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Anet totally scewed PvP up!!

gw niko.1049

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I was playing GW2 since early betas and I was a almost exclusively dedicated pvp player.

Beside the bugs, lag and some balance issues ofc, the first year of the game after launch was awesome.

It totally wasn´t the game what it is today. It actually was about skill, it was fast and the community was great.


If you ask me, the pvp in the game started to be getting worse when they patched out the "3-round-tpvp-system" like 1 year after release.

Untill that point the game was rly great and the community was awesome and motivated.


The game started to be getting from a fast skillbased game, with uniqe classes, each with different capabilitys in relation to sustain, movement, dmg ect.,

to this boring hybrit game, where insanely much heal and spam makes the game totally not skillfull and casuall to play.

It has been a problem since back then and it has always just become worse, especially wich HoT, when tons of spammy AoE entered the game making it even worse.

Classes are not uniqe anymore, everything kind of feels like the same.


Everyone from the "original-pvp-community", everyone who loved the pvp in this game at this first 1 year is gone by now and has been for some years actually, me included.

Now it´s a community of pve people playing pvp, but it´s for sure no real pvp-community anymore. Tell me what you want.


I´m writing this to make some air to my anger about what anet did to this awesome core-game.


I rly don´t think that they are having the intention to change anything to better anyhow.

People are pointing at the same old problem, wich are too much sustain/heal for the most part, for years now and they are constandly on making things worse and are patching things out that never have been a problem.

And maybe, with the Xpacks, the whole thing of fixing it is over the hill anyways. If you look at the spammy class designs and AoE.


I´m rly sad about this game, it had potential and anet totally scew it up. Just as much as someone even can scew up a game.


Have a nice day.

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I don't think you came from gw1 the game was pretty bad on release and will only get worse. Conquest was on release and that made them gear all classes towards aoe/cleave spam on release which I think needs to be skill restricted to conquest only and those skills altered in wvw/other formats... theres not one melee weapon really that isn't cleaving which really alters my thoughts on this way of ressing then they remove celestial ammy and other good ammys to put us on a lot of amulets that simply cannot res without dieing but who cares about res its conquest they will respawn.


To you they screwed up what already existed in gw2 to gw1 players they fucked up way before that. Lots of bad decisions no main healer class which made bunkers/half assed healers anyways on many classes; I'd rather have a good healer class already than everyone already trying to be bad support or self support... conquest the only format making the classes based around aoe spamming points. Interrupts being animation based while you can never see the animations for many reasons whether it be clutter on the battlefield like clones teleports or even your own animation of hitting the target like the gs mes auto making it impossible to see what the character youre hitting is doing anyways. No good combat formats everything is careless of combat or whether or not if combat numbers are equal or if you died oh well the game mode is more about capture points you can actually beat teams that dominated you the entire match by being the bad team that managed to capture points even though you did nothing but die all game after doing so I've won some games wondering how that just happened. In gw1 combat was pretty much everything if you died as a team it meant almost everything.





It's not just me you will probably see people like helseth say they made bad changes when they did this or that to solo/multi que. Did they remove competitive nature? get used to it thats all they do in a competitive game thats why proper shutdown which was only done in guildwars 1 is not in gw2. Conquest was another one of those decisions and had the wool over your eyes.


No man they fucked this game up from the start pulled the wool over your eyes and you were blind to their old decisions and now you are seeing their newer decisions and it will only get worse...


generic mmo balancing -- daze/stun over the way of interrupting they coded in gw1 that was unique to gw1 was a bad decision which told me balancing would be generic and similar to rift plus not have healers which is another step in this generic mmo balance, conquest only is another bad decision also an excuse for gimmicks/pve stuff in pvp altering the game and bad balancing a really big excuse for casual shit and one trick pony viability. no casting bars, designing the game to make interrupts hold less weight during battle eliminating an entire area of skilled gw1 players (shutdown), locking us into the same skills per weapon forgetting about their hamstorm failure vs the success of the entire game. The new mesmer concept.


Even when they gave us courtyard they didnt make it worth a fuck and kept the respawn rules of conquest rather than taking the gw1 path of just eliminating the team after failure no respawns.


It's just bad decision after bad decision. Now they remove things like celestial with an excuse of it caused op bunkers while theres even worse bunkers in the game now than before with things like druid/rev being made they will just migrate to new ammys. I used celestial on everything so didnt mind a decent bunker from celestial theres going to be bunkers anyways migrating to whatever they are left with so removing celestial does nothing.






## **Tldr; be happy the lead designer left he wasnt good at decisions which is what a lead design does he was actually clueless for his own role and made nothing but bad decisions and the new one isnt going to be any better just expect this game to have one bad decision after the next and only get worse. A good lead designer would not have needed to release a game to know deep down conquest is not majority when the other formats are done right**

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I'm not saying the state of PvP is perfect, but don't exaggerate it's faults and pretend we are the same place we were 1.5years go. Admittedly, PvP has been a roller-coaster, questionable changes throughout the years...but it's still a solid mode which gets a lot of unnecessary hate because of exaggerated posts that ignore big parts of it's changing history.


Sure, it might have been a mistake by appeal a more casual playerbase by changing things that cater toward that. Heck, maybe PvP needs less focus on rewards and more focus on making sure the balancing and matchmaking is right...as well as making sure it encourages profession mastery and diversity. However, if you think PvP now is just "spammy" and skill-less... it isn't and you won't beat the top players in PvP by just spamming your skills. There is still noticeable skill involved at higher tiers.


While changes are slow and the devs behind PvP are pretty quiet on issues, there have been improvements. I wish they talked to players more, but last PvP dev who did that ended up stepping over himself, indirectly admitting he had no idea what was going on and was just angry that players didn't accept his word as law.


They have been changing PvP for the last year or so to get it back to its former glory. There are still a good number of PvPrs that been here since 2012. PvP is not just a "sit back and let the game play for you LoL/casual-type situation", no one really should want it to be. PvP just doesn't seem to have that "glory" that you think it once did is because PvP has successfully rooted out those who can't compete at the skill it actually requires. Solo/Duo queue was huge, ATs are in, and the leaderboard changes are at least keeping people active. There is still work to be done but PvP is definitely progressing. It's not like it's completely abandoned and clearly there are a lot games being played.


Just because you can't farm the noobs as well as you used to, doesn't mean PvP dead. Just because you are getting killed by something cheesy like a burn guard, doesn't mean PvP dead. You just don't want to accept that the meta has changed and the skill required to beat it has changed. You don't see the top players having much of a problem like you are. They know how to play against it.


Plus, some of partnered and popular PvPrs are vocal enough to talk about changes more coherently than the lot which post with a bad understanding of the state of PvP. Cheers to them!

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> @"R E F L H E X.8413" said:

> I don't think you came from gw1 the game was pretty bad on release and will only get worse. Conquest was on release and that made them gear all classes towards aoe/cleave spam on release which I think needs to be skill restricted to conquest only and those skills altered in wvw/other formats... theres not one melee weapon really that isn't cleaving which really alters my thoughts on this way of ressing then they remove celestial ammy and other good ammys to put us on a lot of amulets that simply cannot res without dieing but who cares about res its conquest they will respawn.


> To you they screwed up what already existed in gw2 to gw1 players they kitten up way before that. Lots of bad decisions no main healer class which made bunkers/half assed healers anyways on many classes; I'd rather have a good healer class already than everyone already trying to be bad support or self support... conquest the only format making the classes based around aoe spamming points. Interrupts being animation based while you can never see the animations for many reasons whether it be clutter on the battlefield like clones teleports or even your own animation of hitting the target like the gs mes auto making it impossible to see what the character youre hitting is doing anyways. No good combat formats everything is careless of combat or whether or not if combat numbers are equal or if you died oh well the game mode is more about capture points you can actually beat teams that dominated you the entire match by being the bad team that managed to capture points even though you did nothing but die all game after doing so I've won some games wondering how that just happened. In gw1 combat was pretty much everything if you died as a team it meant almost everything.





> It's not just me you will probably see people like helseth say they made bad changes when they did this or that to solo/multi que. Did they remove competitive nature? get used to it thats all they do in a competitive game thats why proper shutdown which was only done in guildwars 1 is not in gw2. Conquest was another one of those decisions and had the wool over your eyes.


> No man they kitten this game up from the start pulled the wool over your eyes and you were blind to their old decisions and now you are seeing their newer decisions and it will only get worse...


> generic mmo balancing -- daze/stun over the way of interrupting they coded in gw1 that was unique to gw1 was a bad decision which told me balancing would be generic and similar to rift plus not have healers which is another step in this generic mmo balance, conquest only is another bad decision also an excuse for gimmicks/pve stuff in pvp altering the game and bad balancing a really big excuse for casual kitten and one trick pony viability. no casting bars, designing the game to make interrupts hold less weight during battle eliminating an entire area of skilled gw1 players (shutdown), locking us into the same skills per weapon forgetting about their hamstorm failure vs the success of the entire game. The new mesmer concept.


> Even when they gave us courtyard they didnt make it worth a kitten and kept the respawn rules of conquest rather than taking the gw1 path of just eliminating the team after failure no respawns.


> It's just bad decision after bad decision. Now they remove things like celestial with an excuse of it caused op bunkers while theres even worse bunkers in the game now than before with things like druid/rev being made they will just migrate to new ammys. I used celestial on everything so didnt mind a decent bunker from celestial theres going to be bunkers anyways migrating to whatever they are left with so removing celestial does nothing.






> ## **Tldr; be happy the lead designer left he wasnt good at decisions which is what a lead design does he was actually clueless for his own role and made nothing but bad decisions and the new one isnt going to be any better just expect this game to have one bad decision after the next and only get worse. A good lead designer would not have needed to release a game to know deep down conquest is not majority when the other formats are done right**


I am conflicted on wether to thumb up or down...


Edit. Thumbs up.

Also I am with OP in sentiment. Same goes for pve changes.

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Yeah i agree with this, pvp on this game its on poor state, been like this since that patch that introduced the new trait system, the full 3 trait lines broked the game in my opinion. With 70 trait points you had way more freedom on how to make your build, and you would have to choose between doing more damage or having more survival or support...right now you be all 3 at the same time. People used to complain about the cele meta...sure, war/ele/engi were really powerfull, but you could easely tell the diference between a good cele and a bad one...I lost the count on how many times I killed Shoutbow wars with my condi ranger, and that was when condi was DAMAGE OVER TIME, and not this burst damage that we have now. Hell Anet nerfed might and might generation cause these professions could stack might by blasting their own fire fields, by active playing the game...but now we have professions who can achieve 20 stacks of might+ completely passive LOL, what a hell happened to the balance team??

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @"R E F L H E X.8413" said:

> > I don't think you came from gw1 the game was pretty bad on release and will only get worse. Conquest was on release and that made them gear all classes towards aoe/cleave spam on release which I think needs to be skill restricted to conquest only and those skills altered in wvw/other formats... theres not one melee weapon really that isn't cleaving which really alters my thoughts on this way of ressing then they remove celestial ammy and other good ammys to put us on a lot of amulets that simply cannot res without dieing but who cares about res its conquest they will respawn.

> >

> > To you they screwed up what already existed in gw2 to gw1 players they kitten up way before that. Lots of bad decisions no main healer class which made bunkers/half assed healers anyways on many classes; I'd rather have a good healer class already than everyone already trying to be bad support or self support... conquest the only format making the classes based around aoe spamming points. Interrupts being animation based while you can never see the animations for many reasons whether it be clutter on the battlefield like clones teleports or even your own animation of hitting the target like the gs mes auto making it impossible to see what the character youre hitting is doing anyways. No good combat formats everything is careless of combat or whether or not if combat numbers are equal or if you died oh well the game mode is more about capture points you can actually beat teams that dominated you the entire match by being the bad team that managed to capture points even though you did nothing but die all game after doing so I've won some games wondering how that just happened. In gw1 combat was pretty much everything if you died as a team it meant almost everything.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > It's not just me you will probably see people like helseth say they made bad changes when they did this or that to solo/multi que. Did they remove competitive nature? get used to it thats all they do in a competitive game thats why proper shutdown which was only done in guildwars 1 is not in gw2. Conquest was another one of those decisions and had the wool over your eyes.

> >

> > No man they kitten this game up from the start pulled the wool over your eyes and you were blind to their old decisions and now you are seeing their newer decisions and it will only get worse...

> >

> > generic mmo balancing -- daze/stun over the way of interrupting they coded in gw1 that was unique to gw1 was a bad decision which told me balancing would be generic and similar to rift plus not have healers which is another step in this generic mmo balance, conquest only is another bad decision also an excuse for gimmicks/pve stuff in pvp altering the game and bad balancing a really big excuse for casual kitten and one trick pony viability. no casting bars, designing the game to make interrupts hold less weight during battle eliminating an entire area of skilled gw1 players (shutdown), locking us into the same skills per weapon forgetting about their hamstorm failure vs the success of the entire game. The new mesmer concept.

> >

> > Even when they gave us courtyard they didnt make it worth a kitten and kept the respawn rules of conquest rather than taking the gw1 path of just eliminating the team after failure no respawns.

> >

> > It's just bad decision after bad decision. Now they remove things like celestial with an excuse of it caused op bunkers while theres even worse bunkers in the game now than before with things like druid/rev being made they will just migrate to new ammys. I used celestial on everything so didnt mind a decent bunker from celestial theres going to be bunkers anyways migrating to whatever they are left with so removing celestial does nothing.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ## **Tldr; be happy the lead designer left he wasnt good at decisions which is what a lead design does he was actually clueless for his own role and made nothing but bad decisions and the new one isnt going to be any better just expect this game to have one bad decision after the next and only get worse. A good lead designer would not have needed to release a game to know deep down conquest is not majority when the other formats are done right**


> I am conflicted on wether to thumb up or down...


> Edit. Thumbs up.

> Also I am with OP in sentiment. Same goes for pve changes.


I second this. PvP in gw2 is just a joke compared to gw1 pvp. We had so many game modes in gw1. We had so many builds. We had so many possible tactical movements. We had had had... The only thing thats left out is conquest. I was one of the Top players in GvG in gw1 but i never could freind me up with gw2 pvp. I even bought gw2 for the pvp. To my suprise Anet is doing something for pvp since Hot patches. Thats at least an improvment. But the Leaderboard that doesnt show skills. The queue system. AT least we have a 5vs5 system back.


In the end gw2 pvp isnt anything i care for anymore. Well we didnt even get our capes back after 5 years.


In the end gw2 cores system isnt made for pvp at all. And everything Anet cares for is how to easyly balance the game in it at all. They dont need hundrets of diffrent skill builds they have to adjust one by one or need 5 to 6 game modes. Even the "new" moba style game mode is just a copy paste of the conquest map that had a lord. Thats to much of work for them. Even the cele amulet was to much of work to balance it so they just removed it!!!! Cause it had to much stats to adjust at once. They just dont get that gw1 was one brillant of a game and gw2 meh just another mmo with a pvp structer maybe u can joine ones in a week or month. ANd they dont get that ppl will eventually forget Anet sometimes if the time comes for gw3. And we will proberly see how many are still willing to buy PoF even if Anet follows his traditions and give us with the new elite specs op pvp builds.

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> @"R E F L H E X.8413" said:

> I don't think you came from gw1 the game was pretty bad on release and will only get worse. Conquest was on release and that made them gear all classes towards aoe/cleave spam on release which I think needs to be skill restricted to conquest only and those skills altered in wvw/other formats... theres not one melee weapon really that isn't cleaving which really alters my thoughts on this way of ressing then they remove celestial ammy and other good ammys to put us on a lot of amulets that simply cannot res without dieing but who cares about res its conquest they will respawn.


> To you they screwed up what already existed in gw2 to gw1 players they kitten up way before that. Lots of bad decisions no main healer class which made bunkers/half assed healers anyways on many classes; I'd rather have a good healer class already than everyone already trying to be bad support or self support... conquest the only format making the classes based around aoe spamming points. Interrupts being animation based while you can never see the animations for many reasons whether it be clutter on the battlefield like clones teleports or even your own animation of hitting the target like the gs mes auto making it impossible to see what the character youre hitting is doing anyways. No good combat formats everything is careless of combat or whether or not if combat numbers are equal or if you died oh well the game mode is more about capture points you can actually beat teams that dominated you the entire match by being the bad team that managed to capture points even though you did nothing but die all game after doing so I've won some games wondering how that just happened. In gw1 combat was pretty much everything if you died as a team it meant almost everything.





> It's not just me you will probably see people like helseth say they made bad changes when they did this or that to solo/multi que. Did they remove competitive nature? get used to it thats all they do in a competitive game thats why proper shutdown which was only done in guildwars 1 is not in gw2. Conquest was another one of those decisions and had the wool over your eyes.


> No man they kitten this game up from the start pulled the wool over your eyes and you were blind to their old decisions and now you are seeing their newer decisions and it will only get worse...


> generic mmo balancing -- daze/stun over the way of interrupting they coded in gw1 that was unique to gw1 was a bad decision which told me balancing would be generic and similar to rift plus not have healers which is another step in this generic mmo balance, conquest only is another bad decision also an excuse for gimmicks/pve stuff in pvp altering the game and bad balancing a really big excuse for casual kitten and one trick pony viability. no casting bars, designing the game to make interrupts hold less weight during battle eliminating an entire area of skilled gw1 players (shutdown), locking us into the same skills per weapon forgetting about their hamstorm failure vs the success of the entire game. The new mesmer concept.


> Even when they gave us courtyard they didnt make it worth a kitten and kept the respawn rules of conquest rather than taking the gw1 path of just eliminating the team after failure no respawns.


> It's just bad decision after bad decision. Now they remove things like celestial with an excuse of it caused op bunkers while theres even worse bunkers in the game now than before with things like druid/rev being made they will just migrate to new ammys. I used celestial on everything so didnt mind a decent bunker from celestial theres going to be bunkers anyways migrating to whatever they are left with so removing celestial does nothing.






> ## **Tldr; be happy the lead designer left he wasnt good at decisions which is what a lead design does he was actually clueless for his own role and made nothing but bad decisions and the new one isnt going to be any better just expect this game to have one bad decision after the next and only get worse. A good lead designer would not have needed to release a game to know deep down conquest is not majority when the other formats are done right**


Well said, its true. As a former gw1 player who pvped since its launch, I found gw2 a disappointment from the start. They replaced tactical play with spam spam spam. And everything from gw1 has been watered down or removed entirely. I always wondered why??? Why take something that was good and just throw it away? We'll never know I guess. Despite being inferior to gw1, gw2 pvp is far ahead of what most mmorpgs offer. Its why I stick with it.

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