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Please Revert the rate at which life force is lost while in shroud.


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wvw pvp deathly chill nerf makes condi reaper not viable anymore

power reaper gets pseudo-buff, but for wvw pvp its only big nerf , in high-end pve is power reaper not playable.


So like said many more before, ruined reaper to get scourge. But scourge in pvp/wvw is like was staff guard... it was effective but boring as hell. Braindead gameplay.

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Are we really surprised?


It'll keep getting worse, folks. Every elite spec with every expansion will cut viability from things in order to either make sales or because their balancing ineptitude is so vast they'll never be able to figure the game out with all the new things they keep adding.


I'd rather not play and cut their metrics so then they just have no data to suggest these kinds of changes are fine.

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> @Ceridwen.6703 said:

> Shroud sucks now and the damage increase isn't worth the reduction in time. Totally agree with putting it back as it was.


> It'll never happen. :/


it may happen if we are constant and keep up what we are doing. If we do not compain properly we won't be listened.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> tbh given how large the buffs where the the degen increase is fair. In PvE.


> PvP should probably be skill split to 4% degen though.

No! General mechanics should not be split at all.


A class feeling completely different in PvE and PvP should never be a result of balancing - on any class.


4% for all game modes or nothing. 3% is broken regarding the insane burst we have now.

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> @intox.6347 said:

> wvw pvp deathly chill nerf makes condi reaper not viable anymore

> power reaper gets pseudo-buff, but for wvw pvp its only big nerf , in high-end pve is power reaper not playable.



I went back to Power after this patch, finally. AND am doing t4s with it. Daily 99 and 100 mote as well. I haven't done raiding yet since it usually takes time to set up groups so its a weekend thing for me, but I don't see there being any issues.

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Yeah this is getting a bit much.

It seems more like they're using the excuse of Scourge to nerf shroud and Life Force without even taking into account the Reaper and base Necro.

With Vital Persistence getting absolutely destroyed we took a huge survivability hit in WvW particularly, now we have to suffer a disgustingly bad nerf to our life force drain as well? To say nothing of our condi damage. I get that Reaper is a power spec, but flexibility is what makes the Necro so appealing in the first place. I mean come on, this is just a bit much.

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> @Thaaddy.4075 said:

> This discussion is stupid. Before the boost reapers shroud did less damage and it was a dps loss when you used it. Now its a dps increase. You dont need to spend much time in it to do optimal dps. Rotation must be adjusted and thats all.


yo mate, here problem is TO STAY ALIVE not to do damage.


LIFE FORCE is the only necro defense you ralize that? who the fuck care about a class with no defense. It is just a useless class.

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> @ilmau.9781 said:

> > @DarkForcE.9210 said:

> > Wow, if you don’t main necro or reaper, please... you just flame up topic


> rather i would like to hear also the opinion of other classes, i mean what they think about the reaper was it so broken it needed to be destoyed like this ?


Ele main here, I don't particularly see why shroud decay is even necessary at all. If there must be life force costs I'd say it'd be better off attached the skills themselves rather than a passive decay.

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> @Coldtart.4785 said:

> > @ilmau.9781 said:

> > > @DarkForcE.9210 said:

> > > Wow, if you don’t main necro or reaper, please... you just flame up topic

> >

> > rather i would like to hear also the opinion of other classes, i mean what they think about the reaper was it so broken it needed to be destoyed like this ?


> Ele main here, I don't particularly see why shroud decay is even necessary at all. If there must be life force costs I'd say it'd be better off attached the skills themselves rather than a passive decay.


Even the Eles got our back on this...


Shows how shit your class is if even the other main class players start defending it..


This shroud decay rate is a joke! I can't teleport away, I can't put up a block, I can't go invul, I can't go invisible, I can't use leaps of skills, the cooldown on the spectrals skills make them useless and traiting for them gimps your build... I can only put out 2 dodges when of shroud... That's it.. Only defense when out of shroud..

Reaper's need shroud for both: damage & defense...


I see 2 options:


1. completely overhaul reaper to add all the goodies other classes have (blocks, invuls, ALL OF IT) to remove shroud as our defensive option.. This way shroud will become our offensive burst at current decay rate BUT then our active skills must be available as well when in shroud.. If we can only burst in this form we should be able to use our shouts for example to help snare. Just like a Berzerker warrior still has access to all skills when popping berzerker.


2. remove decay all together from shroud and let us soak up all that damage BUT, again, let us keep our other skills. We need something to compensate for the power creep introduced with POF. We need playstyle options to deal with the new elite specs. We need to be more than a punching bag soaking up damage when in shroud. Shroud will be our only defensive but at least we can counterplay with shouts, or signets or spectral skills or whatever...



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> @Thaaddy.4075 said:

> This discussion is stupid. Before the boost reapers shroud did less damage and it was a dps loss when you used it. Now its a dps increase. You dont need to spend much time in it to do optimal dps. Rotation must be adjusted and thats all.


No its not. Camp gs autoattack and u will get more dps out of it than using shroud auto.

And flashing in and out just to procc ur traits... well you could do that before the patch as well, but thats no dps increase

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> @Nimon.7840 said:

> > @Thaaddy.4075 said:

> > This discussion is stupid. Before the boost reapers shroud did less damage and it was a dps loss when you used it. Now its a dps increase. You dont need to spend much time in it to do optimal dps. Rotation must be adjusted and thats all.


> No its not. Camp gs autoattack and u will get more dps out of it than using shroud auto.

> And flashing in and out just to procc ur traits... well you could do that before the patch as well, but thats no dps increase


it is a dps increase if you use a good rotation with weapon swaps and flashing shroud for 2-3 skills (RS 4 and 2x AA chain. AA chain mainly for cd reduction on RS and some dmg that does not drop your dps). its just 500-1000 dps. but even if you use the shroud as a defense option - you will not lose dps now. previously you would lose dps for going into defensive shroud. only flaw is, that the shroud does not last long enough (+ dmg is still too low in general) to increase the dps to a point where raiders would be happy about it.

is everybody like trying only to do one thing: playing exactly as they used to and do... not adjusting a single thing, their rotations and utility/trait choices?


i dont like the change either, but i try everything to play at a comfortable level despite the change(s). and that is something everybody can achieve.

at best the current changes are unfinished tho

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Again, thoughts are for PvE.


I can noskill for 25-30k on a soul spiral in WvW now and kill pretty much anything that decides to stay in the fight. Unfortunately, my ability to sustain hits is effectively nullified when paired with the lack of capacity to flicker shroud.


All they really needed to do was buff the AA by like 20% and it'd have been fine. Oh wait, we had a trait that did something close to that beforehand prior to them gutting SR's shroud bonuses. But now nobody can really afford to take it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @DeceiverX.8361 said:

> Again, thoughts are for PvE.


> I can noskill for 25-30k on a soul spiral in WvW now and kill pretty much anything that decides to stay in the fight. Unfortunately, my ability to sustain hits is effectively nullified when paired with the lack of capacity to flicker shroud.


> All they really needed to do was buff the AA by like 20% and it'd have been fine. Oh wait, we had a trait that did something close to that beforehand prior to them gutting SR's shroud bonuses. But now nobody can really afford to take it.


i really think that revert the degen to 3% is the very first thing to do in order to solve this mess, probably won't be enought to promote the reaper as meta anymore but at last there will be hope

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