything else in the package.

* 2310 gems is the cost of two deeply discounted select licenses (1680) plus an outfit voucher (630); ~~90~~ 240 gems is worth the cost of everything else in the package.


or tl;dr it remains a strong discount, the best Evon Gnashblade has offered to date

(assuming you want at least two select MountFits, plus any other major item)



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**Etherbound Gauntlets** 500 gems


Available for 7 days

**[black Lion Expedition Contract](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Expedition_Contract)** 1000 gems

**[black Lion Hunters Contract](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Hunters_Contract)** 1200 gems

**Ritualist Staff** 600 gems

**Dreadnought Raptor Skin** 2000

**Nightfang Griffin Skin** 2000

**Shrine Guardian Jackal Skin** 2000

**Sun Temple Gecko Springer Skin** 2000

**Magnificent Hummingbird Skimmer Skin** 2000 gems


10% off

**War Eternal Supply Drop Requisition** 2700 gems

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From the [blog post](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/fashion-magic-with-etherbound-gauntlets/)


>50% Off Digital Deluxe Upgrades

>Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ and Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire™ digital deluxe upgrades will be 50% off from May 10 through May 16.


>Returning This Week

>Black Lion Keys and Scrap Package

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> @"Astral Projections.7320" said:

> **[black Lion Expedition Contract](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Expedition_Contract)** 1000 gems, which drops selections from the [bL Delivery Box/Expedition](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Delivery_Box_(Expedition))

> **[black Lion Hunters Contract](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Hunters_Contract)** 1200 gems, which drops selections from the [bL Delivery Box/Expedition](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Delivery_Box)


At current exchange rates, these contracts cost 350|420 gold worth of gems respectively. To pay for themselves within two years, they'd have to generate roughly half a gold per day, which seems extremely unlikely. Thus the economically-minded will prefer to save their gold and buy what they want from the TP.


For the _Hunter_'s version, the most valuable option (on average) is currently totems at around 36 silver, i.e. 131 gold per year, so over 3 years to break even at today's market rates.


For the _Expedition_ version, there's no available drop data. One interesting possibility is using it to collect account bound mats or currencies native to the zone chosen. For example, the Maguuma Wastes option has the potential to drop around a dozen bandit crests or geodes. **If** those currencies drop daily, then 2-3 months might be enough for various "Gen 2.5" legendary collections (the twelve later ones that are just material sinks). That's a big "if" and I'll update this when we have some data.



> 10% off

> **War Eternal Supply Drop Requisition** 2700 gems

This remains one of the best discount packages, even at the less substantive10% off. The retail value of the "big four" items is 3660 gems, a 27% discount... without counting all the other items


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50% Off Digital Deluxe Upgrades from May 10 through May 16. ~~2400~~ 1200 gems

**Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorn

Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire**


Available for 4 days

**Black Lion Keys and Scrap Package** 900 gems

[contains 10 Black Lion Chest keys, 2 Black Lion claim ticket scraps]


Available for 7 days

**Infinite Volatile Magic gathering tools** 2700 gems

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> @"Astral Projections.7320" said:

> Available for 4 days

> **Black Lion Keys and Scrap Package** 900 gems

> [contains 10 Black Lion Chest keys, 2 Black Lion claim ticket scraps]


5 keys normally costs 450 gems, so this is essentially two free ticket scraps

i.e. if you regularly buy 5 keys at a time, this is a great deal

(if you don't, this isn't a good enough _financial_ reason to start doing so)

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Sale ending soon (less than 24 hours)

**War Eternal Supply Drop Requisition** 2700 gems

**Black Lion Keys and Scrap Package** 900 gems

**Black Lion Expedition Contract** 1000 gems

**Black Lion Hunters Contract** 1200 gems

**Ritualist Staff** 600 gems

**Dreadnought Raptor Skin** 2000

**Nightfang Griffin Skin** 2000

**Shrine Guardian Jackal Skin** 2000

**Sun Temple Gecko Springer Skin** 2000

**Magnificent Hummingbird Skimmer Skin** 2000 gems

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**Recharging Teleport to a Friend** 800 gems

[One hour cooldown]



**Branded Mounts Pack** 1600 gems


Available for 3 days

**Infinite Volatile Magic Gathering Tools** 2700 gems

**Exemplar Attire Outfit** 700 gems

**Jungle Attire Outfit** 700 gems

**Spring Promenade Outfit** 700 gems


Available for 4 days

**Bandit Sniper’s Outfit** 700 gems

**Crystal Arbiter Outfit** 700 gems

**Sentinel Outfit** 700 gems


Available for 5 days

**Awakened Zealot Outfit** 700 gems

**Gem Aura Outfit** 700 gems

**Outlaw Outfit** 700 gems

**White Mantle Outfit** 700 gems


Available for 7 days

**War Eternal Supply Drop Requisition** 3000 gems

**Bubble Glider** 500 gems

**Elonian Adversaries Dye Pack** 500 gems

**Floral Glider** 400 gems

**Phoenix Kite Glider** 400 gems


>Edit: changes made to what is in the Black Lion Chest can be read [[Here]](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/cause-a-storm-with-a-brand-new-look/)


>Returning this week

>Branded Wing Backpack and Glider Combo – 30% Off

>Infinite Unbound Magic Gathering Tools


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The Deluxe Upgrade packages are on sale for 50% off their usual gem prices. The PoF is a good deal versus retail prices; the HoT is so-so


##### Path of Fire Deluxe Upgrade: ~~2400 gems retail~~ 1200 gems

This is a good discount package. It represents about 3400 gems of (retail) value, including 1800 gems of items that people often get. 1200 gems is even 25% off the retail price for just the name contract plus character slot (retail = 1600 gems).


* Additional character slot — 800 gems

* Identity repair kit (make over kit + name change contract) — 1000 gems retail (includes 1150 gems of value, bought separately)

* Sunspear Outfit — (not sold separately; outfits typically sell for 600-800 gems)

* Lily of Elon/VIP area in Amnoon — (not sold separately; exclusive trading spots are 1000 gems typically)


##### Heart of Thorns Deluxe Upgrade: ~~2400 gems retail~~ 1200 gems

If you were planning on getting a toon slot and like the skins, this is a modest savings versus buying equivalent items (although these specific ones are exclusive to this package).


* Additional character slot — 800 gems

* Heart of Thorns Glider skin — (not sold separately; gliders typically run 400-700 gems)

* Mini Rev Rytlock — (not sold separately; minis typically run 200-400 gems)

* Revenant Finisher — (not sold separately; finishers tend to go for 600-800 gems)

* Mordremoth guild decoration — (not sold separately)


##### Links


* https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2:_Path_of_Fire#Purchasing

* https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2:_Heart_of_Thorns#Purchasing

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Sale ending soon (less than 24 hours)

**Infinite Volatile Magic Gathering Tools** 2700 gems

**Exemplar Attire Outfit** 700 gems

**Jungle Attire Outfit** 700 gems

**Spring Promenade Outfit** 700 gems

**Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorn Digital Deluxe Upgrade** 1200 gems

**Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire Digital Deluxe Upgrade** 1200 gems


Available for 6 days

**Crystal Arbiter glider** 500 gems

**Moth Wings glider/backpack combo** 700 gems

**Shining Blade glider/backpack combo** 700 gems


Available for 7 days

**Largos Fin glider/backpack combo** 700 gems

**White Mantle glider** 400 gems

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30% off

**Branded Wings glider/backpack combo** ~~700~~ 490 gems



**Champion of Tyria Outfit** 700 gems

**Crystal Savant Outfit** 700 gems

**Elonian Elementalist Outfit** 700 gems


Available for 7 days

**Fuzzy Quaggan Hat** 200 gems

**Fuzzy Hylek Hat** 200 gems

**Toxic Gloves** 400 gems

**Toxic Mantle** 400 gems

**Wreath of Cooperation** 400 gems


Sale ending soon (less than 24 hours)

**Bandit Sniper’s Outfit** 700 gems

**Crystal Arbiter Outfit** 700 gems

**Sentinel Outfit** 700 gems



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**A reminder**


**This is not a discussion or request thread but a gemstore announcement/price analysis thread. Please do not post to ask questions or make a request. Posting requests, questions, comments, etc, clutters up the thread with off topic posts and makes it harder for people to find the gemstore announcements. If you have a question you should make another thread. If you want to request an item please use the [stickied Gemstore items new/returning thread.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/suggestions-gemstore-items-new-returning/p1) If someone does post a question and you want to answer it you can private message the person.**






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**Ceremonial Plated Outfit** 700 gems

**Daydreamer’s Finery** 700 gems

**Mursaat Robes** 700 gems

**Wedding Attire Outfit** 1000 gems


Available for 7 days

**Glowing Green Mask** 500 gems

**Inventor’s Sunglasses** 150 gems

**Mask of the Crown** 400 gems

**Reading Glasses** 150 gems


Sale ending soon (less than 24 hours)

**Awakened Zealot Outfit** 700 gems

**Gem Aura Outfit** 700 gems

**Outlaw Outfit** 700 gems

**White Mantle Outfit** 700 gems


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