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Path of Fire is becoming a ghost town.

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> @JVJD.4912 said:

> Not enough replay value, mastery exp grind isn't a grind cause you level up and sometimes cap it before getting mastery points to unlock them

> No idea who was complaining about it, but it did not feel very grindy in Hot to me at-least and kept you playing


> Many of the class specialization,collections, legendary weapons and other collection depended on large scale meta events to be completed back in Hot.

> Adventures were far more unique and interesting than Pofs races .....ZZZZZZZ


> Most ppl already had enough hero points to unlock their class spec thanx to wvw and hot

> You don't see many ppl in chat asking for help to do a particular hero point due to that


My problem is I didn't like playing in the HoT maps at all so the exp that took a while was a pain for me.

PoF with how quick it goes up made me really happy. Now I can go there (as I'm there right now on my Mirage) and freely do things.

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I feel like this is hard to argue because I can't sit here and say "You're lying, you never experienced different than I" but I know my experiences and my experience trying to do events in The Desolation and Vabbi is not a good one. Crystal Oasis and Elon Riverlands seem alright for the most part but anything past that I have a tough time finding people or seeing anyone else save for the random passerby or bounty train (which focus only on legendaries for the most part). Meanwhile HoT events are still going strong at nearly all hours. Why is this? What is it about PoF events that just don't seem to draw people? I still feel it's rewards.

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> @DebraKadabra.5278 said:

> Here we go again about *needing* more meta events lol. PoF was specifically developed to move AWAY from the full-map timed meta events, and I for one am glad that that changed.


See, here's the thing: I don't go back to the PoF maps for the same reason I don't go to Harathi Hinterlands, Timberland Falls or Blazeridge Steppes - there is nothing there for me to do once I played a bit in the map. Open world events in PoF are boring and unrewarding, and they are the trademark of the expansion. There are no large worthwhile metas. The currency you get in PoF (trade contracts) is almost useless. The only cool skins are the ones you get with ellegy mosaics, but you need to grind so much to get them that they are not that appealing; they don't even have a collection of their own to drive people to get them.


I wanted to hunt for APs, but I don't really see myself at this point spending hours to get just 1-2 APs. FFS the entire xpac has like 1.1k APs. Major dissapointment.


I will only go back to PoF when I will redo story on 2 chars for the backpacks - at least the story has some very nice parts in it. Other than that, I go there maybe once or twice a week and never stay too long. I would rather go to the HoT maps and do stuff.


So, yeah, megaservers might hide the drop in population, but it can be felt there, the maps are definitely not as populated as they were in the first weeks. And you can always check your friendslist and guild rosters to see where people are. In mine, there are precious few in PoF...

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Since pof dont have any rewards at all it feels like i paid for nothing this expansion and now i know why, they put the rewards behind the gemstore.

But no problem since all the mounts skins are reskins wich allow you to use 4 dyes instead of 1 as the original have,means i dont even need to care about that rng. And now that halloween event is over i have to return back to the old content since pof is a bigger living world story, filled with nothing but boredem.

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> @"Skyline Crash.6254" said:

> > @hchadw.1097 said:

> > > @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> > > Nothing real meaningful or desirable that players want to work towards. No real long-term goals in the expansion. Not good enough rewards (though some were buffed today so maybe it's better in that regard for a few event chains). I wonder what could have been put in the expansion for players to work towards that would keep them around on Path of Fire maps awhile... maybe something to do with a huge addition to the game in Mounts. New mounts? No that would be too time consuming and we already have enough that's more than fair for the expansion. I know! How about some mount skins? Yeah that would be a decent reward for content, something we could work towards...

> > >

> > > What's that? Oh you're just going to dump 30 of them into an RNG lootcrate? Oh okay... guess that works too. Can't even put a few of them in the game? No? Alright... nevermind.

> >

> > Mount skins would have been nice.. oh yeah... they tossed those on the gemstore... longevity does not seem to be the goal.. .. quick buck does.....


> Do you not realize how expensive it is to run a company? According to the gw2 wiki, anet has around 400 employees. Let's say the average salary is 60k (that's low balling really hard by the way). That means they would have to make 24 million USD just to pay yearly salaries. According to their outlook for q4 of this year, they are projected to make around 28 million USD. They NEED gem sales to survive.


> And why would they be looking to make "a quick buck"? This is their livelihood, not some get rich quick scheme. You're complaining about cosmetic items for God's sake. Could there be a little more cosmetic items in game rather than the gem store? Sure, there could, but ultimately its just not that big of a deal so think before you spew nonsense out your mouth.


My heart bleeds.


NCsoft hasn't yet posted a negative in net profits (Q4 roughly $246 million USD in net profit).GW has been more stable in sales this year than most of their other IPs though the trend is still of decline. GW2 could of still made money without heavily pushing cash shop over quality of service and content (though the report doesn't break things down per IP sadly so there's a bit of balancing and conjecture). Q4 sales for GW2 are up however obviously due to PoF but not that great tbh. NCsoft biggest sales by far are in the new mobile games market ($493 million USD). Relying on cash shop sales necessitates more cash shop content but not necessarily better in game service or content. As we're seeing now.


So spare us the whole "wont someone please think of the poor starving Anet employees" bit. What percent of the worlds populace has true financial/job security anyway. 0.000001% maybe?


EDIT: Q3 not Q4

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> @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > @troops.8276 said:

> > > @"Skyline Crash.6254" said:

> > > > @hchadw.1097 said:

> > > > > @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> > > > > Nothing real meaningful or desirable that players want to work towards. No real long-term goals in the expansion. Not good enough rewards (though some were buffed today so maybe it's better in that regard for a few event chains). I wonder what could have been put in the expansion for players to work towards that would keep them around on Path of Fire maps awhile... maybe something to do with a huge addition to the game in Mounts. New mounts? No that would be too time consuming and we already have enough that's more than fair for the expansion. I know! How about some mount skins? Yeah that would be a decent reward for content, something we could work towards...

> > > > >

> > > > > What's that? Oh you're just going to dump 30 of them into an RNG lootcrate? Oh okay... guess that works too. Can't even put a few of them in the game? No? Alright... nevermind.

> > > >

> > > > Mount skins would have been nice.. oh yeah... they tossed those on the gemstore... longevity does not seem to be the goal.. .. quick buck does.....

> > >

> > > Do you not realize how expensive it is to run a company? According to the gw2 wiki, anet has around 400 employees. Let's say the average salary is 60k (that's low balling really hard by the way). That means they would have to make 24 million USD just to pay yearly salaries. According to their outlook for q4 of this year, they are projected to make around 28 million USD. They NEED gem sales to survive.

> > >

> > > And why would they be looking to make "a quick buck"? This is their livelihood, not some get rich quick scheme. You're complaining about cosmetic items for God's sake. Could there be a little more cosmetic items in game rather than the gem store? Sure, there could, but ultimately its just not that big of a deal so think before you spew nonsense out your mouth.

> >

> > My heart bleeds.

> >

> > NCsoft hasn't yet posted a negative in net profits (Q4 roughly $246 million USD in net profit).GW has been more stable in sales this year than most of their other IPs though the trend is still of decline. GW2 could of still made money without heavily pushing cash shop over quality of service and content (though the report doesn't break things down per IP sadly so there's a bit of balancing and conjecture). Q4 sales for GW2 are up however obviously due to PoF but not that great tbh. NCsoft biggest sales by far are in the new mobile games market ($493 million USD). Relying on cash shop sales necessitates more cash shop content but not necessarily better in game service or content. As we're seeing now.

> >

> > So spare us the whole "wont someone please think of the poor starving Anet employees" bit. What percent of the worlds populace has true financial/job security anyway. 0.000001% maybe?

> >

> > EDIT: Q3 not Q4


> Ok so because you want your mount skins free, you say "forget those 400 employees who cares about this business that provides me with the game i play" smooth.


Why does it have to be all or nothing? No one says they want them all for free but I'm sure they could have spared a few of the 30 into the game as actual rewards... I don't understand why there can't be a middle ground somewhere with this stuff. Besides good rewards aren't just mount skins. If I recall the Pinata Event has a rare infusion that can drop, stuff like that is always desirable to players. How about a unique weapon skin that's very rare? Stuff like that can drive people to play content over and over for the hope of getting it.

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> @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > @troops.8276 said:

> > > @"Skyline Crash.6254" said:

> > > > @hchadw.1097 said:

> > > > > @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> > > > > Nothing real meaningful or desirable that players want to work towards. No real long-term goals in the expansion. Not good enough rewards (though some were buffed today so maybe it's better in that regard for a few event chains). I wonder what could have been put in the expansion for players to work towards that would keep them around on Path of Fire maps awhile... maybe something to do with a huge addition to the game in Mounts. New mounts? No that would be too time consuming and we already have enough that's more than fair for the expansion. I know! How about some mount skins? Yeah that would be a decent reward for content, something we could work towards...

> > > > >

> > > > > What's that? Oh you're just going to dump 30 of them into an RNG lootcrate? Oh okay... guess that works too. Can't even put a few of them in the game? No? Alright... nevermind.

> > > >

> > > > Mount skins would have been nice.. oh yeah... they tossed those on the gemstore... longevity does not seem to be the goal.. .. quick buck does.....

> > >

> > > Do you not realize how expensive it is to run a company? According to the gw2 wiki, anet has around 400 employees. Let's say the average salary is 60k (that's low balling really hard by the way). That means they would have to make 24 million USD just to pay yearly salaries. According to their outlook for q4 of this year, they are projected to make around 28 million USD. They NEED gem sales to survive.

> > >

> > > And why would they be looking to make "a quick buck"? This is their livelihood, not some get rich quick scheme. You're complaining about cosmetic items for God's sake. Could there be a little more cosmetic items in game rather than the gem store? Sure, there could, but ultimately its just not that big of a deal so think before you spew nonsense out your mouth.

> >

> > My heart bleeds.

> >

> > NCsoft hasn't yet posted a negative in net profits (Q4 roughly $246 million USD in net profit).GW has been more stable in sales this year than most of their other IPs though the trend is still of decline. GW2 could of still made money without heavily pushing cash shop over quality of service and content (though the report doesn't break things down per IP sadly so there's a bit of balancing and conjecture). Q4 sales for GW2 are up however obviously due to PoF but not that great tbh. NCsoft biggest sales by far are in the new mobile games market ($493 million USD). Relying on cash shop sales necessitates more cash shop content but not necessarily better in game service or content. As we're seeing now.

> >

> > So spare us the whole "wont someone please think of the poor starving Anet employees" bit. What percent of the worlds populace has true financial/job security anyway. 0.000001% maybe?

> >

> > EDIT: Q3 not Q4


> Ok so because you want your mount skins free, you say "forget those 400 employees who cares about this business that provides me with the game i play" smooth.


Actually no. That's not what I'm saying at all in any way shape or form. I'm not emotionally invested in this game. I don't want the skins. I don't care. I do how ever care about business ethics. I do also care about people's jobs, not for the jobs sake though but for the people that do them. NCsoft/Anets upper management could milk this IP into the ground and it'll have nothing, not one little bit, to do with caring about their employees or customers.

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POF is NOT a free to play game, we paid for it. I am ok with gem store mount skin. but that is not the problem here, the problem is there is absolutely nothing worth grinding for. even season 3 has better grind then POF, you can get a freaking one of the kind legendary trinket. what can you get in POF grind other then a 5th mount which i finish on day 3? oh yeah, +20 slot bags... only that it is gold grinding which you don't even need to grind in POF to get. those bags that became just gold sink with no connection to POF is what is killing it...


now I don't criticize the length of POF, ppl had said it is shorter them HOT, but HOT was a pricy expansion and frankly was too grindy so I found the length of POF about right and the size of the map were great! but there just isn't anything to do on the map after endgame, I mean there is more reason for me to be in a Season 3 map today then there is to be in POF map. the treasure hunt is cute but it doesn't reward you with anything meaningful nor is it fun to do as a group, there isn't the sliverwaste magic where people have a reason to play together. only the bounties are saving grace for POF, but those token, anet need to do something more with the bounties like ppl just sinpe legendary now, there is little reason to do the normal ones... a few tweaks i feel can address some of the endgame issues.


anyway, i don't think the population has completed POF yet. there is alot of players who put it on hold because holloween farm! so I agree that people will be returning to POF... still anet should address some of the endgame concern. I never really understood how well HOT meta map were at keeping the content alive, I underestimated anet's HOT map design, its kind ironic now when you think about it. kudos.

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> @troops.8276 said:

> > @"Skyline Crash.6254" said:

> > > @hchadw.1097 said:

> > > > @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> > > > Nothing real meaningful or desirable that players want to work towards. No real long-term goals in the expansion. Not good enough rewards (though some were buffed today so maybe it's better in that regard for a few event chains). I wonder what could have been put in the expansion for players to work towards that would keep them around on Path of Fire maps awhile... maybe something to do with a huge addition to the game in Mounts. New mounts? No that would be too time consuming and we already have enough that's more than fair for the expansion. I know! How about some mount skins? Yeah that would be a decent reward for content, something we could work towards...

> > > >

> > > > What's that? Oh you're just going to dump 30 of them into an RNG lootcrate? Oh okay... guess that works too. Can't even put a few of them in the game? No? Alright... nevermind.

> > >

> > > Mount skins would have been nice.. oh yeah... they tossed those on the gemstore... longevity does not seem to be the goal.. .. quick buck does.....

> >

> > Do you not realize how expensive it is to run a company? According to the gw2 wiki, anet has around 400 employees. Let's say the average salary is 60k (that's low balling really hard by the way). That means they would have to make 24 million USD just to pay yearly salaries. According to their outlook for q4 of this year, they are projected to make around 28 million USD. They NEED gem sales to survive.

> >

> > And why would they be looking to make "a quick buck"? This is their livelihood, not some get rich quick scheme. You're complaining about cosmetic items for God's sake. Could there be a little more cosmetic items in game rather than the gem store? Sure, there could, but ultimately its just not that big of a deal so think before you spew nonsense out your mouth.


> My heart bleeds.


> NCsoft hasn't yet posted a negative in net profits (Q4 roughly $246 million USD in net profit).GW has been more stable in sales this year than most of their other IPs though the trend is still of decline. GW2 could of still made money without heavily pushing cash shop over quality of service and content (though the report doesn't break things down per IP sadly so there's a bit of balancing and conjecture). Q4 sales for GW2 are up however obviously due to PoF but not that great tbh. NCsoft biggest sales by far are in the new mobile games market ($493 million USD). Relying on cash shop sales necessitates more cash shop content but not necessarily better in game service or content. As we're seeing now.


> So spare us the whole "wont someone please think of the poor starving Anet employees" bit. What percent of the worlds populace has true financial/job security anyway. 0.000001% maybe?


> EDIT: Q3 not Q4


You cannot compare ncsoft to arena net. We're talking about the GUILD WARS gem store.

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> @"Skyline Crash.6254" said:

> > @troops.8276 said:

> > > @"Skyline Crash.6254" said:

> > > > @hchadw.1097 said:

> > > > > @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> > > > > Nothing real meaningful or desirable that players want to work towards. No real long-term goals in the expansion. Not good enough rewards (though some were buffed today so maybe it's better in that regard for a few event chains). I wonder what could have been put in the expansion for players to work towards that would keep them around on Path of Fire maps awhile... maybe something to do with a huge addition to the game in Mounts. New mounts? No that would be too time consuming and we already have enough that's more than fair for the expansion. I know! How about some mount skins? Yeah that would be a decent reward for content, something we could work towards...

> > > > >

> > > > > What's that? Oh you're just going to dump 30 of them into an RNG lootcrate? Oh okay... guess that works too. Can't even put a few of them in the game? No? Alright... nevermind.

> > > >

> > > > Mount skins would have been nice.. oh yeah... they tossed those on the gemstore... longevity does not seem to be the goal.. .. quick buck does.....

> > >

> > > Do you not realize how expensive it is to run a company? According to the gw2 wiki, anet has around 400 employees. Let's say the average salary is 60k (that's low balling really hard by the way). That means they would have to make 24 million USD just to pay yearly salaries. According to their outlook for q4 of this year, they are projected to make around 28 million USD. They NEED gem sales to survive.

> > >

> > > And why would they be looking to make "a quick buck"? This is their livelihood, not some get rich quick scheme. You're complaining about cosmetic items for God's sake. Could there be a little more cosmetic items in game rather than the gem store? Sure, there could, but ultimately its just not that big of a deal so think before you spew nonsense out your mouth.

> >

> > My heart bleeds.

> >

> > NCsoft hasn't yet posted a negative in net profits (Q4 roughly $246 million USD in net profit).GW has been more stable in sales this year than most of their other IPs though the trend is still of decline. GW2 could of still made money without heavily pushing cash shop over quality of service and content (though the report doesn't break things down per IP sadly so there's a bit of balancing and conjecture). Q4 sales for GW2 are up however obviously due to PoF but not that great tbh. NCsoft biggest sales by far are in the new mobile games market ($493 million USD). Relying on cash shop sales necessitates more cash shop content but not necessarily better in game service or content. As we're seeing now.

> >

> > So spare us the whole "wont someone please think of the poor starving Anet employees" bit. What percent of the worlds populace has true financial/job security anyway. 0.000001% maybe?

> >

> > EDIT: Q3 not Q4


> You cannot compare ncsoft to arena net. We're talking about the GUILD WARS gem store.


Why not? ArenaNet are a subsidiary of NCsoft.

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Nothing going on in PoF zones this morning, so I logged. This has become an all-too-common occurrence. What's the point of playing PoF zones if all the rewards are in the gem shop?


I can't even bear just getting out and exploring, what with hordes of insta-respawn mobs tailing me every foot of the way. I just, I'm just really disappointed.

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> @"Skyline Crash.6254" said:

> > @hchadw.1097 said:

> > > @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> > > Nothing real meaningful or desirable that players want to work towards. No real long-term goals in the expansion. Not good enough rewards (though some were buffed today so maybe it's better in that regard for a few event chains). I wonder what could have been put in the expansion for players to work towards that would keep them around on Path of Fire maps awhile... maybe something to do with a huge addition to the game in Mounts. New mounts? No that would be too time consuming and we already have enough that's more than fair for the expansion. I know! How about some mount skins? Yeah that would be a decent reward for content, something we could work towards...

> > >

> > > What's that? Oh you're just going to dump 30 of them into an RNG lootcrate? Oh okay... guess that works too. Can't even put a few of them in the game? No? Alright... nevermind.

> >

> > Mount skins would have been nice.. oh yeah... they tossed those on the gemstore... longevity does not seem to be the goal.. .. quick buck does.....


> Do you not realize how expensive it is to run a company? According to the gw2 wiki, anet has around 400 employees. Let's say the average salary is 60k (that's low balling really hard by the way). That means they would have to make 24 million USD just to pay yearly salaries. According to their outlook for q4 of this year, they are projected to make around 28 million USD. They NEED gem sales to survive.


> And why would they be looking to make "a quick buck"? This is their livelihood, not some get rich quick scheme. You're complaining about cosmetic items for God's sake. Could there be a little more cosmetic items in game rather than the gem store? Sure, there could, but ultimately its just not that big of a deal so think before you spew nonsense out your mouth.


You're logic is flawed by q3 being just one quarter so lets say if avg wage was $80k then they would need 400*20k to cover wages. Then you have servers, electricity, rent, insurance, dividends to the shity ncsoft. Personally I have no issue with cosmetics being gem store only as they have created the ability to convert ingame gold to gems. All my issues are with their shity rng & focus on gambling mechanics to feed addiction. They were doing this event before mounts with the blc chests. Instead of releasing quality at a fair price they are focusing on quantity & forcing players to gamble for the best stuff. It will be very profitable for the ones who they can get to play along but it's very flawed concept unless they have rigged the gamble like they did blc chests so instead of equal odds of 1/30 for each mount you get stuff like 1/1000 for the stardust forcing players to buy more licenses to increase the odds in their favor.

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> @Lestat.4970 said:

> > @"Skyline Crash.6254" said:

> > > @hchadw.1097 said:

> > > > @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> > > > Nothing real meaningful or desirable that players want to work towards. No real long-term goals in the expansion. Not good enough rewards (though some were buffed today so maybe it's better in that regard for a few event chains). I wonder what could have been put in the expansion for players to work towards that would keep them around on Path of Fire maps awhile... maybe something to do with a huge addition to the game in Mounts. New mounts? No that would be too time consuming and we already have enough that's more than fair for the expansion. I know! How about some mount skins? Yeah that would be a decent reward for content, something we could work towards...

> > > >

> > > > What's that? Oh you're just going to dump 30 of them into an RNG lootcrate? Oh okay... guess that works too. Can't even put a few of them in the game? No? Alright... nevermind.

> > >

> > > Mount skins would have been nice.. oh yeah... they tossed those on the gemstore... longevity does not seem to be the goal.. .. quick buck does.....

> >

> > Do you not realize how expensive it is to run a company? According to the gw2 wiki, anet has around 400 employees. Let's say the average salary is 60k (that's low balling really hard by the way). That means they would have to make 24 million USD just to pay yearly salaries. According to their outlook for q4 of this year, they are projected to make around 28 million USD. They NEED gem sales to survive.

> >

> > And why would they be looking to make "a quick buck"? This is their livelihood, not some get rich quick scheme. You're complaining about cosmetic items for God's sake. Could there be a little more cosmetic items in game rather than the gem store? Sure, there could, but ultimately its just not that big of a deal so think before you spew nonsense out your mouth.


> You're logic is flawed by q3 being just one quarter so lets say if avg wage was $80k then they would need 400*20k to cover wages. Then you have servers, electricity, rent, insurance, dividends to the shity ncsoft. Personally I have no issue with cosmetics being gem store only as they have created the ability to convert ingame gold to gems. All my issues are with their shity rng & focus on gambling mechanics to feed addiction. They were doing this event before mounts with the blc chests. Instead of releasing quality at a fair price they are focusing on quantity & forcing players to gamble for the best stuff. It will be very profitable for the ones who they can get to play along but it's very flawed concept unless they have rigged the gamble like they did blc chests so instead of equal odds of 1/30 for each mount you get stuff like 1/1000 for the stardust forcing players to buy more licenses to increase the odds in their favor.


Lol that's fair, oversight on my part. But regardless, they need a lot of money to survive. Historically, they only make money in the 20 mil range during expansion drops. Otherwise they're in the 10s for the other quarters. And yeah, salaries are realistically in the 80k range and up.

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> @troops.8276 said:

> > @"Skyline Crash.6254" said:

> > > @troops.8276 said:

> > > > @"Skyline Crash.6254" said:

> > > > > @hchadw.1097 said:

> > > > > > @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> > > > > > Nothing real meaningful or desirable that players want to work towards. No real long-term goals in the expansion. Not good enough rewards (though some were buffed today so maybe it's better in that regard for a few event chains). I wonder what could have been put in the expansion for players to work towards that would keep them around on Path of Fire maps awhile... maybe something to do with a huge addition to the game in Mounts. New mounts? No that would be too time consuming and we already have enough that's more than fair for the expansion. I know! How about some mount skins? Yeah that would be a decent reward for content, something we could work towards...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > What's that? Oh you're just going to dump 30 of them into an RNG lootcrate? Oh okay... guess that works too. Can't even put a few of them in the game? No? Alright... nevermind.

> > > > >

> > > > > Mount skins would have been nice.. oh yeah... they tossed those on the gemstore... longevity does not seem to be the goal.. .. quick buck does.....

> > > >

> > > > Do you not realize how expensive it is to run a company? According to the gw2 wiki, anet has around 400 employees. Let's say the average salary is 60k (that's low balling really hard by the way). That means they would have to make 24 million USD just to pay yearly salaries. According to their outlook for q4 of this year, they are projected to make around 28 million USD. They NEED gem sales to survive.

> > > >

> > > > And why would they be looking to make "a quick buck"? This is their livelihood, not some get rich quick scheme. You're complaining about cosmetic items for God's sake. Could there be a little more cosmetic items in game rather than the gem store? Sure, there could, but ultimately its just not that big of a deal so think before you spew nonsense out your mouth.

> > >

> > > My heart bleeds.

> > >

> > > NCsoft hasn't yet posted a negative in net profits (Q4 roughly $246 million USD in net profit).GW has been more stable in sales this year than most of their other IPs though the trend is still of decline. GW2 could of still made money without heavily pushing cash shop over quality of service and content (though the report doesn't break things down per IP sadly so there's a bit of balancing and conjecture). Q4 sales for GW2 are up however obviously due to PoF but not that great tbh. NCsoft biggest sales by far are in the new mobile games market ($493 million USD). Relying on cash shop sales necessitates more cash shop content but not necessarily better in game service or content. As we're seeing now.

> > >

> > > So spare us the whole "wont someone please think of the poor starving Anet employees" bit. What percent of the worlds populace has true financial/job security anyway. 0.000001% maybe?

> > >

> > > EDIT: Q3 not Q4

> >

> > You cannot compare ncsoft to arena net. We're talking about the GUILD WARS gem store.


> Why not? ArenaNet are a subsidiary of NCsoft.


because NCsoft makes money off the games so you have to look at each game individually

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> @"Skyline Crash.6254" said:

> > @troops.8276 said:

> > > @"Skyline Crash.6254" said:

> > > > @troops.8276 said:

> > > > > @"Skyline Crash.6254" said:

> > > > > > @hchadw.1097 said:

> > > > > > > @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> > > > > > > Nothing real meaningful or desirable that players want to work towards. No real long-term goals in the expansion. Not good enough rewards (though some were buffed today so maybe it's better in that regard for a few event chains). I wonder what could have been put in the expansion for players to work towards that would keep them around on Path of Fire maps awhile... maybe something to do with a huge addition to the game in Mounts. New mounts? No that would be too time consuming and we already have enough that's more than fair for the expansion. I know! How about some mount skins? Yeah that would be a decent reward for content, something we could work towards...

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > What's that? Oh you're just going to dump 30 of them into an RNG lootcrate? Oh okay... guess that works too. Can't even put a few of them in the game? No? Alright... nevermind.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Mount skins would have been nice.. oh yeah... they tossed those on the gemstore... longevity does not seem to be the goal.. .. quick buck does.....

> > > > >

> > > > > Do you not realize how expensive it is to run a company? According to the gw2 wiki, anet has around 400 employees. Let's say the average salary is 60k (that's low balling really hard by the way). That means they would have to make 24 million USD just to pay yearly salaries. According to their outlook for q4 of this year, they are projected to make around 28 million USD. They NEED gem sales to survive.

> > > > >

> > > > > And why would they be looking to make "a quick buck"? This is their livelihood, not some get rich quick scheme. You're complaining about cosmetic items for God's sake. Could there be a little more cosmetic items in game rather than the gem store? Sure, there could, but ultimately its just not that big of a deal so think before you spew nonsense out your mouth.

> > > >

> > > > My heart bleeds.

> > > >

> > > > NCsoft hasn't yet posted a negative in net profits (Q4 roughly $246 million USD in net profit).GW has been more stable in sales this year than most of their other IPs though the trend is still of decline. GW2 could of still made money without heavily pushing cash shop over quality of service and content (though the report doesn't break things down per IP sadly so there's a bit of balancing and conjecture). Q4 sales for GW2 are up however obviously due to PoF but not that great tbh. NCsoft biggest sales by far are in the new mobile games market ($493 million USD). Relying on cash shop sales necessitates more cash shop content but not necessarily better in game service or content. As we're seeing now.

> > > >

> > > > So spare us the whole "wont someone please think of the poor starving Anet employees" bit. What percent of the worlds populace has true financial/job security anyway. 0.000001% maybe?

> > > >

> > > > EDIT: Q3 not Q4

> > >

> > > You cannot compare ncsoft to arena net. We're talking about the GUILD WARS gem store.

> >

> > Why not? ArenaNet are a subsidiary of NCsoft.


> because NCsoft makes money off the games so you have to look at each game individually


Well if you can point me at that info then. I was referring to the Q3 earning reports, not just the sales by IP, in response to the idea that Anet are some poor wee company and that this is the only available business model.

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> @Zaklex.6308 said:

> Keep in mind these maps are bigger than previous maps, everything is more spread out, therefore the player base will be more spread out..._**I've only had one instance of getting the notice that a map is closing because of diminishing population_**....that should tell you everything you need to know.


That works only if there are other maps with bigger population. Otherwise you may be the only person on a map and never see any map closing message.

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> @Zaklex.6308 said:

> Keep in mind these maps are bigger than previous maps, everything is more spread out, therefore the player base will be more spread out..._**I've only had one instance of getting the notice that a map is closing because of diminishing population_**....that should tell you everything you need to know.


That could just mean there isn't another map to put you in. You may be in the only instance.

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